Memphis Wrestling 11.29.08 1.2 [19446 viewers] overall
-Lawler videos
-TK2 vs Soutaker/Koko
-TK2 vs Boogeyman/Flash [start]
Quarter 1
1.3 [21,067 viewers]
-TK2 vs Boogeyman/Flash [finish]
-Kid Kash vs Johnny Dotson
Quarter 2
1.3 [21,067 viewers]
-“Wrestling Professor”
-Fabs vs Moondogs
-Lawler vs Masters [start]
Quarter 3
1.7 [27,549 viewers] [+6482 viewers]
-Lawler vs Masters [finish]
Quarter 4
.7 [11,344 viewers] [-16,205 viewers]
----The show had one of its best quarters scoring 1.7, but a good look at what happened. You have a good increase of 6482 viewers, the BAM – you lose over 16,000 viewers for Masters vs Lawler. What does this tell you?? What the ratings have proved even when they were scoring better numbers – Lawler means nothing to Memphis Wrestling ratings!! Could he ever mean anything to Memphis Wrestling again?? I think only if they had real good numbers in the 4.0 or 5.0 range and he was gone for a year. Then when he did show up – it might mean something.
Memphis Wrestling Poll
Thumbs Up 58%
Thumbs Down 42%
----Even all you guys that seem to vote Thumbs Up are slowing down. LOL Even though the show had no new material – if you had not seen it, it was not that bad. The only way they are going to an increase in anything is to put on original new programming.