98 attended
LT Falk & Cody Weatherby b Psycho Medic & Crusher Eric Hodge and Kevin Jones & Convict in a 3-way tag match when Weatherby pinned Convict
Seven b Tiny Bear
Steven Green b USWO Jr. Champion Dyron Flynn by DQ when Shawn Hoodrich attacked Green
Bad Boy Dixon b Mr. USA in a hair versus mask match where USA unmasked to reveal Kevin Dunn
Jeff Daniels b Shane Smalls
USWO Champion Nore Havoc b Slacker J (w/Rocksan)
Johnny Punch & Rudy Switchblade b USWO Tag Team Champions Damien Payne & Josh Crow (w/Fetish) when Punch pinned Crow
Credt: Jimmie Daniel
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Big Show In Russellville on Saturday Night!! Only about 40 tickets left!! Featuring RRO Tag Team and MVP Team of Year!!
Mid-South Wrestling will present "Night of Champions" on January 23, 2010, 8:00 P.M., at the Hughes Community Center in Russellville, AR. This event will be a fundraiser for the Pope County Sheriff Reserve Unit.
Tickets are on sale now and prices are $25, $20, $10. You can purchase tickets at Brangus Feedlot, B & B Mini-Storage, Feltners Athletes Corner and the Pope County Sheriff's Office. Or, call 813-960-8412
The event will feature three title matches!
Tag Team Title Match: Champions Reckage & Romance (VH1 Star Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) vs. Midnight Gold ("Beautiful" Bobby Eaton & "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony) with Brian Thompson
International Title Match: Champion Tim Storm vs. "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel Al Snow w/Head
ACW Title Match: Champion "Action" Mike Jackson vs. "Latin Lover" Antonio Garza
Tickets are on sale now and prices are $25, $20, $10. You can purchase tickets at Brangus Feedlot, B & B Mini-Storage, Feltners Athletes Corner and the Pope County Sheriff's Office. Or, call 813-960-8412
The event will feature three title matches!
Tag Team Title Match: Champions Reckage & Romance (VH1 Star Matt Riviera & Jeff Jett) vs. Midnight Gold ("Beautiful" Bobby Eaton & "Golden Boy" Greg Anthony) with Brian Thompson
International Title Match: Champion Tim Storm vs. "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel Al Snow w/Head
ACW Title Match: Champion "Action" Mike Jackson vs. "Latin Lover" Antonio Garza
Thursday, January 21, 2010
(WGN) Jan 21: Impact/Superstars preview, 90s wrestler cause of death, Randy Orton talks assault allegations, HBK talks retirement and more!
Thursday January 21, 2010
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to you. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
1/19 ECW TV results from Greenville, SC: Trent Barreta & Caylen Croft over Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust; and Christian over William Regal.
Superstars tonight on WGN [unless your in Chicago or Canada] has Kelly Kelly vs. Jillian Hall singing Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA; Vance Archer vs. Shelton Benjamin; and Chris Jericho vs. Kane.
The post-mortem of mid-90s WWE wrestler Tony Halme aka Ludwig Borga confirmed that Halme took his own life with a pistol. Finnish authorities believe that Halme had been dead for two days in his apartment before his body was discovered. The official time of death was entered as Friday January 8, while police discovered his body on Sunday, January 10.
Jim Cornette talking to The Sun at www.the-sun.co.ukj/wrestling is right on the money when discussing young deaths in wrestling. He says publicly what people in the business say privately and takes WWE to task over their past and present hiring practices: "It is never easy when a friend dies. But at first it was 'oh my gosh', then it was 'oh no', then it was 'not again' and finally you're not surprised anymore. It is never good, but it isn't shocking. That's the sad thing. It is more shocking if a professional wrestler from the 1980s is actually found in good health and living a nice life with no problems. When I was a kid watching wrestling in the 1970s, every couple of years you would hear of a few wrestlers dying in a car wreck. Now a month doesn't go by that you don't hear some about wrestler dying at an early age, because of drugs or by-products of drugs which are by-products of the unfortunate work environment that they found themselves in." He also comments on the WWE Wellness Program and says people will question his motives, "But at the same time, look at it! A lot of people won't say what I am because they still want a job. Some people do say it but it is dismissed as sour grapes. They are written off as jealous or guys who never made it. But they are the ones with their eyes open. Nobody can dispute the facts. They just try to shoot the messenger. So I don't care what [WWE thinks] of me and I'm sure they don't care what I think of them. I'm just telling the truth."
Randy Orton went on his website forum to give his version of what happened with the fan who's mother pressed charges against him last weekend following the Raw house show in Boston. He wrote: "Here’s what happened: I walked out of Kowloon’s Friday night around 12:30-1 a.m. with Santino and a police officer escort. As I was being rudely hounded for pictures and autos (I had a 6:40 a.m. flight through Minni to Lincoln, then a drive to Omaha, a match, a drive back to Omaha, then a charter to Minni, and a driver to Rochester for the next show the next day, btw), I was confronted by an older women who said: ‘Hey Randy, you spit on my handicapped son a few years ago at a show, what do you have to say about that?’ My replay...`So Sue me.’ Then I proceeded to my car, with Santino and the cop and drove back to our hotel by the Boston airport. I know I have been a bit of a hothead in the past, but I DID NOT spit gum and call names to any child. The women is claiming I called her son a `retard’ 3 times, and spit gum in his face. Come on people, even at my worst temperament, I would never call a handicapped child something awful like that. I’ll actually sign anything for any child with any disability. I heard just today from WWE attorneys that this women filed assault charges against me 4 days later? Hmmm, oh, and what about the dozens of cops at the restaurant that were there for crowd control since there were over 100 wrestling fans there? Not to mention the cop that escorted me to my freaking car. I’ll be happy when this is over. I guess if I’ve learned anything from this, it is not to ever challenge anyone to sue me." Robert Zimmerman, vice president of public relations for WWE, told local press yesterday that the company was aware of the allegations and was looking into the matter. He declined to answer questions about whether any disciplinary action was taken against Orton.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a guest Tuesday night on David Letterman to promote The Tooth Fairy, his new movie which opens at theatres this weekend. He talked a little wrestling. Most interesting was that his dad Rocky Johnson tried to talk him out of becoming a pro wrestler after he graduated college. He said they had a huge fight because his father didn't want him to go into the business. When Letterman asked him why, Rock said that his father told him: "Son, I wrestled for 30 years... I'm living in a two bedroom apartment. That's all I have to show for all my years in the business. Are you prepared for that?" Of course, the rest is history. When asked about ever wrestling again, he said: "No, not necessarily for a match. [WWE] provided me with a great platform, performing in front of people. So if I ever went back, it would be probably in the capacity of hosting and having fun on the show and entertaining and having a great time." You can watch the interview at http://tinyurl.com/yfpyw4g.
Serena Deeb, 23, from developmental was just called up to the main roster and debuts on Smackdown which airs Friday night. She started her wrestling career at the age of 18 at the OVW wrestling school in Louisville. She actually relocated there from Oakton, VA, on her own dollar when OVW was a developmental group, and for some reason, was never noticed by WWE people at that time. She was described as a natural and was soon invited to train in OVW's advance class with WWE prospects. She went on to work for Ring of Honor, Shimmer, and had a cameo in TNA, who dropped the ball on not signing her, before she eventually signed with WWE. She has recently worked as Mia Mancini in FCW and is now expected to be part of CM Punk's stable on Smackdown.
Curt Hawkins tries out as a color commentary tonight at the developmental tapings in Tampa. We would love a report from any readers in attendance.
Silvervision released the match listings for the upcoming Shawn Michaels DVD titled My Journey. It's a 3-disc set with a lot of previously never released television matches from the 80s and 90s. A blurb for the DVD reads: 'Now, for the first time ever, Shawn Michaels sits down and in an intimate interview retraces his early days in Texas through his Rocker tag-team partnership in AWA and WWE through his multiple reigns as WWE Champion. Shawn Michaels: My Journey offers surprising insights and absolute candor as he relives the highs and lows of his historic career.'
For what it's worth, Michaels when recently on San Antonio radio gave the impression that he had zero input in picking his matches for the DVD. He quipped: "They found my 25 greatest matches?" When asked if he planned to retire soon, he said: "Well, that's always the million dollar question. I'd like to go on record as saying I have been trying to retire for the last three years... [WWE] makes it very difficult, you know, Vince McMahon is nuts. I try to walk away then Wrestlemania comes up, they put me in a match, I do well, and [Vince] doesn't make it very easy." He also said that DX will probably disband following the Royal Rumble so he can focus on his match at Mania.
Raw this past Monday did a 3.6 rating and 5.30 million viewers with 5.18 million viewers in the first hour and 5.41 million viewers in the second hour. The show was down 2.8 percent compared to 5.45 million viewers last week.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 0.9 rating.
Smackdown last Friday [January 15] did a 2.6 overnight rating, which is currently the highest-ever Smackdown rating on MyNetworkTV. The final number won't be available for a couple of week's but the overnight metered rating is usually very close to the final number.
NASCAR driver Carl Edwards will host the February 8 edition of Raw from Lafayette.
Mickie James is in Nashville this week putting the finishing touches on her debut country album.
Chris Jericho is on the cover of the March edition of Men's Fitness magazine. There is a six-page interview with Jericho inside the mag which goes on sale January 25.
Linda McMahon is scheduled to be a guest this morning on ABC's The View.
WWE Studios Brothers Keeper with John Cena wrapped yesterday in Louisiana. Cena talks about the movie in an AP story at http://tinyurl.com/yckrp72. He said this movie was less physically demanding that action flicks he did in the past: "I feel like I've been able to get involved in the story, and it's an easy story to embrace. I think everybody will be able to pull something from it." He added: "People will walk away from this movie feeling good about themselves."
WWE fans who sent emails of complaint to WGN Chicago over dropping Superstars were told, "Unfortunately, it didn’t attract enough viewers."
Maryse turns 27 today.
At least one [possibly two or three more] TNA wrestlers requested their release this week due to frustration with the new regime. The company hasn't addressed these issues at press time, but they are scrambling around trying to do damage control. We will have a lot more on this tomorrow...
Awesome Kong worked the television tapings Tuesday and Wednesday following Monday's backstage altercation with Tampa radio DJ Bubba the Love Sponge. Due to the way this played out with Hulk Hogan going on Bubba's radio show and talking about the incident the next day a lot of people thought it was a work. Well, it wasn't, but I guess it does have the makings of turning into one. There has been lot's of public support for Kong from several wrestlers via their Twitter. She responded yesterday by saying, "Apologies to all my supporters for the lack of tweets lately. Trying not to give certain talentless hacks publicity." Jim Cornette also showed his support for Kong during his latest Podcast at http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/. He said: "Bubba the Love Sponge, I don't know you, but I know Awesome Kong, and if you had fought back it would have only got worse son! She would have picked her teeth with you! So now, Bubba the Love Sponge has been beaten up by a women and he's been fired from the gig that he just got that he was rotten at."
Bubba went on the Howard Stern radio show this morning and pretty much buried the company. Howard thought that the altercation was a work. Bubba called in and said it wasn't. He said TNA was in shambles and he had gone to help them as a favor to Hogan and was given the job of backstage interviewer. He talked about giving away tickets to his listeners for the January 4 live Impact so that, "They wouldn't have the same 40 people showing up to their event." He claimed he had 1800 followers of his Bubba Army standing outside the Impact Zone but Universal Studios staffers told them that Bubba's passes were unauthorized. Regarding the altercation with Kong, he claimed he grabbed Kong by the neck and was ready to giver her a pounding but realized if he did then he may lose his day job. He said he's trying to get hold of security surveillance footage to see if the altercation was caught on tape.
Hogan was also on Bubba's radio show today. His latest brainwave is to cancel TNA's live event schedule because television isn't where he thinks it should be. Good luck with that one. I mean it's one thing to come in and fix things that aren't broken, but another thing to deny talent that built the company their income. Regarding Kong, he called her a "bitch" saying her actions were probably menstrual-related. He then put over Ric Flair and took credit for getting AJ Styles over.
Bobby Lashley is still without an opponent for January 30 in Sunrise, FL. Jimmy Ambriz was approved by the Florida State Athletic Commission, and Strikefoce and Lashley were happy with the matchup, but Showtime jumped in and scrapped it because they have veto power over fights on their network. Lashley is now expected to face MMA journeyman Wes Sims. No official announcement as yet although one is imminent.
The video of TNA Director of Production Steve Small telling fans they are cast members and requesting they stop chanting bulls--t when they don't like the product has resurfaced at http://tinyurl.com/y9mdgmb. TNA people have noted to us that they felt bad for Small because he's a nice guy and didn't deserve to be put in that position.
The company will be making an announcement on the status of TNA PPV in the UK either today or tomorrow.
Cody Deaner was interviewed on the Monday Night Mayhem radio show. When asked about rumors of Hogan/Bischoff nixing his character, he gave the politically correct answer: "I've got a lot of emails from fans defending me, saying how they can't believe that Hulk Hogan said my gimmick was 'low-budget' and 'low-class.' As far as that rumor goes, I don't take that rumor to be true, because that's not what I was told by TNA. There's no reason the management of TNA would lie to me; that's not the reason they gave to me for as to why I was released. It was the case that Cody Deaner had kind of run his course in the company, in the sense that with the new guys coming in and the new regime you're talking about, I was a victim in that in the sense that there was a lot of guys coming in, and there was not room for me on the TV show for the character I was playing." He said he hopes to retun in the future. Full audio at www.mondaynightmayhem.com.
Revised live event cards were announced for the upcoming UK/France tour. Bobby Lashey [for reasons we've noted], Alex Shelley [neck injury] and Abyss [shooting a movie] are the absentees from the original line up. The tour kicks off Saturday night in Glasgow, Scotland with AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe for the heavyweight title; Hernandez & Matt Morgan vs. Team 3-D in a tables match for the tag titles; and a match that will likely change due to booking reasons - Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin vs. Daniels vs. Suicide for the X-title, plus a crew of Kurt Angle, Desmond Wolfe, The Pope, The British Invasion, Beer Money, Eric Young, Taylor Wilde, and Sarita. They also run next Monday in Paris, France [first-ever show in that country], Tuesday in Bournemouth, Wednesday in Cardiff, Thursday in Coventry, Friday in Manchester, and Saturday in London. We're looking for readers reports from all these shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com. The company set their all-time attendance record in London last January drawing just over 8,000 to Wembley Arena. Hitting anything more than 50 percent capacity in any UK arena should be viewed as a success this time around. The UK economy is in bad shape right now with attendance down for most sports and entertainment events. Of course, TNA nearly always gets good reviews for live events because they are so far removed from what people are force-fed on television.
