Saturday, December 06, 2008
RassleResults: TIWF Brownsville, TN 12.05.08
AC Havoc def. Tim Alfonzo
Wildside & PK Ripper def. Waycool & Overkill
Locked & Loaded def. the Big Boys
Danny B. Goode def. Gaylon Ray
Chico Mendoza def. Bobby The Butcherman Smith to retain the Heavyweight Title
Jawbreaker Jesse Dee &Hardknocks Hooligan wrestled Locked & Loaded to a no contest.
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Credit: Steven Hunter
Memphis Wrestling TV Ratings and Poll Results Report 11.29.08
-Lawler videos
-TK2 vs Soutaker/Koko
-TK2 vs Boogeyman/Flash [start]
Quarter 1
1.3 [21,067 viewers]
-TK2 vs Boogeyman/Flash [finish]
-Kid Kash vs Johnny Dotson
Quarter 2
1.3 [21,067 viewers]
-“Wrestling Professor”
-Fabs vs Moondogs
-Lawler vs Masters [start]
Quarter 3
1.7 [27,549 viewers] [+6482 viewers]
-Lawler vs Masters [finish]
Quarter 4
.7 [11,344 viewers] [-16,205 viewers]
----The show had one of its best quarters scoring 1.7, but a good look at what happened. You have a good increase of 6482 viewers, the BAM – you lose over 16,000 viewers for Masters vs Lawler. What does this tell you?? What the ratings have proved even when they were scoring better numbers – Lawler means nothing to Memphis Wrestling ratings!! Could he ever mean anything to Memphis Wrestling again?? I think only if they had real good numbers in the 4.0 or 5.0 range and he was gone for a year. Then when he did show up – it might mean something.
Memphis Wrestling Poll
Thumbs Up 58%
Thumbs Down 42%
----Even all you guys that seem to vote Thumbs Up are slowing down. LOL Even though the show had no new material – if you had not seen it, it was not that bad. The only way they are going to an increase in anything is to put on original new programming.
RassleResults: NEW West Memphis, AR 12.05.08
Greg Anthony over Greg King
Solid match. Missed leapfrog spot led to a couple of awkward transitions, but they recovered nicely. Finish came when King whipped Anthony to the corner, Anthony went up, King caught him in a fireman's carry, Anthony reversed to a sunset flip for the pin.
Derrick King over Matt Justyce
Matt's pretape was his best by far, and through the match I thought his presence was much better than I had seen in the past. Justyce got a busted lip a couple minutes in. Justyce went for a sunset flip, but DK sat down before Matt went fully over, and got the pin.
Eric Wayne/Kid Nikels over Dustin Starr/Byron Wilcott
The crowd was HOT for this one. Wilcott's pretape put over his WWE developmental deal. He's a huge guy, impressive. Wilcott is the snobby British heel, and Starr is Starr. They had the crowd all over them. With the most overt heel work I've seen in NEW, and with the "hometown boys" in place, it was a nice recipe. ric took a hell of a beating in this one, coming out with a bloody nose. Kid/Wilcott were in at the end, after Dustin tried to break a pin for the 2nd time, Eric charged him. Eric/Dustin were outside the ring, Wilcott went for a belly-to-back, Kid rolled in mid-air to reverse into a pin. Great crowd reaction for the finish. I'd like to see Kid vs. Wilcott one-on-one.
Credit: "West Memphis" Wayne
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 12.05.08
Psycho Medic & Shawn Hoodrich b Kevin Dunn & Super Delirious Black Ninja when Medic pinned Ninja
Josh Crowe (w/KO) b Travis Starr
Jason Xavier b Lee Cross
Damien Payne b JD Fluffy
LT Falk b Nazi Terror by DQ when ref Mark Owen saw Nazi using an international object
Shane Eden & Steven Green b Tim Renesto & Saint when Green pinned Saint
Michael Jablonski b Jeremiah Plunkett in a dog collar match to win the USWO Championship
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Friday, December 05, 2008
SITE NEWS!!! Hall of Fame, Blaylock, Sal, Yearbook 2008 and RRO Awards Race 2008!!
----Jimmy Blaylock has got a lot of flack for the Kamala DVD not being released, but I would like to tell everyone that at least he will have a cover for it in a few days. LOL I will be working on it in the next few days. We will have a full review of the DVD when it is released!!
----Sal Corrente is on the road today for the big show tomorrow night. There will not be a new “A Piece of My Mind” until next week.
----I have been working on Yearbook 2008. I have tried to listen to the critics on this one and we will be adding as much original material as possible. But, remember – it is a “year in review” project, so it will have a lot of material you have already read. That is why it is a “review”..LOL Each winner this year will have a section of “Five Fun Facts” about them. It might be something as simple as belts they have held or something silly like their favorite soft drink.
----Here are a few things I need help on from everyone. If you want a specific picture of yourself in the Yearbook, then please send me one. If you object to me taking any photos from your account or such, then please send me a note. You can also help me by participating in something a little cheesy, but I am going to try to post at least 100 of these in Yearbook 2008. If you are a local worker, send me 5 words that describe yourself. Just five simple words!! It is just going to be a fun part of Yearbook 2008!! And finally, if you are a promoter and have a list of your title changes as in dates and such. Pass them along – it will make sure that I get everything correct.
----Many of you have asked about this --- starting this Wednesday, I will start going over all the categories of the third annual RRO AWARDS RACE. Nominees will be e-mailed and we will also accept them on the Kayfabe Message Board. So get registered!!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Steve Bradley Found Dead!!

Steve Bradley, who worked a number of dark matches for WWE in the late 1990s and early 2000s was found dead this morning in his car in a parking lot across the street from where he once operated a professional wrestling school in Manchester, New Hampshire. The former WWE developmental wrestler was 32 years old.
Bradley started wrestling in 1991 when he was 15 or 16 years old around the east coast. In late 1998, he signed a developmental contract with WWE and was assigned to their developmental camp at Power Pro Wrestling in Memphis, Tennessee. Kurt Angle was signed at the same time and the two feuded over the Power Pro Wrestling Championship, which was voted "Underrated Feud of the Year" by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Bradley was actually the first wrestler to defeat Kurt Angle via pinfall.
