----The best I can figure out there are NO major shows canceled for tonight.
----All Pro Productions will be in Bruce, MS tonight with a stop for the "Book Tour 2008". APP will also have a brand new DVD for sale available only at the arenas - "Night of The King" - filmed at the huge show in Batesville, MS 2.01.08 in Batesville, MS featuring "Bodies of Steel" vs Jerry Lawler/Kenny Valiant, Eric Wayne, Jaymie Justice, Xander Rain, Kid Nikels, Little J, Greg King Jr, Matt Justice, Little Devil, CJ Cash, Sarge O'Reilly, Uncle Felton, Hollywood Jimmy, Psycho, Candyman, Brandon Barbwire, Anton LeVeigh, Bill Dundee and Cameron Valentine.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 3.07.08
----Justin Spade b Lee Cross and Dyronic in a 3-way when Spade pinned Cross...Steven Green b Chris Norte and White Tiger and Rob C in a 4-way when Green pinned Norte...New York Gangster b Damien Payne by DQ when Norte ran in and attacked Gangster...Steve O b Shane Smalls...LT Falk & Kid Kash b Quinton Quarisma & Jay Phoenix by countout when Phoenix & Quarisma ran away...Mark Anthony b Flash Flanagan (Flanagan had arrived in town before the bad weather started)
----Attendance 71 [around a $700 gate] as about 2 inches of snow fell just during the show. It was announced that the anniversary festivities would be postponed until 3/21 due to several wrestlers being unable to make it to Nashville. Show started about 7:45 (15 minutes early) and finished around 9:30.
----Attendance 71 [around a $700 gate] as about 2 inches of snow fell just during the show. It was announced that the anniversary festivities would be postponed until 3/21 due to several wrestlers being unable to make it to Nashville. Show started about 7:45 (15 minutes early) and finished around 9:30.
Friday, March 07, 2008
MCW Canceled!!
----MCW was also canceled tonight due to the weather. Please call or send an e-mail if you are a promoter and plan to cancel a show!! Thanks!! Stay tuned for all your wrestling cancellations here at RRO.
A Piece of my Mind March 7th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente
I was one who had no doubt that bringing Booker T into TNA would not help TNA’S ratings at all. This was not so much a knock at Booker T but just more clarification that the problem with TNA isn’t talent related ... it is a behind the camera’s issue. I understand that Booker T has become a mentor to some of the younger talent. He has also encouraged Kurt Angle to do the same. If this is true it does add to their value within the company. These guys have been to the top of the mountain and its good, as their career is on the downhill side of desire, that they pass the wisdom along to someone else. I hope that the kids of TNA are attentive with very open ears. There was a time when both Angle and Booker T were new in the business. I am sure they listened to people to get where they are today.
I am sure that I am not in the minority when I say I will enjoy the Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair at Wrestlemania. However, I am not pleased that the match was even made. I have been familiar with Shawn Michaels for over 20 years. We have been on shows together and I was in the ring with Marty and he when they were in the AWA. I have listened to Gorgeous Gary Royal tell story after story about these guys. He worked with both Sean and Marty many many times in Kansas City and he also ran around town a lot with Ric Flair in those days.
I believe that Shawn Michaels is the most exciting performer in the WWE. I had a chance to interact with Sean last year at an event or two. I found him to be a changed man he grew up a lot. I can appreciate Ric Flair for what he has accomplished and the great promo’s that he does. I think I would be more interested in Raw if Flair and Dusty were allowed to cut promos for most of the show. I do not believe that, for the biggest show of the year that. Shawn should be in what amounts to a throw away match. The fans basically believe Sean can beat anyone with a super kick out of no where. If Shawn beats Flair it means nothing, if he doesn’t beat him the fans will call bullshit anyway. Why take a guy who is a total baby face and put fans in a position they feel they have to boo him in. The fans will support Flair in what everyone believes will be his retirement match. They did the same thing with The Rock and Hulk Hogan and The Rock got booed out of the building.
The legends and nostalgia are such big things today, why not give people a Dusty Rhodes and Flair match. I suggested last week Dory Funk and let the spinning toe hold and the Figure Four Leg Lock walk away into the sunset together. How about Greg Valentine who is still very active? They could have a battle of the figure four leg locks. Why not do whatever it takes to get Ricky Steamboat back in the ring one more time with Flair. There were so many ways to go with this why in the world waste Sean Michael in a match that is unlikely to take him up a level? I see Wrestlemania as a flat event this year. We are getting basically what you can get on Monday nights for free.
Even the celebrities involved make no sense. You want to create a buzz? How about Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan if you want that type of thing?. What about Britney Spears and where is Kevin Federline? The most logical choice of all is Snoop Dog. How convincing will that be to Congress that you are trying to be a drug free company when he walks through the door with a cannabis cloud around his head? I would just love to sit in the boardroom when these things are decided on. I know Wrestlemania should make money and be a success, but I doubt twenty years from now too much on this show will be discussed as going down in history.
When I was putting together WrestleReunion 1 I met Joe Price. He was a help to me in certain ways and he took a vendor space as well. I had Joe help me on some other things as well. He was a local Florida promoter and a pretty fair guy. When I ran my large event in Davie Fl he was a vendor there as well. The one thing that he did for me was when I called him for help with local talent. I needed someone to work with Jake Roberts who could take care of Jake. He recommended a man named Antonio Banks to me. I said Joe he has to be a good worker and respectful. I was worried about Jake’s hip. The guy showed up and was a total class act. He did as was asked and went home but I knew I had been exposed to someone who was headed for the big time. That man ended up being MVP.
I briefly mentioned this in a previous article but I revisit it because Joe Price passed away this weekend after a lengthy illness. Through the years Joe was involved in many things including being the promoter for NWA Florida. We actually had to get the NWA Tag Team Title match where the Funks faced America’s Most Wanted and Jeff Jarrett defending the NWA Championship vs. Tully Blanchard sanctioned through his office. They also made belts and distributed videos. I liked Joe Price I always felt you would get the story straight through him. It’s never good when someone passes on but worse when you had a pretty fair guy who leaves us. Hopefully Joe ends up in the Florida side of heaven and starts promoting up there.
The picture for this article comes from backstage at WrestleReunion 2. It was great to catch these two legends together in a picture. This was taken by George Napolitano of Wrestling’s Living Legend Bruno Sammartino and Bret “The Hitman” Hart.
This has been a piece of my mind