Jeremy Borash will be ring announcer for the tour. He noted during an interview earlier this week that they will use the six-sided ring as they had already shipped one before Hogan and Bischoff lobbied for it to be scrapped. Well, he didn't say that last part but that's what happened.
TNA fans started a petition to bring back the six-sided ring at www.iwantsixsides.com and at www.petitiononline.com/6sides.
The Pope blogs about his plane ride home from television at http://tinyurl.com/ydjbgke. Good read.
Daniels managed to retain his sense of humor during a crazy television taping week. A Tweet on Tuesday night : "Good news and bad news for TNA fans... Bad: the six sided ring isn't coming back! Good: next month we'll implement two three sided rings!"
BG James and Kip James were both backstage at the Impact tapings this week. James was helping to produce matches.
Sad to report that 1950s lady wrestler Ida Mae Martinez Selenkow passed away in Maryland on Monday at the age of 78. She led an inspirational life. After being abandoned by her mother, she ran away from abusive guardians and dropped out of high school at the age of fifteen. Selenkow then married at age 17. She recalled: "I had gotten married at seventeen in Connecticut, and we decided to head to Houston, Texas at the suggestion of a friend of my ex-husband since we needed jobs. We went to the five and ten store and bought a 26-inch suitcase for $4.99, then bought one-way bus tickets to Houston. We both got jobs at the Lone Star Comforter Manufacturing Co. I didn't like it, so I got a job at a small cafe in the Alameda area of Houston. I was a hard worker and moved fast. A wrestler, his wife and little girl came in for lunch and dinner occasionally. His name was Larry King, kind of a local guy. One day when they came in, he said to me, 'Would you like to wrestle?' I said yes... and I don't know why. I didn't realize it, but I had always been wrestling with life, the guys at school or anybody who wanted to fight."
"He told me to meet him at the Auditorium in downtown Houston at 7:30pm. I watched the matches and I liked the rough and tumble I saw. There were two gals wrestling that night: Johnny Mae Young and Gloria Barattini. I just knew then that I had to be part of it. I met [women's wrestling promoter Billy Wolfe in his hotel and the room was filled with lots of hopefuls. I guess that is what you would call them. He had hired Ruth Boatcallie and then he looked at me and said, 'What can you do?' I was a skinny sort of kid, but I was athletic and an acrobat. I put on a suit and did a couple of hand springs--backwards and forwards--and then I laid on my back and kipped to my feet in a standing position. That seemed to impress Billy and I was hired instantly."
Wolfe invited her to train at his school in Columbus, Ohio. She couldn't afford the bus fare but her new friend Boatcallie loaned her money. "That was a big turning point in my life... I was on my way. I forgot to tell you that I was sitting in a booth across from my then husband one night when we were discussing all of this. We had done nothing but fight since we were married. He said, 'I want to know one thing: do you want me or not?' I immediately without hesitation said, 'No, I don't'. He walked away from the booth and I never, ever saw him again. I heard that he died from alcoholism at the age of 45."
For the next decade Selenkow traveled around the world wrestling in various territories. She said her career highlight was becoming Champion of Mexico in 1951, a title she held for almost a year. "I was always very critical about myself and was never completely satisfied with my physical condition. I always wanted to get better and better. I worked out 2-3 hours a day when possible in a gymnasium. In every [country] where I wrestled -- Canada, Mexico and the U.S.-- fans demanded another appearance. So I ended up on many radio and TV shows all over the country."
Selenkow retired in 1960 after remarrying a successful businessman in Baltimore. The couple had two daughters, Ryan and Traci. "I had two beautiful daughters, born in 1961 and 1962," she said. "Both are married and are leaders in their own careers. My oldest, Ryan, is a Professional Nurse Executive and mother. My younger girl, Traci, is a Telecommunications Senior Systems Analyst and also a mother. I stayed at home with my daughters, assisting them with good values and giving them lots of love."
In 1971, she earned a GED certificate and continued to pursue her education gaining an Associate’s Degree in Nursing in 1975, a Bachelor’s Degree in 1980, and a Master’s Degree with Honors in 1990 all at the University of Maryland. Her work focused on home treatment of AIDS patients and she wrote a paper called Coping Behaviors of AIDS Patients, Families and Communities, which became part of medical literature.
Selenkow also had a love music and was a member of the Western Music Association. She appeared on The Rosie O'Donnell Show as a yodeler in1999, and later released a yodeling CD, The Yodeling Lady Ms. Ida. Throughout her later life she remained close to the wrestling business and was a member of the Cauliflower Alley Club, and was a regular attendee of the Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunions in Mobile, Alabama. She featured in the highly acclaimed 2004 documentary, Lipstick & Dynamite, Piss & Vinegar: The First Ladies of Wrestling. Her appearance in the film, along with Mae Young and the late Fabulous Moolah, demonstrated how popular women’s wrestling was in the 50s and 60s. It also showed the difficulties encountered by the lady grapplers of that era.
In 2006, the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame awarded her the Senator Hugh Farley Award for her contributions in and outside of the ring.
When asked what she liked most and least about in the wrestling business, she once said: "I loved the challenges and I loved to travel. I liked the bright lights and roar of the crowd. I travelled approximately 100,000 miles a year. Quite a bit of it I travelled alone. I loved meeting some wonderful people along the way... The wrestling business itself was great. But I didn't appreciate the false gossip from some of the male wrestlers. Some were real gentlemen though. The betrayal of so-called "friends" and being used by some of the gals you thought might be your friend after wrestling was despicable. The injuries were tolerable. I had fractured ribs, sprained wrists, ankles and fingers, and dislocations. The physical bruises disappear. It was the emotional/mental abuse which remains. I may sound angry, but I'm not really. In spite of it all, it was a growing, learning experience."
UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar and UFC president Dana White appeared on ESPN SportsCenter yesterday morning to announce that Brock has made a full recovery from the stomach ailments that have sidelined him for several months. Brock described his recovery as a complete miracle. He said he would not need surgery and his diverticulitis has cleared up after he changed his diet. He did note that had lost 40 pounds during his illness but was planning to return to the gym today. White told ESPN that the current plan is for Brock to face the winner of the Frank Mir vs. Shane Carwin match on March 27 in Newark. If either of them can't fight in the summer then Brock will fight the winner of the Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Cain Velasquez match.
Former wrestling promoter Don Lewis claims in Georgia that he is starting up a 12-team white's only All-American Basketball League. You can't even make this stuff up. Lewis said he wants to emphasize "fundamental basketball" instead of "street ball" played by "people of color." Story is at http://tinyurl.com/ya33ltr.
Wrestlicious announced a one-year television deal with MavTV in the United States and Bite TV in Canada to air a show called Takedown which premieres March 1. They also announced syndication on 15 other stations throughout North America as well as international clearances in Bermuda, The Bahamas, The Caymans, Trinidad and Jamaica. Key personnel for Wrestlicious include founder Jay Vargas, the youngest Powerball winner in history, former G.L.O.W. [Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling] executives Steve Blance and Johnny Cafarella, and legendary wrestling manager Jimmy Hart. A press release claims TakeDown will feature seventeen of Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Female 50. They plan to tape more television during January and February in Florida. More info at www.wrestlicious.com.
Jimmy Hart broke the news on Wrestlicious last night on Canadian Talk Show The Surf at http://tinyurl.com/yfxd5ry. Jimmy also teases a return to TNA and reuniting with The Nasty Boys during the interview.
AAA of Mexico held a training camp this past week in Van Nuys, CA, where they were looking for future talent to bring into the company. The camp attracted 60-70 wrestlers, including a handful of women -- Erica D'erico, New York Nikki, Christina Von Eerie, Jezebel, and Lizzy Valentine. The company wants to expand further into the U.S. this year targeting major cities with heavy hispanic populations like California, Texas and Florida.
Ring of Honor are holding a special camp on March 7 at ROH's headquarters and training center in suburban Philadelphia. The seminar is being spearheaded by ROH Executive Producer Jim Cornette. "We want to know where the best independent talent is, what their backgrounds are, where they're at in the development of their careers, and what contribution they might make to ROH in the future," Cornette said. "This is not just an audition where you pay money and get nothing in return. Everyone, both ROH and the attendees, will learn something." The seminar is open to any current pro wrestler with at least one year's experience. Each attendee is responsible for his own transportation to and from the ROH school, and any necessary lodging. The $195 registration fee includes the day's activities, plus lunch, video of the campers' tryout match, and critique by the ROH staff. Enrollment is limited to 30 applicants, to insure each camper receives individual attention. To enrol, you must complete an application form, and submit it and your registration fee to ROH on or before February 24. Application papers are online at www.rohwrestling.com and can be emailed to rohhelp@aol.com, faxed to (215) 781-0727, or mailed to Ring of Honor, PO Box 1127, Bristol, PA 19007.
ROH also announced this week the introduction of a Television title.
Japanese wrestler Go Shiozaki suffered a broken arm and torn elbow ligaments during a January 16 match.
Congrats to Shannon Rose who was recently named an Everyday Hero by Tampa-area Bay News 9 television. Rose, a long-time wrestling promoter and ring announcer, suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome [EDS], which is a connective tissue disorder.
The Heyman Hustle at http://tinyurl.com/ycu3ud5 has new photos of Stacy Keibler. She was hanging out with Kim Kardashian the other night at the Hollywood launch of former Spice Girl Melanie Brown’s Sugar Factory Lollipop Series.
Tommy Dreamer on his future via Twitter: "Ok to summarize the majority of questions: I never said I was retired, I am enjoying my time at home, I left ECW, Yes orignal ECW was better." Dreamer has already a number of independent bookings and personal appearances.
The popular wrestling video and apparel website HighSpots.com are looking at launching a Video-On-Demand service later this year. They own a lot of rare Memphis footage most fans will have never seen before and have produced many shoot interview tapes.
Dutch Mantell has posted a new blog on his website, The World According to Dutch at www.dutchmantell.com. He recalls an overseas tour with the WWF where all the wrestlers were threatened with being arrested due to their behavior on a flight from New York to London.
Cowboy Bob Orton will be appearing at the Tennessee Mountain Wrestling event in Knoxville, TN, on Saturday.
Rikishi has an exhibition show with students at his wrestling school on Saturday at 6pm, 1112 Chestnut St, Burbank, CA, 91506.
The former Boogeyman, Marty Wright, is now taking independent bookings under the name, Night Crawler. I guess WWE owns the rights to Boogeyman. He can be reached through Bill Behrens at showbis@aol.com.
The Stellar Wrestling Showcase runs the Royal Canadian Legion in Prescott, Ontario, Canada on Saturday night with Damien Vachon & Hellraizer Payne vs. Myzery The Barbarian & Jaguar; Josianne The Pussycat vs. Portia Perez; and The Graveyard Disciples vs. The High Rollers. Damien Vachon is the brother of Luna, the former WWF valet.
Jim Powers appears for the IWF tonight at 8pm and Saturday night at 7:30pm at the IWF Center in West Paterson, NJ. More info at www.iwfwrestling.com.
Today's Diva of the Day is Trish Stratus at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.
Thursday January 21, 2010
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to you. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
1/19 ECW TV results from Greenville, SC: Trent Barreta & Caylen Croft over Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust; and Christian over William Regal.
Superstars tonight on WGN [unless your in Chicago or Canada] has Kelly Kelly vs. Jillian Hall singing Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA; Vance Archer vs. Shelton Benjamin; and Chris Jericho vs. Kane.
The post-mortem of mid-90s WWE wrestler Tony Halme aka Ludwig Borga confirmed that Halme took his own life with a pistol. Finnish authorities believe that Halme had been dead for two days in his apartment before his body was discovered. The official time of death was entered as Friday January 8, while police discovered his body on Sunday, January 10.
Jim Cornette talking to The Sun at www.the-sun.co.ukj/wrestling is right on the money when discussing young deaths in wrestling. He says publicly what people in the business say privately and takes WWE to task over their past and present hiring practices: "It is never easy when a friend dies. But at first it was 'oh my gosh', then it was 'oh no', then it was 'not again' and finally you're not surprised anymore. It is never good, but it isn't shocking. That's the sad thing. It is more shocking if a professional wrestler from the 1980s is actually found in good health and living a nice life with no problems. When I was a kid watching wrestling in the 1970s, every couple of years you would hear of a few wrestlers dying in a car wreck. Now a month doesn't go by that you don't hear some about wrestler dying at an early age, because of drugs or by-products of drugs which are by-products of the unfortunate work environment that they found themselves in." He also comments on the WWE Wellness Program and says people will question his motives, "But at the same time, look at it! A lot of people won't say what I am because they still want a job. Some people do say it but it is dismissed as sour grapes. They are written off as jealous or guys who never made it. But they are the ones with their eyes open. Nobody can dispute the facts. They just try to shoot the messenger. So I don't care what [WWE thinks] of me and I'm sure they don't care what I think of them. I'm just telling the truth."
Randy Orton went on his website forum to give his version of what happened with the fan who's mother pressed charges against him last weekend following the Raw house show in Boston. He wrote: "Here’s what happened: I walked out of Kowloon’s Friday night around 12:30-1 a.m. with Santino and a police officer escort. As I was being rudely hounded for pictures and autos (I had a 6:40 a.m. flight through Minni to Lincoln, then a drive to Omaha, a match, a drive back to Omaha, then a charter to Minni, and a driver to Rochester for the next show the next day, btw), I was confronted by an older women who said: ‘Hey Randy, you spit on my handicapped son a few years ago at a show, what do you have to say about that?’ My replay...`So Sue me.’ Then I proceeded to my car, with Santino and the cop and drove back to our hotel by the Boston airport. I know I have been a bit of a hothead in the past, but I DID NOT spit gum and call names to any child. The women is claiming I called her son a `retard’ 3 times, and spit gum in his face. Come on people, even at my worst temperament, I would never call a handicapped child something awful like that. I’ll actually sign anything for any child with any disability. I heard just today from WWE attorneys that this women filed assault charges against me 4 days later? Hmmm, oh, and what about the dozens of cops at the restaurant that were there for crowd control since there were over 100 wrestling fans there? Not to mention the cop that escorted me to my freaking car. I’ll be happy when this is over. I guess if I’ve learned anything from this, it is not to ever challenge anyone to sue me." Robert Zimmerman, vice president of public relations for WWE, told local press yesterday that the company was aware of the allegations and was looking into the matter. He declined to answer questions about whether any disciplinary action was taken against Orton.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a guest Tuesday night on David Letterman to promote The Tooth Fairy, his new movie which opens at theatres this weekend. He talked a little wrestling. Most interesting was that his dad Rocky Johnson tried to talk him out of becoming a pro wrestler after he graduated college. He said they had a huge fight because his father didn't want him to go into the business. When Letterman asked him why, Rock said that his father told him: "Son, I wrestled for 30 years... I'm living in a two bedroom apartment. That's all I have to show for all my years in the business. Are you prepared for that?" Of course, the rest is history. When asked about ever wrestling again, he said: "No, not necessarily for a match. [WWE] provided me with a great platform, performing in front of people. So if I ever went back, it would be probably in the capacity of hosting and having fun on the show and entertaining and having a great time." You can watch the interview at http://tinyurl.com/yfpyw4g.