In 1999, Bradley won the third annual ECWA Super 8 tournament, defeating current TNA wrestler Christopher "Curry Man" Daniels.
During his time under contract to WWE, Bradley worked for the Heartland Wrestling Association, Ohio Valley Wrestling and other promotions affiliated with WWE at the time, including IWA Puerto Rico and Memphis Championship Wrestling. During his time in MCW, Bradley won their heavyweight title, defeating the wrestler now known as R-Truth. Bradley worked a number of dark matches prior to WWE television tapings as well as house shows, but never made the main roster. His work was said to be similar to that of Rob Van Dam, and once he joined WWE in the summer of 2001, Bradley got lost in the shuffle. Bradley was ultimately released by WWE in the summer of 2002 during a talent purge.
Following his release from WWE, Bradley returned to the New England area and opened a wrestling school, Top Rope Wrestling Academy, which was shut down within the past six months.
Bradley dealt with personal issues over the years and was one of the former talents who took up WWE's offer of getting help within the past year.
According to Manchester police, they confirmed the death of someone with the same real last name as him -- Bisson -- and in the same age bracket Bradley would have been. However, they would not release any more information because it had not been confirmed his family had been notified.
Credit: Tia @
Steve Bradley found dead
He was 32-years-old.
I'm sure as more details are made available, Brian Tramel will have additional reports on this situation.
I personally had the opportunity to work closely with Steve during the final six months of Memphis Championship Wrestling's run as a developmental territory in 2001.
Steve was one of the company's featured attractions, as one of the primary holders of the Southern Heavyweight Title at the conclusion of MCW's deal with WWE. He was managed by today WWE Diva Victoria.
On behalf of everyone at RasslinRiotOnline, we send our deepest sympathy to Bradley's family and friends at this trying time.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 11.29.08
Corey Maclin welcomed everyone to the show. Corey is going it alone, this week, in the studio. No Lawler. Corey said they've got a lot of action in store for us, including some recent action that took place in Memphis Wrestling. Corey hoped everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving and wished everyone a happy belated Thanksgiving.
They go to some action featuring a music video package, highlighting some of Jerry "The King" Lawler's classic moments to the tune of Green Day's hit song, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams".
Immediately, following the Lawler video, they switched to video of Memphis Wrestling that originally aired on May 21st, 2005. This segment started off with "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware telling both members of Too Cool 2 that he guaranteed that he could beat both their butts anytime he got ready. This started a match between Koko along with his partner, The Soul Taker, going at it with Too Cool 2.
Too Cool 2(Tim Grind/Flex) got the win over Koko and Soul Taker when Koko jumped in and attacked Too Cool 2, shocking them with his hot stick.
Back in the studio, Corey said there is nothing like experiencing Memphis Wrestling live when it comes to an area near you.
To contact "The King" visit, where you can find all types of merchandise like new t-shirts, old pictures, and videos. You can also check out some of "The King's" artwork.
To advertise with Memphis Wrestling or contact them about personal appearances, live events, and fund raisers, call 901-794-7771
They take a look back at WWE Superstar, The Boogeyman, in action from The River Palace Arena at the Sam's Town Casino in Tunica, Mississippi. The Boogeyman teamed with Flash Flanagan in a contest against Too Cool 2. Flash was on his own at the beginning of the match until The Boogeyman made his grand entrance with worms in mouth. This evened up the sides, with The Boogeyman cleaning house....for about two minutes until he left ringside and went to the back only to return with even more worms. These worms even found a new home in the faces of Flex and Referee Bill Rush. At this time, Corey added, "Oh my goodness! I tell ya, you don't want this guy to give you CPR." They called for the bell on this one. Boogeyman proceeded to dance around the ring, chanting Boogeyman. This led to the crowd joining in on the chant. How did The Boogeyman thank the fans for cheering for him? He rolled outside the ring, spat a worm into the crowd, and ran to the back. Classy.
Corey Maclin said a few words about Kid Kash. They take a look at the K.I.D. in action back from May 15th, 2004 for their one year anniversary show on UPN. Kid Kash, who was managed by "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart threatened to put Corey Maclin's face in the special cake they had at the announce table if he didn't hold that microphone up.
Kid Kash defeated Johnny Dotson in a nice fast pace match after connecting with a double underhook piledriver.
Back in the studio, Corey said that The Wrestling Professor was in the other studio. Corey mentioned that they are shooting the show at the Memphis Library on Popular Avenue. Corey gave The Professor January 16th, 1984 as this week's date. They cut to The Wrestling Professor, who answered correctly, by saying this was the time The Fabulous Ones, Stan Lane and Steve Keirn, went against Jimmy Hart and his Moondogs, Rex and Spot. Corey said we thought we had you this time. The Wrestling Professor told Corey, "You and The King try to come on the show and belittle The Wrestling Professor. Bring him down to size, but I'm gonna let you know that I am the true brains of Memphis Wrestling. It's a new era in town and it is The Wrestling Professor!"
They go to the classic footage of The Fabulous Ones squaring off against The Moondogs with Jimmy Hart in their corner. The finish of this one came when Jimmy Hart attempted to hit Steve Keirn in the face with some powder, but Keirn ducked and Hart blasted the Moondog with the powder. Keirn leveled him with a piledriver and attempted the pin, but the other Moondog tried to attack him with his bone. Keirn moved, again, resulting in the Moondog striking his own partner. When this happened, Stan Lane jumped in and pinned the hurt Moondog to get the win for The Fabulous Ones.