----Jeff O'Dell just called and wanted me to inform the readers of RRO that the weekly LAW show for tonight in Rector, AR has been canceled due to the weather. It is snowing in almost all the RRO "viewing" area. If it continues to snow, we may see more cancellations during the weekend. Stay tuned here on RRO for update to the minute news.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Southern Saints Photos!!!
----Some photos were posted on www.lylewilliams.com of the Southern Saints.
----Thanks to Clinton Boyland
RassleResults: RWL Newbern, TN 2.29.08
----Jon Roberts over Biscuit…Simon Reed beat Kid Nikels…Weasel beat Shannon Lee…JD Rage beat Chris O’Neal…Eric Wayne beat Lil Chris by Nikels holding his foot.
----50 to 75 in the building.
----50 to 75 in the building.
Shows of The Weekend 3.07 to 3.08.08
----This is a big weekend for wrestling in the area. “Show” of the week would have to be the “Night of the King II” in Bruce, MS. The “Night of the King” drew 500+ last time in this area, so it will be a fun show. “Book Tour 2007” will make a stop there that night. USWO is having their 7th Anniversary on Friday night with Kid Kash, TLCW Champion Flash Flanagan, Dutch Mantel and The Dundees. Saturday night also features the first UWL PPV and "POB" debut in TLCW!!
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, PK Ripper, Overkill, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… 7th Anniversary Show: Main Event-USWO Championship Kid Kash (c) vs Mitch Ryder…Mark Anthony (w/Charming Charles) vs Flash Flanagan (w/Dutch Mantel)…USWO Tag Team Championship 3-way…LT Falk & Cousin Jason X (c) vs Luscious Quinton Quarisma & Gigolo Jay Phoenix vs Bill & Jamie Dundee…Fans bring the weapons! Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) vs Steve O…Chris Michaels vs Chris Kern…USWO Jr. Championship…Petey Wright (c) vs Damien Payne…Shane Smalls & Lee Cross & Chris Norte vs Rob C & Justin Spade & New York Gangster…Juicy JC Crowe vs Steven Green
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpant/Eazy Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Brandon Espinosa, Psycho, Pappy, Rebbeca Raze, Idol Bane, King Brothers and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, Fusion, Anton LeVeight, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Moe, Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Piedmont, IL for the UWL PPV with Bill Dundee, Michael St John, Bulldog Raines, Bull Buchanan, Johnny Slaughter, Jack Lord, “New Nature Boy” Kevin White, Orion Bishop, Stan Lee. Derrick King, The Dirty White Boy and more.
----Saturday night in Bruce, MS for All Pro Productions @ National Guard Armory “Night of the King II”…Chris Styles vs Anton LeVeigh…Brandon Barbwire vs Josh Matthews…Kenny Valiant will present three generations of wrestlers - Ken/Buddy/Eric Wayne…”Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy] vs Kid Nickels/Greg King JR…CJ Cash vs Sarge O’Reilly…Cameron Valentine/Lil Devil vs Matt Justice/Lil J…???/Jerry Lawler vs “Bodies of Steele” with Hollywood Jimmy. BOOK TOUR STOP!!
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn with Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Chris Norte, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Damien Payne, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Prince Tavian, Deadly Dale, Medieval, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Ali Stevens, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for JWS in Booneville, MS with David Cox, Damion Rage, Dustin Burcham, Robert Rose, AC Styles, Dalton Storm, Chris Stevens, Izzy Rotten, Fusion, Brett Michaels, Psycho, Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, Casanova Kid, Dirty Sanchez, Neil Taylor, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with Wildside, Danny B Goode, Bobby “The Butcherman” Smith, Tank Turner, Hardknocks Hooligan, Dazzlin Dixie, Buckwild Bill, Dre Black, Steven Rampage, Oz, Samoan Raja, Iron Jake Johnson, Big Nasty Bob, The Outlaw, Dr. Doom, NxN – Tully, Boogyman Scream, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, FLEX, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, 187, Arnez, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Traci Brooks, Dirty Little Dave, “West Coast Mafia” [California Dream/Big Al], Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Seth Sabor, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for Rebellion Wrestling League in Newbern, TN with “the Posse” [Simon Reed/Lil Chris], Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Stan Lee, Bishop, PK Ripper, Overkill, Weasel, “The Baron” Malkavain, JD Rage, Jason Reed and Chris O’Neal.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for USWO @ Stadium Inn in Nashville, TN… 7th Anniversary Show: Main Event-USWO Championship Kid Kash (c) vs Mitch Ryder…Mark Anthony (w/Charming Charles) vs Flash Flanagan (w/Dutch Mantel)…USWO Tag Team Championship 3-way…LT Falk & Cousin Jason X (c) vs Luscious Quinton Quarisma & Gigolo Jay Phoenix vs Bill & Jamie Dundee…Fans bring the weapons! Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) vs Steve O…Chris Michaels vs Chris Kern…USWO Jr. Championship…Petey Wright (c) vs Damien Payne…Shane Smalls & Lee Cross & Chris Norte vs Rob C & Justin Spade & New York Gangster…Juicy JC Crowe vs Steven Green
----FRIDAY NIGHT in Osceola, AR for MCW with “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, “East Coast Bad Boys” [Serpant/Eazy Money], MCW Champion Frankie Tucker, TW Justice, The Medic, Jackhammer, Bad Luck Lucky, The Hambone Express, Tank, Pimptacular, White Lightning, Tojo Yamamoto Jr, Suicidal Youth, Kilo. Mr. Excitement, Hillybilly Nate and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony, Brandon Espinosa, Psycho, Pappy, Rebbeca Raze, Idol Bane, King Brothers and more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena on No. Eason Blvd. (Auburn Rd.) in Tupelo, MS with Izzy Rotten,DC, Brett Michaels, Josh Matthews, Neil Taylor, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, LSD, Chris Chaos, T-Byrd, Fusion, Anton LeVeight, Devon Raynes, J-Kid, Curly Moe, Bless, Chazz, Chop Top the Clown, Uncle Vinnie the Blade, and much more. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night in Piedmont, IL for the UWL PPV with Bill Dundee, Michael St John, Bulldog Raines, Bull Buchanan, Johnny Slaughter, Jack Lord, “New Nature Boy” Kevin White, Orion Bishop, Stan Lee. Derrick King, The Dirty White Boy and more.
----Saturday night in Bruce, MS for All Pro Productions @ National Guard Armory “Night of the King II”…Chris Styles vs Anton LeVeigh…Brandon Barbwire vs Josh Matthews…Kenny Valiant will present three generations of wrestlers - Ken/Buddy/Eric Wayne…”Asylum” [Psycho/Pappy] vs Kid Nickels/Greg King JR…CJ Cash vs Sarge O’Reilly…Cameron Valentine/Lil Devil vs Matt Justice/Lil J…???/Jerry Lawler vs “Bodies of Steele” with Hollywood Jimmy. BOOK TOUR STOP!!
----Saturday night for USWO/ATL in Nashville, TN at the Stadium Inn with Kid Dynamite, Dyronic, Chris Norte, Kevin Dunn, JD Fluffy, The Nazi Terror, Damien Payne, Lee Cross, New York Gangster, Tommy Capone, Boy, Richard Lowe, Homo Hillbilly Quincy, Xavier Mustafa, Shawn Hoodridge and more.
----Saturday night for RWA in Jonesboro, AR at the King’s Sportatorium with Jazz, Rodney Mack, Prince Tavian, Deadly Dale, Medieval, San Francisco Treat, Loose Cannon, Rottn Randy, Ali Stevens, Chazz Wesson, Cameron Cage and more.
----Saturday night for JWS in Booneville, MS with David Cox, Damion Rage, Dustin Burcham, Robert Rose, AC Styles, Dalton Storm, Chris Stevens, Izzy Rotten, Fusion, Brett Michaels, Psycho, Justin Rhodes, Chris Fontaine, Casanova Kid, Dirty Sanchez, Neil Taylor, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley and more.
----Saturday night for TIWF in Trenton, TN Showplex Arena with Wildside, Danny B Goode, Bobby “The Butcherman” Smith, Tank Turner, Hardknocks Hooligan, Dazzlin Dixie, Buckwild Bill, Dre Black, Steven Rampage, Oz, Samoan Raja, Iron Jake Johnson, Big Nasty Bob, The Outlaw, Dr. Doom, NxN – Tully, Boogyman Scream, Hotrod, Jon Seymour, Drew Magruder and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW Washington ST, “POB” Sid Vicious/Ron Rage, FLEX, TGB Greg Anthony, Flash Flanagan, Tatt2, Tim Grind, Albino Rhino, Tommy Redneck, Dell Tucker,Ike Tucker, Brian Steele, Shannon Lee, “Black Label Society” [Void/Robbie Douglas/AJ Bradley], Sue Young and much more!!!
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN Kilo, Mark Justice, Tim Edwards,Jeremy Moore, Motley Cruz, 187, Arnez, Tommy Redneck, Jon Roberts, Phoenix X and more.
---- Saturday Night ASWF - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Traci Brooks, Dirty Little Dave, “West Coast Mafia” [California Dream/Big Al], Scott Fury, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane,Cody Murdoch, , Chuck Fears, Seth Sabor, Wild Bill,”American Degenerates” [X-Kaliber/Morgan Lane], 1 Cody Only [formerly Cody Daniels], Tommy Wayne, Casino Kid, Johnny Harper, Tim Hanson, Mac Daddy, Demon X and more.
Tune into C.H.R. Friday at 10am for Bull Buchanan!