Serena Deeb, 23, from developmental was just called up to the main roster and debuts on Smackdown which airs Friday night. She started her wrestling career at the age of 18 at the OVW wrestling school in Louisville. She actually relocated there from Oakton, VA, on her own dollar when OVW was a developmental group, and for some reason, was never noticed by WWE people at that time. She was described as a natural and was soon invited to train in OVW's advance class with WWE prospects. She went on to work for Ring of Honor, Shimmer, and had a cameo in TNA, who dropped the ball on not signing her, before she eventually signed with WWE. She has recently worked as Mia Mancini in FCW and is now expected to be part of CM Punk's stable on Smackdown.
Curt Hawkins tries out as a color commentary tonight at the developmental tapings in Tampa. We would love a report from any readers in attendance.
Silvervision released the match listings for the upcoming Shawn Michaels DVD titled My Journey. It's a 3-disc set with a lot of previously never released television matches from the 80s and 90s. A blurb for the DVD reads: 'Now, for the first time ever, Shawn Michaels sits down and in an intimate interview retraces his early days in Texas through his Rocker tag-team partnership in AWA and WWE through his multiple reigns as WWE Champion. Shawn Michaels: My Journey offers surprising insights and absolute candor as he relives the highs and lows of his historic career.'
For what it's worth, Michaels when recently on San Antonio radio gave the impression that he had zero input in picking his matches for the DVD. He quipped: "They found my 25 greatest matches?" When asked if he planned to retire soon, he said: "Well, that's always the million dollar question. I'd like to go on record as saying I have been trying to retire for the last three years... [WWE] makes it very difficult, you know, Vince McMahon is nuts. I try to walk away then Wrestlemania comes up, they put me in a match, I do well, and [Vince] doesn't make it very easy." He also said that DX will probably disband following the Royal Rumble so he can focus on his match at Mania.
Raw this past Monday did a 3.6 rating and 5.30 million viewers with 5.18 million viewers in the first hour and 5.41 million viewers in the second hour. The show was down 2.8 percent compared to 5.45 million viewers last week.
ECW on Tuesday night did a 0.9 rating.
Smackdown last Friday [January 15] did a 2.6 overnight rating, which is currently the highest-ever Smackdown rating on MyNetworkTV. The final number won't be available for a couple of week's but the overnight metered rating is usually very close to the final number.
NASCAR driver Carl Edwards will host the February 8 edition of Raw from Lafayette.
Mickie James is in Nashville this week putting the finishing touches on her debut country album.
Chris Jericho is on the cover of the March edition of Men's Fitness magazine. There is a six-page interview with Jericho inside the mag which goes on sale January 25.
Linda McMahon is scheduled to be a guest this morning on ABC's The View.
WWE Studios Brothers Keeper with John Cena wrapped yesterday in Louisiana. Cena talks about the movie in an AP story at http://tinyurl.com/yckrp72. He said this movie was less physically demanding that action flicks he did in the past: "I feel like I've been able to get involved in the story, and it's an easy story to embrace. I think everybody will be able to pull something from it." He added: "People will walk away from this movie feeling good about themselves."
WWE fans who sent emails of complaint to WGN Chicago over dropping Superstars were told, "Unfortunately, it didn’t attract enough viewers."
Maryse turns 27 today.
At least one [possibly two or three more] TNA wrestlers requested their release this week due to frustration with the new regime. The company hasn't addressed these issues at press time, but they are scrambling around trying to do damage control. We will have a lot more on this tomorrow...
Awesome Kong worked the television tapings Tuesday and Wednesday following Monday's backstage altercation with Tampa radio DJ Bubba the Love Sponge. Due to the way this played out with Hulk Hogan going on Bubba's radio show and talking about the incident the next day a lot of people thought it was a work. Well, it wasn't, but I guess it does have the makings of turning into one. There has been lot's of public support for Kong from several wrestlers via their Twitter. She responded yesterday by saying, "Apologies to all my supporters for the lack of tweets lately. Trying not to give certain talentless hacks publicity." Jim Cornette also showed his support for Kong during his latest Podcast at http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/. He said: "Bubba the Love Sponge, I don't know you, but I know Awesome Kong, and if you had fought back it would have only got worse son! She would have picked her teeth with you! So now, Bubba the Love Sponge has been beaten up by a women and he's been fired from the gig that he just got that he was rotten at."
Bubba went on the Howard Stern radio show this morning and pretty much buried the company. Howard thought that the altercation was a work. Bubba called in and said it wasn't. He said TNA was in shambles and he had gone to help them as a favor to Hogan and was given the job of backstage interviewer. He talked about giving away tickets to his listeners for the January 4 live Impact so that, "They wouldn't have the same 40 people showing up to their event." He claimed he had 1800 followers of his Bubba Army standing outside the Impact Zone but Universal Studios staffers told them that Bubba's passes were unauthorized. Regarding the altercation with Kong, he claimed he grabbed Kong by the neck and was ready to giver her a pounding but realized if he did then he may lose his day job. He said he's trying to get hold of security surveillance footage to see if the altercation was caught on tape.
Hogan was also on Bubba's radio show today. His latest brainwave is to cancel TNA's live event schedule because television isn't where he thinks it should be. Good luck with that one. I mean it's one thing to come in and fix things that aren't broken, but another thing to deny talent that built the company their income. Regarding Kong, he called her a "bitch" saying her actions were probably menstrual-related. He then put over Ric Flair and took credit for getting AJ Styles over.
Bobby Lashley is still without an opponent for January 30 in Sunrise, FL. Jimmy Ambriz was approved by the Florida State Athletic Commission, and Strikefoce and Lashley were happy with the matchup, but Showtime jumped in and scrapped it because they have veto power over fights on their network. Lashley is now expected to face MMA journeyman Wes Sims. No official announcement as yet although one is imminent.
The video of TNA Director of Production Steve Small telling fans they are cast members and requesting they stop chanting bulls--t when they don't like the product has resurfaced at http://tinyurl.com/y9mdgmb. TNA people have noted to us that they felt bad for Small because he's a nice guy and didn't deserve to be put in that position.
The company will be making an announcement on the status of TNA PPV in the UK either today or tomorrow.
Cody Deaner was interviewed on the Monday Night Mayhem radio show. When asked about rumors of Hogan/Bischoff nixing his character, he gave the politically correct answer: "I've got a lot of emails from fans defending me, saying how they can't believe that Hulk Hogan said my gimmick was 'low-budget' and 'low-class.' As far as that rumor goes, I don't take that rumor to be true, because that's not what I was told by TNA. There's no reason the management of TNA would lie to me; that's not the reason they gave to me for as to why I was released. It was the case that Cody Deaner had kind of run his course in the company, in the sense that with the new guys coming in and the new regime you're talking about, I was a victim in that in the sense that there was a lot of guys coming in, and there was not room for me on the TV show for the character I was playing." He said he hopes to retun in the future. Full audio at www.mondaynightmayhem.com.
Revised live event cards were announced for the upcoming UK/France tour. Bobby Lashey [for reasons we've noted], Alex Shelley [neck injury] and Abyss [shooting a movie] are the absentees from the original line up. The tour kicks off Saturday night in Glasgow, Scotland with AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe for the heavyweight title; Hernandez & Matt Morgan vs. Team 3-D in a tables match for the tag titles; and a match that will likely change due to booking reasons - Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin vs. Daniels vs. Suicide for the X-title, plus a crew of Kurt Angle, Desmond Wolfe, The Pope, The British Invasion, Beer Money, Eric Young, Taylor Wilde, and Sarita. They also run next Monday in Paris, France [first-ever show in that country], Tuesday in Bournemouth, Wednesday in Cardiff, Thursday in Coventry, Friday in Manchester, and Saturday in London. We're looking for readers reports from all these shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com. The company set their all-time attendance record in London last January drawing just over 8,000 to Wembley Arena. Hitting anything more than 50 percent capacity in any UK arena should be viewed as a success this time around. The UK economy is in bad shape right now with attendance down for most sports and entertainment events. Of course, TNA nearly always gets good reviews for live events because they are so far removed from what people are force-fed on television.
Jeremy Borash will be ring announcer for the tour. He noted during an interview earlier this week that they will use the six-sided ring as they had already shipped one before Hogan and Bischoff lobbied for it to be scrapped. Well, he didn't say that last part but that's what happened.
TNA fans started a petition to bring back the six-sided ring at www.iwantsixsides.com and at www.petitiononline.com/6sides.
The Pope blogs about his plane ride home from television at http://tinyurl.com/ydjbgke. Good read.
Daniels managed to retain his sense of humor during a crazy television taping week. A Tweet on Tuesday night : "Good news and bad news for TNA fans... Bad: the six sided ring isn't coming back! Good: next month we'll implement two three sided rings!"
BG James and Kip James were both backstage at the Impact tapings this week. James was helping to produce matches.
Sad to report that 1950s lady wrestler Ida Mae Martinez Selenkow passed away in Maryland on Monday at the age of 78. She led an inspirational life. After being abandoned by her mother, she ran away from abusive guardians and dropped out of high school at the age of fifteen. Selenkow then married at age 17. She recalled: "I had gotten married at seventeen in Connecticut, and we decided to head to Houston, Texas at the suggestion of a friend of my ex-husband since we needed jobs. We went to the five and ten store and bought a 26-inch suitcase for $4.99, then bought one-way bus tickets to Houston. We both got jobs at the Lone Star Comforter Manufacturing Co. I didn't like it, so I got a job at a small cafe in the Alameda area of Houston. I was a hard worker and moved fast. A wrestler, his wife and little girl came in for lunch and dinner occasionally. His name was Larry King, kind of a local guy. One day when they came in, he said to me, 'Would you like to wrestle?' I said yes... and I don't know why. I didn't realize it, but I had always been wrestling with life, the guys at school or anybody who wanted to fight."
"He told me to meet him at the Auditorium in downtown Houston at 7:30pm. I watched the matches and I liked the rough and tumble I saw. There were two gals wrestling that night: Johnny Mae Young and Gloria Barattini. I just knew then that I had to be part of it. I met [women's wrestling promoter Billy Wolfe in his hotel and the room was filled with lots of hopefuls. I guess that is what you would call them. He had hired Ruth Boatcallie and then he looked at me and said, 'What can you do?' I was a skinny sort of kid, but I was athletic and an acrobat. I put on a suit and did a couple of hand springs--backwards and forwards--and then I laid on my back and kipped to my feet in a standing position. That seemed to impress Billy and I was hired instantly."
Wolfe invited her to train at his school in Columbus, Ohio. She couldn't afford the bus fare but her new friend Boatcallie loaned her money. "That was a big turning point in my life... I was on my way. I forgot to tell you that I was sitting in a booth across from my then husband one night when we were discussing all of this. We had done nothing but fight since we were married. He said, 'I want to know one thing: do you want me or not?' I immediately without hesitation said, 'No, I don't'. He walked away from the booth and I never, ever saw him again. I heard that he died from alcoholism at the age of 45."
For the next decade Selenkow traveled around the world wrestling in various territories. She said her career highlight was becoming Champion of Mexico in 1951, a title she held for almost a year. "I was always very critical about myself and was never completely satisfied with my physical condition. I always wanted to get better and better. I worked out 2-3 hours a day when possible in a gymnasium. In every [country] where I wrestled -- Canada, Mexico and the U.S.-- fans demanded another appearance. So I ended up on many radio and TV shows all over the country."
Selenkow retired in 1960 after remarrying a successful businessman in Baltimore. The couple had two daughters, Ryan and Traci. "I had two beautiful daughters, born in 1961 and 1962," she said. "Both are married and are leaders in their own careers. My oldest, Ryan, is a Professional Nurse Executive and mother. My younger girl, Traci, is a Telecommunications Senior Systems Analyst and also a mother. I stayed at home with my daughters, assisting them with good values and giving them lots of love."
In 1971, she earned a GED certificate and continued to pursue her education gaining an Associate’s Degree in Nursing in 1975, a Bachelor’s Degree in 1980, and a Master’s Degree with Honors in 1990 all at the University of Maryland. Her work focused on home treatment of AIDS patients and she wrote a paper called Coping Behaviors of AIDS Patients, Families and Communities, which became part of medical literature.
Selenkow also had a love music and was a member of the Western Music Association. She appeared on The Rosie O'Donnell Show as a yodeler in1999, and later released a yodeling CD, The Yodeling Lady Ms. Ida. Throughout her later life she remained close to the wrestling business and was a member of the Cauliflower Alley Club, and was a regular attendee of the Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunions in Mobile, Alabama. She featured in the highly acclaimed 2004 documentary, Lipstick & Dynamite, Piss & Vinegar: The First Ladies of Wrestling. Her appearance in the film, along with Mae Young and the late Fabulous Moolah, demonstrated how popular women’s wrestling was in the 50s and 60s. It also showed the difficulties encountered by the lady grapplers of that era.
In 2006, the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame awarded her the Senator Hugh Farley Award for her contributions in and outside of the ring.
When asked what she liked most and least about in the wrestling business, she once said: "I loved the challenges and I loved to travel. I liked the bright lights and roar of the crowd. I travelled approximately 100,000 miles a year. Quite a bit of it I travelled alone. I loved meeting some wonderful people along the way... The wrestling business itself was great. But I didn't appreciate the false gossip from some of the male wrestlers. Some were real gentlemen though. The betrayal of so-called "friends" and being used by some of the gals you thought might be your friend after wrestling was despicable. The injuries were tolerable. I had fractured ribs, sprained wrists, ankles and fingers, and dislocations. The physical bruises disappear. It was the emotional/mental abuse which remains. I may sound angry, but I'm not really. In spite of it all, it was a growing, learning experience."
UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar and UFC president Dana White appeared on ESPN SportsCenter yesterday morning to announce that Brock has made a full recovery from the stomach ailments that have sidelined him for several months. Brock described his recovery as a complete miracle. He said he would not need surgery and his diverticulitis has cleared up after he changed his diet. He did note that had lost 40 pounds during his illness but was planning to return to the gym today. White told ESPN that the current plan is for Brock to face the winner of the Frank Mir vs. Shane Carwin match on March 27 in Newark. If either of them can't fight in the summer then Brock will fight the winner of the Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Cain Velasquez match.
Former wrestling promoter Don Lewis claims in Georgia that he is starting up a 12-team white's only All-American Basketball League. You can't even make this stuff up. Lewis said he wants to emphasize "fundamental basketball" instead of "street ball" played by "people of color." Story is at http://tinyurl.com/ya33ltr.
Wrestlicious announced a one-year television deal with MavTV in the United States and Bite TV in Canada to air a show called Takedown which premieres March 1. They also announced syndication on 15 other stations throughout North America as well as international clearances in Bermuda, The Bahamas, The Caymans, Trinidad and Jamaica. Key personnel for Wrestlicious include founder Jay Vargas, the youngest Powerball winner in history, former G.L.O.W. [Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling] executives Steve Blance and Johnny Cafarella, and legendary wrestling manager Jimmy Hart. A press release claims TakeDown will feature seventeen of Pro Wrestling Illustrated's Female 50. They plan to tape more television during January and February in Florida. More info at www.wrestlicious.com.
Jimmy Hart broke the news on Wrestlicious last night on Canadian Talk Show The Surf at http://tinyurl.com/yfxd5ry. Jimmy also teases a return to TNA and reuniting with The Nasty Boys during the interview.
AAA of Mexico held a training camp this past week in Van Nuys, CA, where they were looking for future talent to bring into the company. The camp attracted 60-70 wrestlers, including a handful of women -- Erica D'erico, New York Nikki, Christina Von Eerie, Jezebel, and Lizzy Valentine. The company wants to expand further into the U.S. this year targeting major cities with heavy hispanic populations like California, Texas and Florida.
Ring of Honor are holding a special camp on March 7 at ROH's headquarters and training center in suburban Philadelphia. The seminar is being spearheaded by ROH Executive Producer Jim Cornette. "We want to know where the best independent talent is, what their backgrounds are, where they're at in the development of their careers, and what contribution they might make to ROH in the future," Cornette said. "This is not just an audition where you pay money and get nothing in return. Everyone, both ROH and the attendees, will learn something." The seminar is open to any current pro wrestler with at least one year's experience. Each attendee is responsible for his own transportation to and from the ROH school, and any necessary lodging. The $195 registration fee includes the day's activities, plus lunch, video of the campers' tryout match, and critique by the ROH staff. Enrollment is limited to 30 applicants, to insure each camper receives individual attention. To enrol, you must complete an application form, and submit it and your registration fee to ROH on or before February 24. Application papers are online at www.rohwrestling.com and can be emailed to rohhelp@aol.com, faxed to (215) 781-0727, or mailed to Ring of Honor, PO Box 1127, Bristol, PA 19007.
ROH also announced this week the introduction of a Television title.
Japanese wrestler Go Shiozaki suffered a broken arm and torn elbow ligaments during a January 16 match.
Congrats to Shannon Rose who was recently named an Everyday Hero by Tampa-area Bay News 9 television. Rose, a long-time wrestling promoter and ring announcer, suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome [EDS], which is a connective tissue disorder.
The Heyman Hustle at http://tinyurl.com/ycu3ud5 has new photos of Stacy Keibler. She was hanging out with Kim Kardashian the other night at the Hollywood launch of former Spice Girl Melanie Brown’s Sugar Factory Lollipop Series.
Tommy Dreamer on his future via Twitter: "Ok to summarize the majority of questions: I never said I was retired, I am enjoying my time at home, I left ECW, Yes orignal ECW was better." Dreamer has already a number of independent bookings and personal appearances.
The popular wrestling video and apparel website HighSpots.com are looking at launching a Video-On-Demand service later this year. They own a lot of rare Memphis footage most fans will have never seen before and have produced many shoot interview tapes.
Dutch Mantell has posted a new blog on his website, The World According to Dutch at www.dutchmantell.com. He recalls an overseas tour with the WWF where all the wrestlers were threatened with being arrested due to their behavior on a flight from New York to London.
Cowboy Bob Orton will be appearing at the Tennessee Mountain Wrestling event in Knoxville, TN, on Saturday.
Rikishi has an exhibition show with students at his wrestling school on Saturday at 6pm, 1112 Chestnut St, Burbank, CA, 91506.
The former Boogeyman, Marty Wright, is now taking independent bookings under the name, Night Crawler. I guess WWE owns the rights to Boogeyman. He can be reached through Bill Behrens at showbis@aol.com.
The Stellar Wrestling Showcase runs the Royal Canadian Legion in Prescott, Ontario, Canada on Saturday night with Damien Vachon & Hellraizer Payne vs. Myzery The Barbarian & Jaguar; Josianne The Pussycat vs. Portia Perez; and The Graveyard Disciples vs. The High Rollers. Damien Vachon is the brother of Luna, the former WWF valet.
Jim Powers appears for the IWF tonight at 8pm and Saturday night at 7:30pm at the IWF Center in West Paterson, NJ. More info at www.iwfwrestling.com.
Today's Diva of the Day is Trish Stratus at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.
Coach's Corner "Wrestling on TV" by Brian Tramel
----By the end of February, this area will start airing three wrestling TV programs. If IWA does start again this week, it will be joined by NEW and RCW on February 20th with their weekly shows. All three shows will be in different markets and not competing with each other – Memphis, Jonesboro and Tupelo. I thought I would take this column to talk about the TV production, the talent and the booking – pros & cons of all three promotions.
-TV Production: This has to improve. Hire an announcer!! Get two cameras or at least move around with the one you have. Go out and get sponsors to help with improving the production. If you can get people to turn this show on again, you got to give them something to make them want to comeback to watch. I would actually try a studio feel, since it is in the Memphis market.
-Talent: Not sure who all is gone and who is all is still here. I am hearing that Tatt2, Malkavain, Michael Ward and Blalok are gone?? If so, then this weakens the roster. All those guys contributed to the show. You still have “Asylum”, Seth Knight, Johnny Dotson, Bishop and Precious. I would consider these guys the top tier of the group. Dotson has been seen on Memphis TV and it has been proven he can have good to great matches. Knight’s potential is “untapped” for TV and he should be pushed thru the roof. The same thing can be said about Bishop. Precious makes the list as he is a solid worker and is entertaining at time. “Asylum” are one of the top teams in this area and if put in the ring with the right opponents can provide “oh shit” moments. V-Man is probably the only other guy I would consider even pushing on this show and he would be good as a monster type character.
-Booking: They have to get their book established so they can ideas that are episodic and mean something. If you are building for a big show that you want people to pay and attend – you must push toward that at all times giving people the matches and such. But, you also got to give them the results afterwards. If you don’t, then it does not mean anything. Also – do not do angles backstage that the viewer never sees. There were way too many of them.
-TV Production: This show will be the best production of any wrestling show you have seen in this area. It has a great studio feel and the show is produced with more than one camera and post production that will make anyone envious. The announcers are two of the best in the area and they are very familiar with the product and they believe in it. This group has spent more than a year getting ready for this opportunity. They are going to be heads above everyone in this department.
Talent: They have some of the best in the area. Pure wrestlers in the building that they tape – you can not get a much better crew for this style. The standouts are guys like Austin Lane and Alan Steele, who I consider both very marketable to even the casual fan. Guys like Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Shawn Reed or Justin Smart, who have tremendous talent, will be given the opportunity to see if they can get over with the masses. I do feel they will have to add some other faces and maybe some familiar ones like Greg Anthony, Derrick King or Dustin Starr – good workers that have the “it” that can get the attention of people. Will the unproven factor of some of the NEW guys actually improve their chances of getting over??
Booking: Ken Wayne and Alan Steele will be handling the bulk of this chore. Wayne having experience in doing TV and Steele being on Power Pro [week in and week out] could not hurt a thing. Both have good wrestling minds with Wayne more “old school” with Steele being younger, but probably a bit “old school” also. Can the ROH style that they are so compared with sell to the masses in this area?? I think Wayne/Steele see the potential of presenting a show that features athletic contests, but I do not see them booking a show with no heels/babys. I think it will be a mix of both and it should be fun to watch.
TV Production: I think they might be on the middle of the fence here. They will not be the same level of production as say NEW, but I don’t think they will be IWA either. Let’s hope not!! TV will be filmed at the arena and be put in post production for a 30 minute show that will be sort of magazine format with an indy wrestling feel. Well, that is what I am gathering from Thompson. And the Thompson will be doing the post announcing, so that will be top notch. The two other shows have good time slots [11:00 AM for NEW and 12:00 Noon for IWA], but RCW will be stuck in the 1:00 AM slot. Will that hurt them?? In the age of DVRs and the way they are getting the word out, it should not be any worse than the other two shows.
Talent: Not one guy on this roster is not marketable to the masses. Each of them have their own niche and know what they are doing. They are the cream of the crop and if I was putting together a roster it would be hard not to including all the guys that they are using. They have Wrestler, Tag Team, MVP Performer, Match of the Year participates and it goes on and on. And you guys that might not be award winners but that are going to be assets. Guys like Ron Rage, who was on some of the top weekly drawing cards in a feud last year – in Jonesboro. Matt Riviera – on a lot of top shows and just a damn good performer. From top to bottom – the best roster in the area and they haven’t even run a show.
Booking: I have great faith in a guy like Brian Thompson. He has a great young wrestling mind that can come up with some of best stuff to get people over. He has Greg Anthony in to help, who has been on every booking committee to win Booker of the Year, since the start of this site. He will book with an “old school” feel, but to say that does not work in this area – well when was the last time it was really was done and done right on TV?? Terry Funk-Jerry Lawler?? Kevin White-Bill Dundee had a few TV shows in the days of this site that almost drew 100,000 viewers with “old school” booking.
----I am excited about having this much TV in the area. I want all of them to succeed. It will make it better for the workers as a whole. My major concern for all three promotions would be that their TV is not on strong channels for the exposure to equal more people at the arena. My Network is the weakest of the big networks, but it is accessible on Direct TV and Dish Network in your local area. Jonesboro is local – you can get it on all major cable systems in the area and they are an ABC affiliate. But, on the other hand, they are not on either Direct TV or Dish Network.
----All that said and done, I hope you have enjoyed my look at the TV production, talent and booking of all three promotions that are starting to wrestling on TV.
-TV Production: This has to improve. Hire an announcer!! Get two cameras or at least move around with the one you have. Go out and get sponsors to help with improving the production. If you can get people to turn this show on again, you got to give them something to make them want to comeback to watch. I would actually try a studio feel, since it is in the Memphis market.
-Talent: Not sure who all is gone and who is all is still here. I am hearing that Tatt2, Malkavain, Michael Ward and Blalok are gone?? If so, then this weakens the roster. All those guys contributed to the show. You still have “Asylum”, Seth Knight, Johnny Dotson, Bishop and Precious. I would consider these guys the top tier of the group. Dotson has been seen on Memphis TV and it has been proven he can have good to great matches. Knight’s potential is “untapped” for TV and he should be pushed thru the roof. The same thing can be said about Bishop. Precious makes the list as he is a solid worker and is entertaining at time. “Asylum” are one of the top teams in this area and if put in the ring with the right opponents can provide “oh shit” moments. V-Man is probably the only other guy I would consider even pushing on this show and he would be good as a monster type character.
-Booking: They have to get their book established so they can ideas that are episodic and mean something. If you are building for a big show that you want people to pay and attend – you must push toward that at all times giving people the matches and such. But, you also got to give them the results afterwards. If you don’t, then it does not mean anything. Also – do not do angles backstage that the viewer never sees. There were way too many of them.
-TV Production: This show will be the best production of any wrestling show you have seen in this area. It has a great studio feel and the show is produced with more than one camera and post production that will make anyone envious. The announcers are two of the best in the area and they are very familiar with the product and they believe in it. This group has spent more than a year getting ready for this opportunity. They are going to be heads above everyone in this department.
Talent: They have some of the best in the area. Pure wrestlers in the building that they tape – you can not get a much better crew for this style. The standouts are guys like Austin Lane and Alan Steele, who I consider both very marketable to even the casual fan. Guys like Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, Shawn Reed or Justin Smart, who have tremendous talent, will be given the opportunity to see if they can get over with the masses. I do feel they will have to add some other faces and maybe some familiar ones like Greg Anthony, Derrick King or Dustin Starr – good workers that have the “it” that can get the attention of people. Will the unproven factor of some of the NEW guys actually improve their chances of getting over??
Booking: Ken Wayne and Alan Steele will be handling the bulk of this chore. Wayne having experience in doing TV and Steele being on Power Pro [week in and week out] could not hurt a thing. Both have good wrestling minds with Wayne more “old school” with Steele being younger, but probably a bit “old school” also. Can the ROH style that they are so compared with sell to the masses in this area?? I think Wayne/Steele see the potential of presenting a show that features athletic contests, but I do not see them booking a show with no heels/babys. I think it will be a mix of both and it should be fun to watch.
TV Production: I think they might be on the middle of the fence here. They will not be the same level of production as say NEW, but I don’t think they will be IWA either. Let’s hope not!! TV will be filmed at the arena and be put in post production for a 30 minute show that will be sort of magazine format with an indy wrestling feel. Well, that is what I am gathering from Thompson. And the Thompson will be doing the post announcing, so that will be top notch. The two other shows have good time slots [11:00 AM for NEW and 12:00 Noon for IWA], but RCW will be stuck in the 1:00 AM slot. Will that hurt them?? In the age of DVRs and the way they are getting the word out, it should not be any worse than the other two shows.
Talent: Not one guy on this roster is not marketable to the masses. Each of them have their own niche and know what they are doing. They are the cream of the crop and if I was putting together a roster it would be hard not to including all the guys that they are using. They have Wrestler, Tag Team, MVP Performer, Match of the Year participates and it goes on and on. And you guys that might not be award winners but that are going to be assets. Guys like Ron Rage, who was on some of the top weekly drawing cards in a feud last year – in Jonesboro. Matt Riviera – on a lot of top shows and just a damn good performer. From top to bottom – the best roster in the area and they haven’t even run a show.