They showed more footage from the River Palace Arena at the Sam's Town Casino when Jerry "The King" Lawler battled "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters. This was a fun match. There was a guy bandaged up, wearing a mask at ringside, that they said was Derrick King because he was "lit up" by Lawler the week before. Referee Jerry Calhoun took a bump. Lawler dropped the fist on Masters. The bandaged guy jumped in the ring and kicked Lawler. Lawler retaliated, by piledriving him. After Lawler, cleared the ring, Derrick King appeared, without a mask, nailing Lawler with a chain. Masters nonchalantly pinned "The King" while posing, but Lawler reversed the pinning combination and got the three count, defeating Masters. Following the match, Chris Masters and Derrick King got into an argument and began pushing each other, resulting in Derrick King taking the Masterlock Challenge and not fairing too well.
Wood & Carlton P.C. Attorneys at Law Slam of the Week was Derrick King striking Lawler with a chain. Corey Maclin wrapped up the show, saying he'll be looking for everyone, next week.
Credit: D-Rock @
Shows of The Weekend 12.05 to 12.06
----TIWF has a show in Brownsville, TN on Friday with proceeds going to Christmas Basket Fund with Tank Turner, Lawman Williams, "Big Boys", Chico Menzoza, Waycool, Wildside, Torture King, Danny B, Jesse D and many more.
----NBW debut in Newbern, TN with Jeremy Moore, “The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed], Sarge O’Reilly, Brandon Espinosa, Jason Reed, Chris Rocker, XOW, Big Red and more.
----DCW/WOWF returns to Dyersburg, TN Flex, Derrick King, Tatt2, Tim Edwards, Motley Cruz, "BLS" [AJ Bradley/VOID], Shannon Lee, Mark Justice, Seth Knight, Kilo and "The Aslyum" [Pappy/Psycho] and more.
----All Pro Productions "Christmas Chaos" Show in Batesville Mississippi. Belltime will be 7:00 for this show "Return Of The King" at the Eureka Theater Downtown On The Square in Batesville Ms. Belltime will be 7:00 doors open at 6:00. Cameron Valentine, Max Steele, Jerry "The King" Lawler, Candyman. Big Hoss Williams, Syn, Mr. Showtime, Suicide , Oscar Barlow, Rodney Grimes, Uncle Felton, Chris Kilgore, and many many more. A SURPRISE GUEST from Hollywood Jimmy.
----RRO's Brian Thompson and Sal Corrente will be in Charoltte, NC for the show featuring Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Nasty Boys, Jimmy Hart, Midnight Express, Rock N Roll Express and more. I will not be attending the show [still under the weather], but look for photos and stories from Thompson/Corrente sometime next week from the show.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
"Flashback" Early Dec 1978 & 1983 by Mark James
Dec 4, 1978
30 Years ago this week, Jerry Lawler defeated Tommy Gilbert to get his AWA Southern heavyweight title back. Tommy Gilbert had defeated Don Fargo for the belt on the Sat morning Memphis show 2 days earlier.
Bill Dundee got the win over Handsome Jimmy Valiant. Jimmy had turned heel a few weeks earlier.
Also, the Bounty Hunters defeated Mike and Pat Kelly in a loser-leave-town match. In a 6-man match, Koko Ware, Robert Gibson and Lou Thesz won by dq over Wayne Farris, Bill Dromo and Terry Sawyer.
Dec 5, 1985
A quarter of a century ago, Memphis had a huge, packed card. In the main event, The southern heavyweight champion, Jerry Lawler won by dq over challenger Randy Savage.
In the Southern tag team title match, Steve Keirn and Stan Lane, the Fabulous Ones and challengers, the Road Warriors fought to a double dq.
In the CWA World tag title match, the champs, Austin Idol and Dutch Mantell successfully defended their belt against the challenge of Dennis Condrey and Norvell Austin.
In other bouts… US Jr champ Bill Dundee defeated Rick Morton in a no dq title match… A young Buddy Landell lost to veteran Angelo Poffo… In the 12-man match, the Moondogs, the Bruise Brothers and the A-team defeated Terry Taylor, Bobby Eaton, Stagger Lee, Art Crews, Robert Gibson and Tom Pritchard.
Tons of Memphis legends on this card. Attendance was over 8,000.
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – - Click on his site and order his books!!

----Sources lasted night reported to me that DCW/WOWF with booker Derrick King will be working side by side with TLCW’s booking team of Stan Lee/Greg Anthony. This is as of right now. LOL It has been back and forth on what they had planned to do. King was very upset that he had been promised the books at TLCW at the front of 2009, but owner Tim Cummins along with Lane/Anthony had decided they wanted to keep the book. In return, it looked like there was going to be an all out war with everyone for themselves. As of this morning, it looks like it will be NBW backed up against the wall as Dyersburg-Ripley will be working together with some of the guys doing double duty and others rotating in 6 week intervals. That is a great idea for both companies as it will keep talent fresh and with the distance of Dyersburg-Ripley [30 minutes] they have been running with both drawing 100+ and near 200+ for big shows.
----NBW is left out in the cold here. I am expecting it to be told by officials of both promotions to work either Dyersburg or Ripley, but not NBW. As you can tell by the poster, NBW will promote in Newbern, TN with a roster including Jeremy Moore, “The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed], Sarge O’Reilly [very over in this area], Brandon Espinosa [former member of the LAW roster], Jason Reed, Chris Rocker, XOW [not sure what that means], Big Red and more. Not sure how Rocker figures in with all this, because as I said above I don’t think either TLCW/Dyersburg is going to let them do double shots. Moore and company even have a harder job now with both companies against them and running a town that is not proven to draw. Moore has spent 2008 building his company to drawing the same as TLCW, but now with both against him – it will be interesting to see what it does.
----This whole trading talent working together deal was pivoted by Dustin Starr wanting to work double duty with TLCW/Dyersburg. When he was told they were not going to do that, then he was going to opt out and work NBW/TLCW. Derrick King talked with Stan Lee again and they made the decision of trading talent and letting guys do double duty. TLCW core line up will be Chris O’Neal, Christian Jacobs, Dell Tucker, Oz. Steven Rampage, Stan Lee, Maxx Corbin, Albino Rhino and Greg Anthony. It looks like Starr will do double duty the first week and look for a few more to do the same.
