I did something today that I rarely do - post on the Hollywood Jimmy message board. Now before that statement causes a stink, I do not dislike Jimmy. We've always had a good relationship. What I mean is that I usually stay away from message boards, period, except Wrestling Classics.
Anyway, today on Jimmy's board there was heavy discussion about "original" Moondogs obviously stemming from today's Memphis Wrestling broadcast, which served as a tribute to Moondog Cujo and Moondogs in general due to Cujo's death. Well, technically the very first "original" Moondog was Moondog Mayne from the 1960's and 70's. So I thought I would steal Mark James' gimmick and provide a link to a nice piece of history on Moondogs.
Visit this link: http://www.lethalwrestling.com/opinions/news_content.php?fileName=711
to see a "history" of the Moondogs. It's a fun look at the lineage of the gimmick.
I think to an extent the "original" Moondogs could be classified as those who worked the territories through the years and made the name successful as opposed to indy wrestlers who have used the gimmick in recent years.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Memphis Wrestling TV Report by Brian Thompson 1.17.09
Corey Maclin opens up this week's edition of Memphis Wrestling discussing the sad news of Moondog Cujo's death, which occurred earlier this week. Corey said that the death of Cujo really signaled an "end of an era" in Memphis Wrestling history. He reference Moondog Spot's passing from late 2003.
Corey said today's show will be a "look back" at the history of the Moondogs. Moments later he has "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart on the phone. Jimmy talks about how tragic it is to start the new year with a wrestling death. He says that the Moondogs were one of his favorite teams to manage and he has wonderful memories of them.
Jimmy said that he just spoke with Cujo late last year during the Jerry "The King" Lawler 35th Anniversary show in Nashville, TN. Corey adds that there will never be anyone like the original Moondogs and that later in the show they will bring the fans the match that Jimmy referenced from Nashville.
After a commercial break, Corey is back. He says that he will have Jerry "The King" Lawler on the phone to discuss Cujo's death later in the show. Corey brings up memories of the Kennett, MO concession stand brawl from 1992 between the Moondogs and Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler and how it was a recreation of the Tupelo concession stand brawl with Lawler and Bill Dundee against Wayne Ferris (Honky Tonk Man)and Larry Latham (Moondog Spot) from years earlier.
Corey sends us to our first match of the show....
Match: Moondog Cujo & Moondog Fifi vs. Rodney Mack & Jazz
This bout was from Memphis Wrestling's "Nightmare in Tunica" on April 13, 2007. Grady Watson managed the Moondog combo. Jazz and Fifi started out. Jazz got the early edge before Fifi turned the tables. She eventually tagged out to Cujo bringing in Rodney Mack for a brawl with all four in the ring. Mack and Cujo exchange blows. Watson gets in and blows the whistle. Mack has Cujo in a sleeperhold and Cujo ends up decking Watson. The bell rings. Not sure on the actual finish as it looked like the bell just rang after Watson got hit.
Corey is back and says to stay tuned for more clips from the career of Moondog Cujo.
After a break, it is back to Corey who brings fans who may have just tuned in up to speed on Cujo's passing and the theme of today's telecast.
He mentions how the Moondogs' feud with Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler in 1992 was voted "Feud of the Year" in Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Jerry Lawler is on the phone and he talks about Cujo's death as being a "hard pill to swallow." He mentions how Cujo had a troubled past and had battled some personal demons. Lawler said he worked Cujo about a month ago in Lexington, TN and they shared a conversaton after the match about how Cujo had cleaned up his life and reconciled with family members. Lawler said Cujo looked good and that he was in a good place in his life. He said their match in Lexington was a "good, entertaining" match and that to hear the news of his passing is "shocking and sad."
Corey said he was also at the Lexington show and had a similar conversation with Cujo. He mentions that Cujo and his wife Sandra had remarried not long ago and that Cujo was "on the right road" in his life.
Lawler brings up the circumstances surrounding Cujo's death. The story has been covered here at RasslinRiotOnline.com. Lawler talks about how Cujo's wife had a migrane headache. Cujo took her to the emergency room and then went back to his vehicle to wait while she received medical attention. When he hadn't shown back up inside for awhile, she went to check on him and found him slumped over on the steering wheel of the vehicle. He passed away of a heart attack.
Corey mentions some of the other gimmicks that Cujo used throughout his career, but Lawler says he will always remember him as a Moondog. He says he'll never forget the fued he and Jarrett had against the Moondogs in the early 1990's and says that the Moondogs will always be one of the most remembered tag teams in the history of Memphis Wrestling. He says with Spot's passing in 2003 and the death of Cujo just days ago, an "era" of Memphis Wrestling has ended.
Corey sends us to another match involving Moondog Cujo in action.
Match: Moondog Cujo vs. The Barbarian
This match was from the Clash of the Legends show main evented by Hulk Hogan and "Big Show" Paul White from the FedEx Forum in Memphis. Cujo was managed this night by RasslinRiotOnline's own "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente. Commentary was handled by Corey Maclin, Jimmy Hart and Lance Russell.
This was your standard "Moondog style" brawl with Barbarian and Cujo beating each other with weapons in the ring and outside of the ring. Barbarian hit a big boot on Cujo and went for the pinfall. Sal jumped on the apron to distract the referee. Barbarian went after him and then Cujo clocked him with a shovel as Barbarian had his back turned. Barbarian tried to choke Cujo in retaliation but the Moondog leveled him with a series of additional shovel shots leading to the 1-2-3.
We're back from a break with Corey mentioning his earlier phone calls with Hart and Lawler. He says that the Moondogs were certainly a "different team." He described their unusual style and ring gear. We then head to the previously promised Nashville, TN match.
Match: The Moondogs vs. Brian Christopher & Doug Gilbert
This was from the 35th Anniversary show for Jerry "The King" Lawler, promoted by Bert Prentice late last year in Nashville, TN. Pre-match, Gilbert talks trash to the people and the Moondogs, this time a combo of Cujo and another "Moondog." Again, your standard "Moondog style" brawl with the guys going all over the Nashville Fairgrounds. Finish sees Brian clock the "other" Moondog with a shovel several times. Doug makes sure he is in place for Brian's "hip-hop drop" legdrop. Cujo had been floored earlier with the shovel. After the legdrop, Brian gets the pin.
Following a break, we're back with Corey who mentions that over the years the Moondogs had a few managers, but that there weren't many people who could control them. He mentions Jimmy Hart and Richard Lee, two of the more notable men to ever manage the Moondogs. Corey said that the Moondogs had their own mindset and did things the "Moondog way."
We were then treated to a series of clips from the 1980's featuring the fued between the Moondogs and the Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane & Steve Keirn). Lots of classic brawling clips from that fued, all from the Mid South Coliseum.
We then see a pair of matches from 2003.
Match: The Moondogs vs. Kevin White & El Poncho
This match was from the September 13, 2003 edition of Memphis Wrestling. The bout actually featured Moondog Spot and Rex, not the original Rex I don't believe. The Moondogs were managed by April Hunter in this way and made short work of Poncho and White.
Match: The Moondogs vs. Flex & Alex Krisis
This bout was from the October 18, 2003 episode of Memphis Wrestling. Just a wild brawl that ended when Rex hit referee William Gibson with a wooden piece of a ceiling fan.
We're back to Corey, who says when the show returns he'll have more details on live wrestling coming back to the Memphis area.
Corey is back and tells everyone that the Moondogs will never be forgotten and that any discussion of tag teams must involve their name. He offers his thoughts and prayers to Moondog Cujo's family.
Corey plugs an upcoming appearance he will have along with King Cobra at Mo Money Taxes. I didn't catch the actual date, but the store is located on Goodman Road in Memphis.
He then mentions live wrestling on February 28 at the West Memphis Convention Complex in West Memphis, AR. Jerry Lawler is back on the phone and he plugs the show. He says that he is constantly asked when "live wrestling" is coming back to the Memphis area. Lawler mentions that there will be additional news in regard to who will be on the card on next week's show.
Corey adds that today's broadcast was a tough one. Lawler concurs and reiterates Corey's well wishes to the family of Cujo. "He was just a fun, funny guy who was great to be around," Lawler said about Cujo.
The show ended with a final look back at the Moondogs with an old 1980's video set to the Moondog theme with Spot and Cujo in swamps and around a camp fire.
RassleNotes: We've all had our opinion of Memphis Wretling, but I can't see how anyone could have a problem with this show paying tribute to Cujo. Kudos to Maclin and crew for remembering both Cujo and Spot, honoring the Moondogs' legacy in Memphis Wrestling history...Although it was a "mark mag," the selection of the Moondogs vs. Jarrett/Lawler as "Feud of the Year" was a big deal. Rarely did anything outside the World Wrestling Federation or World Championship Wrestling get selected for those awards at that time by the editors of PWI...Watching the Fabs against the Moondogs reminded me of the stories I've heard about how crucial the Moondogs were in getting the Fabs over to the masses. It was easy for the girls to love them, but the feud with the Moondogs established Stan and Steve as tough guys too...El Poncho actually wrestled his first ever match for Lethal Attitude Wrestling in Kennett, MO. His opponent was Moondog Spot...While I'll never be on a list of managers with Jimmy Hart and Richard Lee, I did have the privilege of managing Moondog Spot in late 2002 at a series of shows we (LAW) did in Marmaduke, AR. I still have the whistle I used during that stint...Speaking of "Mo Money Taxes," if you live in the Memphis area, you've probably seen some of their commercials. Pretty funny stuff...As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts. E-mail me: bptbookings@yahoo.com.
Corey said today's show will be a "look back" at the history of the Moondogs. Moments later he has "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart on the phone. Jimmy talks about how tragic it is to start the new year with a wrestling death. He says that the Moondogs were one of his favorite teams to manage and he has wonderful memories of them.
Jimmy said that he just spoke with Cujo late last year during the Jerry "The King" Lawler 35th Anniversary show in Nashville, TN. Corey adds that there will never be anyone like the original Moondogs and that later in the show they will bring the fans the match that Jimmy referenced from Nashville.
After a commercial break, Corey is back. He says that he will have Jerry "The King" Lawler on the phone to discuss Cujo's death later in the show. Corey brings up memories of the Kennett, MO concession stand brawl from 1992 between the Moondogs and Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler and how it was a recreation of the Tupelo concession stand brawl with Lawler and Bill Dundee against Wayne Ferris (Honky Tonk Man)and Larry Latham (Moondog Spot) from years earlier.