Booking: I have great faith in a guy like Brian Thompson. He has a great young wrestling mind that can come up with some of best stuff to get people over. He has Greg Anthony in to help, who has been on every booking committee to win Booker of the Year, since the start of this site. He will book with an “old school” feel, but to say that does not work in this area – well when was the last time it was really was done and done right on TV?? Terry Funk-Jerry Lawler?? Kevin White-Bill Dundee had a few TV shows in the days of this site that almost drew 100,000 viewers with “old school” booking.
----I am excited about having this much TV in the area. I want all of them to succeed. It will make it better for the workers as a whole. My major concern for all three promotions would be that their TV is not on strong channels for the exposure to equal more people at the arena. My Network is the weakest of the big networks, but it is accessible on Direct TV and Dish Network in your local area. Jonesboro is local – you can get it on all major cable systems in the area and they are an ABC affiliate. But, on the other hand, they are not on either Direct TV or Dish Network.
----All that said and done, I hope you have enjoyed my look at the TV production, talent and booking of all three promotions that are starting to wrestling on TV.
Shows for the Weekend 1.22 to 1.23.10
----CLICK HERE for the regular shows. Go out and support your local shows - even if they are in Mississippi. LOL Below is a special show for this weekend!!
Renegade Pro Wrestling at RPW Arena 1409 E. 5th St., Metropolis, IL 62960, will hold a benefit show for the victims of Haiti's traggic earth quake. All wrestlers that want to donate their time for this show email me at tojojr316@yahoo.com or at myspace.com/devilsanddiamonds
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bell time 5pm
Doors open 3pm
We want to collect any food and supplies to send to help the people of Haiti
RPW Arena: 1409 E. 5th St., behind El Tequila's Mexican Restraunt, Metropolis, IL 62960
-RCW Trumann, AR 1.29.10
-NBW Newbern, TN 2.06.10
Renegade Pro Wrestling at RPW Arena 1409 E. 5th St., Metropolis, IL 62960, will hold a benefit show for the victims of Haiti's traggic earth quake. All wrestlers that want to donate their time for this show email me at tojojr316@yahoo.com or at myspace.com/devilsanddiamonds
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bell time 5pm
Doors open 3pm
We want to collect any food and supplies to send to help the people of Haiti
RPW Arena: 1409 E. 5th St., behind El Tequila's Mexican Restraunt, Metropolis, IL 62960
-RCW Trumann, AR 1.29.10
-NBW Newbern, TN 2.06.10
RCW Commercial!!
----Here is the commercial that will be airing on various stations in the area to promote the RCW debut. There is some discussion about it over at The Starr Treatment - CLICK HERE.
RassleResults: DoggCW Jonesboro, AR 1.16.10
Show starts off with the singing of the national anthem and play by play announcers Casey Rinaldi & Jeff Perryman in the booth and then Dangerous Dominique's music hits...
Match 1: Dangerous Dominique and Mike Ward vs Lovely Latricia and Angelina
-match was pretty good, but Mike Ward is going to definitely have to find a new career (lol) the man just can't win a match even though he claims to be 3-0...Dominique and Angelina worked well in the ring together, you can definitely tell Angelina is improving her skills every week, and with Dominique she is the best heel Diva anywhere around here...Match continues until Pokerface comes out and beats down Latricia & Angelina...Poker uses his Straight Flush finishing move for the second straight week on a DCW Diva...Winner via DQ Angelina and Latricia....and Perryman & Rinaldi say in the booth that someone is going to have to come into DCW to regain control of the HAVOC that is happening every week...Poker then gets a mic and says there will be a Triple Threat Triangle Tag Team Elimination Match later on and the winning team will face each other, then get a shot at his DCW Heavyweight Title at the end of the night..but instead of normal tag teams, names will be drawn at random to make-up teams b/c he is Poker and he has more stroke than a porn star!! But teams will have one qualifying match each to see who makes it to the Triangle Triple Threat Match...
Match 2: Mr. Pimptacular and Mike Anthony vs Jon Allen and Blalok
-wow what a mind blow..two Dynasty guys against each other in a match! But this match was amazing with high flying moves and some big power moves from Mr Pimptacular, and it seems that not only are these four great singles competitors, they can also team with anyone to put on a good match...match goes back and forth for a while until Mike Anthony and Mr Pimptacular show their experience in the ring and walk away with the 1-2-3...winner Mike Anthony and Mr. Pimptacular
Match 3: Havoc (from the Gorrilaz) and Logan Adams (A.O.V.) vs Southside Brawler and Shawn Reed
-the match was definitely a back and forth match from the get-go! Southside and Reed looked to be the better tag-team from the start of the match and used quick tags to isolate Logan and Havoc..in the end Chaos comes out to help his tag partner and causes a DQ...winner of the match via DQ Southside and Shawn Reed
Match 4: Ron McClarity and Chellios Adams vs Ross and Tejano Kid w/Dangerous Dominique
-wow, you I never thought I would see this day but Ron McClarity getting support from the DCW crowd..now I have said on here many times that he is probably one of the best heel's in pro-wrestling that I have ever seen, but so was Ric Flair and he never gets boo'd, so maybe a one night thing b/c of the tag team situation but maybe McClarity is going to the next level as a pro-wrestler..a Ric Flair/HHH/Hulk Hogan type character (and I do believe this, this man has wrestled the best all around the world) whether you are a good guy or a bad guy they cheer you...match was definitely the match of the night with the great work in the ring by Ron and Tejano...these two definitely match up in the ring well together and hopefully a singles match will happen later on down the road! In the end the more experienced tag team walks away with the victory...winners Ron McClarity and Chellios Adams...after the match Tejano beat his partner to a pulp with a steel chair and even his good friend in the booth Jeff Perryman told him enough is enough..who is going to start controlling this Superstars week end and week out..?
Triangle Triple Threat Tag-Team Elimination Match....
Match 5: Anthony & Mr Pimptacular vs McClarity & Chellios Adams vs Southside & Reed
-wow..def match of the night by far! Poker is definitely a genious and maybe he does have better stroke than a porn start with coming up with this one..some old WCW stuff here! Match was amazing and I honestly can not pu all of into words, and this is to show you that, you should never miss a night of DCW action..all three tag-teams did an amazing job considering they have never been on the same team before ever..match definitely went back and forth with Mike Anthony sacrificing his partner Mr Pimptacular getting eliminated first..then it came down to two tag teams! Ron and Southside realy put on a show and I would like to see these two guys wrestle again...and like I said earlier, the crowd was behind Ron McClarity once again, but eventually the match is so great they start cheering for both teams b/c in the end WRESTLING FANS LOVE GREAT WRESTLING MATCHES NO MATTER WHO WINS!! Match continued until Southside and Reed came out with the victory but by the narrowest of margins...winners via pinfall Southside and Shawn Reed
Match 6: Southside vs Shawn Reed
-after an exauhsting match these two had to dig deep and keep going b/c a DCW Heaveyweight Title shot was on the line..Both Southside and Reed traded moves but with Southside coming out the winner via super-kick...winner via pinfall Southside Brawler! Both guys shook hands after the match...
Then there was supposed to be an intermission but Pokerface comes out and attacks Southside, and tells all the DCW Fans that he has the stroke to start this match now...
Match 7: Southside Brawler vs Pokerface (DCW Heavyweight Title Match)
-now at this point Southside has wrestled 3 matches and now in his 4th of the night, man can this guy go in the ring! Only the elite of the elite can go like that..match wasnt too much in Southside's favor except for slamming Poker onto the DCW Merchandise table...then they worked back into the ring and Poker hits his Straight Flush, then grabs a mic and tells everyone that he usually would go for the pin, but it isnt worth it tonite and he is leaving...He walked back to the dressing room with his belt...winner via count-out Southside Brawler
After the match Casey Rinaldi asked Jeff Perryman if he knew anyone to control all of this madness and Perryman just said the right man for the job will present himself...great crowd tonite about 150!
Biggest Pop: Ron McClarity
Most Heat: Tejano Kid
----Where the hell is Rodney Mack?? LOL Is he selling the injury from the Poker attack??...There is no truth to the rumor that the BT Express will be making a comeback to work Mike Ward for a "Charlie Brown shirt on a pole" match...I really like what Poker done with this show [assuming he booked most of it] - fun and different.
Credit: Jeff Perryman
Match 1: Dangerous Dominique and Mike Ward vs Lovely Latricia and Angelina
-match was pretty good, but Mike Ward is going to definitely have to find a new career (lol) the man just can't win a match even though he claims to be 3-0...Dominique and Angelina worked well in the ring together, you can definitely tell Angelina is improving her skills every week, and with Dominique she is the best heel Diva anywhere around here...Match continues until Pokerface comes out and beats down Latricia & Angelina...Poker uses his Straight Flush finishing move for the second straight week on a DCW Diva...Winner via DQ Angelina and Latricia....and Perryman & Rinaldi say in the booth that someone is going to have to come into DCW to regain control of the HAVOC that is happening every week...Poker then gets a mic and says there will be a Triple Threat Triangle Tag Team Elimination Match later on and the winning team will face each other, then get a shot at his DCW Heavyweight Title at the end of the night..but instead of normal tag teams, names will be drawn at random to make-up teams b/c he is Poker and he has more stroke than a porn star!! But teams will have one qualifying match each to see who makes it to the Triangle Triple Threat Match...
Match 2: Mr. Pimptacular and Mike Anthony vs Jon Allen and Blalok
-wow what a mind blow..two Dynasty guys against each other in a match! But this match was amazing with high flying moves and some big power moves from Mr Pimptacular, and it seems that not only are these four great singles competitors, they can also team with anyone to put on a good match...match goes back and forth for a while until Mike Anthony and Mr Pimptacular show their experience in the ring and walk away with the 1-2-3...winner Mike Anthony and Mr. Pimptacular
Match 3: Havoc (from the Gorrilaz) and Logan Adams (A.O.V.) vs Southside Brawler and Shawn Reed
-the match was definitely a back and forth match from the get-go! Southside and Reed looked to be the better tag-team from the start of the match and used quick tags to isolate Logan and Havoc..in the end Chaos comes out to help his tag partner and causes a DQ...winner of the match via DQ Southside and Shawn Reed
Match 4: Ron McClarity and Chellios Adams vs Ross and Tejano Kid w/Dangerous Dominique
-wow, you I never thought I would see this day but Ron McClarity getting support from the DCW crowd..now I have said on here many times that he is probably one of the best heel's in pro-wrestling that I have ever seen, but so was Ric Flair and he never gets boo'd, so maybe a one night thing b/c of the tag team situation but maybe McClarity is going to the next level as a pro-wrestler..a Ric Flair/HHH/Hulk Hogan type character (and I do believe this, this man has wrestled the best all around the world) whether you are a good guy or a bad guy they cheer you...match was definitely the match of the night with the great work in the ring by Ron and Tejano...these two definitely match up in the ring well together and hopefully a singles match will happen later on down the road! In the end the more experienced tag team walks away with the victory...winners Ron McClarity and Chellios Adams...after the match Tejano beat his partner to a pulp with a steel chair and even his good friend in the booth Jeff Perryman told him enough is enough..who is going to start controlling this Superstars week end and week out..?
Triangle Triple Threat Tag-Team Elimination Match....
Match 5: Anthony & Mr Pimptacular vs McClarity & Chellios Adams vs Southside & Reed
-wow..def match of the night by far! Poker is definitely a genious and maybe he does have better stroke than a porn start with coming up with this one..some old WCW stuff here! Match was amazing and I honestly can not pu all of into words, and this is to show you that, you should never miss a night of DCW action..all three tag-teams did an amazing job considering they have never been on the same team before ever..match definitely went back and forth with Mike Anthony sacrificing his partner Mr Pimptacular getting eliminated first..then it came down to two tag teams! Ron and Southside realy put on a show and I would like to see these two guys wrestle again...and like I said earlier, the crowd was behind Ron McClarity once again, but eventually the match is so great they start cheering for both teams b/c in the end WRESTLING FANS LOVE GREAT WRESTLING MATCHES NO MATTER WHO WINS!! Match continued until Southside and Reed came out with the victory but by the narrowest of margins...winners via pinfall Southside and Shawn Reed
Match 6: Southside vs Shawn Reed
-after an exauhsting match these two had to dig deep and keep going b/c a DCW Heaveyweight Title shot was on the line..Both Southside and Reed traded moves but with Southside coming out the winner via super-kick...winner via pinfall Southside Brawler! Both guys shook hands after the match...
Then there was supposed to be an intermission but Pokerface comes out and attacks Southside, and tells all the DCW Fans that he has the stroke to start this match now...
Match 7: Southside Brawler vs Pokerface (DCW Heavyweight Title Match)
-now at this point Southside has wrestled 3 matches and now in his 4th of the night, man can this guy go in the ring! Only the elite of the elite can go like that..match wasnt too much in Southside's favor except for slamming Poker onto the DCW Merchandise table...then they worked back into the ring and Poker hits his Straight Flush, then grabs a mic and tells everyone that he usually would go for the pin, but it isnt worth it tonite and he is leaving...He walked back to the dressing room with his belt...winner via count-out Southside Brawler
After the match Casey Rinaldi asked Jeff Perryman if he knew anyone to control all of this madness and Perryman just said the right man for the job will present himself...great crowd tonite about 150!
Biggest Pop: Ron McClarity
Most Heat: Tejano Kid
----Where the hell is Rodney Mack?? LOL Is he selling the injury from the Poker attack??...There is no truth to the rumor that the BT Express will be making a comeback to work Mike Ward for a "Charlie Brown shirt on a pole" match...I really like what Poker done with this show [assuming he booked most of it] - fun and different.
Credit: Jeff Perryman
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Cheap Heat 1/20/2010 by Gene Jackson
Well....hopefully I will actually remember to POST this edition of Cheap Heat as BT pointed out to me yesterday last week's column I wrote was sitting there as a "draft" and I never actually posted it to the site.....seeing as how most of it was about the new "Monday Night War" and the passing of 'Dr. Death', I figure everyone has ready plenty of opinions on both subject so I won't bother posting it......on to this week's topics....
I've been checking out some of the new columns here lately and I think BT really has a strong bunch of writers/workers who write about interesting topics that they can share their experiences on rather than just speculate what it must be like for guys who actually do it. I hope everyone continues to contribute cause it can only help RRO continue to grow.
Is it just me or did it seem like the awards (for both RRO and Wrestling Newscenter) just didn't garner the excitement and discussion they usually do? Maybe I'm just out of the loop but it just didn't seem like as much "hoopla" this year as their has been in years past. Congrats to the winners all the same.