Robbie Douglas Update!!
----I am posting the full story that was posted on and as noted on the Kayfabe Message Board by CrimeFighter, this is probably the most complete account of the incident we will get.
Officer put on paid leave
Humboldt police officer shoots ex-boyfriend outside Milan homeA Humboldt police officer is on paid administrative leave after she shot her ex-boyfriend in the hip outside her Milan home, according to Milan and Humboldt police.
Humboldt officer Melody Pierce, 31, told Milan police she shot Robert Kendall shortly before 10 p.m. Saturday after a scuffle over a gun.
Hunter Stewart, another Humboldt police officer, also was involved in the incident. Stewart was back at work Monday, said Humboldt Police Chief Raymond Simmons.
Simmons said the Humboldt Police Department would not take any further action until Milan police conclude their investigation.
"At this point, we are not aware that either of (the Humboldt officers) have violated any city ordinance," Simmons said.
Milan police Commander Bobby Sellers said Monday the incident is still under investigation and no one has been arrested.
Sellers said he was trying to get in touch with Kendall to interview him about the shooting.
Kendall, 26, of Humboldt, was taken to an area hospital after the shooting. Sellers said he did not know what Kendall's condition was Monday. Kendall could not be reached for comment.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, which sometimes assists with investigations of officer-related shootings, is not involved in this case, said John Mehr, special agent in charge with the TBI in Jackson. He said the TBI investigates such cases at the request of the district attorney general.
According to the initial police report, Milan police responded to a call of someone breaking a window on South First Street on Saturday night.
When police arrived at Pierce's home, they found Kendall lying in the carport with a gunshot wound to his hip, according to the police report. Pierce was standing about eight feet from Kendall, holding a handgun. She was still on the phone with a police dispatcher, telling the person she had shot Kendall, the report said.
Pierce told police that Kendall, who is her ex-boyfriend, and Stewart were fighting in the carport when Kendall reached for Stewart's gun, the report said. She then shot Kendall to protect Stewart, Pierce told police.
Pierce said Kendall had harassed her in the past, according to the report. Earlier Saturday, Kendall entered her home without permission and also locked her into a bedroom with him, she said. She asked him to leave and he did, Pierce said.
Stewart told police that after the window to the house was broken, he walked outside with his handgun and saw Kendall walking away, the report said. Stewart told Kendall to stop, and Kendall turned around and walked toward him, the report said. Stewart then pointed his gun at Kendall and told him to stop.
Stewart told police he then put his gun behind his back. At that point, Kendall hit Stewart and pushed him into the carport wall, Stewart said. The two began wrestling for the handgun, the police report said.
That is when Pierce shot Kendall, according to the report.
Both Pierce and Stewart were carrying their department-issued handguns, Sellers said.
Sellers said he was not aware of any relationship between Pierce and Stewart other than that they were coworkers.
Pierce joined the Humboldt Police Department in July 2006 and Stewart joined in November 2007, Simmons said.
Jackson Sun reporter Tajuana Cheshier contributed to this report.
----The original link is CLICK HERE and the comments below the post are pretty brutal toward Pierce.
RassleResults: TLCW "Thanksgiving Throwdown" 11.29.08
“Rockin” Randy with superkick over Phoenix X
Weasel over Jake Johnson and Slim Pickens in a triple threat. Pickens went for his bulldog, but stopped right in the middle of it – he went into a “daze”. Weasel shitcanned him and pinned Jake.
Ike Tucker had a “Blues Review” – Fan got up in the ring and danced with him. “X-3” jumped Ike. This coming week, “Rhythm & Blues” [Brian Steele/Ike] vs “X-3”.
TLCW Commish Dustin Baker interviews MAW Commish KC Gold. KC plugged his upcoming MAW show and after that Baker asks him about his pick for the lumberjack match tonight because his champ is also “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony. KC said his pick was “As good As Gold”..KC is heel now.
Briefcase on A Pole: Kaleb beat Rashard Devon in a ref vs ref match. Kaleb got the briefcase and dropped down. Rashard hit ref with powder in the eyes. Bishop comes out and goes to spear Kaleb, but Kaleb leapfrogs Bishop – Bishop spears Rashard. Bishop turns around and catches the briefcase that Kaleb throws to him. Kaleb dropkicks Bishop hitting the briefcase into his face and pins Rashard.
“Picture Perfect” [Chris O’Neal/Christian Jacobs] win TLCW Tag Team Titles beating Dell Tucker/Cody Melton in a No DQ match. O’Neal legdropped Melton threw a table for the win. Tucker turns on Melton after the match and powerbombs Melton threw a table.
Alan Steele beat Chris Rocker. Jake Lesner [Steele’s bodyguard] helped Steele win by holding Rocker’s feet during suplex.
“The Baron” Malkavain beat Bishop in a “Casket Match” with a “Demon Wings” on the concrete. He put Bishop in the casket and put the “Demon Wings” on Rashard after the match.
Dustin Starr beat Flash Flanagan in a “Loser Leave Town” Match. Flash had match won, but then “Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] returned to TLCW and interfered.
“The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat Stan Lee in a “Lumberjack Match” with the ring surrounded by “Mid-South Riders” [biker group]. Finish had Lee hit Tiger bomb and then a ref bump. KC Gold comes out with a chair – Bikers go after Gold. Lee with ref. TGB goes to untie top turnbuckle pad. Lee does a running European uppercut – TGB moves and Lee hits exposed turnbuckle and pins Lee. TGB tires to leave the ring and bikers will not let him go. Lee hits TGB with spinkick and does a frogsplash on him. Fans go home happy.
200+ in the crowd.
----I was told the three best bouts were the tag title change, casket match and the main event…Bishop, Flash and Rashard are all gone after this show…I have talked with a few people about this subject. This show with over double the regular attendance proves one thing – shows draw on storylines, not just one wrestler. It is all about the whole package. There were some out there that thought since Derrick King was not on the show or booking that the show that it would not draw a big number. If more promoters would realize it is not about ONE wrestler, it is about ALL the matches, then they might draw better…DK wasn’t there, but damn it looked like a long show – you sure he didn’t book it. LOL…RRO was not in attendance as planned, because I was a bit under the weather this past weekend…I hate ref vs ref matches!!!