Corey sends us to our first match of the show....
Match: Moondog Cujo & Moondog Fifi vs. Rodney Mack & Jazz
This bout was from Memphis Wrestling's "Nightmare in Tunica" on April 13, 2007. Grady Watson managed the Moondog combo. Jazz and Fifi started out. Jazz got the early edge before Fifi turned the tables. She eventually tagged out to Cujo bringing in Rodney Mack for a brawl with all four in the ring. Mack and Cujo exchange blows. Watson gets in and blows the whistle. Mack has Cujo in a sleeperhold and Cujo ends up decking Watson. The bell rings. Not sure on the actual finish as it looked like the bell just rang after Watson got hit.
Corey is back and says to stay tuned for more clips from the career of Moondog Cujo.
After a break, it is back to Corey who brings fans who may have just tuned in up to speed on Cujo's passing and the theme of today's telecast.
He mentions how the Moondogs' feud with Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler in 1992 was voted "Feud of the Year" in Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Jerry Lawler is on the phone and he talks about Cujo's death as being a "hard pill to swallow." He mentions how Cujo had a troubled past and had battled some personal demons. Lawler said he worked Cujo about a month ago in Lexington, TN and they shared a conversaton after the match about how Cujo had cleaned up his life and reconciled with family members. Lawler said Cujo looked good and that he was in a good place in his life. He said their match in Lexington was a "good, entertaining" match and that to hear the news of his passing is "shocking and sad."
Corey said he was also at the Lexington show and had a similar conversation with Cujo. He mentions that Cujo and his wife Sandra had remarried not long ago and that Cujo was "on the right road" in his life.
Lawler brings up the circumstances surrounding Cujo's death. The story has been covered here at RasslinRiotOnline.com. Lawler talks about how Cujo's wife had a migrane headache. Cujo took her to the emergency room and then went back to his vehicle to wait while she received medical attention. When he hadn't shown back up inside for awhile, she went to check on him and found him slumped over on the steering wheel of the vehicle. He passed away of a heart attack.
Corey mentions some of the other gimmicks that Cujo used throughout his career, but Lawler says he will always remember him as a Moondog. He says he'll never forget the fued he and Jarrett had against the Moondogs in the early 1990's and says that the Moondogs will always be one of the most remembered tag teams in the history of Memphis Wrestling. He says with Spot's passing in 2003 and the death of Cujo just days ago, an "era" of Memphis Wrestling has ended.
Corey sends us to another match involving Moondog Cujo in action.
Match: Moondog Cujo vs. The Barbarian
This match was from the Clash of the Legends show main evented by Hulk Hogan and "Big Show" Paul White from the FedEx Forum in Memphis. Cujo was managed this night by RasslinRiotOnline's own "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente. Commentary was handled by Corey Maclin, Jimmy Hart and Lance Russell.
This was your standard "Moondog style" brawl with Barbarian and Cujo beating each other with weapons in the ring and outside of the ring. Barbarian hit a big boot on Cujo and went for the pinfall. Sal jumped on the apron to distract the referee. Barbarian went after him and then Cujo clocked him with a shovel as Barbarian had his back turned. Barbarian tried to choke Cujo in retaliation but the Moondog leveled him with a series of additional shovel shots leading to the 1-2-3.
We're back from a break with Corey mentioning his earlier phone calls with Hart and Lawler. He says that the Moondogs were certainly a "different team." He described their unusual style and ring gear. We then head to the previously promised Nashville, TN match.
Match: The Moondogs vs. Brian Christopher & Doug Gilbert
This was from the 35th Anniversary show for Jerry "The King" Lawler, promoted by Bert Prentice late last year in Nashville, TN. Pre-match, Gilbert talks trash to the people and the Moondogs, this time a combo of Cujo and another "Moondog." Again, your standard "Moondog style" brawl with the guys going all over the Nashville Fairgrounds. Finish sees Brian clock the "other" Moondog with a shovel several times. Doug makes sure he is in place for Brian's "hip-hop drop" legdrop. Cujo had been floored earlier with the shovel. After the legdrop, Brian gets the pin.
Following a break, we're back with Corey who mentions that over the years the Moondogs had a few managers, but that there weren't many people who could control them. He mentions Jimmy Hart and Richard Lee, two of the more notable men to ever manage the Moondogs. Corey said that the Moondogs had their own mindset and did things the "Moondog way."
We were then treated to a series of clips from the 1980's featuring the fued between the Moondogs and the Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane & Steve Keirn). Lots of classic brawling clips from that fued, all from the Mid South Coliseum.
We then see a pair of matches from 2003.
Match: The Moondogs vs. Kevin White & El Poncho
This match was from the September 13, 2003 edition of Memphis Wrestling. The bout actually featured Moondog Spot and Rex, not the original Rex I don't believe. The Moondogs were managed by April Hunter in this way and made short work of Poncho and White.
Match: The Moondogs vs. Flex & Alex Krisis
This bout was from the October 18, 2003 episode of Memphis Wrestling. Just a wild brawl that ended when Rex hit referee William Gibson with a wooden piece of a ceiling fan.
We're back to Corey, who says when the show returns he'll have more details on live wrestling coming back to the Memphis area.
Corey is back and tells everyone that the Moondogs will never be forgotten and that any discussion of tag teams must involve their name. He offers his thoughts and prayers to Moondog Cujo's family.
Corey plugs an upcoming appearance he will have along with King Cobra at Mo Money Taxes. I didn't catch the actual date, but the store is located on Goodman Road in Memphis.
He then mentions live wrestling on February 28 at the West Memphis Convention Complex in West Memphis, AR. Jerry Lawler is back on the phone and he plugs the show. He says that he is constantly asked when "live wrestling" is coming back to the Memphis area. Lawler mentions that there will be additional news in regard to who will be on the card on next week's show.
Corey adds that today's broadcast was a tough one. Lawler concurs and reiterates Corey's well wishes to the family of Cujo. "He was just a fun, funny guy who was great to be around," Lawler said about Cujo.
The show ended with a final look back at the Moondogs with an old 1980's video set to the Moondog theme with Spot and Cujo in swamps and around a camp fire.
RassleNotes: We've all had our opinion of Memphis Wretling, but I can't see how anyone could have a problem with this show paying tribute to Cujo. Kudos to Maclin and crew for remembering both Cujo and Spot, honoring the Moondogs' legacy in Memphis Wrestling history...Although it was a "mark mag," the selection of the Moondogs vs. Jarrett/Lawler as "Feud of the Year" was a big deal. Rarely did anything outside the World Wrestling Federation or World Championship Wrestling get selected for those awards at that time by the editors of PWI...Watching the Fabs against the Moondogs reminded me of the stories I've heard about how crucial the Moondogs were in getting the Fabs over to the masses. It was easy for the girls to love them, but the feud with the Moondogs established Stan and Steve as tough guys too...El Poncho actually wrestled his first ever match for Lethal Attitude Wrestling in Kennett, MO. His opponent was Moondog Spot...While I'll never be on a list of managers with Jimmy Hart and Richard Lee, I did have the privilege of managing Moondog Spot in late 2002 at a series of shows we (LAW) did in Marmaduke, AR. I still have the whistle I used during that stint...Speaking of "Mo Money Taxes," if you live in the Memphis area, you've probably seen some of their commercials. Pretty funny stuff...As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts. E-mail me: bptbookings@yahoo.com.
RassleResults: N.E.W. West Memphis, AR 1.16.09
New Experience Wrestling(NEW) returned to West Memphis, AR last night at the "Nightmare" Ken Wayne School of Professional Wrestling for a set of TV tapings for future distribution. Below are the results.
- Justin Smart def. Greg King
- Matt Justyce def. Justin Smart
- "3G" Eric Wayne & Kid Nikels def. "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Shawn Reed
RassleNotes: Crowd was around 30-35...Crowd deserves kudos for braving a cold night to watch the show (lol)...Show started with an angle where Matt Justyce broke up Greg King's interview, upset that he (Justyce) was not scheduled for the show. The discussion went from the back to the front. Justyce challenged the winner of the King-Smart match to a match later in the show. King and Smart agreed, promoters gave the okay and the scenario was set...Announcers updated the condition of Stan Lee, who is still hurting from a knee injury he suffered in a match with Matt Justyce several weeks ago...Downtown Bruno (Harvey Wippleman) was put over on commentary for being named the No. 15 greatest manager of all time by WWE.com...Dustin Ring will return to the promotion next week after a few weeks off...Next week's card will feature a pair of matches already announced last night: "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs. Shawn Reed; and "3G" Eric Wayne vs. Kid Nikels...Bell time is 8 p.m. next Friday, Jan. 23 in West Memphis.
- Justin Smart def. Greg King
- Matt Justyce def. Justin Smart
- "3G" Eric Wayne & Kid Nikels def. "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony & Shawn Reed
RassleNotes: Crowd was around 30-35...Crowd deserves kudos for braving a cold night to watch the show (lol)...Show started with an angle where Matt Justyce broke up Greg King's interview, upset that he (Justyce) was not scheduled for the show. The discussion went from the back to the front. Justyce challenged the winner of the King-Smart match to a match later in the show. King and Smart agreed, promoters gave the okay and the scenario was set...Announcers updated the condition of Stan Lee, who is still hurting from a knee injury he suffered in a match with Matt Justyce several weeks ago...Downtown Bruno (Harvey Wippleman) was put over on commentary for being named the No. 15 greatest manager of all time by WWE.com...Dustin Ring will return to the promotion next week after a few weeks off...Next week's card will feature a pair of matches already announced last night: "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs. Shawn Reed; and "3G" Eric Wayne vs. Kid Nikels...Bell time is 8 p.m. next Friday, Jan. 23 in West Memphis.
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 1.10.09
1. Scott "The Irish Dragon" Fury and Precious VS PP3 and Lucky Fury and Precious winners by pin fall
2. Gary Diamond and Kid Krazzy VS Roger and John Allen with Ricky da Pimp. Roger and John get the pin fall.
3. Sheik Muhammad and The International Death Squad (I.D.S.) Nick Grymes and David Andrews VS Poker Face and Mike Anthony. I.D.S. winner by pin fall.
4. Acid VS Chris Steel. Winner Acid by pin fall.
5. J.D. Kerry and Mike Titan VS The “Natural Born Playaz” [Pimptacular/Southside Brawler]. Kerry and Titan winners by pin fall.