So the big announcement was made that New Experience Wrestling will begin airing on television in North Mississippi next month. Of course as with everything around here especially as it pertains to N.E.W. it's met with both positive AND negative response. I seen where someone posted that this would put TFW and EPW out of business....what an idiotic statement to make.....how would a new television show of a promotion based out of West Memphis effect people going to shows in and around Tupelo. I don't see it having any effect on local shows other than possibly giving some name value to some of the N.E.W. workers in Mississippi making it more beneficial to promoters in that area to bring them in to work their shows unless Ken Wayne has plans of running live shows in the area based off the tv exposure there. Is N.E.W. everyone's cup of tea? No, it's not. However (IMO) that style of wrestling does lend itself to television to appeal to 'new age fans' who like Ring of Honor and that sort of thing more than sitting and watching some guy work a chain for 20 minutes which may be entertaining to a building full of rednecks who want to yell at the guy whose doing it but not so much the guy sitting in his living room. Personally I can appreciate both styles but not everyone does so in the meantime there's alternatives to please everyone.
Ok....so I haven't watched RAW in a really long time other than 2 weeks ago when Bret Hart was the 'guest host'....I'd read stories of Bob Barker......Ozzy.....Mini-Me....Jeremy Piven and his promotion of the WWE's annual "SummerFest", and so on....but wow you just can't appreciate how shitty it really is til you sit and watch Jon Heder in a Ric Flair robe in the main event getting frog splashed by a midget.....I mean damn..... Oh and on a little side tangent here.....are midgets really that funny in 2010?? No offense to any "little peoples" (credit:Danny B. for "peoples") but I mean have we not seen "Hornswaggle" (btw...I preferred when he was called 'little bastard' cause that's what I think everytime he comes onscreen) in every ridulous situation....and match he can be in? I mean "Little People's Court" with Verne Troyer and Hornswaggle...seriously?? Weekly matches with Chavo Guerrero last year?? I don't know it just seems that they've beaten that concept to death....just let it go....please.
Ok...so something else I don't get is this refugee from a developmental camp as the champion right now.....I mean yeah I'm all for pushing the younger guys but would anyone pay to see that match I just made up.....even with Austin and the Rock involved? I mean it's like something from Sesame Street..."one of these things is not like the others.....one of these things just doesn't belong." Sheamus.....the Celtic Warrior.....really? I think I'd rather see Mike Knox with the belt (I'm kidding, I'm kidding)
Although something I do say I was impressed with is how much the Miz has improved in the ring and as a heel....I mean he actually looks like he should be out there instead of just some prick who weaved being a reality show regular on MTV into a career in "sports entertainment".
So with the recent rehash of the 'Monday Night Wars' it made me notice that the infamous 'website wars' have seemingly subsided in recent months between Wrestling Newscenter and RRO most noticable just this week with the simultanious announcement concerning N.E.W.'s deal with WCBI.....perhaps the result of the many "lovefests" that have been made public with Hollywood Jimmy and BT......or perhaps the fact that BT's good freind Psycho is dating Tia Blaylock of the Wrestling Newscenter....perhaps Psycho negotiated a truce with everyone....or maybe it's because me and Ollie David By Golly Burcham Bradford Beefcake Rotten haven't been on here to stir shit recently.....hey speaking of O.D.B.G.B.B.B.R., what the heck ever happened to him? Did he finally graduate from I.C.C. and get a job or something? Someone let me know I'm interested in hearing what he's up to.....I mean I know he makes it a point to show up whenever they go eat at Logans...I seen the pictures but apparently he can't find the time to enlighten us with his wisdom.....what a shame.
Well.....as mentioned before I plan to pop up at some shows soon....so I'll have more on that next week.....in the meantime keep check out RRO daily and thanks for reading.
That's all for this week, if you have any questions, comments, or what have you I can be contacted at genejackson95@gmail.com or add me as a friend on myspace at www.myspace.com/genejackson95
I've been checking out some of the new columns here lately and I think BT really has a strong bunch of writers/workers who write about interesting topics that they can share their experiences on rather than just speculate what it must be like for guys who actually do it. I hope everyone continues to contribute cause it can only help RRO continue to grow.
Is it just me or did it seem like the awards (for both RRO and Wrestling Newscenter) just didn't garner the excitement and discussion they usually do? Maybe I'm just out of the loop but it just didn't seem like as much "hoopla" this year as their has been in years past. Congrats to the winners all the same.
So the big announcement was made that New Experience Wrestling will begin airing on television in North Mississippi next month. Of course as with everything around here especially as it pertains to N.E.W. it's met with both positive AND negative response. I seen where someone posted that this would put TFW and EPW out of business....what an idiotic statement to make.....how would a new television show of a promotion based out of West Memphis effect people going to shows in and around Tupelo. I don't see it having any effect on local shows other than possibly giving some name value to some of the N.E.W. workers in Mississippi making it more beneficial to promoters in that area to bring them in to work their shows unless Ken Wayne has plans of running live shows in the area based off the tv exposure there. Is N.E.W. everyone's cup of tea? No, it's not. However (IMO) that style of wrestling does lend itself to television to appeal to 'new age fans' who like Ring of Honor and that sort of thing more than sitting and watching some guy work a chain for 20 minutes which may be entertaining to a building full of rednecks who want to yell at the guy whose doing it but not so much the guy sitting in his living room. Personally I can appreciate both styles but not everyone does so in the meantime there's alternatives to please everyone.
Ok....so I haven't watched RAW in a really long time other than 2 weeks ago when Bret Hart was the 'guest host'....I'd read stories of Bob Barker......Ozzy.....Mini-Me....Jeremy Piven and his promotion of the WWE's annual "SummerFest", and so on....but wow you just can't appreciate how shitty it really is til you sit and watch Jon Heder in a Ric Flair robe in the main event getting frog splashed by a midget.....I mean damn..... Oh and on a little side tangent here.....are midgets really that funny in 2010?? No offense to any "little peoples" (credit:Danny B. for "peoples") but I mean have we not seen "Hornswaggle" (btw...I preferred when he was called 'little bastard' cause that's what I think everytime he comes onscreen) in every ridulous situation....and match he can be in? I mean "Little People's Court" with Verne Troyer and Hornswaggle...seriously?? Weekly matches with Chavo Guerrero last year?? I don't know it just seems that they've beaten that concept to death....just let it go....please.
Ok...so something else I don't get is this refugee from a developmental camp as the champion right now.....I mean yeah I'm all for pushing the younger guys but would anyone pay to see that match I just made up.....even with Austin and the Rock involved? I mean it's like something from Sesame Street..."one of these things is not like the others.....one of these things just doesn't belong." Sheamus.....the Celtic Warrior.....really? I think I'd rather see Mike Knox with the belt (I'm kidding, I'm kidding)
Although something I do say I was impressed with is how much the Miz has improved in the ring and as a heel....I mean he actually looks like he should be out there instead of just some prick who weaved being a reality show regular on MTV into a career in "sports entertainment".
So with the recent rehash of the 'Monday Night Wars' it made me notice that the infamous 'website wars' have seemingly subsided in recent months between Wrestling Newscenter and RRO most noticable just this week with the simultanious announcement concerning N.E.W.'s deal with WCBI.....perhaps the result of the many "lovefests" that have been made public with Hollywood Jimmy and BT......or perhaps the fact that BT's good freind Psycho is dating Tia Blaylock of the Wrestling Newscenter....perhaps Psycho negotiated a truce with everyone....or maybe it's because me and Ollie David By Golly Burcham Bradford Beefcake Rotten haven't been on here to stir shit recently.....hey speaking of O.D.B.G.B.B.B.R., what the heck ever happened to him? Did he finally graduate from I.C.C. and get a job or something? Someone let me know I'm interested in hearing what he's up to.....I mean I know he makes it a point to show up whenever they go eat at Logans...I seen the pictures but apparently he can't find the time to enlighten us with his wisdom.....what a shame.
Well.....as mentioned before I plan to pop up at some shows soon....so I'll have more on that next week.....in the meantime keep check out RRO daily and thanks for reading.
That's all for this week, if you have any questions, comments, or what have you I can be contacted at genejackson95@gmail.com or add me as a friend on myspace at www.myspace.com/genejackson95
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
RassleResults: MCW Osceola, AR 1.15.10
The night began with what every fan loves: A Ladies Match! Miss Candy vs Miss Innocent with special referee Homer Lee. The fight was intense and the fans were on the edges of their seats. The match ended in a Broadway after 10 minutes. Then as Miss Candy was leaving the ring Miss Innocent jumped her from behind. Miss Candy got the best of Miss Innocent throughout the match.
Second Match was The All American Frankie Tucker and Homer Lee vs Bishop and Pokerface with Rashard at ringside. The match was fast and furious. At one point Pokerface had Homer Lee held up in the ropes and Bishop charged Homer thinking he was going to knock him out of the ring but Homer ducked and Bishop knocked Pokerface off the apron. Pokerface tried hard to put Frankie to sleep with the sleeper hold but Frankie is much to smart for that and broke away. The match ended on a terrible note Bishop nailed Homer Lee with a chain and the referee had his back turned, Bishop threw the chain and Frankie caught it and as Frankie caught the chain, Poker and Bishop took a huge back bump and the ref caught Tucker with the chain and assumed he had nailed the other two and disqualified Frankie and Homer. Oh but guys (Poker and Bishop) you better watch your back because revenge is sweet and Tucker is out for revenge!!!!!!!!!! We all know that Poker and Bishop caught do anything fair, they always have to cheat.
Third match was C-Money and Wild Bill in a Cruiser Weight Title Match. C-Money took the win and remained the Cruiser Weight Champion!!!!!
Fourth Match was Big Daddy with Miss Candy at ringside vs Ray with Miss Innocent rearing her big head. Big Daddy took the win and Miss Innocent once again tried to take Miss Candy without success.
The Main Event was VMan and Officer Hudson vs Pimp and Southside the match was intense and strong with both teams going full force. Pimp had Sgt Hudson pinned and VMan jumps in and nails Pimp with a Laptop. VMan and Officer Hudson took the win. There will be a rematch this weekend Pimp and Southside are out for revenge.
Credit: Kim Wallace and MCW
Second Match was The All American Frankie Tucker and Homer Lee vs Bishop and Pokerface with Rashard at ringside. The match was fast and furious. At one point Pokerface had Homer Lee held up in the ropes and Bishop charged Homer thinking he was going to knock him out of the ring but Homer ducked and Bishop knocked Pokerface off the apron. Pokerface tried hard to put Frankie to sleep with the sleeper hold but Frankie is much to smart for that and broke away. The match ended on a terrible note Bishop nailed Homer Lee with a chain and the referee had his back turned, Bishop threw the chain and Frankie caught it and as Frankie caught the chain, Poker and Bishop took a huge back bump and the ref caught Tucker with the chain and assumed he had nailed the other two and disqualified Frankie and Homer. Oh but guys (Poker and Bishop) you better watch your back because revenge is sweet and Tucker is out for revenge!!!!!!!!!! We all know that Poker and Bishop caught do anything fair, they always have to cheat.
Third match was C-Money and Wild Bill in a Cruiser Weight Title Match. C-Money took the win and remained the Cruiser Weight Champion!!!!!
Fourth Match was Big Daddy with Miss Candy at ringside vs Ray with Miss Innocent rearing her big head. Big Daddy took the win and Miss Innocent once again tried to take Miss Candy without success.
The Main Event was VMan and Officer Hudson vs Pimp and Southside the match was intense and strong with both teams going full force. Pimp had Sgt Hudson pinned and VMan jumps in and nails Pimp with a Laptop. VMan and Officer Hudson took the win. There will be a rematch this weekend Pimp and Southside are out for revenge.
Credit: Kim Wallace and MCW
(WGN) Jan 19: Kong-Bubba altercation at TV tapings, Hogan calls for Kong to be fired,why Jerry Lawler said Randy Savage and more!
Tuesday January 19, 2010
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to you. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
1/18 Raw TV results from Knoxville, TN: Sheamus over Evan Bourne; Mark Henry over Jack Swagger; John Cena & Kofi Kingston over Legacy; Eve & Gail Kim over Maryse & Alicia Fox; Randy Orton over Chris Masters; and Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hornswoggle over Big Show, The Miz & Actor Jon Heder. Pre-Raw dark match was Skip Sheffield over Chavo Guerrero. Sheffield is Ryan Reeves, a bodybuilder type from developmental, doing a Cowboy gimmick.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are today in Greenville. We're looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Jerry Lawler had a rare Freudian slip last night on commentary when he referred to Randy Orton as "Randy Savage" during a video package. He laughed it off telling people after the show that a fan had sent him a DVD of Savage in a cage match from the 80's, watched it over the weekend, and that's what mistakenly came out last night. I guess it's not as bad as Taz calling Sean Waltman "X-Pac" four times during the TNA PPV. Announcing really is one of the toughest gigs in television at times.
The Undertaker is having problems with his knees again. He worked house shows over the weekend and wasn't moving very well at all.
The working title of the upcoming Hart Family DVD is Hart and Soul: The Hart Family Anthology. The release date is scheduled for April. WWE has already interviewed several Hart family members for the project. They even attempted to contact Tom Billington [The Dynamite Kid] but nobody knows how to reach him. Chris Benoit used to keep close contact with him and he was last known to be living near Manchester in England. Alison Coleman, ghost writer of Billington's bio Pure Dynamite, said she lost contact with him when he moved house two years ago and he never left a forwarding address. If anyone knows how to reach him, please email us at you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Shad Gaspard of Cryme Tyme recently auditioned for a role in the new Conan the Barbarian movie which Lionsgate are planning to shoot later this year.
Chris Masters has a cameo on the new Nickelodeon series Big Time Rush. He plays a school teacher called Mr. Masterpiece.
WWE confirmed a new soundtrack album titled WWE The Music: A New Day which will sell for $3.99 on Amazon.com from January 28. The track listing includes the entrance music of Legacy, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Christian, Bret Hart, Sheamus, Tiffany, Ezekiel Jackson, Evan Bourn, Primo, Zack Ryder, The Hart Dynasty, The Bella Twins, and JeriShow.
Tyler Reks was brought in for television today. There is some heat on him right now over the flight incident last week in Green Bay.