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 11.29.08
The Executioners (Axe & Dagger) defeated Devon Raynes & Kilo Green.
PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) defeated Down to Party (David Andrews & Nick Grimes).
EPW Extreme Champion Cassanova Kid over "Monkey Boy" Danny Morris by DQ when Dustin Burcham interfered. Looks like Monkey Boy has himself a new manager in Dustin Burcham.
24/7 (JR Mauler & Kross) defeated Brody Hawk & Justin Rhodes in a controversial finish (Brody's foot was on the bottom rope when the referee made the count). Brody vowed to return this Saturday and "bring hell with him."
Main event was three-way tag team action with the TFW Tag TEam Championship on the line. Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten/Brett Michaels) defeated Bonecrusher/Soul Taker and The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) to retain the belts.
Approx 90 in the building. Great show!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 11.28.08
Tournament Match:
LSD advanced by defeating Suicide & J-Kid in a 3-way match.
Tournament Match:
Josh Matthews advanced by defeating "The Future" Chris Styles.
Down to Party (David Andrews & "Prime Time" Nick Grimes) won a 3-way tag team match over Pain, Inc. (Izzy Rotten/Brett Michaels) and The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade).
Tournament Match:
DJ Stunner advanced by defeating Syn.
"Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore defeated Mason in a Texas Bullrope match.
TFW Champion Chop Top the Clown defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs in a non-title match.
Attendance was approx. 100.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Rebirth of a Legacy!!

----I feel there is probably going to be a lot written in the next few weeks about the emergence of a new promotion aka old promotion - DCW/WOWF Wrestling. [Am I the only one that hates that name??] As I have reported, there will now be four promotions in driving distance in the Dyer County area. I believe TIWF may be the only promotion that will come out of this without any scars - mainly because they stick to themselves and don't play the games. NBW [debuts in Newbern, TN this weekend] and TLCW [in Ripley, TN] will both battle it out with DCW/WOWF over talent and fans. After looking at their roster it makes me wonder if some of the guys like Chris Rocker and Dustin Starr will be doing double duty?? Flex, Derrick King and Tatt2 do not have regular Saturday night spots, so they will be the "neutral" ones, even though they got deep TLCW roots also. Tim Edwards, Motley Cruz, BLS, Shannon Lee, Mark Justice and Seth Knight have all been working NBW. It looks like they will be here now. Kilo has been with TIWF, but with NBW up until a few weeks ago. "The Aslyum" [Pappy/Psycho] make the jump from RWA and have been featured for both NBW/TLCW.
----I plan to have more details on who is going where and such later in the week - where all the lines will be drawn. I will have a look at a bigger picture as Derrick King, who we talked to this week and he confirmed that he will the booker of the DCW/WOWF, but also HAD plans of returning to TLCW earlier next year. That is another whole big story that will we will cover later this week.
Monday, December 01, 2008
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR Results Wrapup 11.21.08 & 11.28.08 - NEW RWA CHAMPION!!!
New comer John Allen VS The Black Dragon from Mexico. Winner Black Dragon.
Classy Melton Massy VS Chris Steel. Winner Chris Steel.
Massy Attacked Steel after the match with the golf club he carries with him. Doing damage to Steels ankle.
Midnight Cowboy and Zane Richards VS the Asylum (Psycho and Arnez) Winner Cowboy and Richards. Cowboy used powder to blind Arnez and get the pin.
Luke Graham Jr. VS JD Kerry. Winner by pin fall, JD Kerry.
The Natural Born Playa'z [Southside Brawler/Pimptacular] VS Pokerface and Mike Anthony. Winner by count out Pokerface and Mike Anthony. The Playaz took a powder be for they were pinned and then came back when Pokerface and Mike Anthony were not looking and attacked them with belts.
Lethal VS Lucky A Last Man Standing Match, Or a Last Midget Standing Match...
No Winner neither one could answer the bell. Lucky and PP3 the special guest ref had an altercation which lead to a match being made for the next week.
The Main Event The Angel of Sin VS RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney Mack. Winner by count out. Angel of Sin. They had a brutal match and while they were on the outside of the ring the Angel of Sin went under the ring and pulled Mack half way under. Mack emerged handcuffed to the support under the ring. The Angel made it back into the ring before the 10 count. Mack then broke the cuff's and climb back into the ring but the Angel took a powder. The Angel grabbed a Mic and kept telling Rodney he was not playing by the rules of the game. The Angel tried to attack a group of kids before the match started and Rodney stood in front of the kids. Things are heating up in the RWA.
125+ in the building.
Show started with Frank Martin telling the crowd that before they talked about wrestling he wanted to talk about life. Well actually Life and Death. One of the fans of the RWA Roger Veitto and Justin Love had a death in their family. Justin's mother and Rogers Aunt passed away this past week. The family has no money for her services so the RWA is taking up collections for the family.
Now the life part of the show Martin announced that Rodney Mack and Jazz are proud parents of twin baby girls. Summer and Skye are their names and the all is well in the Mack household. Congratulations to the new parents.
Martin then announced that there was a huge surprise for the fans since they came out on this Thanksgiving weekend.
1st Match. Lucky VS PP3 winner Lucky
2nd Match. Soultrain Jones VS Classy Melton Massy. Winner Soultrain Jones.
3rd Match. New comers to the RWA John Allen and Roger Allen. VS The Asylum (Psycho and Pappy) Winner The Asylum
4th Match. J.D. Kerry VS Tatt2. No winner. The Angel of Sin came to the ring and attacked both J.D. and Tatt2. J.D. Is the first student to graduate from the Dog Pound Wrestling School. Rodney Mack made the save.
At the intermission the Playaz attacked Mike Anthony and Pokerface while they were signing autographs. They concentrated their efforts on Pokerface busting open his mouth.