Friday morning we will be joined on Cheap Heat Radio by Bull Buchanan who will discuss his career in wrestling as well as his debut this Saturday for United Wrestling League in Piedmont, Alabama. If you wanna ask Bull a question, feel free to call in at (347) 838-8101. Or you can email me a question at genejackson@charter.net Also, I'm glad to announce I now have a date set for Part 2 of the Randy Hales interview. It will be Wed. March 19th at 9am to 11am, we will be covering the end of the USWA and the entire run of Power Pro Wrestling. If you have a question you want asked, email me or post if on the board as there will be no phone calls taken during this show. Other upcoming shows include:
Mar. 10- 10am- Guest: "Above Average" Mike Sanders
Mar. 17- 10am- Guest: Scott Bowden
We'll also have Steve Corino on in April as well as a few other big interviews in the works. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Bull Buchanan.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Tony Givens Knee Photos!!

More on "Southern Saints"!!

"Then there's the Southern Saints, a tag team containing two African American wrestlers from Memphis who wear redneck "The South Will Rise" T-shirts and Confederate flag capes. It's a joke that works on many levels, nearly all of which are probably lost on those who come to sneer. A bit like indie wrestling itself, in fact."
The Ratings: Memphis Wrestling TV 3.01.08
----This past weekend’s Memphis Wrestling TV show had an overall rating of 2.5 [42,308 viewers], which just below the 12 week average. The show had an almost 40% increase, but still not a great rating. The show did finish again with more viewers than it started with and had a nice increase in the 4th quarter.
----Last year for the first 9 weeks of the year, the ratings averaged 2.8 [47,437 viewers]. This year for the first 9 weeks of the “Rerun” season, the ratings average is 2.7 [45,043 viewers]. So, with them repeating 2004 show they still have retention of 95% from last year. So, it is not as bad as it seems and may be another reason for them to continue to do reruns and forget about taping live shows.
-Recap from last week
-Lawler interview
-White vs Gunn
-White/Koko Angle
1st Quarter 2.5 [42,308 viewers]
-Funk interview
-Lawler/Hart interview
-Lawler vs Dotson [start]
2cnd Quarter 2.1 [35,257 viewers] [-7051 viewers]
-Lawler vs Dotson [finish]
-Lawler/Maclin piledrive angle
-Maclin out in ambulance
3rd Quarter 2.4 [40,126 viewers] [+4869 viewers]
-Assassins vs Doom/Shock
-Corey finishes up show.
4th Quarter 3.1 [51,878 viewers][+11,752 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.6 [41,575 viewers]
12 week low – 1.5 [25,352] 2.23.08
12 Week High 3.5 [58,762 viewers] 1.12.08
From start to finish: [+9570 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
News Channel 3/Saturday Night Live 7.6 [127,596 viewers]
----Last year for the first 9 weeks of the year, the ratings averaged 2.8 [47,437 viewers]. This year for the first 9 weeks of the “Rerun” season, the ratings average is 2.7 [45,043 viewers]. So, with them repeating 2004 show they still have retention of 95% from last year. So, it is not as bad as it seems and may be another reason for them to continue to do reruns and forget about taping live shows.
-Recap from last week
-Lawler interview
-White vs Gunn
-White/Koko Angle
1st Quarter 2.5 [42,308 viewers]
-Funk interview
-Lawler/Hart interview
-Lawler vs Dotson [start]
2cnd Quarter 2.1 [35,257 viewers] [-7051 viewers]
-Lawler vs Dotson [finish]
-Lawler/Maclin piledrive angle
-Maclin out in ambulance
3rd Quarter 2.4 [40,126 viewers] [+4869 viewers]
-Assassins vs Doom/Shock
-Corey finishes up show.
4th Quarter 3.1 [51,878 viewers][+11,752 viewers]
12 Week Average: 2.6 [41,575 viewers]
12 week low – 1.5 [25,352] 2.23.08
12 Week High 3.5 [58,762 viewers] 1.12.08
From start to finish: [+9570 viewers]
What was Memphis watching??
News Channel 3/Saturday Night Live 7.6 [127,596 viewers]
----The promo above was the start of four weeks of interviews that helped Terry Funk and Jerry Lawler draw a huge crowd. Funk in his book Terry Funk: “More Than Hardcore” gives credit to seem drawing the crowd to his promos along with what Lawler would do to respond.
“How did we do it??” With a tape I mailed to Memphis, containing
four promos. We did it with carefully crafted promos – one a week, for a month of Memphis TV shows, leading up to our big match.”
----Funk made the people think that when he came to Memphis he was going to beat the hell out of Lawler. Fans thought that these two guys were going to kill each other. Funk talked more about the ‘art of promo”.
“It’s a combination of believing, and the suspension of disbelief, for fans. And we have things that they can suspend their disbelief on. You have to say things that are cutting, and you have to be cleaver about it, too. That way you get not only fans who are going to buy into what you’re saying and believe it, but the ones who view it differently, who can think, “You know, that some shit they’re doing there.””
----The young guys reading this need to take note. Your promo is not just to get yourself over, but to get your opponent over. If you say your opponent is worthless [especially as a babyface] and he can not beat you, then why would the fans want to even see you against each other. The Jimmy Hart interviews in the last few weeks are something to look at. He takes off his shirt and acts real bad – he is putting over the fact that he is not scared of anyone – no one believes he could beat anyone up, but he has put his opponent over to the point that they want to see him get his ass whipped.
Coach’s Corner – LAW: “Pissed, aggravated and still smiling…”

----“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony as LAW champion is starting to tire me. It is time to drop the LAW belt and let someone else try to help draw some fans. I am have been a fan of TGB’s booking since his early days in NBW, but it comes a time when it is not about putting yourself over as the champ, but to get someone else over. His booking had a hole in it when he missed the boat with Slim Pickens, when Pickens won the bullrope match – nothing after that. The local promotions supposedly had a Unified Title. What did TGB go out and do?? He brought back the LAW belt and gave it to himself, because for some reason this promotion needs more than one champion. [I am told the Unified Title is no longer even recognized by anyone.] There is a stage at where the heel champion is not going to help you draw anymore. When does this happen?? Well, it happens when babyface after babyface can not take the title off of him. The fans bore and they start getting smart - they have seen the champ beat clean, seen him beat by reversal and seen him drop the title, but bring it back. At no point do they think he is going to lose it – so what do you need to do?? Put it on someone else to surprise them and maybe get them talking. Pickens would not have been my pick as winning the belt nor Tommy Redneck, but I do think Brandon Espinosa was set up to be the next champion and for some reason it just did not happen.
----Rebbeca Raze, who I consider really young in the business, is a wise for her age. She has been a pro for 4 years, but during a conversation that we had after her match with Angelina put her over with me. The match was real bad as Angelina was just lost. It was her first match though. I have always been told that the “vet” of the match should always take control – take the rookie to the mat and sit on them until they have gathered their head. I told her she had to take control of the match and her response was, “I don’t want to beat her up or do anything like that.” That was really not what I was saying, but she went on to say that her goal is to work with Angelina as much as possible until they get good together. Raze [pictured below] believed there was no sense in making her look bad, when they are in such a small town. She also knows there are only a few girls working locally and she feels that if she can help them and if they can have good matches, then it benefits both of them. Good point taken and chalk one up for Raze. She is also helping train for the new Memphis Ladies Wrestling promotion and it will give the girls in this area a place to work.
----Mark Sterling is the kind of worker that you want on your shows. I joked about being a “mark” for Mark , but I had heard a lot of good things about Sterling. I watched him in some of his rookie matches and was impressed with him more so than guys like Scott Starr or Tony Gunn. He just comes across as having “it” and is a damn good worker. At some point he had started to work for OVW in the training camp and due to some unfortunate incidents the time was just not right for him. I feel he was much like a lot of young guys in other sports – too much too quick and he just could not handle it. He has his head back on straight and told me he is working out with Ken Wayne and Harley Race at their schools. How can you not continue to improve from working with these guys?? He said his stay at Wayne’s school in recent weeks was a great learning experience. And, as he said, if you ever think you have learned everything about this business – then it is time to get out. Although Sterling will probably not work a lot in this area, I would love to see him in the ring with guys like Derrick King, Stan Lee, TGB and Eric Wayne.
----$2 a ticket?? This coming Friday night the fans of LAW have to pay only $2 to get in the building. If they draw over 100 people, then next week will be another $2 night. What kind of message is being sent to the fans?? It makes them think that LAW is worth only about $2. If you charge a low price, then the fans start to think that the product is not worth anything. The sad thing is that at $2, they should get 200 fans, but might get lucky with a little over 100. Overall, as I have said many times, LAW has a good crew and puts on a good show. $2 tickets?? Is this what it takes to draw in this town?? If so, then it is time to move somewhere else. The idea is to get butts in the seats – Luke Graham JR MEWA did by offering FREE seats, but they averaged in the 200s every week. XOW is drawing over 300 people with tickets at $10/$8. I just find it sad that they offer $2 tickets and get less than 150 in the building. The main problem may be the location, but other factors like advertising and such probably play into the equation.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
RassleResults: Championship Wrestling - 4th Anniversary - Kingsport, TN 3.01.08 - Tony Givens Injuried!!