Joe E. Legend is interviewed at http://tinyurl.com/yeyrpqw. He talks Edge, Christian and Rhino, who he broke into the business with over a decade ago: "Things just move in certain directions. We've all done well in our own ways. It's a matter of what your personal idea of success is. Rhino became a cult hero due to his run in ECW. But, WWE doesn't really seem to push too many guys to the top of their company unless they were made there. So, he never really got pushed up to the top level in WWE. Christian got viewed as a "comedy act" with the writers since he's actually a very funny guy. He had to leave after a while and go to TNA to reset peoples view of him and now he's on top of one of the main WWE brands. Edge just knows exactly who to talk to and how to talk to them. He's an excellent politician and it also took the [Lita and Matt Hardy] situation behind the scenes to make the audience take him seriously. He was always given good matches and good spots, but the audience didn't accept him as a main eventer until real life stepped in. His talent never changed, he was always good. But things moved in a certain direction with him privately and it ultimately benefited him in his public life. As I said, I'm a lousy politician and I was given the worst writer to push the worst gimmick of all time. Three strikes and all that. But if I really sucked, I wouldn't be working all over the world and doing very well at what I do. I can honestly say that I'm much better than what WWE did with me and I've spent my career since proving it to people ever since."
WWE Studios today announced nine upcoming films which they plan to self-distribute this year through 2012 in partnership with Vivendi Entertainment in North America and their existing television and video partners worldwide. Production budgets for each title have been set at $5 million. The first direct-to-video release will be Brother’s Keeper this summer starring Patricia Clarkson, Danny Glover and John Cena. Knucklehead starring Big Show is due out in the fall, and they are also working on titles for Randy Orton and Dave Batista.
WWE also announced a deal today with Samuel Goldwyn Films to oversee theatrical releases. "Targeting a specific audience is what our business model has been all about," Meyer Gottlieb, president of Samuel Goldwyn Films, told Variety magazine. "WWE is a marketing machine. They have a huge fanbase. Theaters are always encouraged by any activity to promote their movies. That's always music to their ears. Anything that you can do onsite to bring an audience in is very beneficial to them."
Kelly Kelly and Maria were guests on BBC Radio 1Xtra last week while in the UK promoting the Royal Rumble. Both said they didn't like their entrance music and would change it if they could. One of the DJs asked about dating other wrestlers but they changed the subject quickly as the WWE PR person with them was going nuts outside the studio door.
Superstars TV has apparently been taken off the air in Chicago with no explanation given. WGNTV Chicago used to air the show on Sunday mornings but it has now disappeared from the schedule.
WWE had 15 entries in Billboard magazines year-end top recreational sports video sales chart. WrestleMania 25 was the best selling WWE DVD for 2009 behind the Stanley Cup and Super Bowl XLIII in the top two spots. Other WWE DVDs listed: The Rise and Fall of WCW, Hell In A Cell, Macho Madness, Greatest Stars of the 90s, Best of Saturday Night's Main Event, Allied Powers, Best of Raw: 15th Anniversary, Viva La Raza: The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero, Best of Smackdown: 10th Anniversary, Starrcade: Essential Collection, History of the IC Championship, Edge: A Decade of Decadence, The Rock: Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment, and WrestleMania XXIV.
TNA continues taping four weeks worth of television today through Wednesday night with all the build up to the Against All Odds pay-per-view on Valentine's Day. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
TNA TV Director Steve Small gave a pep talk to the fans in the Impact Zone prior to the tapings on Monday. One fan taped the whole deal on his cell phone and posted footage on YouTube last night at http://tinyurl.com/ycmmhem. Small told the crowd that they are regarded as "cast members" and basically said it's their job to put everything over. He asked that nobody use any bad language or flip the bird because it's a nightmare for him to edit in post-production. He also asked that nobody attempt to distract the wrestlers or throw them off their lines. UPDATE: The video was removed today due to a copyright claim by TNA Entertainment.
Bubba the Love Sponge was actually present for a short time at the television tapings yesterday. Various sources have confirmed he was involved in an altercation with Awesome Kong who was upset over Bubba's comments on the Haiti relief effort. Both were sent home following the altercation. Hulk Hogan went on the Bubba radio show this morning and called for Kong to be fired. He said: "[Kong] should be fired immediately, that's it. It was so violent. You could have actually lost an eye, you could have had your teeth knocked out. But, to give you your creedo, you are the one who said, 'No, don't fire her.'" He added: "I've been around this business for a long time, and I've seen Dan Spivey just destroy Adrian Adonis to the point where we had to stop that. I've seen Paul Orndorff, naked, with a pair of shower shoes, kick Vader's head in. But, without a doubt, when she hit you in your mouth, I thought she broke your jaw, I thought that was one of the hardest sucker punches I've ever seen thrown in this business, where it connected." Bubba explained: "[Kong] was wearing wrestling gear, and she came in and sucker punched me right on my left cheek, and I was like, 'What's going on?' and she came out me again... hit me in the mouth, and she goes, 'This if for Haiti!' and I'm like, 'What is going on?' Then she hits me again. Finally I put my left hand out and push her away from me, and she comes at me again and I just cover up, because I cannot fight back on a woman. Not only will I be fired from TNA, which I probably am, but my radio career is gone if I take a woman out!" Bubba later claimed his attorney was going to call Dixie Carter to file a lawsuit.
There is a lot of unrest among younger talent right now and a few guys are currently weighing their options.
New Japan wrestler Kazuchika Okada is coming in soon for a tryout.
TNA's first-ever wrestling show in France scheduled for Sunday was postponed until Monday due to the tragedy in Haiti. The company was notified that the French Ministry of Culture was going to occupy Le Zénith de Paris for a concert of solidarity on behalf of the Haitian people that will be broadcast live on French television. (Thanks to Jeremy Chevallier of fnlutte.com)
The girl that accompanied Desmond Wolfe at Genesis was actually a local model.
Jeremy Borash was a guest on Sirius Radio Channel 98 last night. He said he would remain an online presence for the company and continue to work behind the scenes.
Jimmy Hart and Autumn Frost of Wrestlicious are guests tonight on The Surf on BITE Television in Canada. A correction from yesterday as we incorrectly reported that Hart would be announcing that Wrestlicious has sold it's television rights in Canada. Hart is actually promoting a distribution deal in North America. The Surf will also stream the show live on the Internet at 10pm ET at www.bite.ca/TheSurf.
Brock Lesnar is going on ESPN tomorrow morning at 11am to discuss his health and future in the UFC.
Dragon Gate USA's Freedom Fight premieres on PPV on January 22. More info at www.dgusa.tv.
Today's Diva of the Day is Lalya at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.
Tuesday January 19, 2010
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to you. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
1/18 Raw TV results from Knoxville, TN: Sheamus over Evan Bourne; Mark Henry over Jack Swagger; John Cena & Kofi Kingston over Legacy; Eve & Gail Kim over Maryse & Alicia Fox; Randy Orton over Chris Masters; and Triple H, Shawn Michaels & Hornswoggle over Big Show, The Miz & Actor Jon Heder. Pre-Raw dark match was Skip Sheffield over Chavo Guerrero. Sheffield is Ryan Reeves, a bodybuilder type from developmental, doing a Cowboy gimmick.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are today in Greenville. We're looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Jerry Lawler had a rare Freudian slip last night on commentary when he referred to Randy Orton as "Randy Savage" during a video package. He laughed it off telling people after the show that a fan had sent him a DVD of Savage in a cage match from the 80's, watched it over the weekend, and that's what mistakenly came out last night. I guess it's not as bad as Taz calling Sean Waltman "X-Pac" four times during the TNA PPV. Announcing really is one of the toughest gigs in television at times.
The Undertaker is having problems with his knees again. He worked house shows over the weekend and wasn't moving very well at all.
The working title of the upcoming Hart Family DVD is Hart and Soul: The Hart Family Anthology. The release date is scheduled for April. WWE has already interviewed several Hart family members for the project. They even attempted to contact Tom Billington [The Dynamite Kid] but nobody knows how to reach him. Chris Benoit used to keep close contact with him and he was last known to be living near Manchester in England. Alison Coleman, ghost writer of Billington's bio Pure Dynamite, said she lost contact with him when he moved house two years ago and he never left a forwarding address. If anyone knows how to reach him, please email us at you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Shad Gaspard of Cryme Tyme recently auditioned for a role in the new Conan the Barbarian movie which Lionsgate are planning to shoot later this year.
Chris Masters has a cameo on the new Nickelodeon series Big Time Rush. He plays a school teacher called Mr. Masterpiece.
WWE confirmed a new soundtrack album titled WWE The Music: A New Day which will sell for $3.99 on Amazon.com from January 28. The track listing includes the entrance music of Legacy, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Christian, Bret Hart, Sheamus, Tiffany, Ezekiel Jackson, Evan Bourn, Primo, Zack Ryder, The Hart Dynasty, The Bella Twins, and JeriShow.
Tyler Reks was brought in for television today. There is some heat on him right now over the flight incident last week in Green Bay.
Joe E. Legend is interviewed at http://tinyurl.com/yeyrpqw. He talks Edge, Christian and Rhino, who he broke into the business with over a decade ago: "Things just move in certain directions. We've all done well in our own ways. It's a matter of what your personal idea of success is. Rhino became a cult hero due to his run in ECW. But, WWE doesn't really seem to push too many guys to the top of their company unless they were made there. So, he never really got pushed up to the top level in WWE. Christian got viewed as a "comedy act" with the writers since he's actually a very funny guy. He had to leave after a while and go to TNA to reset peoples view of him and now he's on top of one of the main WWE brands. Edge just knows exactly who to talk to and how to talk to them. He's an excellent politician and it also took the [Lita and Matt Hardy] situation behind the scenes to make the audience take him seriously. He was always given good matches and good spots, but the audience didn't accept him as a main eventer until real life stepped in. His talent never changed, he was always good. But things moved in a certain direction with him privately and it ultimately benefited him in his public life. As I said, I'm a lousy politician and I was given the worst writer to push the worst gimmick of all time. Three strikes and all that. But if I really sucked, I wouldn't be working all over the world and doing very well at what I do. I can honestly say that I'm much better than what WWE did with me and I've spent my career since proving it to people ever since."
WWE Studios today announced nine upcoming films which they plan to self-distribute this year through 2012 in partnership with Vivendi Entertainment in North America and their existing television and video partners worldwide. Production budgets for each title have been set at $5 million. The first direct-to-video release will be Brother’s Keeper this summer starring Patricia Clarkson, Danny Glover and John Cena. Knucklehead starring Big Show is due out in the fall, and they are also working on titles for Randy Orton and Dave Batista.
WWE also announced a deal today with Samuel Goldwyn Films to oversee theatrical releases. "Targeting a specific audience is what our business model has been all about," Meyer Gottlieb, president of Samuel Goldwyn Films, told Variety magazine. "WWE is a marketing machine. They have a huge fanbase. Theaters are always encouraged by any activity to promote their movies. That's always music to their ears. Anything that you can do onsite to bring an audience in is very beneficial to them."
Kelly Kelly and Maria were guests on BBC Radio 1Xtra last week while in the UK promoting the Royal Rumble. Both said they didn't like their entrance music and would change it if they could. One of the DJs asked about dating other wrestlers but they changed the subject quickly as the WWE PR person with them was going nuts outside the studio door.
Superstars TV has apparently been taken off the air in Chicago with no explanation given. WGNTV Chicago used to air the show on Sunday mornings but it has now disappeared from the schedule.
WWE had 15 entries in Billboard magazines year-end top recreational sports video sales chart. WrestleMania 25 was the best selling WWE DVD for 2009 behind the Stanley Cup and Super Bowl XLIII in the top two spots. Other WWE DVDs listed: The Rise and Fall of WCW, Hell In A Cell, Macho Madness, Greatest Stars of the 90s, Best of Saturday Night's Main Event, Allied Powers, Best of Raw: 15th Anniversary, Viva La Raza: The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero, Best of Smackdown: 10th Anniversary, Starrcade: Essential Collection, History of the IC Championship, Edge: A Decade of Decadence, The Rock: Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment, and WrestleMania XXIV.
TNA continues taping four weeks worth of television today through Wednesday night with all the build up to the Against All Odds pay-per-view on Valentine's Day. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
TNA TV Director Steve Small gave a pep talk to the fans in the Impact Zone prior to the tapings on Monday. One fan taped the whole deal on his cell phone and posted footage on YouTube last night at http://tinyurl.com/ycmmhem. Small told the crowd that they are regarded as "cast members" and basically said it's their job to put everything over. He asked that nobody use any bad language or flip the bird because it's a nightmare for him to edit in post-production. He also asked that nobody attempt to distract the wrestlers or throw them off their lines. UPDATE: The video was removed today due to a copyright claim by TNA Entertainment.
Bubba the Love Sponge was actually present for a short time at the television tapings yesterday. Various sources have confirmed he was involved in an altercation with Awesome Kong who was upset over Bubba's comments on the Haiti relief effort. Both were sent home following the altercation. Hulk Hogan went on the Bubba radio show this morning and called for Kong to be fired. He said: "[Kong] should be fired immediately, that's it. It was so violent. You could have actually lost an eye, you could have had your teeth knocked out. But, to give you your creedo, you are the one who said, 'No, don't fire her.'" He added: "I've been around this business for a long time, and I've seen Dan Spivey just destroy Adrian Adonis to the point where we had to stop that. I've seen Paul Orndorff, naked, with a pair of shower shoes, kick Vader's head in. But, without a doubt, when she hit you in your mouth, I thought she broke your jaw, I thought that was one of the hardest sucker punches I've ever seen thrown in this business, where it connected." Bubba explained: "[Kong] was wearing wrestling gear, and she came in and sucker punched me right on my left cheek, and I was like, 'What's going on?' and she came out me again... hit me in the mouth, and she goes, 'This if for Haiti!' and I'm like, 'What is going on?' Then she hits me again. Finally I put my left hand out and push her away from me, and she comes at me again and I just cover up, because I cannot fight back on a woman. Not only will I be fired from TNA, which I probably am, but my radio career is gone if I take a woman out!" Bubba later claimed his attorney was going to call Dixie Carter to file a lawsuit.
There is a lot of unrest among younger talent right now and a few guys are currently weighing their options.
New Japan wrestler Kazuchika Okada is coming in soon for a tryout.
TNA's first-ever wrestling show in France scheduled for Sunday was postponed until Monday due to the tragedy in Haiti. The company was notified that the French Ministry of Culture was going to occupy Le Zénith de Paris for a concert of solidarity on behalf of the Haitian people that will be broadcast live on French television. (Thanks to Jeremy Chevallier of fnlutte.com)
The girl that accompanied Desmond Wolfe at Genesis was actually a local model.
Jeremy Borash was a guest on Sirius Radio Channel 98 last night. He said he would remain an online presence for the company and continue to work behind the scenes.