5th match was to be Must Be a Pin Fall match The Natural Born Playaz VS Pokerface and Mike Anthony. Only Mike Anthony came out and agreed to a handicap match. Pokerface eventually made it to the ring but it was to late as the Playaz got the pin fall. After the match while the Playaz were celebrating their victory, Martin came out from the back. He told the Playaz he was tired of their games and so they had to play one of his games. He then did the kids game ennie meannee Mininie Moe game and when he came to the and you are not it. He told Southside he was barred from the building next week. If he shows up or comes to the building he will be fined and then fired. But Mr. Pimptacular won the game and since he won Martin told him he would give him his prize. Mr Pimptacular won an all expense trip to the RWA ring next week for a handicapped match between him and Pokerface and Mike Anthony. If he does not show up he was fired. Crowd loved this game...
The big surprise of the evening was next...
Match 6. Derrick King and Johnny Dotson VS Kevin Douglas and Bull.
This was Derrick's and Johnny's debut in the RWA. This was the best tag team match that the RWA has had in a long, long, time... Derrick and Johnny did a mic spill that was a classic. As the match started is was obvious that these two teams matched up well. Kevin Douglas and Bull are from the Dallas/Fortworth area and were trained by Rodney Mack. They both have a lot of experience. It was a great match that went back and forth and had the crowd hotter than they normally are. A fan even tried to throw a chair at King! Security stepped in and calmed the fan down for the rest of the match. In the end Kevin and Bull got the victory by pin fall over Derrick and Johnny. Derrick and Johnny were both stunned and got the mic and Derrick told the crowd that it was a fast count and Kevin had a hold of his tights. So the Winners by DQ were Derrick King and Johnny Dotson. As The two were going back to the dressing rooms King pointed at Martin and told him "we are coming back" then they turned to the crowd and told them "we will be back"!!
Things are getting really interesting in the RWA...
The Main Event The Angel of Sin [pictured] VS Rodney Mack for the RWA Heavyweight Title.
The Angel came to the ring with his Disciple and then brought out his wife, Athena. He claims she is the greatest women's wrestler in the world.
The match was a great match that kept the crowd hot and very much into the match. These two know each other well and they were not holding anything back. They were very physical with every move, punch and chop. In the end as Rodney made his comeback he went for the spear and hit it. As the ref counted 1, 2, Athena pulled the ref out of the ring breaking the count. The Angel mounted a comeback but Rodney cut him off and went for the second spear and the Angel of Sin pulled the ref into the path. The Angel then hit his finisher and pulled the ref over and with the ref out the Angel took his hand and made the 3 count. knowing that would not count he did his best to get the ref back into the match and the ref did indeed make the 3 count and the New RWA Heavyweight Champion is The Angel of Sin..
Over 125 again for the show.
Credit: RWA Reporter
Championship Wrestling Signs National Deal!!
KINGSPORT, TN - Championship Wrestling has reached an agreement with the AMG TV Network. Championship Wrestling TV will be syndicated nationally and will be seen on across the country starting on Friday, December 27.
AMGTV ( supplies broadcasters and cable casters all across the United States with well produced, family entertainment... AMGTV provides programming to over 150 television stations in almost every major market in the country. AMGTV programs are available in 20 million potential homes.
Championship Wrestling (, based out of Northeast TN, has produced a weekly episodic TV program for the last 5 years in the Tri-Cities TN/VA market... Championship Wrestling currently airs on Tri-Cities CW4 in that market and will continue to been seen locally on that station.... Championship Wrestling TV can also been seen weekly on their website:
This is also a groundbreaking move for the Tri-Cities area. No local television program from that market has ever went into national syndication.
This is a huge opportunity for Championship Wrestling to expand into other areas, as well as showcase the top independent wrestling talent from all over the country.
The First 2 episodes of Championship Wrestling TV on the AMG TV Network will showcase the stars of Championship Wrestling and "catch up" fans across the nation on some of CW's greatest moments.
Championship Wrestling 1st National TV Taping will take place on Saturday, January 3 at the Civic Auditorium in Kingsport, TN.
For more information visit
Robbie Douglas Shot!!

----West Tennessee’s News Channel WBBJ-TV Channel 7 out of Jackson, TN is reporting that 31 year old Humboldt, TN police officer Melody Pierce shot her former boyfriend Robert Kendall [Robbie Douglas] as he allegedly broke into her house at 6:00 PM Saturday night in Milan, TN. Hunter Stewart, Pierce’s co worker, told Milan investigators that he tried to stop Kendall from coming into the house and there was a struggle. Piece told investigators that she shot trying to defend Stewart from Kendall. I was told that the bullet entered his hip and apparently shattered. Douglas is still recouping in an area hospital. RRO has tried to contact Douglas and as soon as we get more news, it will be reported here. I wish Douglas a speedy recovery.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
RassleResults: LAW "Thanksgiving Throwndown" Rector, AR 11.28.08
Ray Ray over Zane Richards and PP3 in a Triple Threat match
Slim “The Bulldog” Pickens over Jay Webster
Austin Lane & Justin Smart over Scott Fury & Morgan Williams to become #1 Contenders to the L.A.W. Tag Team Titles
The Asylum (Psycho & Pappy) over “The One” Cody Only & L.A.W. Champion Idol Bane
Over 60 people in the building, and they were hot all night. Prior to the main event, L.A.W. President Jeff O’Dell came to the ring and announced that Austin Lane & Justin Smart would get their title shot against L.A.W. Tag Team Champion Slim Pickens and a partner of his choice at Christmas Clash on Dec. 26th in Rector. O’Dell then announced the special guest ref for tonight’s main event: Rector’s own Tony Gunn! The finish of the main event involved Idol Bane hitting Psycho with a street sign behind Tony’s back. When Tony turned to make the count, he noticed the stop sign and refused to count. Psycho would eventually recover and hit Cody Only with the Dream-Catcher for the pin. After the match, there was a stare-down between Tony Gunn and Idol Bane. Jeff O’Dell came down to the ring and told Idol that he should take his focus off of Tony Gunn and turn it to the new #1 Contender to his L.A.W. Heavyweight Title: Psycho! O’Dell then announced that Idol will defend the title against Psycho at Christmas Clash on Dec. 26th!