1. Mike Cooper defeated Mike Howerton
2. Adam York defeated Ginn
3. Cody Ices defeated Jock Sampson
4. Matt Stevens defeated the Mystic Ninja
5. Ray Idol defeated Cody Ices by DQ when Chris Richard Interfered
6. Adam York & Wayne Smith defeated Nick Hammonds & Ginn
7. Beau James & Moe Jenkins defeated Alyx Winters & Chris Richards in a Street Fight to the win the SSW/US Tag Team Titles
8. Wayne Adkins defeated Shawn Shultz
9. Brian Logan defeated Thorn to become the new TV Champion
10. Robbie Cassidy defeated Tony Givens [pictured above] by referee stoppage when Givens was too badly injured to continue
11. National Heavyweight Champion, Robbie Cassidy defeated New TV Champion, Brian Logan to unify the titles in an impromptu match
----280 to 300 with $10 and $8 tickets
Beau James wrote, “They think Givens has a torn meniscus…Has appointment with an orthopedic doctor today to find out exactly. They were having a hell of a match till this happened. I was special ref as there trainer. Logan was ring side and challenged the winner before match and was to do an angle at the end of the night. The last match was book on the fly and the title change was booked in the ring. We wanted people to leave happy.”
Misty James then posted this bulletin on myspace.com from Tony Givens
I went to an orthopedic doctor yesterday and I found out that I have ruptured my patella in my knee and I will be having surgery today at Mountain Empire Surgery Center in Johnson City to repair it.
I'll give everybody another update after I have the surgery.
But I'd like to thank everybody for their support and prayers. On my 8 year journey in the wrestling business I have met alot of assholes, but I've also met alot of people that truly care. I cherish all of you and I love you.
I'll be back and when I come back, I'll be better than ever.
In the mean time, keep on supporting CW and SSW shows. With or without me, those guys are still the best and you'll always get your money's worth.
Tony Givens
Bring Back The Southern Saints!! CHIKARA Results, Comments and Praise

Tag Team Gauntlet!!!
- The Immortals vs North Star Express: quick and clean, Cruz Control for the win.
- NSE vs The Kartel: god bless the Brits. NSE tap to the crossface/boston crab combo
- Kartel vs Southern Saints: wild brawling throughout the crowd when the Kartel jumped the Saints on entrance. Marcus O'Neal pins Sha Samuels with a dragonrana.
- Saints vs Las Chivas: Chivas pinned Marcus O'Neal following a Doomsday Device with the ass of the goat.
- Chivas vs Super Smash Bros: some miscommunication but eh, not horrible. An unpaused annihilation on Uno gas Las Chivas another win.
- Chivas vs Go/Shimizu: Go pinned Chiva after a Go Flash...er, alright, real result is Shimizu catching a Chiva in his Cattle Mutilationish hold for the submission.
- El Dorado vs Sara del Rey and Bobby Dempsey: Dempsey pinned Go with a Death Valley Driver. Yep. That's all I have to say.
- S&S vs The Order of the Neo Solar Temple (Hydra and Crossbones): Sara killed her some Hydra before Dempsey tapped to the Hydralock...with some help from Crossbones kicking him in the stomach.
- ONST vs Demolition: AWESOME! Demolitin Decapitation on Hydra for the victory and they are the winners of the 2008 KOT Tag Gauntlet! Demolition has one point.
Four Corner Elimination: Vin Gerard vs Martin Stone vs Reno DIAMOND vs Glacier
Again, the most over that Glacier has ever been. More chain chicanery with Reno Diamond. Great tension between Glacier and Vin. Stone eliminated Diamond early, then Glacier put Stone away. Stone got his revenge while Gerard distracted the ref, allowing Vin to get his first ever true upper hand. Fans chanted "Equinox", really getting under the creep's skin. Glacier attempted his superkick, but Vin swept the leg and grabbed a rollup with tights for the pin.
COMMENTS & PRAISE from the CHIKARA message board…
“Marcus O'neil was awesome, kinda reminded me of a young Booker T.”
“Reno Diamond = GOLD. I absolutely loved them. I was pleasantly surprised, very pleasantly surprised. Reno had that something that made you just enjoy watching him on the apron, in the ring, etc. All three were great, but Reno, man I'm glad he was tossed in.
“They were wearing Choir robes, not what you were thinking. It took me a while to process that as well. And i still think Marcus Oneil was the highlight for them. His facials, bulging eyes and all were so Booker T esque”
“Also, their theme music this evening was the song [“Everybody Wants You” By Billy Squirer] formerly used by Memphis greats "The Fabulous Ones”. This was great.”
“My line: "Oh my god, Eddie Gilbert is here."
“I enjoyed these guys as well. The gimmick with all the chains in their ring gear was priceless.”
“HOLY CRAP. i completely forgot about that. A fork in the bandana, chains in various kneepads. A fork in the bandana? What, is he having a snack mid-match?”
“I loved that whole gimmick. dude came out looking like homicide and when the ref was done checking him for foreign object he looked like a normal wrestler. i dont think the robes where offensive, flags because they were southern, Choir robes because they were saints”
“Reno Diamond really shone in the trios match. His reactions on the ring apron were fantastic, and he really could go in the ring too.”
----There was a little bit of a controversy about their robes.
“They were wearing Choir robes,”
“Unfortunately not.”
“Yeah, those weren't choir robes...”
----Our very own HUMP chimed in
“Those were choir robes. I bought them on Ebay, and they zip in the front. They were $5 a piece. It was a good deal. That is all.”
“While it's possible they may have literally been choir robes, that isn't what they were necessarily supposed to convey...”

----“ECBB” Spiro was in the process of celebrating his retirement from the sport with a gate and his wife in the ring last Friday night [2.29.08] at MCW in Osceola, AR. Ron Rage came out to let everyone know that Spiro/him have been friends for years – a shoot that had everyone believing it. Sid Vicious came up from behind and hit him with a chair. Eazy Money came out and got handcuffed to the ropes and then they beat Spiro up. They smashed the cake in Spiro’s wife’s face!!! I love that!! Serpent finally made the save coming to the ring all bandaged up – he had been run off the road by POB on his way to the matches.
----Not a big fan of the “run off the road” angle, but if the person they run off the road actually shows up at the end of the show, then it is more believable. POB will continue to make an impact in this area with their weekly stops in MCW and TLCW. MCW has benefited from their stint already drawing in the 200+ on all the shows they were announced to appear.
----The “POB” [The Pride of Brotherhood] gimmick debuted in October 1998 as Sid Vicious, after losing the year before at Wrestlemania 13 to The Undertaker, returned home to the Memphis circuit for Power Pro Wrestling. Vicious had taken a group of local bodybuilders/powerlifters and trained them to be part of POB. They included Ken Giddens, Jeff Droke, Kevin Fertig [Kevin Thorn], Mike Ashmore and Ron Rage. In 1999, the POB moved on to Terry Golden’s Kick Ass Wrestling.
----40 year old Ron Rage and 47 year old Sid Vicious seem to be on a mission to get over and have one big last run in this area and possible another WWE run for Vicious. It will be interesting to see as the year goes by on what kind of impact they will make in 2008.
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 3.01.08 - POB Headed To TLCW!!