6. P.O.B. Ron Rage, Midnight Cowboy, Silas VS Rodney Mack, Soul Train Jones, Rick Ruby. No Contest.
The Tejano Kid VS Austin Lane. Referee stops the match.
The tag team division is heating up in the RWA. With the additions of workers like Scott Fury and Acid, Precious, and even Cujo was in the dressing room the talent pool in the RWA has picked way up. Precious has a gay gimmick but is a very good worker. In the match with Scott Fury as his partner Scott pulled a perfume bottle out of Precious's purse and hit Lucky while Precious covered.
Gary Diamond and Kid Krazzy looked good together but the added man in the Allen's corner Da Pimp held down the legs of Kid and they got the 3 count.
I.D.S. These two were absolutely vicious. The Sheik had heat the moment he came through the curtain. The crowd was yelling USA for the whole match. Poker and Anthony did a great job working with these to and the sheik. It was a physical match, the sheik hit Anthony with a chain and the I.D.S got the 3 count. Then all three members of I.D.S did their best to take out Poker and Anthony after the match. The Sheik and I.D.S left them laying in the ring and left the arena with a great deal of heat.
Cannon had a match set with Chris Steel it was to be a return grudge match. But The Loose Cannon was up to his old tricks and came out as Classy Melton Massy. Told Chris that Cannon was not in the building so he would not be wrestling. But he told Chris that he did have someone for him to wrestle. Massy then introduced Acid to the crowd. This match was a good match, Acid used his power and Steel used his quickness and gave the crowd a great match. Massy hit Steel with his golf club and Acid got the 3 count. More heat between Massy or Cannon and Steel. Dr Randy came out and got the club and Massy powdered, as Acid turned around the good Doctor hit him with the club and sent him out of the ring. Crowd loved this and Dr Randy helped Steel out of the ring.
The Playa'z and J.D. Kerry Mike Titan match was very good for the young tag team. These two teams have been setting the tone for the tag team tournament. Kerry and Titan got the win again for the 3rd week in a row, could this be the surprise team in the tournament?
P.O.B came to ring in typical fashion. Rage, Silas, Cowboy were all there but when the Dawg Pound came out they wanted nothing to do with them. Mack and Jones and Ruby all had weapons and were ready to fight. P.O.B powdered and told them they were not going to do it that way. They did not need weapons to beat the Dawg Pound. Mack and crew threw the weapons out of the ring and the match started. It was not long before Rage pulled a chain and Cowboy pulled the fork out. This turned into a brawl and the referee threw the match out. They kept fighting in the building and out of the building. Someone is going to get hurt in this feud.
The Main Event started with Frank Martin telling the crowd that he would make sure they saw the match between Austin Lane and The Tejano Kid and that he would make sure there was no outside interference. He already had Tejano's valet Dominique secured in the back and asked Security to escort Nikki Lane from the gimmick table to the back and stay with both of them. He then made the match a No D.Q. Match.
The Tejano Kid is one of the best heels working the indy circuit. Him and Austin Lane have great chemistry and had the crowd screaming from start to finish. At one point a fan tried to get in the ring and attack Tejano and Security stopped him and escorted him out of the building. Trouble with that was they left Dominique unattended. She came out and attacked Lane from behind. Tejano then pulled out handcuffs and knocked Lane out. That's when Nikki Lane came out and attacked Dominique. Tejano was cuffing Lane during this part of the match and soon came after Nikki. What Tejano did not know is Nikki has been working the men at the last promotion they were with and can really take care of herself. She ducked his first punch and hit him with a drop kick and then a clothesline. Then Dominique then got back into the match and hit Nikki from behind. Tejano then started to punch Nikki and they double teamed her while Austin could only watch. Martin who had been talking to the police outside came in and told Tejano and Dominique that if they hit Nikki one more time they were both fired. The two got out of the ring as Security uncuffed Lane. After making sure Nikki was ok Austin asked Martin not to fire them but to make a match for the following week. A inter gender match between Tejano and Dominique and Austin Lane and Nikki Lane. Martin agreed and signed the match.
180+ in the building. Next week is the 1 year anniversary of the RWA and they will be taping for TV. The show will debut of the show will be January 27 on Tuesday night at 7:30.
Credit: RWAreporter
----Wow!! Crowd keeps going up and then the arrival of more ASWFers.
2. Gary Diamond and Kid Krazzy VS Roger and John Allen with Ricky da Pimp. Roger and John get the pin fall.
3. Sheik Muhammad and The International Death Squad (I.D.S.) Nick Grymes and David Andrews VS Poker Face and Mike Anthony. I.D.S. winner by pin fall.
4. Acid VS Chris Steel. Winner Acid by pin fall.
5. J.D. Kerry and Mike Titan VS The “Natural Born Playaz” [Pimptacular/Southside Brawler]. Kerry and Titan winners by pin fall.
6. P.O.B. Ron Rage, Midnight Cowboy, Silas VS Rodney Mack, Soul Train Jones, Rick Ruby. No Contest.
The Tejano Kid VS Austin Lane. Referee stops the match.
The tag team division is heating up in the RWA. With the additions of workers like Scott Fury and Acid, Precious, and even Cujo was in the dressing room the talent pool in the RWA has picked way up. Precious has a gay gimmick but is a very good worker. In the match with Scott Fury as his partner Scott pulled a perfume bottle out of Precious's purse and hit Lucky while Precious covered.
Gary Diamond and Kid Krazzy looked good together but the added man in the Allen's corner Da Pimp held down the legs of Kid and they got the 3 count.
I.D.S. These two were absolutely vicious. The Sheik had heat the moment he came through the curtain. The crowd was yelling USA for the whole match. Poker and Anthony did a great job working with these to and the sheik. It was a physical match, the sheik hit Anthony with a chain and the I.D.S got the 3 count. Then all three members of I.D.S did their best to take out Poker and Anthony after the match. The Sheik and I.D.S left them laying in the ring and left the arena with a great deal of heat.
Cannon had a match set with Chris Steel it was to be a return grudge match. But The Loose Cannon was up to his old tricks and came out as Classy Melton Massy. Told Chris that Cannon was not in the building so he would not be wrestling. But he told Chris that he did have someone for him to wrestle. Massy then introduced Acid to the crowd. This match was a good match, Acid used his power and Steel used his quickness and gave the crowd a great match. Massy hit Steel with his golf club and Acid got the 3 count. More heat between Massy or Cannon and Steel. Dr Randy came out and got the club and Massy powdered, as Acid turned around the good Doctor hit him with the club and sent him out of the ring. Crowd loved this and Dr Randy helped Steel out of the ring.
The Playa'z and J.D. Kerry Mike Titan match was very good for the young tag team. These two teams have been setting the tone for the tag team tournament. Kerry and Titan got the win again for the 3rd week in a row, could this be the surprise team in the tournament?
P.O.B came to ring in typical fashion. Rage, Silas, Cowboy were all there but when the Dawg Pound came out they wanted nothing to do with them. Mack and Jones and Ruby all had weapons and were ready to fight. P.O.B powdered and told them they were not going to do it that way. They did not need weapons to beat the Dawg Pound. Mack and crew threw the weapons out of the ring and the match started. It was not long before Rage pulled a chain and Cowboy pulled the fork out. This turned into a brawl and the referee threw the match out. They kept fighting in the building and out of the building. Someone is going to get hurt in this feud.
The Main Event started with Frank Martin telling the crowd that he would make sure they saw the match between Austin Lane and The Tejano Kid and that he would make sure there was no outside interference. He already had Tejano's valet Dominique secured in the back and asked Security to escort Nikki Lane from the gimmick table to the back and stay with both of them. He then made the match a No D.Q. Match.
The Tejano Kid is one of the best heels working the indy circuit. Him and Austin Lane have great chemistry and had the crowd screaming from start to finish. At one point a fan tried to get in the ring and attack Tejano and Security stopped him and escorted him out of the building. Trouble with that was they left Dominique unattended. She came out and attacked Lane from behind. Tejano then pulled out handcuffs and knocked Lane out. That's when Nikki Lane came out and attacked Dominique. Tejano was cuffing Lane during this part of the match and soon came after Nikki. What Tejano did not know is Nikki has been working the men at the last promotion they were with and can really take care of herself. She ducked his first punch and hit him with a drop kick and then a clothesline. Then Dominique then got back into the match and hit Nikki from behind. Tejano then started to punch Nikki and they double teamed her while Austin could only watch. Martin who had been talking to the police outside came in and told Tejano and Dominique that if they hit Nikki one more time they were both fired. The two got out of the ring as Security uncuffed Lane. After making sure Nikki was ok Austin asked Martin not to fire them but to make a match for the following week. A inter gender match between Tejano and Dominique and Austin Lane and Nikki Lane. Martin agreed and signed the match.
180+ in the building. Next week is the 1 year anniversary of the RWA and they will be taping for TV. The show will debut of the show will be January 27 on Tuesday night at 7:30.
Credit: RWAreporter
----Wow!! Crowd keeps going up and then the arrival of more ASWFers.
Friday, January 16, 2009
A Piece of my Mind Jan16th 2009 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

Well it has been speculated for quite a while but it appears that on Friday night we will see Lisa “Victoria” Varon wrestle her last match for WWE at least for the foreseeable future. She has written a blog addressing the situation. It wasn’t surprising to me at all to see that she would have hung around if anyone in the company understood how to address talent. The other thing was that she realize if her heart wasn’t in it why take up a spot when others are dying to get a job she has had enough of. I have met Victoria on a couple of occasions I realized quickly that she was very humble and a class act. I have always been a big fan of Ladies Wrestling of course the Ladies Wrestling you see today doesn’t compare to what I was used to watching in the seventies and eighties but Victoria against Trish Stratus was about as close as you were going to come to it. They both left the WWE on their own terms I applaud them both.
I am in the New York area this week freezing cold but in my travels I was at Gold’s Gym in New Jersey when I saw a guy who looked familiar. I finally said Jim? Sure enough it was Jim Powers one of the Young Stallions. I had worked with Jim in the eighties I believe it was but hadn’t seen him in a long time. I have to say this guy has barely changed a bit he looked fantastic. We had a nice chat updating each other on our lives now and exchanged contact information. You never know in this day and age when you need to get in touch with someone. It’s always nice when you see guys that are now in the Legends category like Brutus Beefcake and Stan Lane that are in tremendous condition. Well you certainly can add Jim Powers name to that group of people.