----This group did almost triple their normal attendance, but still only 60 people is nothing to be happy with.
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 11.29.08
Attendance about 40
JD Fluffy b El Loco Uno
Travis Starr b Crazy Eights (w/Ronnie Vegas) and Shawn Hoodrich in a 3-way when Starr pinned Eights
LT Falk b Toby Farley
Mexican Dragon b Convict
Anthony Wayne vs Chris Norte ended in a no decision when Wayne hits a German suplex on Norte and each of two refs counts a different man's shoulders down
Steven Green vs Damien Payne went to a time limit draw
Derrick Neal & Psycho Medic b Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn (w/Lekisha) to win the ATL Tag Team Championship when Neal pinned Lowe. Post-match, Lowe was accosted by Dunn and Lekisha then Damien Payne ran out to join Dunn in a beatdown until Neal cleared the ring.
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
RassleResults: SSW Thanksgiving Night Kingsport, TN 11.27.08

17th Annual Thanksgiving card
* Cody Ices beat Chase Owens with Ashlee
Good opener with a lot of action. Owens as become one of the most hated wrestlers in this area. Cody Ices was award the Most Improved Wrestler of 08 before the matches started.
Owens used Ices tights several time durning the match to take him down and to get out of Ices' holds. Owens used the tights into an O' Conner role but ref Brandon Cox caught Owens using the tights and pushed him backwards which ended up with Ices on top for the 3 count.
* Ray Idol beat Mike Cooper
Both of these guys are long time Kingsport regulars and were received well by the fans. Good solid wrestling match with Idol getting his hand raised.
* Moe Jenkins beat BoBo Brown by TKO in the 4th round of a taped fist boxing match
Jenkins fought for almost 10 years in gold gloves while growing up in Detroit which showed. Brown prob had never been in a boxing match or class in his life which showed but still held his own.
Round one was the two just filling each other out Brown threw many punched but never landed a one. Round town Brown sucker punched Jenkins on a break and got the up hand which lead to him knocking him down twice in the round. As round two was ending Jenkins landed a big right that dropped Brown but he was saved by the bell.
Mike Cooper was Brown's corner man he had to pick brown up and drag him to his corner. Between rounds cooper took something from his tights and rubbed it all over Brown's right hand. Jenkins started round three on fire until Brown rubbed his right hand across Jenkins eyes. Moe had to back off and was trying to wipe his eye's and Brown unloaded on Moe giving him a beating and scoring another knock down. Jenkins was saved by the bell.
Brandon Cox informed Jenkins' corner if he did not fight back or show more defense he was stopping the fight. Jenkins' corner man Nick Hammonds worked between rounds trying to wash Moe's eyes out. Round four started with Brown again rubbing in the eyes and pounding on Moe. Brandon Cox stepped in and check Jenkins then allowed him to wipe his eyes. Jenkins then able to see unloaded on Brown and beat him across the ring into the corner and pounded him until the ref stepped in and stopped it.
* Misty James and her mystery Partner were next vs. Ryan Dookie and Kole Layton King
Other then the main event this was the most heated match of the night. The men came out first and dared any woman in the building to be Misty's partner and said them are not worried about anyone she brings out as long as she is in the match they were going to win. NO WOMAN COULD EVER BEAT A MAN. They also said they Beau James had given them permission to hurt Misty if needed.
Misty came out alone. She said that this was not only a big match but she had a lot of pressure on her to make a good showing and that she knew she need a partner that would get down and dirty and do what ever it took to win. She then told the people that they need to trust her on this decision she has made for partner and to please support this person like they do her. The music hit and out came Rebecca Lynn. This was Lynn's first time back in Kingsport since Misty beat her in a loser leave town match in June.
Misty started with Dookie. She took his arm which lead to him getting out very easy and making fun of her. He did a little dance and when he turned around she arm dragged him. He came up and charged her she arm dragged him then hip tossed him. King then charged in and was hip tossed. The men found themselves on the floor in shock.
Dookie tagged in King who came in ad grabbed Misty in ahead lock which lead to her coming out with a top wrist lock and tacking King down. She out wrestled him couple more times and know it was Rebecca's turn to come in. They did a couple classic "Tennessee spots" with the girls making the guys look like a couple jack assess.
Dookie end up stopping Misty with a knee to the stomach and the men took over. They never hit her they just slammed,suplexed her, and tied her up in holds. Misty got loose and starting punching King which lead to him knocking her down and dropping a leg then a fist on her. Dookie came in and dropped an elbow on her.
Misty ended up ducking a double clothes line and clothes lining then guys. ALl three were down and Rebecca was ready for the tag when Jamey Gibson showed up put of no where and pulled her off the ring.
Gibson demanded her to leave with him and said why should we help her she ran us out of town. Lynn would not leave she need up decking Gibson and rolling in the ring and getting a big come back on the guys. Now the girls had the upper hand and were cleaning the guys clocks until Gibson reached in and tripped both girls. Ref Rob Knight stopped the match. The girls rolled out as Gibson came in and grabbed chairs and then ran the guys out of the ring.
The crowd started the 5 more minutes chant. Rebecca got on the mic and said she came here to prove a point that woman can compete with men.And she planned on it being a one time deal but now she is mad and plans on staying around until she can get the three of them in a match. The girls challenged the guys for any two of them to have a match with them Christmas Night and that the other please come to ring side so they can keep and eye on them and they would bring some one to be in their corner.
The guys said ok and said who you going to get one of these fat women and pointed to the front row. Maybe that old lady in the second row or even better yet one of these rednecks. Misty said no she already had some one in mind and he was coming that night to give her an award and she said she knew he would be happy to be in her corner and that it was not a woman but he is like these people that comes to the matches he is the original people's champion and he knows how to fight because he is the leader of the street people she was talking about "Handsome" Jimmy "Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant.