Drew Donovan d. Mark Sterling
Cody Melton d. Dynamite Seth Knight
Baron Malkavain d. Flex
Dell Tucker d. Reggie B. Fine
The Posse (Simon Reed/Little Chris) d. King Brothers
Flash Flanagan d. Chris O'Neal
"The Golden Boy"Greg Anthony/Idol Bane/Bishop d. Hot Topic (Derrick King/Stan Lee)
At the beginning of the show, Dell Tucker made interrupted an interview with Hot Topic. He stated that some time ago he had been given partial ownership of TLCW by his father. He said he opted to use his authority as Co-Owner to bringin a new Co-Commissioner, Jimmy Tidwell. Tidwell said he intended to make major
changes in the direction of TLCW. He proceeded to put Dell Tucker in a match with Reggie B. Fine. Then he made his first main event match, Hot Topic vs. Bishop, Idol Bane, and The Golden Boy in a handicap match.
Co-Commissioner Tidwell then made a major announcement. He said that in order to change the direction of TLCW he would be making some additions to the roster.The six foot ten inch tall, three hundred twenty plus pound, TWO TIME FORMER WWE CHAMPION, SID VICIOUS is coming to TLCW. Tidwell vowed that Sid along with the P.O.B. would change course of TLCW forever.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 3.01.08
Jeremy Moore def Phoenix X
Sicilian Kid and Arnez def John Roberts and Time Edwards
"Southern Pride"[Kilo/Tommy Redneck] def Jason Matthews and SGT. Savage
Big Red def Christian Jacobs
Motley Cruz VS Mark Justice NO CONTEST
----I am getting 60 to 70 people in the building from one source and 120-130 by another one??...Nothing has been decided about the NBW Title yet...When I questioned about why Arnez beat up Kid last week - it was because Kid was the one that stole the babydoll...Big Red may be turning as they did some kind of angle where he saved Allen Walker.
Sicilian Kid and Arnez def John Roberts and Time Edwards
"Southern Pride"[Kilo/Tommy Redneck] def Jason Matthews and SGT. Savage
Big Red def Christian Jacobs
Motley Cruz VS Mark Justice NO CONTEST
----I am getting 60 to 70 people in the building from one source and 120-130 by another one??...Nothing has been decided about the NBW Title yet...When I questioned about why Arnez beat up Kid last week - it was because Kid was the one that stole the babydoll...Big Red may be turning as they did some kind of angle where he saved Allen Walker.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Correction About Memphis Ladies Wrestling!!!
----My report earlier today about the new promotion Memphis Ladies Wrestling being a sort of fetish promotion was all wrong. They are promoting a 80s style of wrestling – pro style – female vs female. They actually ask and recommend the gals to wear one piece with hose/tights and boots. I was even told that they had a match that had a boob come out on mistake and it is not even being sold. So, these guys are all about wrestling and giving the girls a place to work. They do plan to run some live events in the future. I have been invited to the March 29, 2008 tapings and will have a full report posted that weekend.
RassleResults: XOW Independence, MS 3.01.08 - Kevin White New XOW Champion!!
Prior to the start of the first match. XOW owner Billy Russ came to the ring and called out Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee. He announced that he had done a poll to let the fans vote on who should be the King of XOW Wrestling, and that Lawler and Dundee had gotten the most votes. He then announced that Jerry Lawler had won, and presented him with a new crown. Lawler thanked the fans, and then Bill Dundee was given the mic. He said he was unhappy, because the only reason he was there is because he had been told that he was the winner. He went on to say that he was not even on the card, and that he would not even have come to the show except that he was told he would be receiving the award. He accused Billy of rigging the contest. Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, Sarge O'Reilly, and Tony Watts all came to the ring and stuck their noses into the matter. The situation escalated until finally Hollywood and his entourage had persuaded Dundee to team with Sarge against Lawler and a mystery partner later in the show. Lawler repeatedly tried to make amends with Dundee, to no avail. Hollywood continued to convince Dundee that he had been screwed over by Billy Russ and Lawler. So the match was made.
Opening match was a hardcore match to crown a new XOW Hardcore Champion. Participants were Syn, Suicide, and DJ Stunner. These guys put on a very good show. They used chairs, barb wire, thumb tacks, and anything else they could find. Now, I was very critical of these guys last time I saw them on a show (several weeks ago in Savannah), buy they were impressive and much improved. Out of the back came Uncle Felton with a chair. Felton got in the ring, did a couple of weak chair shots, and pinned one of the guys to win the hardcore belt. New hardcore Champion is Uncle Felton. I will save my opinion on this finish for my column.
XOW Tag Team Champions Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs) defeated Wraith & Anton Leveigh w/Iron Man to retain the belts.
Next was Sue Young vs. Lil' Bit. Young was accompanied to the ring by Kevin White & Mr. White. Prior to the match starting, the referee ordered Kevin White & Mr. White to the back. This was a decent match. Both of these young ladies are gorgeous, which in itself made the match worth watching, but it was also a decent match. Kevin White & Mr. White came back to the ring and interfered. Out of the back came XOW Champion "Prime Time" Nick Grymes to even the score. The match ended up being thrown out. XOW owner Billy Russ ordered a mixed tag team match, with the winner to be crowned XOW Champion. This set up several very interesting possibilities as to who could be XOW Champion. If one of the ladies got the pin, she would be new TFW Champion. In the end, thanks to interference by Mr. White, Kevin White won the match by pin fall and is new XOW Champion.
Next was Cameron Valentine (nephew of Greg "The Hammer" Valentine) vs. "The Sure Thing" Colton Anderson by DQ. Anderson was accompanied to the ring by Cyn, who was wearing a short, very short, outfit. We saw a lot of Cyn Saturday night, LOL. Valentine was winner by DQ when "Big Daddy" Storm came from the back and interfered in the match.
Next was a tag team match featuring Midgets Lil'Devil & Kid-J. Lil' Devil teamed with The Grappler, & Kid-J teamed with Brandon Barbwire. The first part of this match was... not very good. Barbwire (who usually does a great job) and Grappler did not do a good job in this match. Crowd was quiet and not into it at all, UNTIL... the midgets got into the ring. They put on a good show, and the crowd came alive. In the end Kid-J & Brandon Barbwire got the win.
Sarge O'Reilly & "Superstar" Bill Dundee came out for the main event, accompanied by Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock. Hollywood was running his mouth as usual. Jerry "The King" Lawler came to the ring, accompanied by Grady Watson. Hollywood immediately started ridiculing Lawler & Watson, saying, "Is this your partner? Is this all you could find for a partner?" Lawler then introduced his partner, which turned out to be Max Steele. Blaylock was furious, since he considered Steele to be a member of the Hollywood Clique. Steele then pointed out to Blaylock that he had received numerous hot checks, totaling about $18,000.00, from Blaylock, and that he was sick of Hollywood ripping him off. This had Hollywood stuttering like an old Studebaker on a cold winter morning. Dundee mentioned that he had been paid in cash by Hollywood. Special referee for the match was Tony "The Weasel" Watts. Why, I don't know, but XOW owner Billy Russ appointed Watts to be referee for the match, and Tony promised to call it down the middle (yeah, right). The match got underway, and Watts did call it down the middle... for a while. As the match progressed, however, Tony began showing blatant favoritism towards Sarge & Dundee. This went on for several minutes. Lawler & Max were able to gain the upper hand, and it looked like Lawler was going to win the match by pin fall. Tony slowly started the count... slowly one...slowly two... then refused to make the third count. By this time I had seen all I could stand. I went to the ring, pulled Watts out of the ring, and asked him what he was doing. He shoved me. I shoved back. I then "restrained" him (translation: the fight was on). The match continued and we brawled until I heard the bell ring. XOW Owner Billy Russ had run in wearing a referee shirt and had made the three count. Winners were Jerry Lawler and Max Steele by pin fall. After the match, Sarge, Dundee, & Hollywood were angry, and began to beat down Lawler & Steele. Grady Watson was in the ring. He was thrown out by Hollywood and landed on his back (ouch). Dundee had Hollywood's cane, but turned on Sarge and Hollywood, and beat them down. Hollywood got several shots with his own cane, LOL. Tony Watts, who foolishly got in the ring and involved himself, was on the receiving end of a pile driver from Lawler. This was a great match, and a great ending to a very good show.
My announce partner for the show, by the way, was Al Hall, who gave me hell throughout the show. Al has a "unique" point of view, which I don't agree with very often. This show was no exception.
The crowd of 325 people were treated to a great show.
Credit: Randall Lewis
----This would be a gate close to $3,000. Good job guys!!
Opening match was a hardcore match to crown a new XOW Hardcore Champion. Participants were Syn, Suicide, and DJ Stunner. These guys put on a very good show. They used chairs, barb wire, thumb tacks, and anything else they could find. Now, I was very critical of these guys last time I saw them on a show (several weeks ago in Savannah), buy they were impressive and much improved. Out of the back came Uncle Felton with a chair. Felton got in the ring, did a couple of weak chair shots, and pinned one of the guys to win the hardcore belt. New hardcore Champion is Uncle Felton. I will save my opinion on this finish for my column.
XOW Tag Team Champions Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs) defeated Wraith & Anton Leveigh w/Iron Man to retain the belts.
Next was Sue Young vs. Lil' Bit. Young was accompanied to the ring by Kevin White & Mr. White. Prior to the match starting, the referee ordered Kevin White & Mr. White to the back. This was a decent match. Both of these young ladies are gorgeous, which in itself made the match worth watching, but it was also a decent match. Kevin White & Mr. White came back to the ring and interfered. Out of the back came XOW Champion "Prime Time" Nick Grymes to even the score. The match ended up being thrown out. XOW owner Billy Russ ordered a mixed tag team match, with the winner to be crowned XOW Champion. This set up several very interesting possibilities as to who could be XOW Champion. If one of the ladies got the pin, she would be new TFW Champion. In the end, thanks to interference by Mr. White, Kevin White won the match by pin fall and is new XOW Champion.
Next was Cameron Valentine (nephew of Greg "The Hammer" Valentine) vs. "The Sure Thing" Colton Anderson by DQ. Anderson was accompanied to the ring by Cyn, who was wearing a short, very short, outfit. We saw a lot of Cyn Saturday night, LOL. Valentine was winner by DQ when "Big Daddy" Storm came from the back and interfered in the match.
Next was a tag team match featuring Midgets Lil'Devil & Kid-J. Lil' Devil teamed with The Grappler, & Kid-J teamed with Brandon Barbwire. The first part of this match was... not very good. Barbwire (who usually does a great job) and Grappler did not do a good job in this match. Crowd was quiet and not into it at all, UNTIL... the midgets got into the ring. They put on a good show, and the crowd came alive. In the end Kid-J & Brandon Barbwire got the win.
Sarge O'Reilly & "Superstar" Bill Dundee came out for the main event, accompanied by Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock. Hollywood was running his mouth as usual. Jerry "The King" Lawler came to the ring, accompanied by Grady Watson. Hollywood immediately started ridiculing Lawler & Watson, saying, "Is this your partner? Is this all you could find for a partner?" Lawler then introduced his partner, which turned out to be Max Steele. Blaylock was furious, since he considered Steele to be a member of the Hollywood Clique. Steele then pointed out to Blaylock that he had received numerous hot checks, totaling about $18,000.00, from Blaylock, and that he was sick of Hollywood ripping him off. This had Hollywood stuttering like an old Studebaker on a cold winter morning. Dundee mentioned that he had been paid in cash by Hollywood. Special referee for the match was Tony "The Weasel" Watts. Why, I don't know, but XOW owner Billy Russ appointed Watts to be referee for the match, and Tony promised to call it down the middle (yeah, right). The match got underway, and Watts did call it down the middle... for a while. As the match progressed, however, Tony began showing blatant favoritism towards Sarge & Dundee. This went on for several minutes. Lawler & Max were able to gain the upper hand, and it looked like Lawler was going to win the match by pin fall. Tony slowly started the count... slowly one...slowly two... then refused to make the third count. By this time I had seen all I could stand. I went to the ring, pulled Watts out of the ring, and asked him what he was doing. He shoved me. I shoved back. I then "restrained" him (translation: the fight was on). The match continued and we brawled until I heard the bell ring. XOW Owner Billy Russ had run in wearing a referee shirt and had made the three count. Winners were Jerry Lawler and Max Steele by pin fall. After the match, Sarge, Dundee, & Hollywood were angry, and began to beat down Lawler & Steele. Grady Watson was in the ring. He was thrown out by Hollywood and landed on his back (ouch). Dundee had Hollywood's cane, but turned on Sarge and Hollywood, and beat them down. Hollywood got several shots with his own cane, LOL. Tony Watts, who foolishly got in the ring and involved himself, was on the receiving end of a pile driver from Lawler. This was a great match, and a great ending to a very good show.
My announce partner for the show, by the way, was Al Hall, who gave me hell throughout the show. Al has a "unique" point of view, which I don't agree with very often. This show was no exception.
The crowd of 325 people were treated to a great show.
Credit: Randall Lewis
----This would be a gate close to $3,000. Good job guys!!
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 2.29.08
Kid-J defeated Lil' Devil.
Izzy Rotten & Chris Fontaine w/Diamond defeated DC & Dirty Sanchez.
Justin Rhodes & Brett Michaels w/Diamond defeated Cassanova Kid & Bonecrusher.
Ryan SoFine & Buzz Harley Defeated Chazz Stone & LSD.
"The Future" Chris Styles, returning to action after his recent surgery, defeated Dirty Sanchez.
Fusion & Anton Leveigh defeated Josh Matthews & Chris Chaos.
After the match Parental Advisory (Tony Dabbs & Studd) came to the ring and made their presence known by attacking Josh. DC out and said he was tired of PA interfering in matches and offered PA the rematch for the tag team belts that they have been wanting, in order to settle the matter once and for all. Studd & Tony said that since they were suspended, and since they did not have their gear with them, they would do it the following week. However, Randall Lewis told them that if they wanted a rematch, he would lift their suspension and the match would take place immediately. If they refused, they would remain suspended and would not get their rematch any time soon. PA agreed, and as TFW General Manager, Lewis lifted their suspension.
Impromptu match for the TFW Tag Team belts: Parental Advisory (Studd & Tony) vs. Josh Matthews & DC (Champions). DC, to everyone's shock, turned on Josh early in the match, enabling PA to get an easy victory and win the belts. New Tag Team Champions are Parental Advisory.
Chop Top the Clown & Neil Taylor defeated J-Kid & Curly Mo with help from an unknown wrestler who came from the back and interfered.
Main Event was an over the top rope elimination battle royal to determine a new TFW Champion. Winners of the night's matches were the participants. The final two participants would have a match that could only be won by pin fall or submission, with the winner being crowned new TFW Champion. The match came down to three participants, Brett Michaels, Izzy Rotten, & Neil Taylor. All three went over the top rope at the same time to the floor. Since all three were eliminated at the same time, there was no winner. Therefore a match was set up for this Friday night, Brett vs. Izzy vs. Neil, for the belt.
Crowd of about 100 was treated to a good show.
Credit: Randall Lewis
Izzy Rotten & Chris Fontaine w/Diamond defeated DC & Dirty Sanchez.
Justin Rhodes & Brett Michaels w/Diamond defeated Cassanova Kid & Bonecrusher.
Ryan SoFine & Buzz Harley Defeated Chazz Stone & LSD.
"The Future" Chris Styles, returning to action after his recent surgery, defeated Dirty Sanchez.
Fusion & Anton Leveigh defeated Josh Matthews & Chris Chaos.
After the match Parental Advisory (Tony Dabbs & Studd) came to the ring and made their presence known by attacking Josh. DC out and said he was tired of PA interfering in matches and offered PA the rematch for the tag team belts that they have been wanting, in order to settle the matter once and for all. Studd & Tony said that since they were suspended, and since they did not have their gear with them, they would do it the following week. However, Randall Lewis told them that if they wanted a rematch, he would lift their suspension and the match would take place immediately. If they refused, they would remain suspended and would not get their rematch any time soon. PA agreed, and as TFW General Manager, Lewis lifted their suspension.
Impromptu match for the TFW Tag Team belts: Parental Advisory (Studd & Tony) vs. Josh Matthews & DC (Champions). DC, to everyone's shock, turned on Josh early in the match, enabling PA to get an easy victory and win the belts. New Tag Team Champions are Parental Advisory.
Chop Top the Clown & Neil Taylor defeated J-Kid & Curly Mo with help from an unknown wrestler who came from the back and interfered.
Main Event was an over the top rope elimination battle royal to determine a new TFW Champion. Winners of the night's matches were the participants. The final two participants would have a match that could only be won by pin fall or submission, with the winner being crowned new TFW Champion. The match came down to three participants, Brett Michaels, Izzy Rotten, & Neil Taylor. All three went over the top rope at the same time to the floor. Since all three were eliminated at the same time, there was no winner. Therefore a match was set up for this Friday night, Brett vs. Izzy vs. Neil, for the belt.
Crowd of about 100 was treated to a good show.
Credit: Randall Lewis
Memphis Ladies Wrestling Press Release