In my early days getting involved in wrestling there were two guys that used to come to TV in Allentown, PA for WWF. They were named Bill Travis and Lanny Kean they were two really good talents. I can remember Greg Valentine having a five star TV match with Billy Travis which earned my respect of him. It was many years later that I heard of Billy becoming Billy Joe Travis in Memphis and getting a little push. It wasn’t too long after that Lanny Kean became Cousin Junior in WWF probably due to the efforts of our mutual friend Hillbilly Jim. He had finally made it in the business unfortunately success sometimes hits people the wrong way. It was a shame that he wasn’t long for the WWF and was fairly soon replaced by Gene “Cousin Luke” Petit.
I hadn’t seen or even heard much about Lanny Kean over the years so imagine my surprise when I ended up managing him on the now famous Fed Ex Forum show with Hulk Hogan. He was to face my old buddy The Barbarian. I had no idea who he was but I was told to take publicity pictures with him. When Moondog Cujo came over to take the pictures with me I told him that I was sorry but I didn’t know who he was. He looked at me and said well they call me Junior, I said you aren’t Cousin Junior he said yes I am. So I reintroduced myself and we had a nice chat.
It really is a shame to see so many go so soon in life but that’s exactly what life is. One big guessing game no one really knows who is coming or who is going.
On the first WrestleReunion I used Kristin “Krissy Vaine” Eubanks and Amber O’Neal collectively known as Team Blondage in the eight ladies tag team match. It was some time after that Krissy Vaine was signed to a WWE developmental deal. It was only in perhaps the last year that Krissy Vaine made it to WWE TV. It was shortly after that Krissy Vaine walked away from the WWE and we thought perhaps the whole wrestling business. It was recently announced that Team Blondage lives. They are looking for bookings. If you use ladies I would suggest that you use them. As a matter of fact I think that Rain/Peyton Banks and Serena Deeb vs. Team Blondage would be one hell of a match.
This picture was taken at WrestleReunion 1 it shows from left to right Peggy Lee Leather, the late Sherri Martel, Krissy Vaine and Amber O’Neal.
This has been a piece of my mind
----Voting ended on Wednesday and I would like to thank everyone that sent in their votes. There was close to 5,000 total votes this year. It all came down to the final hour in four different categories. I will be posting all the winners on Sunday.
Shows for The Weekend 1.09 and 1.17.09
----CLICK HERE for the Shows of the Weekend!! Three shows in this area that I want to make note about below.
@ The SAWMill
1214 B Louisville Highway
Millersville, TN
8 PM
Doors Open 6:45
Gary Valiant vs Raven
Chase Stevens vs Andy Douglas
Flash Flanagan vs Rick Santel.
Jesse Emerson vs Sigmon
TJ Harley vs Jon Michael
Plus: Arrick Andrews, Vordell Walker, Derrick King, Chrisjen Hayme, Hammerjack, JT Stahr, Tatt2,Drew Haskins, and more!
All seats 8.00. This week's episode of Showtime All-Star Wrestling plays on the big screen at 6:45.
----NBW in Newbern, TN will featured a main event of "Family of Pain" [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Reilly] vs Jason Reed/"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony. Also Crazy Train will be defending the NBW Title against Neil Taylor.
----DCW in Dyersburg, TN will feature Eugene. Not sure who he will be working, but should be fun.
@ The SAWMill
1214 B Louisville Highway
Millersville, TN
8 PM
Doors Open 6:45
Gary Valiant vs Raven
Chase Stevens vs Andy Douglas
Flash Flanagan vs Rick Santel.
Jesse Emerson vs Sigmon
TJ Harley vs Jon Michael
Plus: Arrick Andrews, Vordell Walker, Derrick King, Chrisjen Hayme, Hammerjack, JT Stahr, Tatt2,Drew Haskins, and more!
All seats 8.00. This week's episode of Showtime All-Star Wrestling plays on the big screen at 6:45.
----NBW in Newbern, TN will featured a main event of "Family of Pain" [Mickey Ray/Sarge O'Reilly] vs Jason Reed/"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony. Also Crazy Train will be defending the NBW Title against Neil Taylor.
----DCW in Dyersburg, TN will feature Eugene. Not sure who he will be working, but should be fun.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday to Ken Wayne!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony headed to NBW to face "Family of Pain"
----NBW ran an angle this past weekend where Jason Reed was jumped and beat up by XOW. He promised to bring a "friend" to work against Sarge and a partner. Greg Anthony is scheduled to be his partner this Saturday night in the Main Event of NBW in Newbern, TN. Anthony will be tagging Jason Reed against RRO 2006 MVP Tag Team winner - "Family of Pain" [Sarge O'Reilly/Mickey Ray]. Reed and Anthony having a long history of feuding and such in this area and could be hot feud for this promotion.
----What does this mean for NBW/TLCW?? I do know that Phoenix X has been working both shows. It looks like the TLCW will settle with only using Dustin Starr as part of the crew in doing double duty with DCW and now having a working relationship with NBW. I am not a fan of double duty, but if it can be coordinated to work, then it could only benefit both shows.
----NBW Champion Crazy Train will also be defending his belt vs Neil Taylor Saturday night.
----What does this mean for NBW/TLCW?? I do know that Phoenix X has been working both shows. It looks like the TLCW will settle with only using Dustin Starr as part of the crew in doing double duty with DCW and now having a working relationship with NBW. I am not a fan of double duty, but if it can be coordinated to work, then it could only benefit both shows.
----NBW Champion Crazy Train will also be defending his belt vs Neil Taylor Saturday night.
----You have less than 24 hours to send in your "E-mail" ballot to bt@bpsnetworks.com. The winners will be announced on "Super Sunday" 1.18.09 with a link to Award winner icons. Icons can be posted on web sites and myspace accounts.
----The winners only will be announced on Sunday and you will have to order Yearbook 2008 to find out how everyone won. I should have the Yearbook uploaded on Saturday and have full details about what will be in Yearbook 2008 along with ordering details next week!!
----The winners only will be announced on Sunday and you will have to order Yearbook 2008 to find out how everyone won. I should have the Yearbook uploaded on Saturday and have full details about what will be in Yearbook 2008 along with ordering details next week!!
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 1.10.09

“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Seth Knight. JR Manson [Slim Pickens heel gimmick] came out and distracted Seth. Seth went after Seth and TGB ended up putting Seth in the “Golden Guillotine” for the win. JR hit Seth with the “Manslaughter” and left him lying.
Commissioner Dustin Baker came out to call Stan Lee out to talk to him about his win last week but KC Gold form MAW come to give the commissioner some news. They left the ring wondering what the news was??
JR Manson beat Ike Tucker when he used power.
Jon Michael beat Pheonix X. After the match Jon told the fans that he was waiting on Dustin Starr to kick his ass.
“Picture Perfect” [Christian Jacobs/Chris O’Neal[pictured] beat “The Bad Boys” [Chad and Brad Badd]. Ike and Brian Steele came out to distract the Bad Boys, so PP gets win.
The Commish came out to call Lee back to tell him that he was stripped of the TLCW Title, because the match last week was not sanctioned.
“The Baron” Malkanvian beat Dell Tucker. Baron was getting ready to hit Tucker with a chair, when Cody Melton jumped and grabbed the chair. Tucker turned around into a “Demonwings” to be pinned. Melton told him that next week it was him vs Tucker for payback.
70 to 80 people in the building.
Credit: TLCWhocaresificare
----“The Bad Boys” are Steve Rampage and Weasel doing a twins gimmick. Sounds sort of funny, but I was told it was stupid. Stupid because both guys have been at TLCW for a while and such…I was told Malkavain is done with this group. They really missed the boat on him after putting him over big time beating Bishop in the Casket Match…Why call someone out twice to tell them that they were stripped of the belt??...I have been hearing so much criticism of this group’s booking. I hear “it’s turning into Rector” almost every day. Is that bad thing?? LAW usually had a real good crew and I enjoyed the booking of most of the stuff. I do hate it when a baby wins a belt and the heel takes it back on some kind of technicality. This would be the only gripe I would have, because it was the same with LAW – TGB kept the belt way too long and the fans got to think he was never going to lose it no matter what. I think this was done though because Lee is still hurt…Apparently Jon Michael was one of the guys that got out and hustle business up for last week’s show that drew in the 120 range. They got to keep doing advertising to keep people coming back!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Moondog Cujo Found Dead!!

----I got word this morning that Moondog Cujo, who recently worked for Southern Wrestling Superstars in October and in Nashville, TN at “Lawler 35” in November, was found dead. I was told that he had taken his girlfriend to the hospital. He sit outside to wait on her and when she came out, she found him dead in the truck. It is believed that he died of a heart attack. Cujo also worked as "Luscious" Lanny Keane, Cousin Junior and "Bloody" Ox Brody.
----Jimmy Blaylock also posted earlier on www.wrestlingnewcenter.com that Keane was 48 and was living in Frankfort Kentucky. Blaylock also noted that Lanny had worked as Big Daddy Cyrus in the USWA. Blaylock closed his post by saying,
"I talked to him last week booking him and Richard Lee for the All Pro Wrestling Legends Show for Feb. 7th. We will all miss him. Our condolences go out to his family and friends."
----Condolences go out from the RRO staff.
----Just wanted to remind everyone these is less than 48 hours before the voting ends for the 2008 RRO Awards. CLICK HERE to copy & paste the "E-mail ballot" and e-mail it to bt@bpsnetworks.com.
Monday, January 12, 2009
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 1.10.09
What an action packed, adrenaline fueled thrill ride of a show we had tonight. Not only did we see the ASWF Tag Team Titles on the line, but we almost saw the ending of a career in an ASWF Bull Rope Match between Casino Kid and “The Suicide King” Ray Ray. But to our first match of the evening.
Commissioner Ward opened the show telling everyone about the tournament for the European Championship. During which he mentioned Oasis was a no show tonight and was replaced by Morgan Williams, who was already eliminated early in the tournament by Christopher Lee, was given a second chance to earn his title back. He stated that the winner of the Triple Threat Match would take on the winner of the match in between Cody Murdoch and Demon X. Commissioner Ward also announced the #1 contender for the ASWF X-Division Championship. The #1 contender was none other than Regulator. Just when the Commissioner was leaving the ring X-Kaliber made his presence known telling T-Bone that he was not putting the title on the line tonight, but T-Bone stated that he would put it on the line in two weeks.