Intermission was next with Misty and Rebecca drawing a huge line to their table for pictures.
*K.C. Thunder [pictured] w/ Dawn beat Wayne Adkins for the Southern States Heritage Title
Thunder representing the First Family and Adkins representing "G1" . This match was almost all Adkins he started out a house of fire and stayed on top of Thunder most of the match. He gave Thunder a big hip toss on the floor with Thunder's body hitting making an awful thud on the floor.
Adkins hit his high cross body out of the corner on Thunder and had him down for the count when Dawn tried to get in the ring until she was stopped by the ref. The other First Family members Brian Logan and Beau James ran out. Logan jumped on the ring and was met by Adkins who wen to town on Logan. James sprayed either on a rag and threw it to his cousin Thunder.
As Adkins turns around Thunder put the rag over his mouth and nose and out went Adkins. Ref turns around and counts the 3. Thunder threw the rag in the crowd and left with the belt. Two refs and a couple wrestlers had to carry Adkin's limp body out of the ring to the dressing room.
* Iron Cross beat AWA World Champion Brian Logan by count out
Logan came out first and told everyone about winning back the belt last week in WV. And that Tony Givens just was not up to being a world champion and did not last long at all. And Logan said he was not putting the belt up tonight because Cross is not a top contender.
Cross came out and ask Logan to put the belt up. Logan said no but if he could some how get a win Then he could get a title match.
Cross came to wrestle and show Logan he was worthy of a title match. He kept upper hand for a few minutes until Logan could get his thoughts together and slow the match down.
Cross made a big come back and hit Logan with the Thesz press. KC Thunder ran out and put Logan's foot on the ropes. Ask ref asked for Cross to break it up Thunder pulled Logan out and they just left and took the count out.
* TV Champion Nick Hammonds beat 1/2 of Tag Champions Chris "The Stomper" Richards w/ John Hawkins
As every where else he goes Hawkins is a hated man at the Kingsport Armory.
Hammonds used his speed and first to get away from Richards and keep the upper hand. Finally when Hammonds went for his diamond cutter on the 6'6 325 lbs monster Richards cuaght him in the air and gave him a back breaker. Richards kept him in a bad way for a while. Hammonds was able to break free and hit a diamond cutter at the one count Hawkins rang the belt the ref and Hammonds jumped up to see why as Hammonds turned around Richards caught him with a choke slam and got the three count. Match Maker Al Bass came to ring side and ordered the match restarted because what Hawkins did. Match was restarted and Hammonds rolled Richards up for the three count.
* King of Kingsport "Handsome" Beau James and Tony "The Dragon" Givens went to a 30 minute draw
This was there first meeting in the ring since James turned on Givens Oct. 25. James countinues to come out with no music. Just walking to the ring smoking a cigar and caring his "baby" (a Bullwhip). Givens continues to have the longest music intro in wrestling today.
The first 5 minutes was Givens all over James with drop kicks and arm drags. James took a walk came back in and tried to out wrestle Givens in which Givens ended up on back on top with every series. James took a walk again.
James came back in and tried to get Givens to shake hands. Tony was having no part of it as he unloaded on James and opened him up with a series of elbows to the face and head. James was bleeding bad. Givens continued to work on James running his head in the buckle and striking James repeatedly.
The King of Kingsport stop Givens with a nasty low blow that drop Givens. Both men were down until James was able to get to his feet and then the beating began. The next few minutes saw James get several near falls on Givens.
At the 20 minute mark The Dragon started fighting back and had James in trouble until James scored a head but to the stomach that took a lot out of both men.
James again back on top went for and applied his famous finisher the cobra clutch in the middle of the ring. Givens fighting and fighting to get out was able to sit out of it and get James in a triangle sleeper but James went to the ropes. He caught Givens on the break and pounded him.
With two minutes left the Dragon started fighting back with everything he had. He had James hurt and ready to put him away he caught the sleeper on James with 45 seconds left. James was able to hold on until the bell.
James nearly out and still bleeding rolled out of the ring and head to the back. The crowd started the 5 more minute chant. Givens said he had been coming to the Armory for 12 years first as a fan, then as the ring crew, then ref, then open match, to middle to main and he did not want his first Thanksgiving Main Event to end that way and said he want to finish it now.
Al Bass came to ring side and talked to James. AL then says James agrees to come back if Givens forfeits his money for the night and James gets all the Main Event money. Givens agrees and the dives over the top rope to the floor on James. The rolls James back in and goes to work on him again. He gets James in the triangle sleeper in the middle of the ring. Then the first family hit and its 3 on 1. Thunder and Logan strech Givens out and James starts blistering him and ref Rob Knight with "Baby" . Other Members of G1 Moe Jenkins and Nick Hammonds run in and they meet the same fait has James whips them. Cody Ices trys to help and they get him too. The Family leave with Ices and G1 left laying.
Notes- This was 17th annual Thanksgiving card. The first few years was always Sat after. Then mid 90s moved till Fri After. Moved to Thanksgiving Night in 99.... 150 plus in building with 136 paid...This is the first Thanksgiving card that was ran with out bringing in a "name" or having extra TV ads....The Kingsport Times news plugged it real good the day of...SSW collected toys and money for toys for tots...Misty and Beau James went out today and bought 34 toys with the money raised....SSW is also buying two bicycles Monday for toys for tots....Many of the boys and people involved in promoting SSW feel this was the best SSW card and matches in a long time....Beau James worked very sick he has had the flu all week, Tony Givens has been wrestling hurt for a couple weeks with a bruised sternum....They were schuled to have a 60 minute time limit but it was cut down to 30 after James threw up in the back before bell time....the two walks he took during the match were him thinking he was about to puke.....Jimmy Valiant's name got a huge pop
Next Event is Dec 12 Ladies Tag Match Misty and Rebecca vs. Kassie Rains
"Playboy" Scott Hayes on Jerkin' The Curtain Monday, Dec. 1st @ 10 PM CST.