Ringside Championship Wrestling (RCW) presented an hour of free wrestling for the fans at the Augusta, AR "Augusta Days Festival" earlier today. The results were as follows...
- Ron Rage defeated "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, who was accompanied to ringside by "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony.
- "Girl Candy" Christian Jacobs defeated "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony by disqualification when Bobby Eaton interfered, attacking Jacobs from behind after he had applied the sharpshooter to Anthony. After the match, Eaton and Anthony double teamed Jacobs, until Ron Rage made the save.
- Midnight Gold (Eaton and Anthony) defeated Christian Jacobs and Ron Rage due to outside interference from Jon Michael Worthington.
RassleNotes: There were approximately 125 to 150 fans watching the free action ... "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony debuted his "Golden Circle" interview segment with his first guest being Jon Michael Worthington, who discussed his upcoming match with Christian Jacobs to crown the first ever RCW Heavyweight Champion ... Funny spot saw Eaton and Anthony agree to a tag match with Rage and Jacobs, but they demanded five minutes to freshen up for it. When they finally came back out to work, Rage and Jacobs returned the favor and asked for five minutes of their own. They ended up sitting at ringside in lawn chairs, even having female fans come up to massage their backs.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
RRO on Tour at NBW TONIGHT!!!
RasslinRiotOnline's Brian Tramel will be in attendance tonight at New Blood Wrestling's fourth annual "Spring Breakout" in Newbern, TN.
The show begins at 7 p.m. at the Newbern Entertainment Center (1020 W. Main St. in Newbern). Doors open at 6 p.m.
TNA Wrestling Superstar "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal will face "VH-1 Reality TV Star" Matt Riviera plus Jimi Jamison, former lead singer for Survivor will perform such hits as "Eye of the Tiger."
In addition, see all of your favorite NBW Superstars in action!
For additional ticket information, call (731) 571-4951, (731)345-0126 or visit www.newbloodwrestling.net
And if you go to the show, be sure to say hello to BT!
The show begins at 7 p.m. at the Newbern Entertainment Center (1020 W. Main St. in Newbern). Doors open at 6 p.m.
TNA Wrestling Superstar "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal will face "VH-1 Reality TV Star" Matt Riviera plus Jimi Jamison, former lead singer for Survivor will perform such hits as "Eye of the Tiger."
In addition, see all of your favorite NBW Superstars in action!
For additional ticket information, call (731) 571-4951, (731)345-0126 or visit www.newbloodwrestling.net
And if you go to the show, be sure to say hello to BT!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Make sure to check out Southern States Wrestling!

Face Book
Just search Southern States Wrestling
Watch SSW Power Half Hour Every Sunday at 1 PM on Tri Cities CW 4
SSW Power Half Hour returns in a BIG way this Sunday at 1pm on Tri Cities CW 4. You will see a new interview and classic footage sent to us by Jerry The King Lawler about his return to Kingsport. 16 Time World Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair will be on plus Beau James,Misty James, McHone's Army, Jeff Tankersly and Eddie Golden. Tell your family and friends and tune in.
RCW Double Shot Saturday, May 29, 2010
Don't miss a full Saturday of great Ringside Championship Wrestling events . . . ABSOLUTELY FREE tomorrow!!!
The first show takes place at 2 p.m. as part of the Augusta Days Fair in Augusta, AR. See "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton take on Ron Rage in a rematch from their recent Forrest City showdown, plus "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs. "Girl Candy" Christian Jacobs. This show will also feature the RCW debut of Golden Boy's interview segment - "The Golden Circle" featuring guest Jon Michael Worthington.
Then, RCW superstars will head north to Jonesboro, AR for a late afternoon/early evening of wrestling at Car Today, located on Stadium Blvd. See "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton vs. "Girl Candy" Christian Jacobs; "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs. Ron Rage; plus Chris O'Neal has just been confirmed to appear! Also, former WWE/ECW and current DCW Superstar Rodney Mack will be interviewed in the "Golden Circle." Plus: Three other matches featuring local favorites Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Cody Only, Shane Draven, Kid Dynamite, and The Falcon (with his manager Uncle Slam). At 4 p.m. meet WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler and then from 5 to 7 p.m. see great wrestling action!