Hello From The Home of Elvis. Memphis Ladies Wrestling is up and running!!
My Wife and I started this dream last year, because we love ladies wrestling. We realize there are many choices to quality female wrestling as SlamminLadies, Shimmer, Lady Sports, and many others. We just want to try our hand at this and see what we can do to help promote some of our regional lady talent in the Mid South area. We have our own ring, our own building, and we have had 2 set of tapings so far in 2008. We are proud to say, we have featured "Mean" Tasha Simone, "Rugged" Sarah Lynn from West Virginia, The Queen of East Tennessee, Misty James, Lil Su Yung, and Spitfire.
We also are announcing for our next taping on March 29th, 2008 we have from Alabama Envy, also Destiny from Bama Land, and a bodybuilder turned wrestler, Priscilla, along with Angelina making her MLW debut and Su Yung back once again. In April we have our Favorite Indian gal, Alere Little Feather, Tasha Simone, Nicole Starr, and a blast from the past, former 80's star, Misty Dawn, from Kansas City.. Then on June 7th, we have Hellena Heavenly, Fantasia and more big stars to be announced soon. As for now, we are currently just making Dvd's that can be purchased thru our website. We hope to talk to Malia Hosaka about coming in to work here in the near future.....www.memphisladieswrestling.com and we would personally like to Thank, Scotty C from Memphis for doing and continued working on our website. We hope to have a members only section soon, along with downloaded videos available in the near future also.
We would like to say, we appreciate all the other lady wrestling companies and look forward to joining this wonderful world of ladies wrestling.
Elaine and Darrell
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 3.01.08