1st Match: Triple Threat Match (European Title Tournament)
This match was a match that you could not leave your seat for. Hot Rod John Ellison vs Morgan Williams vs Mark Wolfe would put on an excellent match. John Ellison and Morgan Williams would maintain control of the match for most of the match. However when Hot Rod would start to gain control of the match, Athena Eclipse would disrupt Hot Rod from his match. Morgan would plant the “Muscle Cutter” on Mark Wolfe and get the win and advance in the tournament.
2nd Match: One Fall (European Title Tournament)
A match that ended before it started. Just a Christopher Lee was making his way to the ring. Morgan Williams came out and started attacking Lee from behind. Commissioner Ward tried talking Lee out of fighting the match. However, Christopher Lee would still crawl in the ring and take on Big Rig Cody Murdoch. This match was a very short match, and Christopher Lee did not last long after Murdoch finished him off with the “Flat Bed”.
3rd Match: One Fall
This was a match that started out as a sportsman like match, until Wild Bill slapped Kaliki in the face. The only thing I can say about this match is Kaliki put on a good fight against Wild Bill. Even though he put on a valiant effort Kaliki would lose to Wild Bill via pin fall.
4th Match: Semi Finals for the European Title Tournament
This match was the most important in the tournament to date. Demon X would take on Morgan Williams to get a shot at Cody Murdoch for the European Title next week. Demon X would take control of the match. Even Mr. Muscle “Little Butterfly” could not help him to win this match. Demon X would get the 1, 2, 3.
5th Match: Tag Team Title Match
Mexicanos would take on LSD for the belts in our feature match of the night. Mexicanos and LSD would both try to use dirty tactics to win this match. But it was LSD that would be the “Dirtiest Players in the Game”. They would pull out all stops and get the surprise win over Mexicanos.
6th Match: Semi-Main Event
This match was made at the beginning when X-Kaliber and Chuck Fears would attack Regulator and Tommy Wayne. The Commissioner would make the match earlier that night. This match had to be the Champs vs #1 Contenders match. X-Kaliber and Chuck Fears would usually play the cheating card throughout the match but they were in for a surprise. Regulator after an all out beating would finally get the tag and Tommy would gain the upper hand. Tommy and Regulator would get the win via pin fall. However, just when you thought the match was over Deception and Gravedigger would come to the ring, clothesline X-Kaliber and Regulator, and choke slam Tommy and Chuck leaving a path of destruction.
7th Match: Bull Rope Match
This match was brutal from the get go, Casino Kid and Ray Ray would take out two weeks of frustration out on each other with a bull rope. Ray and Casino lived up to their threat of making each other bleed. Throughout the match Casino and Ray would use the rope to try to hang each other. Coach Gould and his Student would be a ringside to offer Casino some much needed assistance. Unfortunately Coach Gould’s student would turn on him and use a guitar to take out Casino giving Ray the 1, 2, 3.
Join us next week for fan appreciation night for a FREE night of wrestling at Valiant Arena. Jan. 17th at 7:00pm.
Credit: ASWFace
----I must of missed a week or something?? I thought Fears/Wayne were tagging??...This group has too many belts!!...Anybody know how many was in the building??...I have from a few sources that the main event was real good. Anybody want to mail me a DVD of that one??
Commissioner Ward opened the show telling everyone about the tournament for the European Championship. During which he mentioned Oasis was a no show tonight and was replaced by Morgan Williams, who was already eliminated early in the tournament by Christopher Lee, was given a second chance to earn his title back. He stated that the winner of the Triple Threat Match would take on the winner of the match in between Cody Murdoch and Demon X. Commissioner Ward also announced the #1 contender for the ASWF X-Division Championship. The #1 contender was none other than Regulator. Just when the Commissioner was leaving the ring X-Kaliber made his presence known telling T-Bone that he was not putting the title on the line tonight, but T-Bone stated that he would put it on the line in two weeks.
1st Match: Triple Threat Match (European Title Tournament)
This match was a match that you could not leave your seat for. Hot Rod John Ellison vs Morgan Williams vs Mark Wolfe would put on an excellent match. John Ellison and Morgan Williams would maintain control of the match for most of the match. However when Hot Rod would start to gain control of the match, Athena Eclipse would disrupt Hot Rod from his match. Morgan would plant the “Muscle Cutter” on Mark Wolfe and get the win and advance in the tournament.
2nd Match: One Fall (European Title Tournament)
A match that ended before it started. Just a Christopher Lee was making his way to the ring. Morgan Williams came out and started attacking Lee from behind. Commissioner Ward tried talking Lee out of fighting the match. However, Christopher Lee would still crawl in the ring and take on Big Rig Cody Murdoch. This match was a very short match, and Christopher Lee did not last long after Murdoch finished him off with the “Flat Bed”.
3rd Match: One Fall
This was a match that started out as a sportsman like match, until Wild Bill slapped Kaliki in the face. The only thing I can say about this match is Kaliki put on a good fight against Wild Bill. Even though he put on a valiant effort Kaliki would lose to Wild Bill via pin fall.
4th Match: Semi Finals for the European Title Tournament
This match was the most important in the tournament to date. Demon X would take on Morgan Williams to get a shot at Cody Murdoch for the European Title next week. Demon X would take control of the match. Even Mr. Muscle “Little Butterfly” could not help him to win this match. Demon X would get the 1, 2, 3.
5th Match: Tag Team Title Match
Mexicanos would take on LSD for the belts in our feature match of the night. Mexicanos and LSD would both try to use dirty tactics to win this match. But it was LSD that would be the “Dirtiest Players in the Game”. They would pull out all stops and get the surprise win over Mexicanos.
6th Match: Semi-Main Event
This match was made at the beginning when X-Kaliber and Chuck Fears would attack Regulator and Tommy Wayne. The Commissioner would make the match earlier that night. This match had to be the Champs vs #1 Contenders match. X-Kaliber and Chuck Fears would usually play the cheating card throughout the match but they were in for a surprise. Regulator after an all out beating would finally get the tag and Tommy would gain the upper hand. Tommy and Regulator would get the win via pin fall. However, just when you thought the match was over Deception and Gravedigger would come to the ring, clothesline X-Kaliber and Regulator, and choke slam Tommy and Chuck leaving a path of destruction.
7th Match: Bull Rope Match
This match was brutal from the get go, Casino Kid and Ray Ray would take out two weeks of frustration out on each other with a bull rope. Ray and Casino lived up to their threat of making each other bleed. Throughout the match Casino and Ray would use the rope to try to hang each other. Coach Gould and his Student would be a ringside to offer Casino some much needed assistance. Unfortunately Coach Gould’s student would turn on him and use a guitar to take out Casino giving Ray the 1, 2, 3.
Join us next week for fan appreciation night for a FREE night of wrestling at Valiant Arena. Jan. 17th at 7:00pm.
Credit: ASWFace
----I must of missed a week or something?? I thought Fears/Wayne were tagging??...This group has too many belts!!...Anybody know how many was in the building??...I have from a few sources that the main event was real good. Anybody want to mail me a DVD of that one??
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 1.10.09 - "Asylum" debut!!
Jay Webster defeated Robert Rose.
Kilo Green defeated Barney.
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Mason and Tysin Starr to retain the EPW Extreme Championship. Morris & Starr were accompanied to the ring by Dustin Burcham.
Following Intermission, 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) came to the ring and talked for a few minutes about the date they had gone on with the fan who won the drawing. Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) came to the ring a few minutes later and had a few words to say to 24/7. Then Brody brought out The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy), who immediately attacked 24/7. Cody & Brody joined in the brawl, and the beat down was on. Bonecrusher & Soul Taker then came to the ring and joined the fight to even things up. A couple of minutes later, an unidentified wrestler (who was later identified as Raja) entered the fight on the side of PD & Asylum, making it 5 on 4. This was not a match, there was no referee in sight, this was just a brawl that lasted about 20 minutes. Finally, EPW Promoter Edith Poole got some guys from the back to break it up. Edith said that since they all wanted to fight, she would make a match for the following week, 24/7 vs. Pure Destruction vs. The Asylum vs. Bonecrusher/Soul Taker.
The Executioners (Axe & Dagger), Devon Raynes, & Kilo Green w/BB defeated Phat Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) & Sons of the South (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews) w/Big Daddy Nino by DQ.
EPW Tag Team Champions Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten & Brett Michaels) w/Nathan Lee defeated The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade), who were the #1 contenders, to retain the belts. Ghost Riders are no longer #1 contenders.
Paid attendance was around 70.
The EPW card for this Saturday night will include a four-way tag team match, 24/7 vs. Pure Destruction vs. The Asylum vs. Bonecrusher & Soul Taker. This will be a wild one, friends, so don't miss it! It all happens this Saturday night at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 (old Dodds Garage building) in Booneville. Bell time is 8:00.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Kilo Green defeated Barney.
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Mason and Tysin Starr to retain the EPW Extreme Championship. Morris & Starr were accompanied to the ring by Dustin Burcham.
Following Intermission, 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) came to the ring and talked for a few minutes about the date they had gone on with the fan who won the drawing. Pure Destruction (Cody & Brody Hawk) came to the ring a few minutes later and had a few words to say to 24/7. Then Brody brought out The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy), who immediately attacked 24/7. Cody & Brody joined in the brawl, and the beat down was on. Bonecrusher & Soul Taker then came to the ring and joined the fight to even things up. A couple of minutes later, an unidentified wrestler (who was later identified as Raja) entered the fight on the side of PD & Asylum, making it 5 on 4. This was not a match, there was no referee in sight, this was just a brawl that lasted about 20 minutes. Finally, EPW Promoter Edith Poole got some guys from the back to break it up. Edith said that since they all wanted to fight, she would make a match for the following week, 24/7 vs. Pure Destruction vs. The Asylum vs. Bonecrusher/Soul Taker.
The Executioners (Axe & Dagger), Devon Raynes, & Kilo Green w/BB defeated Phat Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) & Sons of the South (Chris Styles & Josh Matthews) w/Big Daddy Nino by DQ.
EPW Tag Team Champions Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten & Brett Michaels) w/Nathan Lee defeated The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade), who were the #1 contenders, to retain the belts. Ghost Riders are no longer #1 contenders.
Paid attendance was around 70.
The EPW card for this Saturday night will include a four-way tag team match, 24/7 vs. Pure Destruction vs. The Asylum vs. Bonecrusher & Soul Taker. This will be a wild one, friends, so don't miss it! It all happens this Saturday night at the EPW Arena on Hwy. 145 (old Dodds Garage building) in Booneville. Bell time is 8:00.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling featuring Memphis Legends!!