The first show takes place at 2 p.m. as part of the Augusta Days Fair in Augusta, AR. See "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton take on Ron Rage in a rematch from their recent Forrest City showdown, plus "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs. "Girl Candy" Christian Jacobs. This show will also feature the RCW debut of Golden Boy's interview segment - "The Golden Circle" featuring guest Jon Michael Worthington.
Then, RCW superstars will head north to Jonesboro, AR for a late afternoon/early evening of wrestling at Car Today, located on Stadium Blvd. See "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton vs. "Girl Candy" Christian Jacobs; "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs. Ron Rage; plus Chris O'Neal has just been confirmed to appear! Also, former WWE/ECW and current DCW Superstar Rodney Mack will be interviewed in the "Golden Circle." Plus: Three other matches featuring local favorites Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Cody Only, Shane Draven, Kid Dynamite, and The Falcon (with his manager Uncle Slam). At 4 p.m. meet WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler and then from 5 to 7 p.m. see great wrestling action!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Results from the last ever EWE show in Ripley
The show started an hour late. There was a noticeable sense of irritability as the late starting. The comissioner Dylan came out, ordering Dustin Baker to the ring. Now as of the agreement Dustin had to wear a dress and stand at the door. So Dustin came out to the ring in his dress. The dress was rather flattering! After some humiliation there was a bit of a surpise in store. Derrick King, Chris O'Neal, Stan Lee, and Cody Melton came to the ring. It was one of the biggest pops I'd ever heard out of that crowd. You could hardly hear Derrick when he spoke into the mic the crowd was screaming so loud. Once the crowd did die down a bit so he could speak he spoke about the reasons why he was no longer at EWE as was the rest of the crew with him. All in all he, put the blame on Mr. JC White, and the crowd agreed. It was no secret that EWE was going down hill and there seemed to be little hope in site as star after star slowly left the show. Stan decided he needed to say a few words which were pretty much was summed up with a 'fuck you Mr. JC and kiss my ass' and then pulled down his pants and mooned the whole crowd. That I can tell you was a HUGE surprise. After that the show got underway.
The first match was(no idea what his first name is) Steele vs Biscuit. Now.. I'm pretty sure if anyone has seen seen Steele, he's a BIG dude. And if anyone has seen Biscuit, knows that boy needs to eat. To give Biscuit some credit it put up one heck of a fight but he was eventually pinned by Steele.
The second match was Steele against JR. Right as Biscuit is leaving the ring JR comes rushing out. Another huge pop from the crowd. It was a pretty quick match with JR managing to get the pin on Steele.
During the intermission Mr. JC White and his wife show up. They'd been missing from the action during the first part of the show, and decide that they are not going to let any of the people out to smoke during the intermission and if they leave they won't be able to get back inside. After some heated discussion they allowed the good people of Ripley to get in and out as they saw fit.
After JR and Steel's match Dustin Baker comes out explains that he is refusing to wear a dress and be humiliated by a child. Dylan comes out and explains that if he won't wear a dress, he was going to make him sit in the ring while the audience throws pies at him. Infuriated Dustin Baker leaves the ring and the next match starts.
Bishop and Motley come out and are going against Ike and Brian Steele. Brian and Ike come out and talk a little bit.. or more like a lot to the point Motley takes the mic and tells them it's time for them to start wrestling. The match starts of pretty slow at first. Motley starting out for the Juggernauts and Ike starting out for Rhythm and Blues. Bishop and Motley dominate the match after Brian Steel is tagged in. Keeping him well away from from his tag partner. The Juggernauts used a series of strategies to wear Brian down and keep the Ref from seeing any illegal stuff going on. Ike comes in and really gets some momentum going but in the end the Juggernauts wind up getting the pin.
The next match was Tatt2 escorted to the ring by Danielle vs Rude. Now if you've been following EWE at all, you'd know that for some reason Rude has just been all over Tatt2 and trying to beat the holy snot out of him for a little over a month now, if not longer. The match starts out with Tatt2 coming off the ropes, through the ropes this match was quick! If you blinked during this match you missed something and probably some awsome move at that. During the match however Rude finally revealed why he was so angry at Tatt2 and that reason was.... because he hugged his daughter. Rude did not want Tatt2 touching his daughter in ANY way apparently. Tatt2 did come out victorious in this match.
