Ringside Championship Wrestling (RCW) presented an hour of free wrestling for the fans at the Augusta, AR "Augusta Days Festival" earlier today. The results were as follows...
- Ron Rage defeated "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, who was accompanied to ringside by "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony.
- "Girl Candy" Christian Jacobs defeated "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony by disqualification when Bobby Eaton interfered, attacking Jacobs from behind after he had applied the sharpshooter to Anthony. After the match, Eaton and Anthony double teamed Jacobs, until Ron Rage made the save.
- Midnight Gold (Eaton and Anthony) defeated Christian Jacobs and Ron Rage due to outside interference from Jon Michael Worthington.
RassleNotes: There were approximately 125 to 150 fans watching the free action ... "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony debuted his "Golden Circle" interview segment with his first guest being Jon Michael Worthington, who discussed his upcoming match with Christian Jacobs to crown the first ever RCW Heavyweight Champion ... Funny spot saw Eaton and Anthony agree to a tag match with Rage and Jacobs, but they demanded five minutes to freshen up for it. When they finally came back out to work, Rage and Jacobs returned the favor and asked for five minutes of their own. They ended up sitting at ringside in lawn chairs, even having female fans come up to massage their backs.