On 1/10/09 Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling presented News Years Bash '09 in Easley, S.C. at Easley High School!
In front of a sell out crowd of over 3,000 fans (2623 paid), the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair returned. Returning with Rock Star status is more like it for Flair. He is still the man in front of the wrestling fans. He was signing autographs and taking pictures for all the fans and they were extremely satisfied with his return. In the "house that Flair built", Ric was adored and praised for the 2 hours he sat with the fans. He then greeted them and gave them the patented "WOOOO" a few times and they erupted !!
As for the show, here are the results:
1. High Flying Chris Hamrick defeated Andru Bane for the MACW Hardcore Title.
2. Amber O'Neal defeated Daffney.
3.Beautiful Bobby Eaton defeated The Russian Assassin.
4. Ricky Morton defeated Donnie Dollar$.
5. Buff Bagwell defeated Rikki Nelson.
Next MACW Big Event will be:
"Night Of Champions"
Saturday, February 21st, 2009
Cheraw High School
Cheraw, SC
8 PM Bell Time
Doors open at 6 PM !!!
Scheduled to appear; The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell, "The Rock n' Roll Express" Ricky Morton, "The Midnight Express" Bobby Eaton, plus many other MACW Superstars !!
Tickets are available at:
J&K Grill in Cheraw, S.C. 99 Powe St, Cheraw, SC Tel: (843) 537-3056.
Stroud and Save in Chesterfield, S.C.
Cheraw High School Office 649 Chesterfield Hwy. Cheraw, SC Tel: (843) 921-1000.
Also at the door the day of the event!
$75 Flair Super Ticket (includes a front row reserved ringside seat, an 8x10 personally autographed Ric Flair picture and meet with Ric Flair !!)
$20 Ringside (excludes front row)
$12 General Admission
For all MACW upcoming events and news go to www.midatlanticwrestling.com
Credit: Dan Parris
----Damn good crew here with guys like Morton, Eaton and even an appearance by Flair. Rikki Nelson use to be a hell of a good worker. It's got to be a good card when Hamrick is in the first match.
In front of a sell out crowd of over 3,000 fans (2623 paid), the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair returned. Returning with Rock Star status is more like it for Flair. He is still the man in front of the wrestling fans. He was signing autographs and taking pictures for all the fans and they were extremely satisfied with his return. In the "house that Flair built", Ric was adored and praised for the 2 hours he sat with the fans. He then greeted them and gave them the patented "WOOOO" a few times and they erupted !!
As for the show, here are the results:
1. High Flying Chris Hamrick defeated Andru Bane for the MACW Hardcore Title.
2. Amber O'Neal defeated Daffney.
3.Beautiful Bobby Eaton defeated The Russian Assassin.
4. Ricky Morton defeated Donnie Dollar$.
5. Buff Bagwell defeated Rikki Nelson.
Next MACW Big Event will be:
"Night Of Champions"
Saturday, February 21st, 2009
Cheraw High School
Cheraw, SC
8 PM Bell Time
Doors open at 6 PM !!!
Scheduled to appear; The "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell, "The Rock n' Roll Express" Ricky Morton, "The Midnight Express" Bobby Eaton, plus many other MACW Superstars !!
Tickets are available at:
J&K Grill in Cheraw, S.C. 99 Powe St, Cheraw, SC Tel: (843) 537-3056.
Stroud and Save in Chesterfield, S.C.
Cheraw High School Office 649 Chesterfield Hwy. Cheraw, SC Tel: (843) 921-1000.
Also at the door the day of the event!
$75 Flair Super Ticket (includes a front row reserved ringside seat, an 8x10 personally autographed Ric Flair picture and meet with Ric Flair !!)
$20 Ringside (excludes front row)
$12 General Admission
For all MACW upcoming events and news go to www.midatlanticwrestling.com
Credit: Dan Parris
----Damn good crew here with guys like Morton, Eaton and even an appearance by Flair. Rikki Nelson use to be a hell of a good worker. It's got to be a good card when Hamrick is in the first match.
RassleResults: ASW Lewisburg, TN 1.10.09
*Brawler beat Johnny Blaze
*Grease Lighting beat Chase Owens
*Snake Jones beat Beau James w/ Misty James
*Eric Robinson and Pat Tanaka beat Chase Owens and Mikey Dunn
ASW runs every Sat in Lewisburg
Credit: cwcrippler
----Anybody know who is running these shows?? I use to know someone that worked Lewisburg all the time. I actually wrestled one night in this town.
*Grease Lighting beat Chase Owens
*Snake Jones beat Beau James w/ Misty James
*Eric Robinson and Pat Tanaka beat Chase Owens and Mikey Dunn
ASW runs every Sat in Lewisburg
Credit: cwcrippler
----Anybody know who is running these shows?? I use to know someone that worked Lewisburg all the time. I actually wrestled one night in this town.
RassleResults: DCW Dyersburg, TN 1.10.09
first match: Tim Edwards over Shannon Lee with the Redrum
Birthday celebration for Kilo. Derrick King and Kilo out celebrating Kilo’s 28th birthday. Jimmy Tidwell and Angelina came out to crash the party. Jimmy makes statement about Dustin Starr not being there tonight. Derrick then says well if Dustin is not here then you must be alone, and then went after Jimmy and Angelina. Derrick catches Angelina and is about to give her some payback when “Pain and Justice” [Motley Cruz/Mark Justice] came out and jumped Derrick and Kilo. Match is set up for Kilo/DK vs. Pain and Justice” later in the night.
second match: Tatt2 beat Bishop
third match: Chris Rocker beat Rockin Randy
forth match: Derrick King/Kilo beat”Pain and Justice” [Mark Justice/Motley Cruz] via dq when Tim Edwards interfered. This match just exploded into one big brawl with everyone coming from the locker room and fighting. Angelina then gets herself involved with DK and to everyone surprise out comes Su Young!! After the dust had settled Allen Walker made a “Settle the Score” match for the main event.
The “Settle the Score” match: 2 wrestlers will start every minute another will enter until all wrestlers are in the match. No rules, one pin fall for win.
fifth match: Bishop beats Tatt2. This match was chaos from the get go. Bishop and kilo start off, with Tim Edwards coming in third. Then with the clock counting down and the double teaming taking place out comes Shannon Lee. Next out comes Rockin Randy. Tatt2 was out next. Then out came mark justice, then Chris Rocker, Motley Cruz and at the last person was DK.
This match was wild, everyone was all over the building just basically fighting. Not much wrestling involved in this one. Chairs, ladders, sledge hammers, anything that you could hit someone with was used. The finish had DK hits a DKfactor on Motley when Angelina came back out to get involved when out came Su Yung again. These two girls fought all the way to the back then when the ring cleared Tatt2 and Bishop was left in the ring, when Bishop hits Tatt2 with a massive power bomb to win the match.
One wild night, fans didn’t get enough at the end of the night - they wouldn’t leave and was chanting for the good guys to "kick there ass". One hot night crowd was hot from the get go. Very good card with over 100 people paying at the gate and 120 in the building.
Eugene returns to Dyersburg next week with the starting of the heavy weight title tournament. There will also be some lucha libra wrestling there next week.
Credit: spirtof1990
----This crew had 10 wrestlers, two girls and Jimmy Tidwell. It looked like a real solid show.
Birthday celebration for Kilo. Derrick King and Kilo out celebrating Kilo’s 28th birthday. Jimmy Tidwell and Angelina came out to crash the party. Jimmy makes statement about Dustin Starr not being there tonight. Derrick then says well if Dustin is not here then you must be alone, and then went after Jimmy and Angelina. Derrick catches Angelina and is about to give her some payback when “Pain and Justice” [Motley Cruz/Mark Justice] came out and jumped Derrick and Kilo. Match is set up for Kilo/DK vs. Pain and Justice” later in the night.
second match: Tatt2 beat Bishop
third match: Chris Rocker beat Rockin Randy
forth match: Derrick King/Kilo beat”Pain and Justice” [Mark Justice/Motley Cruz] via dq when Tim Edwards interfered. This match just exploded into one big brawl with everyone coming from the locker room and fighting. Angelina then gets herself involved with DK and to everyone surprise out comes Su Young!! After the dust had settled Allen Walker made a “Settle the Score” match for the main event.
The “Settle the Score” match: 2 wrestlers will start every minute another will enter until all wrestlers are in the match. No rules, one pin fall for win.
fifth match: Bishop beats Tatt2. This match was chaos from the get go. Bishop and kilo start off, with Tim Edwards coming in third. Then with the clock counting down and the double teaming taking place out comes Shannon Lee. Next out comes Rockin Randy. Tatt2 was out next. Then out came mark justice, then Chris Rocker, Motley Cruz and at the last person was DK.
This match was wild, everyone was all over the building just basically fighting. Not much wrestling involved in this one. Chairs, ladders, sledge hammers, anything that you could hit someone with was used. The finish had DK hits a DKfactor on Motley when Angelina came back out to get involved when out came Su Yung again. These two girls fought all the way to the back then when the ring cleared Tatt2 and Bishop was left in the ring, when Bishop hits Tatt2 with a massive power bomb to win the match.
One wild night, fans didn’t get enough at the end of the night - they wouldn’t leave and was chanting for the good guys to "kick there ass". One hot night crowd was hot from the get go. Very good card with over 100 people paying at the gate and 120 in the building.
Eugene returns to Dyersburg next week with the starting of the heavy weight title tournament. There will also be some lucha libra wrestling there next week.
Credit: spirtof1990
----This crew had 10 wrestlers, two girls and Jimmy Tidwell. It looked like a real solid show.
RassleResults: SSW Kingsport, TN 1.09.09 New Year's Bash
* Mike Cooper pinned Bobo Brown with a roll up out of the corner
OK opening match with a lot of wrestling. Cooper has been a long time underdog favorite in Kingsport.
*Keith Knox beat Dustin Steel
This the SSW debut of both men. Keith start off out powering the smaller Steel and tossing him around like a rag doll. Knox missed a splash in the corner and Steel was on the offence and worked over Knox until he missed a frog splash. Knox took control again and press Steel and dropped him into a power slam for the three count
* Gypsy Joe w/ Misty James beat "Playboy" Jamey Gibson w/ Kole Layton King
Gibson came out and said all of his career he had heard about how tough Gypsy Joe is.He said all the veteran wrestlers talk about how hard his chops and head butts are. And that tonight he was going to show everyone how tough he was by beating the Hardcore Legend.