----Corey Maclin opens the show. He lets everyone know that these are encore presentations. He also talks about some DVDs coming out soon.
----The air clip from next week when Maclin makes the announcement that Terry Funk is coming to Memphis.
----Jerry Lawler sends in video interview about Kamala turning on Maclin. They also show a clip of Kamala on RAW.
----Kevin White beats Tony Gunn with flying crossbody from top rope. Good match. White was real small here.
----Kevin White interview. Koko says he wants to apologize. Koko Ware comes out and tries to hit White with a hammer.
----Terry Funk interview. I am speechless. Tremendous interview.
----Lawler/Jimmy Hart interview. Johnny Dotson beats Lawler by DQ, when Lawler continues to beat on Dotson. Lawler uses chair on Dotson – Maclin jumps in for the save. Lawler piledrives Corey. Brian Teigland gets in the ring with the mic. Hart/Lawler threaten him. This was real good as Teigland treats it like a total shoot. Teigland gets on a cell phone and calls an ambulance for Maclin. Lawler piledrives Maclin on the concrete floor. Lawler tells them to take a break and they would be back with the “Jerry and Jimmy” show.
----Show returns with them taking Maclin out in an ambulance. This was so good. Hart is good here to yelling at Maclin about Maclin always wanting to be a wrestler. Lawler says the show must go on.
----“Sexy Assassins” [Flex/Tim Grind] by DQ over Nicolas Doom/Shock, when Doom’s valet interferes.
----Maclin finishes the show talking about being taken out by an AMULANCE. LOL I love hearing him say that. LOL
----This show originally aired on 7.31.04. CLICK HERE to read the original report. Flashback this week will feature analysis of the Lawler/Funk angle with excerpts from Funk's book. The photo above is the current incarnation of Nicolas Doom, who is working for WWE in the FCW developmental.
RassleResults: SSW Kingsport, TN 2.28.08
*Jamey Gibson beat Jeff Storm
*Tony Givens 20 minute time limit with The Desciple
*Wayne Adkins & Thorn beat The 501
*Tag Team Champions The TN Rednecks Chris Richards and Cody Ices beat Beau James and Givens 2 out of 3
Next Event is Tues March 11 Race Week Special already signed
*Misty James vs. Rebecca Lynn's Mystery Woman with Misty when she gets a singal match with Lynn
*The Might Midgets return as Bad Boy Buck battles Hillbilly Pete
More to be announced Sunday
The house was $367 down from $1215 two weeks ago.
----I am planning a short piece later this week on why the gate on this show was down. Promoter Beau James did an interesting experiment.
*Tony Givens 20 minute time limit with The Desciple
*Wayne Adkins & Thorn beat The 501
*Tag Team Champions The TN Rednecks Chris Richards and Cody Ices beat Beau James and Givens 2 out of 3
Next Event is Tues March 11 Race Week Special already signed
*Misty James vs. Rebecca Lynn's Mystery Woman with Misty when she gets a singal match with Lynn
*The Might Midgets return as Bad Boy Buck battles Hillbilly Pete
More to be announced Sunday
The house was $367 down from $1215 two weeks ago.
----I am planning a short piece later this week on why the gate on this show was down. Promoter Beau James did an interesting experiment.
Final Night of Trio Tournament - Reno Diamond Featured!!

3/2 -- Philadelphia - CHIKARA King of Trios Night 3
The Colony b Akuma & Icarus & Chuck Taylor, Lince Dorado & Pantera & Incognito b Mike Quackenbush & Skyade & Shane Storm, Eddie Kingston & Ruckus & Joker b Miyawaki & Susumu & Kudo, Delirious & Hallowicked & Helios b Mitch Ryder & Shayne Hawke & Larry Sweeney, Demolition won 2008 Tag Team Gauntlet, Eddie Kingston & Ruckus & Joker b-DQ Delirious & Hallowicked & Helios, Lince Dorado & Pantera & Incognito b the Colony, Vin Gerard b Martin Stone & Reno DIAMOND & Glacier, M.C. KZ b Michael Nakazawa, Tim Donst & Chivas II & Arik Cannon & Create-a-Wrestler b Amasis & Ophidian & Los Ice Creams, King of Trios final: Lince Dorado & Pantera & Incognito b Eddie Kingston & Ruckus & Joker
Credit: www.wrestlingobserver.com
----Did the other guys only do one match??
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Tomorrow's Chris Rocker interview to be rescheduled
I apologize in advance but due to circumstances beyond my control Monday's Cheap Heat Radio w/ Chris Rocker will have to be rescheduled to a date in the near future, I will post the new date here just as soon as I get things ironed out.
"Superstar" Bill Dundee & Brent West on Jerkin' The Curtain radio Monday March 3rd @ 10 PM CST!!