After the match there was an intermission of sorts. Dustin Baker came out to the ring and was made to get in the middle of it. They sold plates of whip cream at concessions and the fans lined up to smear it all over Dustin Bakers head. A lot of the fans lined up to do it 2 or 3 times, really getting some revenge in. Once it was all over with, a furious and probably very humiliated Dustin Baker starts ranting about how he isn't going to let a little kid tell him what to do. Well Alan Steele and Flash Flannigan come out to the ring. There was going to be a tag match between Alan Steel and Dustin Baker vs Flash Flannigan and the comissioner Dylan.
Now after the pie throwing contest there was another big surprise for the crowd. A bikini contest!
The contest was between Russia and Danielle. Who these girls are i have no idea. But they were both beautiful and the winner of the contest by loudest cheers from the crowd... Danielle.
The next match brought the roof off of the EWE building. Too Sexy Brian Christopher comes out to more screaming then Derrick and Tatt2 could ever imagine. The crowd went NUTS! Brian came out and talked about possibly trying to keep the wrestling going in Ripley. Said that Derrick King and the rest of his crew were 40 milers. Which means they don't travel outside of a 40 mile radius to wrestle. He asked Mr. JC if he would allow wrestling in the building if he got some legitimate contracts and such and Mr. JC said he would. An Even BIGGER pop from the crowd. I'm surprised these people had voices after all this. Brian would be met by Reggie. Brian and Reggie had a pretty quick yet fierce match with Brian Christopher getting the win over Reggie. The match was just some plain good old fashioned Memphis Wrestling right there, the good stuff.
The next match was V-Man and Officer Hutchenson vs CJ and Jon Michael aka Picture Perfect. CJ and Jon came out sporting some pretty interesting face paint. It was interesting... flattering.. ehh depends on who you talk to. The match started off pretty good. There was some great momentum from both sides. It wasn't a very long match with CJ getting the win via tap out using the Sharp Shooter.
JR then decides he wants to use his little ticket thing and take on CJ. In a hot minute CJ had JR locked up in a SharpShooter as well and JR tapped out.
The main event was Alan Steele and Dustin Baker vs Flash Flannigan and Dylan. This match was rather interesting. Flash stayed in the match throughout most of it, concidering Dylan was well 9 and didn't have a license to wrestle. Alan and Flannigan go for a test of strength and out of no where, Dylan crawls between Flash's legs and punches Alan in the stomach. This was then again tried to be repeated but with Dustin crawling through Alan's legs, which just wound up getting stomped on by Flash, hits Alan between the legs with his head and has the crowd laughing so hard their nearly in tears. Flash is worn down pretty hard in the match between Alan Steel and some help from Dustin Baker. However in a bit of last ditch momentum Flash grabs Dylan throws him at Alan who catches him, falls and winds up being pinned by Flash and Dylan.
Well it's the end of the show and Dustin is standing in the middle of the ring and he tells everyone 'thank you' for coming to the show so faithfully. All the guys from the back come out and get in the ring. Tatt2 takes the mic and thanks everyone for their support but that unfortunately Mayhem was the last night that there was going to be wrestling in Ripley, TN. He tried to explain everything the best he could without pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but the crowd wanted to know, what the reason was for shutting down EWE after being there in Ripley for 4 years. The reason EWE shut down was due to money issues. EWE was just not pulling in enough people to pay for the building, utilities and pay the wrestlers as well.
Now a question everyone asked was "If Mr. JC owns half of Ripley and made it seem like he had all this money, why couldn't he help put a little money into it, since he wanted to run the place anyways, instead of just being the landlord.?" That's a great question however one that probably will never be answered.
****Note from Gene****
Not sure who to credit this to as the email only had email address I didn't recognize and no name....but thanks for the report to the person who sent it.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
ASWF presents PAYBACK this Saturday Night at 7pm!!
ASWF Wrestling presents PayBack 2010
Live at the world famous Valiant Arena in Tuckerman, AR this Saturday Night May 29th.
Tickets are only $6.00. Bell time is 7pm.
Featuring Jerry The King Lawler, Grandmaster Sexay Brian Christopher, New Nature Boy Kevin White, WWE Developmental Diva Su Yung, Austin Lane, Nikki Lane, CM2, Reggie Montgomery, Chris Stryker, Big Money Frank Martin, Mike Anthony, Seth Sabor, Demon X, American Degenerates, and many more.