Joe came out dancing with Misty. Joe was a headlining star in Kingsport in 1966 as one of The Blue Inferno. He lived in Kingsport for several months then. He also was in Kingsport area in early 80's for Poffo's ICW.
It did not take long before Gibson found out about Joe's famous chops. Joe can still lay them in. Gibson was able to stop Joe's attack and take it to him. The finish saw King's interference back fire and Joe get the win following a series of Head butts
*National Champion Robbie Cassidy beat Jason "The Gift" Kincaid
The was fast paced and action packed. Cassidy is way over in Kingsport. And he does not wrestle on many of the cards at the Armory.Both of these guys are amazing athletes. Finish saw KIncaid miss a drop kick and go throw the ropes. Cassidy caught him with a small package as he came back threw the ropes.
*Chase Owens with Ashlee beat Tony "The Dragon" Givens
This was as fast and action packed as the match before. Owens tell the people that he has promised Beau James he will take care of Givens fro him.The went for a perfect circle during the match and Owens landed on his head. At the end of the match Givens had the sleeper on Chase when Ashlee hopped up on the ring. Givens and the ref went to Ashlee allowing Ownes to get her pocket book and KO Givens for the pin.
*Ricky Morton and Wayne Adkins beat Beau James and Brian Logan by DQ
Morton and Adkins started off strong using some of the double team moves made famous by Rock N Roll Express. Nothing that Logan or James tried worked. James was able to get the upper hand on Adkins after using the handle of his whip.
Logan and James double teamed and pounded Adkins for several minutes. Adkins was able to get away and get the tag to Morton who came in and cleared house. Adkins was back up and all over Logan. As James and Morton went to the floor. Kole Layton King came out and attacked Morton from behind for the DQ.
James rolled back in the ring and he and Logan doubled teamed Adkins until Keith Knox made the save and cleaned house.
* Cody Ices won a 15 person Rumble to be crowned the New SSW Champion
This was to be a match for the winner to get a shot at KC Thunder at The SSW 18th Anniversary card Feb. 13. But it was announced at intermission. KC is still injured and would not make the 30 day rule and the Title is up for grabs. Elimination by pin fall or over the top
Mike Cooper, Bobo Brown, Kole Layton King, Dustin Steel, and new comer Zifer started for 10 minutes. As the 10 minutes was coming to the end King eliminated Cooper to be the lone man in the ring. number 6 was called and out came Misty James who came in behind King and dumped him out.
Misty stood in the ring alone for 1 minute waiting on Number 7. The crowd was chanting Misty's name when number 7 was called and out came Beau James. He stalled and wanted no part of being in the ring with his wife. He kept telling her to leave and she told him to leave. James kept looking back at the dressing rooms waiting on number 8.
Number 8 is called and out comes Rebecca Lynn. The King of Kingsport is in a fit now. He is still telling Misty to leave and that he does not want to wrestle Lynn either. He pushes Misty and she comes back with a series of chops as Beau turns around Lynn lights him up too. Then both ladies are on Beau kicking, slapping, and punching him. James is down on the corner as number 9 is called.
Out comes number 9 Jamey Gibson. James is yelling to get them. Gibson comes in the ring charges both girls who move out Gibson flies over the top rope to floor. Gibson was in the Rumble less than 3 seconds. The girls are back on Beau. Beau has had enough as he scoops Misty up and dumps her over the top rope. Lynn takes the fight to Beau until he lands an elbow to her face then a fist drop for the pin as number 10 is called.
James gets up as number 10 is called he turns around to find Tony Givens. James wants no part of Givens and Eliminates his self. Then comes Number 11 Jason Kincaid.
Kincaid tosses Givens over but he is holding on with his feet off the floor as number 12 is called. Out comes Eric Darkstorm and pulls Givens to the floor before he enters the ring. As Darkstorm enters the ring Beau James returns to attack Givens from behind. The fight is on and goes around ringside and back toward the dressing rooms. Darkstorm and Kincaid just stood in the ring and watched. During the brawl James punched new ref Robert Smoke and knocked him out cold. He then whipped Smoke several times before Givens and James fought to the dressing.
Number 13 is called and here comes Ray Idol. Both Darkstorm and Kincaid are him until he makes a big come back and number 14 is called and here comes Cody Ices. The odds are even as the four battle it out until number 15 is called and here comes Keith Knox.
The three fan favorites do a number on the two rule breakers until. KIncaid is able to eliminate Knox. Idol stops Kincaid and he and Ices are on Darkstorm. Idol went for big splash in the corner and Darkstorm moves as Idol flies over the ropes.
Kincaid and Darkstorm are all over Ices. They double team Cody and try to get him over the ropes but Ices won't quit. Kincaid holds Ices as Darkstorm comes with an attack but Ices moves and Kincaid is knocked over the ropes. Darkstrom looks to check on Kincaid as Ices gets up and dumps him over for the win.
Cody Ices is new SSW Champion.
Next SSW Event is Friday Jan 30th
Party Boys (Knox and Adkins) and Ricky Morton vs. Logan, James, and King
Owens vs. Givens
Notes. 106 paid about 140 in the building.
Injuries have a big impact on Kingsport Moe Jenkins had surgery Friday to replace a tear in his knee. He was hurt in the main event Christmas Night but finished the match and brawl and thought he would be ok. Got up next morning could not walk. This injury is very close to same one Tony Givens had last year.
Nick Hammonds also has a knee injury and missed Friday. He should be able to return for Rogersville Event Jan. 24
KC Thunder should be back Feb 13.
Ref Rob Knight is out with back injury. He had surgery 4 or 5 years ago. He is hoping its not going to require another. He did the Jan 3 CW Kingsport Event. But only made it 1/2 way threw his matches before having to come out of the ring.
Rob being out is the reason the Smoke was used Friday. But he will not return the deal with Beau James and Smoke was a shoot. While the finish of the Rumble was going on security was trying to get Smoke up and take him to the back. He was crying.
It started during the rumble.Smoke would not count the fall when James had Lynn pinned. Ref Brandon Cox had to come around and do it.James and Smoke had words. James slapped Smoke as he left when Givens came in the ring. During the brawl Smoke would not go with James, Givens ,and Cox. Even with Cox waving and calling for him to help break it up.So James found him and laid him out and took the whip to him.
* Mike Cooper pinned Bobo Brown with a roll up out of the corner
OK opening match with a lot of wrestling. Cooper has been a long time underdog favorite in Kingsport.
*Keith Knox beat Dustin Steel
This the SSW debut of both men. Keith start off out powering the smaller Steel and tossing him around like a rag doll. Knox missed a splash in the corner and Steel was on the offence and worked over Knox until he missed a frog splash. Knox took control again and press Steel and dropped him into a power slam for the three count
* Gypsy Joe w/ Misty James beat "Playboy" Jamey Gibson w/ Kole Layton King
Gibson came out and said all of his career he had heard about how tough Gypsy Joe is.He said all the veteran wrestlers talk about how hard his chops and head butts are. And that tonight he was going to show everyone how tough he was by beating the Hardcore Legend.
Joe came out dancing with Misty. Joe was a headlining star in Kingsport in 1966 as one of The Blue Inferno. He lived in Kingsport for several months then. He also was in Kingsport area in early 80's for Poffo's ICW.
It did not take long before Gibson found out about Joe's famous chops. Joe can still lay them in. Gibson was able to stop Joe's attack and take it to him. The finish saw King's interference back fire and Joe get the win following a series of Head butts
*National Champion Robbie Cassidy beat Jason "The Gift" Kincaid
The was fast paced and action packed. Cassidy is way over in Kingsport. And he does not wrestle on many of the cards at the Armory.Both of these guys are amazing athletes. Finish saw KIncaid miss a drop kick and go throw the ropes. Cassidy caught him with a small package as he came back threw the ropes.
*Chase Owens with Ashlee beat Tony "The Dragon" Givens
This was as fast and action packed as the match before. Owens tell the people that he has promised Beau James he will take care of Givens fro him.The went for a perfect circle during the match and Owens landed on his head. At the end of the match Givens had the sleeper on Chase when Ashlee hopped up on the ring. Givens and the ref went to Ashlee allowing Ownes to get her pocket book and KO Givens for the pin.
*Ricky Morton and Wayne Adkins beat Beau James and Brian Logan by DQ
Morton and Adkins started off strong using some of the double team moves made famous by Rock N Roll Express. Nothing that Logan or James tried worked. James was able to get the upper hand on Adkins after using the handle of his whip.
Logan and James double teamed and pounded Adkins for several minutes. Adkins was able to get away and get the tag to Morton who came in and cleared house. Adkins was back up and all over Logan. As James and Morton went to the floor. Kole Layton King came out and attacked Morton from behind for the DQ.
James rolled back in the ring and he and Logan doubled teamed Adkins until Keith Knox made the save and cleaned house.
* Cody Ices won a 15 person Rumble to be crowned the New SSW Champion
This was to be a match for the winner to get a shot at KC Thunder at The SSW 18th Anniversary card Feb. 13. But it was announced at intermission. KC is still injured and would not make the 30 day rule and the Title is up for grabs. Elimination by pin fall or over the top
Mike Cooper, Bobo Brown, Kole Layton King, Dustin Steel, and new comer Zifer started for 10 minutes. As the 10 minutes was coming to the end King eliminated Cooper to be the lone man in the ring. number 6 was called and out came Misty James who came in behind King and dumped him out.
Misty stood in the ring alone for 1 minute waiting on Number 7. The crowd was chanting Misty's name when number 7 was called and out came Beau James. He stalled and wanted no part of being in the ring with his wife. He kept telling her to leave and she told him to leave. James kept looking back at the dressing rooms waiting on number 8.
Number 8 is called and out comes Rebecca Lynn. The King of Kingsport is in a fit now. He is still telling Misty to leave and that he does not want to wrestle Lynn either. He pushes Misty and she comes back with a series of chops as Beau turns around Lynn lights him up too. Then both ladies are on Beau kicking, slapping, and punching him. James is down on the corner as number 9 is called.
Out comes number 9 Jamey Gibson. James is yelling to get them. Gibson comes in the ring charges both girls who move out Gibson flies over the top rope to floor. Gibson was in the Rumble less than 3 seconds. The girls are back on Beau. Beau has had enough as he scoops Misty up and dumps her over the top rope. Lynn takes the fight to Beau until he lands an elbow to her face then a fist drop for the pin as number 10 is called.