Hey everyone. Tomorrow night, Monday night March 3rd at 10 central time, a true legend of professional wrestling, and especially southern wrestling, "Superstar" Bill Dundee, along with Brent West, will be my special guests on Jerkin' The Curtain radio. They will be discussing the United Wrestling League's Internet PPV coming up on Sunday March 9th, and Mr. Dundee will discuss his long and amazing career, past, present, and future. I'm really looking forward to this show. You can be a part of it live by calling in during the show at (347) 945-5503. Or send e-mail questions to be asked on the air to tvd65@hotmail.com Check it out live Monday night, or check out the archive, which will be up shortly after the live show completes. Cya then! Trent Van Drisse

----During an interview with "Hot Topic" [Stan Lee/Derrick King] last night in Ripley, TN, "The Future" Dell Tucker walked out to announce that since he was part owner of TLCW that he had hired a new Co-commish Jimmy Tidwell. Tidwell made his way in the ring and went on to tell the fans that his first order of business would be bringing in next week - "POB" with Sid Vicious, Ron Rage, Johnny Rotten and possibly Buzzkiller. It looks like their first program will be with Lee/DK. Lee/DK are both scheduled for the UWL PPV next Saturday night, so look for the POB debut to be a major deal with TLCW’s two top babyfaces gone. We should have full TLCW results posted sometime in the next few days.

Revolutionary Championship Wrestling at the Community Center in Marmaduke, Arkansas.
Bonecrusher w/ Foxy defeated The Missouri Mauler with a Heart Punch to advance in the title tournament.
*after the match, Bonecrusher began beating on Mauler until Zane Richards came out. Zane told Bonecrusher that he wasn't scheduled to wrestle tonight, but seeing how he is already there, and Bonecrusher like to beat up on people, why not try beating up on him. A special challenge match was laid out and if Zane wins he takes Bonecrushers place in the tournament.
Farmer Billy Hills defeated Hamhock with a "Slop Drop" (double arm d.d.t.) to advance in the title tournament.
"One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank wrestled "Badstreet Boy" Ryan Lee to a no contest after The Hambone Express interfered thus both Tank and Lee were eliminated from the tournament.
T.W. Justice wrestled Suicidal Youth to a double count out so neither man advances in the tournament.
Bonecrusher w/ Foxy defeated "Prime Time Player" Zane Richards after Foxy distracted him for Bonecrusher to roll him up and put his feet on the ropes. Bonecrusher keeps his spot in the tournament finals.
E.Z. Ryder & Mr. Excitement defeated The Hambone Express.
Hambone #2 and Mr. Excitement were on the floor while Tank & Ryan Lee made their way to ringside. Hambone #1 pointed out that Lee was there so the referee went to him. Tank, who was on the opposite side of the ring, got on the apron, sprayed silly string in Hambone #1's face and E.Z. Ryder rolled up Hambone #1 for the win.
Bonecrusher w/ Foxy defeated Farmer Billy Hills in the tournament finals to become the 1st R.C.W. Heavyweight champion.
both men nailed a double clothesline for a double down. Bonecrusher draped an arm across Farmer for a 2 count. both men were back up, Bonecrusher went for the Heart Punch, but Farmer reversed out of it and hit his Slop Drop but couldn't make the cover right away so only got a 2. Bonecrusher cut Farmer back off, delivered a bodyslam, went for a legdrop but Farmer moved out of the way. Farmer applied a "Stump Puller" on Bonecrusher. Foxy got on the apron to distract the referee. While the refs back was turned, Bonecrusher tapped out. Farmer let go of the move then realized that the referee didn't see it. When Farmer turned back around Bonecrusher punted him in the nuts, delivered a Heart Punch and got the win.
Notes: 42 paying with almost 70 in the building due to give-a-ways and Sponsorship tickets with a gate around $200.
Most over person of the night had to be Farmer. Every time he would come out the fans would erupt. Tank & Ryan Lee was also over a lot after causing the Hambones to lose. Bonecrusher and Foxy carried the most heat of the night with a couple of fans even trying to come after them, especially after beating Farmer.
RCW's next show is April 12Th with 3 big matches already planned. They will crown the 1st No Limits Champion with a 4 Way Elimination match. After 2 men are eliminated, then it turns into a Ladder Match. Participants are Zane Richards, Suicidal Youth, Bad Luck Lucky and a special surprise participant. Also a rematch between Bonecrusher & Farmer, and Tank & Ryan Lee going against the Hambones in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
Saints Well Received!!
This was completely taken and stolen from someone on the CHIKARAFans.com message board:
First Round: The Southern Saints vs Team Japan
The Southern Saints are awesome on entrance, as the two black dudes (Reno Diamond and Marcus O'Neal) were pseudo-Klansmen and the white guy (Shawn Reed) was a thug. They patted the Saints down and found no less than 20 chains hidden all over the three men. Hilarious. Reno Diamonds' reactions to every little thing are awesome, and he makes for a great last second replacement. The Saints are just great men. Meanwhile, I don't know if you heard but Team Japan has KUDO and MIYAWAKI on it, so they're immediately awesome by default. SUSUMU made for a great addition as well, his junior style blends in well with the other two. SUSUMU pins Marcus O'Neal with a modified swinging Yoshitonic. The Saints were well received.
First Round: The Southern Saints vs Team Japan
The Southern Saints are awesome on entrance, as the two black dudes (Reno Diamond and Marcus O'Neal) were pseudo-Klansmen and the white guy (Shawn Reed) was a thug. They patted the Saints down and found no less than 20 chains hidden all over the three men. Hilarious. Reno Diamonds' reactions to every little thing are awesome, and he makes for a great last second replacement. The Saints are just great men. Meanwhile, I don't know if you heard but Team Japan has KUDO and MIYAWAKI on it, so they're immediately awesome by default. SUSUMU made for a great addition as well, his junior style blends in well with the other two. SUSUMU pins Marcus O'Neal with a modified swinging Yoshitonic. The Saints were well received.
RassleResults: TIWF 3.01.08 Trenton, TN - Danny B Loses His Hair!!
----Dr. Doom/NxN Rude beat Wyked/Mr. Electricity…Hardknocks Hooligan beat Dazzlin’ Dixie…“ The Punisher” Dre’ Black beat Buckwild Bill…Big Boy Bob beat The Outlaw…Rampage/ Oz vs. Jake Johnson/Samoan Raja vs. Kaleb/Kronos ( Was a Triple Threat Elimination Match) Order of Elimination * Samoan Raja, * Jake Johnson. The remaining four battled to a double countout…Bobby “ The Butcherman” Smith beat Tank Turner…Wildside beat Danny B Goode (Stipulations for this match was Danny B’s hair vs. a shot at Ravishing Randy’s TV title. Danny lost and had his head shaved!.)
----I was told 173 in the crowd. Could someone please confirm this with me?? If so, congrats to this group – the move to Trenton may have been a good thing for them…The last time I seen Danny B, he didn’t have that much hair?? LOL That might be like me losing a hair match. LOL
----I was told 173 in the crowd. Could someone please confirm this with me?? If so, congrats to this group – the move to Trenton may have been a good thing for them…The last time I seen Danny B, he didn’t have that much hair?? LOL That might be like me losing a hair match. LOL
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