For more info, http://www.aswfwrestling.com
RCW Late Nite Wrestling 05.22.2010 Part 3
It is part 3 of the May 22, 2010 edition of RCW Late Nite Wrestling!
RCW Late Nite Wrestling 05.22.2010 Part 2
Check out Part 2 of RCW Late Nite Wrestling from May 22, 2010 featuring a look at Midnight Gold!
RCW Late Nite Wrestling 05.22.2010 Part 1
See the first part of the May 22, 2010 edition of RCW Late Nite Wrestling featuring a look at Midnight Gold!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Cheap Heat- 5/24/2010: What about the Eddie Gilbert book?

So....I've been running the site for a week now and I guess so far so good. No MAJOR complaints to speak of from anyone so I guess I haven't managed to kill it off yet....so that's certainly a good thing.
Ok, so people are frequently asking me about the status of the Eddie Gilbert book I've been working on the past year and I've been waiting until a I made decision before I posted anything but I believe I've decided. This book started out as something I wanted to do in honor of a wrestler that I was a big fan of and have the utmost respect for. In talking with J.D. McKay and reading a lot of the false things that float around on the internet about him I thought it would be good to talk to people who knew him best and write a fitting book telling his story. I contacted and interviewed many people for the book including Eddie's parents Tommy and Peggy Gilbert, Lance Russell, Missy Hyatt, Jerry Jarrett, Joel Watts, Downtown Bruno, Ken Wayne, Darla Taylor, Bob Barnett, Tony Myers, James Beard, Tommy Rich, Bobby Eaton, and the list goes on and on. I have a lot of great material and a big portion of the book done.
However, one person I wanted to talk to throughout this process was Doug Gilbert. I finally was able to get in touch with Doug and he informed me that he is the executor of Eddie's estate and for me to do a book about Eddie he would need me to let his attorney draw up a contract and he would want final say so over everything that went into the book. I thought about it for a long time and I just don't feel this is really what I had in mind going into it. I never had any intention of putting many negative things in the book and we probably wouldn't have many issues about things that are in there but at the same time I'm sure there would some things that some of the people said that Doug may take issue with and by most accounts the statements are true. Plus I'm sure there would be a lot of conflict about money and things of that nature and that was never what this was about......according to Doug there are many people who are wanting to do this project so I think it would be best if I left it to one of them to do it another time.
I did however spend MANY, MANY HOURS compiling the material I do have and I don't plan on just letting it sit on my external hard drive. I'm thinking I may post it as a series of columns here on RRO in the near future.....or perhaps not....perhaps I'll just talk with the owner of Eddie Gilbert.com and find a way to work it into that site....or both....I haven't decided. Wherever I post it I think fans, friends and family of Eddie Gilbert will find it entertaining and informative and respectful of his memory and the mark he made on the pro wrestling business that is still seen to this day.
From The Desk of Brian Tramel - Remembering Tank March 29, 1980 - May 15, 2009
----I know I said I was not going to post anything else, but after looking at the calender today, I noticed it has been over one year since my friend Tank died. I was sad to think I let that day pass without mentioning it. Sometimes life gets in the way of remembering things that are important to you. Tank was a good friend and I do still miss his Yahoo IMs.
----For those that did not know Tank or the ones that are new to the site - CLICK HERE - for my bio on my good friend and brother - Timmy "Tank" Robertson.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Congrats to Su Young!
RRO would just like to add our congrats to Su Young......as the story was broke yesterday on WrestlingNewsCenter.com. Su has signed a developement deal with the WWE and will be reporting to the WWE training training camp in Florida after working for Jerry Lawler's new show in July. Su has been a stand out lady wrestler in the Mid South for quite some time now working all over the southeast in recent months. Su Young was trained and brought into the business by Kevin White and got her first major exposure on Corey Maclin's Memphis Wrestling as Kevin's valet before later getting more in-ring time on local independent shows. All of the staff here would like to wish Su the best of luck in the future with the WWE.
Read Mark James' review of the new Memphis Wrestling show
Here's a link to Memphis Wrestling History's Mark James' review of "Jerry Lawler's Memphis Wrestling that was taped Thursday night in Memphis.
I also received an email yesterday from someone involved with the show who took exception to yesterday's notes that the lighting and production was "horrible" and questioned my "journalistic integrity"... I do want to once again point out that I was not there and was not presenting this as end all statement of fact, merely the notes of a few people who passed them along.