James gets up as number 10 is called he turns around to find Tony Givens. James wants no part of Givens and Eliminates his self. Then comes Number 11 Jason Kincaid.
Kincaid tosses Givens over but he is holding on with his feet off the floor as number 12 is called. Out comes Eric Darkstorm and pulls Givens to the floor before he enters the ring. As Darkstorm enters the ring Beau James returns to attack Givens from behind. The fight is on and goes around ringside and back toward the dressing rooms. Darkstorm and Kincaid just stood in the ring and watched. During the brawl James punched new ref Robert Smoke and knocked him out cold. He then whipped Smoke several times before Givens and James fought to the dressing.
Number 13 is called and here comes Ray Idol. Both Darkstorm and Kincaid are him until he makes a big come back and number 14 is called and here comes Cody Ices. The odds are even as the four battle it out until number 15 is called and here comes Keith Knox.
The three fan favorites do a number on the two rule breakers until. KIncaid is able to eliminate Knox. Idol stops Kincaid and he and Ices are on Darkstorm. Idol went for big splash in the corner and Darkstorm moves as Idol flies over the ropes.
Kincaid and Darkstorm are all over Ices. They double team Cody and try to get him over the ropes but Ices won't quit. Kincaid holds Ices as Darkstorm comes with an attack but Ices moves and Kincaid is knocked over the ropes. Darkstrom looks to check on Kincaid as Ices gets up and dumps him over for the win.
Cody Ices is new SSW Champion.
Next SSW Event is Friday Jan 30th
Party Boys (Knox and Adkins) and Ricky Morton vs. Logan, James, and King
Owens vs. Givens
Notes. 106 paid about 140 in the building.
Injuries have a big impact on Kingsport Moe Jenkins had surgery Friday to replace a tear in his knee. He was hurt in the main event Christmas Night but finished the match and brawl and thought he would be ok. Got up next morning could not walk. This injury is very close to same one Tony Givens had last year.
Nick Hammonds also has a knee injury and missed Friday. He should be able to return for Rogersville Event Jan. 24
KC Thunder should be back Feb 13.
Ref Rob Knight is out with back injury. He had surgery 4 or 5 years ago. He is hoping its not going to require another. He did the Jan 3 CW Kingsport Event. But only made it 1/2 way threw his matches before having to come out of the ring.
Rob being out is the reason the Smoke was used Friday. But he will not return the deal with Beau James and Smoke was a shoot. While the finish of the Rumble was going on security was trying to get Smoke up and take him to the back. He was crying.
It started during the rumble.Smoke would not count the fall when James had Lynn pinned. Ref Brandon Cox had to come around and do it.James and Smoke had words. James slapped Smoke as he left when Givens came in the ring. During the brawl Smoke would not go with James, Givens ,and Cox. Even with Cox waving and calling for him to help break it up.So James found him and laid him out and took the whip to him.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 1.10.09
Destiny def. F. Boogieman Scream
AC Styles def. BJ Fuller
Oz def. Sgt. Swat
Chico Mendoza def. Wildside
“ 3 The Hardway” ( Devon Day & Dre’ Black) def. Bloodbath & Royale Executioner
Lawman Williams/ Dazzlin’ Dixie def. Hardknocks Hooligan/ AC Styles
Jawbreaker Jesse Dee def. The Outlaw in an anything goes match to retain the Heavyweight Title
Frankie Tucker def. Chris Lexxus by reverse decision
Credit: Steven Hunter
AC Styles def. BJ Fuller
Oz def. Sgt. Swat
Chico Mendoza def. Wildside
“ 3 The Hardway” ( Devon Day & Dre’ Black) def. Bloodbath & Royale Executioner
Lawman Williams/ Dazzlin’ Dixie def. Hardknocks Hooligan/ AC Styles
Jawbreaker Jesse Dee def. The Outlaw in an anything goes match to retain the Heavyweight Title
Frankie Tucker def. Chris Lexxus by reverse decision
Credit: Steven Hunter
RassleResults: WWE SmackDown! Poplar Bluff, MO 1.10.09
World Wrestling Entertainment's SmackDown! brand held a house show last night at the Black River Coliseum in Poplar Bluff, MO. Here are the full results...
Ring announcer Justin Roberts welcomed everyone to the show and told the crowd that SmackDown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero, who was not in attendance, had decreed that the first match of the evening would be a non-title contest.
R-Truth defeated WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin in a non-title match. Finish saw Truth hit a scissors kick on Benjamin for the pinfall.
The arena spotlight appeared on Maria in the upper section of the arena. She picked out a family of four and asked one member a trivia question that, if she could answer it, would allow the family to move to front row reserved seats that were unfilled. The question was "Where will WrestleMania 25 be held?" The girl answered Houston, TX, correctly and her family was allowed to take a front row view of the show.
Umaga defeated Jimmy Wang Yang after hitting him with his Samoan spike finisher. The finish followed a blotched top rope spot by Wang Yang.
Justin Roberts introduced the special referee for the next match, who turned out to be Kung Fu Naki. The match was a "divas match" between Natalya and Eve Torres.
Eve Torres defeated Natalya by rolling her up into a pinfall as Natalya was trying to place her in the sharpshooter.
Vladimir Koslov defeated Hurricane Helms.
Kizarny defeated MVP after hitting him with a double arm DDT into a pinning combination.
Justin Roberts put over the concession and merchandise area as we went into an intermission. He also added that Jeff Hardy armbands were on sale and that Jeff had personally autographed five pair that were mixed in with the rest of the armbands being sold.
Maria came back out at the end of intermission and tossed T-shirts to members of the crowd. She also selected a young girl named Elizabeth to serve as guest "bell ringer" for the next match.
Carlito and Primo defeated Ezekiel Jackson and The Brian Kendrick to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship when Carlito pinned Kendrick following a "back cracker."
The Big Show defeated the Great Khali after hitting him with a "knockout punch."
Main Event: Jeff Hardy defeated Edge with a "twist of fate/swanton" combination finisher.
RassleNotes: Good house of approximately 4,500...Easily the biggest crowd to ever see a wrestling event at the Black River Coliseum, smashing the 2,600 attendance figure from an August 2006 ECW (WWE version) only house show...The crowd was hot early as they always are in Poplar Bluff...Their energy died somewhat toward the middle of the show, but picked up during the final two bouts...Crowd actually cheered Umaga heavily after his win...Eve Torres tried hard, but you could easily see that Natalya was a superior worker in the ring...Crowd seemed a little anger when Hurricane Helms came out to face Koslov as opposed to Triple H, who was initially advertised during early promotion of the show...MVP "quit" following his loss to Kizarny, who got a few laughs but I think the crowd was still bummed from the non-Triple H appearance against Koslov...Great Khali got a good pop as did Big Show when he came out. Khali had kissed a local girl from the crowd before Show entered and Show got on the mic and told him that he needs to worry about wrestling him tonight and stop kissing hillbillies. Instant HEAT! Was great...Hardy was easily the most over babyface and Edge was great as usual in his role as the brand's top heel. His facials were priceless...The main was also the best overall match and had a nice serious of false finishes at the end...With a bigger crowd than usual in Bluff, it was harder to scope out any local wrestling personalities in attendance, although I did see "Krusher," who lives in the Bluff area.
Ring announcer Justin Roberts welcomed everyone to the show and told the crowd that SmackDown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero, who was not in attendance, had decreed that the first match of the evening would be a non-title contest.
R-Truth defeated WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin in a non-title match. Finish saw Truth hit a scissors kick on Benjamin for the pinfall.
The arena spotlight appeared on Maria in the upper section of the arena. She picked out a family of four and asked one member a trivia question that, if she could answer it, would allow the family to move to front row reserved seats that were unfilled. The question was "Where will WrestleMania 25 be held?" The girl answered Houston, TX, correctly and her family was allowed to take a front row view of the show.
Umaga defeated Jimmy Wang Yang after hitting him with his Samoan spike finisher. The finish followed a blotched top rope spot by Wang Yang.
Justin Roberts introduced the special referee for the next match, who turned out to be Kung Fu Naki. The match was a "divas match" between Natalya and Eve Torres.
Eve Torres defeated Natalya by rolling her up into a pinfall as Natalya was trying to place her in the sharpshooter.
Vladimir Koslov defeated Hurricane Helms.
Kizarny defeated MVP after hitting him with a double arm DDT into a pinning combination.
Justin Roberts put over the concession and merchandise area as we went into an intermission. He also added that Jeff Hardy armbands were on sale and that Jeff had personally autographed five pair that were mixed in with the rest of the armbands being sold.
Maria came back out at the end of intermission and tossed T-shirts to members of the crowd. She also selected a young girl named Elizabeth to serve as guest "bell ringer" for the next match.
Carlito and Primo defeated Ezekiel Jackson and The Brian Kendrick to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship when Carlito pinned Kendrick following a "back cracker."
The Big Show defeated the Great Khali after hitting him with a "knockout punch."
Main Event: Jeff Hardy defeated Edge with a "twist of fate/swanton" combination finisher.
RassleNotes: Good house of approximately 4,500...Easily the biggest crowd to ever see a wrestling event at the Black River Coliseum, smashing the 2,600 attendance figure from an August 2006 ECW (WWE version) only house show...The crowd was hot early as they always are in Poplar Bluff...Their energy died somewhat toward the middle of the show, but picked up during the final two bouts...Crowd actually cheered Umaga heavily after his win...Eve Torres tried hard, but you could easily see that Natalya was a superior worker in the ring...Crowd seemed a little anger when Hurricane Helms came out to face Koslov as opposed to Triple H, who was initially advertised during early promotion of the show...MVP "quit" following his loss to Kizarny, who got a few laughs but I think the crowd was still bummed from the non-Triple H appearance against Koslov...Great Khali got a good pop as did Big Show when he came out. Khali had kissed a local girl from the crowd before Show entered and Show got on the mic and told him that he needs to worry about wrestling him tonight and stop kissing hillbillies. Instant HEAT! Was great...Hardy was easily the most over babyface and Edge was great as usual in his role as the brand's top heel. His facials were priceless...The main was also the best overall match and had a nice serious of false finishes at the end...With a bigger crowd than usual in Bluff, it was harder to scope out any local wrestling personalities in attendance, although I did see "Krusher," who lives in the Bluff area.
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