The person did acknowledge that their were some production glitches but felt the lighting and audio were great and were unfairly criticized. I'm not gonna post the email mention the person by name because I haven't heard back from them yet but I have asked them to please send me their in depth review and thoughts on the show and I will post those here if I receive.
If you went to the show and have a differing view of the show than what's been presented here feel free to send it along to me at genejackson95@gmail.com or post it in the RRO Forums.
The Thompson Perspective 05.23.2010 By Brian Thompson
This edition of "The Thompson Perspective" is coming to you from the road as I am in Elnora, Indiana. While I enjoy a trip away from time to time, unfortunately I am here for tomorrow's funeral services for my wife Nichole's father who passed away last week. I certainly want to thank those who have either sent messages via Facebook, text message, e-mail or by phone sending their condolensces. It is certainly appreciated.
On a "happier" note, I want to discuss the debut of "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton and myself for Mid-Southern Championship Wrestling (MCW) in Osceola, AR. After 10 years in the wrestling business, you would think that at one time or another I would've worked there. Well, I finally made my debut there as did Bobby Friday night and what a nice experience it was.
This was also my first trip into the city of Osceola and it looks like they are doing some things right. Last week it was announced that 300 new, well-paying jobs are coming to the area through a new wind turbine plant, so that city is sitting on some good times coming up.
I enjoyed meeting Big Daddy Lafonce and being his manager for a six-man tag with LaFonce, Eaton and Frankie Tucker against V-Man, Bishop and Officer Hudson. Let's just say that things weren't settled last week and that its going to get a little more interesting this Friday night when we meet again. Manager Rashard Devon was not there this week but I hear he will make it Friday night. You just might see two of the Mid-South's top managers "duke it out" if he gets to close! Wouldn't that be worth the price of admission (have you seen those things I call "punches" LOL)
I know this wasn't a mind-boggling column, but I just needed to write. It is nice to be positive and treated with respect like we were in Osceola. We saw several faces we hadn't seen in awhile which is always nice. There is a reason that MCW has been around for the better part of 15 years. They keep entertaining their fans. I'm just glad to have finally got to work there and look forward to being back!
Until next time, take care all!
(Brian Thompson has been in the wrestling business for 10 years in various capacities. He currently operates Ringside Championship Wrestling with partners Steve Cherry and Bobby Eaton. He may be reached by e-mail at bptbookings@yahoo.com)
Thanks to the crew at MCW for giving Bobby and I respectful treatment and an escape from recent realities. We look forward to coming back this Friday night!
On a "happier" note, I want to discuss the debut of "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton and myself for Mid-Southern Championship Wrestling (MCW) in Osceola, AR. After 10 years in the wrestling business, you would think that at one time or another I would've worked there. Well, I finally made my debut there as did Bobby Friday night and what a nice experience it was.
This was also my first trip into the city of Osceola and it looks like they are doing some things right. Last week it was announced that 300 new, well-paying jobs are coming to the area through a new wind turbine plant, so that city is sitting on some good times coming up.
I enjoyed meeting Big Daddy Lafonce and being his manager for a six-man tag with LaFonce, Eaton and Frankie Tucker against V-Man, Bishop and Officer Hudson. Let's just say that things weren't settled last week and that its going to get a little more interesting this Friday night when we meet again. Manager Rashard Devon was not there this week but I hear he will make it Friday night. You just might see two of the Mid-South's top managers "duke it out" if he gets to close! Wouldn't that be worth the price of admission (have you seen those things I call "punches" LOL)
I know this wasn't a mind-boggling column, but I just needed to write. It is nice to be positive and treated with respect like we were in Osceola. We saw several faces we hadn't seen in awhile which is always nice. There is a reason that MCW has been around for the better part of 15 years. They keep entertaining their fans. I'm just glad to have finally got to work there and look forward to being back!
Until next time, take care all!
(Brian Thompson has been in the wrestling business for 10 years in various capacities. He currently operates Ringside Championship Wrestling with partners Steve Cherry and Bobby Eaton. He may be reached by e-mail at bptbookings@yahoo.com)
Thanks to the crew at MCW for giving Bobby and I respectful treatment and an escape from recent realities. We look forward to coming back this Friday night!
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