Jimmy Hart and Autumn Frost of Wrestlicious are guests tonight on The Surf on BITE Television in Canada. A correction from yesterday as we incorrectly reported that Hart would be announcing that Wrestlicious has sold it's television rights in Canada. Hart is actually promoting a distribution deal in North America. The Surf will also stream the show live on the Internet at 10pm ET at www.bite.ca/TheSurf.
Brock Lesnar is going on ESPN tomorrow morning at 11am to discuss his health and future in the UFC.
Dragon Gate USA's Freedom Fight premieres on PPV on January 22. More info at www.dgusa.tv.
Today's Diva of the Day is Lalya at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.
WNC AND RRO Big Announcement!! Promotion of the Year 2009: NEW Gets TV!!!

It is official as of today, that New Experience Wrestling will aired on Mississippi television. The station, MY MS, will air episodes of NEW starting February 20, 2010 at 11:00am and will run for one hour. This comes just after RRO.com announcing NEW as the 2009 Promotion of the Year. NEW is owned by Nightmare Ken Wayne and runs every Friday night in West Memphis, Arkansas with a bell time of 8:00 pm and tickets are only $5.00. Be sure to check them out every Friday night and every Saturday Morning at 11:00am.
From the Desk of Brian Tramel
----OMG!! I loved Poker's column this week!! My favorite line was, "Use your freaking weed money or meth money or beer money and buy a pair of tights DAMMIT!" I think I am going to get some RRO shirts made with that quote. LOL If you have not read it yet, then take a minute and do it!!
----As announced on The Starr Treatment, above is the cover of Yearbook 2009!! It has a similar look to last year's version [that's what I was aiming for], but with different colors and different photos!! It looks like the second week of February will be the official release date, but I will let everyone know as soon as it is finished. I will post full details, but it looks to be around the 440 page total this year, which is 100 pages more than last year's book!!
----I am looking for a regular reporter for TIWF, EPW and TFW. I usually get the Mississippi stuff from WNC, but for some reason they have not been posting anything in the last few weeks.
----Stay tuned right here!! Or at www.wrestlingnewscenter.com!! Tonight around 6:00 PM we will be simultaneously posting a big announcement!!
The Straight Flush "Can Business Ever Pick Back Up?" with Pokerface
Can business ever pick back up?
I guess that is the $10,000 question. But before I answer that let's take a brief look at the business as it is now, at least on the local scene. In the local area, on a weekly basis you have close to 10 shows running a week, give or take a few. In one area, the Tennessee area, you got pretty much the same guys working the shows. In the Arkansas area from what I hear you don't have as much of the "same face syndrome". Up until a couple of months ago, we had two companies running on Memphis local TV. It could have been the Saturday Morning Wrestling Wars, yeah right. One company I used to work for, well actually I've technically worked for both companies. That Saturday morning block of programming, I think, should' ve "made business pick up", but it didn't. Which doesn't surprise
One show would run old footage, that nobody gives a f$%^ about. The other features wrestlers that nobody gives a f#$@ about. If I offend anyone then too bad. This is just my opinion. Company #1 had the resources to do what Ring of Honor does, hell even what TNA does. But it didn't. The company would bring in "superstars" and still never drew in any extra fans. I will say one time, I think maybe in '04 or '05 they has almost 7000 fans attending events in The Mid-South Coliseum. That number dropped 83%. WTF!!!!!!!!! If you analyze it, the company never really thought outside the box as far as matches and promoting. I'm not Don King by any means, but when your attendance drops from 7000 down to 400, somehow, somewhere, Houston there is a problem. When the "superstars" came in, the local talent got no rub whatsoever from them. Again if what I'm saying is not true, look at the numbers. I think the last chance Company #1 had at doing something big, is when the "Vicious One" came in, whom I always loved working with.
Now as for Company #2, they have a nice size roster from what I hear.They too have/had local TV. They have a lot of the guys I've known for years, some I like, some I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. The company from what I hear lacks quality talent. I have only watched one show and I wasn't impressed. If you have a company with 30 guys on the roster, and out of that 30, maybe 4 of the guys are over with the crowd. Can you say sinking boat? One guy on the roster talks so much s@#$, but couldn't out wrestle me if I had one arm and was in a coma. Then you got other guys who look like they could be meth addicts or weed heads, you know basically the backyarder look. At least take pride in your appearance. BUY SOME FREAKING GEAR. INVEST IN YOURSELF! Use your freaking weed money or meth money or beer money and buy a pair of tights DAMMIT ! Anyway, this company has the potential of doing something, if they focus, and be creative enough and make a conscience effort to get the unknown guys over. But on the same token, you unknowns need to bust your ass to get over. Stop copying WWE and do your own thing!
Now for the other companies in the area. Like I said earlier, "the same face syndrome". That's why I stopped working for those companies. With the exception of a few names, nobody has been further than Newbern, Tn. And it's been years since anybody has done any creative booking. You got damn near anybody booking these days. You had a kid that wasn't even legal to drive calling shots? He actually wanted to book me. I wish the f@#$ I would! I'm too much of an asshole to take instructions from a guy who still carries a lunch box. I just recently started having a few booking duties. And I barely know what the f@#$ I'm doing, and I'm experienced. Now far as the shows in Arkansas, I think the companies don't suffer from the SFS. The workers they do have for the most part, SUCK! And these dumbass promoters keeping booking them.
Now if I come off as a snob, I'm really not. I just take pride in what I do. So should everyone else. I've stated in a previous article, that I will pick veterans brains, I continue to train in the ring. I train in the gym. If I get out of line or need to improve on something, I'm humble enough to shut my mouth and take what ever advise or tongue lashing I got coming, just ask The Vicious One, The Dogg, The Bad Guy. The business in the area could pick up once again. I don't see it getting back like it was in the days of old. UNLESS. It was one big company, who had all the best talent. There could be no BS outlaw promotion running with crappy wrestlers to kill the towns. I don't see TV really being a drawing factor unless you are running a commercial to promote your show. Weekly TV! HA! What a joke. Unless you are satisfied with only 400 fans showing up. Yes, that was sarcasm. If the promoters lived and breathed the business like they use to, if the boys lived and breathed this business like they used to.... Man wrestling would be heaven on earth. That's all for now. Until next time...Keep your pimp hand strong!
I guess that is the $10,000 question. But before I answer that let's take a brief look at the business as it is now, at least on the local scene. In the local area, on a weekly basis you have close to 10 shows running a week, give or take a few. In one area, the Tennessee area, you got pretty much the same guys working the shows. In the Arkansas area from what I hear you don't have as much of the "same face syndrome". Up until a couple of months ago, we had two companies running on Memphis local TV. It could have been the Saturday Morning Wrestling Wars, yeah right. One company I used to work for, well actually I've technically worked for both companies. That Saturday morning block of programming, I think, should' ve "made business pick up", but it didn't. Which doesn't surprise
One show would run old footage, that nobody gives a f$%^ about. The other features wrestlers that nobody gives a f#$@ about. If I offend anyone then too bad. This is just my opinion. Company #1 had the resources to do what Ring of Honor does, hell even what TNA does. But it didn't. The company would bring in "superstars" and still never drew in any extra fans. I will say one time, I think maybe in '04 or '05 they has almost 7000 fans attending events in The Mid-South Coliseum. That number dropped 83%. WTF!!!!!!!!! If you analyze it, the company never really thought outside the box as far as matches and promoting. I'm not Don King by any means, but when your attendance drops from 7000 down to 400, somehow, somewhere, Houston there is a problem. When the "superstars" came in, the local talent got no rub whatsoever from them. Again if what I'm saying is not true, look at the numbers. I think the last chance Company #1 had at doing something big, is when the "Vicious One" came in, whom I always loved working with.
Now as for Company #2, they have a nice size roster from what I hear.They too have/had local TV. They have a lot of the guys I've known for years, some I like, some I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. The company from what I hear lacks quality talent. I have only watched one show and I wasn't impressed. If you have a company with 30 guys on the roster, and out of that 30, maybe 4 of the guys are over with the crowd. Can you say sinking boat? One guy on the roster talks so much s@#$, but couldn't out wrestle me if I had one arm and was in a coma. Then you got other guys who look like they could be meth addicts or weed heads, you know basically the backyarder look. At least take pride in your appearance. BUY SOME FREAKING GEAR. INVEST IN YOURSELF! Use your freaking weed money or meth money or beer money and buy a pair of tights DAMMIT ! Anyway, this company has the potential of doing something, if they focus, and be creative enough and make a conscience effort to get the unknown guys over. But on the same token, you unknowns need to bust your ass to get over. Stop copying WWE and do your own thing!
Now for the other companies in the area. Like I said earlier, "the same face syndrome". That's why I stopped working for those companies. With the exception of a few names, nobody has been further than Newbern, Tn. And it's been years since anybody has done any creative booking. You got damn near anybody booking these days. You had a kid that wasn't even legal to drive calling shots? He actually wanted to book me. I wish the f@#$ I would! I'm too much of an asshole to take instructions from a guy who still carries a lunch box. I just recently started having a few booking duties. And I barely know what the f@#$ I'm doing, and I'm experienced. Now far as the shows in Arkansas, I think the companies don't suffer from the SFS. The workers they do have for the most part, SUCK! And these dumbass promoters keeping booking them.
Now if I come off as a snob, I'm really not. I just take pride in what I do. So should everyone else. I've stated in a previous article, that I will pick veterans brains, I continue to train in the ring. I train in the gym. If I get out of line or need to improve on something, I'm humble enough to shut my mouth and take what ever advise or tongue lashing I got coming, just ask The Vicious One, The Dogg, The Bad Guy. The business in the area could pick up once again. I don't see it getting back like it was in the days of old. UNLESS. It was one big company, who had all the best talent. There could be no BS outlaw promotion running with crappy wrestlers to kill the towns. I don't see TV really being a drawing factor unless you are running a commercial to promote your show. Weekly TV! HA! What a joke. Unless you are satisfied with only 400 fans showing up. Yes, that was sarcasm. If the promoters lived and breathed the business like they use to, if the boys lived and breathed this business like they used to.... Man wrestling would be heaven on earth. That's all for now. Until next time...Keep your pimp hand strong!
Monday, January 18, 2010
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 01.16.10
1st match
Seth Sabor Vs Eric Wayne
Very high flyering very speedy match as the kicks from both men took effect seth sabor took all he could but the 3rd generation Eric Wayne pulled it out with german suplex
2nd match
Kalikia Vs Enforcer
Enforcer took charge with his cheating tactics right off the get go, as the punishment got extreme Kalikia would start to fight back and hit enforcer with a face buster for the 123
3rd match
Lee Mic heals Vs Mark Wolfe
Man the stuff this kid takes Mark Wolfe kills this kid all over the ring with power move after power move finally Mark puts lee on top rope and goes for a super plex lee fights back and shoves mark off and hits frog splash and wins 123
Johnny Hawk & Hotrod Vs Dan Mathews & Kevin Charles
this return grudge match was very intense as Kevin and Dan took it to the old school guys with everything they had and as soon as Dan had it won again with C4 Hawk hit him with ring hammer.
Kid Nickels Vs Wild Bill
These too friends had to go toe to toe and neither man could back down nor give up as they went back and forth until time limit ran out
Christopher Lee Vs Joshua Cross
This was Joshua's chance to get a title shot if he meets Christopher lee as christopeher gave ever thing he could, in all fairness Joshua cross didn't cheat to win he actually went x division style and come threw with a devastating shining wizard
Deadly Dale And Cody Only Wanted these titles so bad they could taste it Cason And Murdoch doesn't wanna give them up so a battle started with blood sweat and tears came from all, these men are giving there all with lsd looking to take advantage and did untill Athena Eclipse had a say so and got Dales attention leaving Cason to quick roll up and hand full of tights for the win
Austin Lane(c) Vs Idol Bane Vs Demon X Vs Tommy Wayne
This fatal four way for heavyweight belt was crazy all three men trying to win this belt form Austin as Tommy took control of all out of the gate wasn't long before Idol and demon had there pull in the match with demon x doing a snake eyes and big boot then Austin breaks it up, idol bane doing power slam and boot and Tommy kicks out final Tommy ducks a close line and delivers a double close line with demon Tommy makes the tag to Austin and all four men are battling idol to outside Austin bench presses and throws Tommy over on idol, Austin comes threw ropes on these two men,demon x going top rope to come off and Tommy catches him as he falls back Tommy gets his cross body off top 1 2 idol breaks it up delivering side effect 1 2 Austin breaks it up and spears idol 1 2 demon breaks it up then power-bomb Austin 1 2 Tommy breaks it up and demon goes to power bomb on him idol boots demon in face then goes for power-bomb on Wayne, Wayne spins out and drop kicks idol as he falls into rope and gets hung Tommy turns around into spear Austin covers Tommy in front of idol.
Credit: ASWF Ace @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Seth Sabor Vs Eric Wayne
Very high flyering very speedy match as the kicks from both men took effect seth sabor took all he could but the 3rd generation Eric Wayne pulled it out with german suplex
2nd match
Kalikia Vs Enforcer
Enforcer took charge with his cheating tactics right off the get go, as the punishment got extreme Kalikia would start to fight back and hit enforcer with a face buster for the 123
3rd match
Lee Mic heals Vs Mark Wolfe
Man the stuff this kid takes Mark Wolfe kills this kid all over the ring with power move after power move finally Mark puts lee on top rope and goes for a super plex lee fights back and shoves mark off and hits frog splash and wins 123
Johnny Hawk & Hotrod Vs Dan Mathews & Kevin Charles
this return grudge match was very intense as Kevin and Dan took it to the old school guys with everything they had and as soon as Dan had it won again with C4 Hawk hit him with ring hammer.
Kid Nickels Vs Wild Bill
These too friends had to go toe to toe and neither man could back down nor give up as they went back and forth until time limit ran out
Christopher Lee Vs Joshua Cross
This was Joshua's chance to get a title shot if he meets Christopher lee as christopeher gave ever thing he could, in all fairness Joshua cross didn't cheat to win he actually went x division style and come threw with a devastating shining wizard
Deadly Dale And Cody Only Wanted these titles so bad they could taste it Cason And Murdoch doesn't wanna give them up so a battle started with blood sweat and tears came from all, these men are giving there all with lsd looking to take advantage and did untill Athena Eclipse had a say so and got Dales attention leaving Cason to quick roll up and hand full of tights for the win
Austin Lane(c) Vs Idol Bane Vs Demon X Vs Tommy Wayne
This fatal four way for heavyweight belt was crazy all three men trying to win this belt form Austin as Tommy took control of all out of the gate wasn't long before Idol and demon had there pull in the match with demon x doing a snake eyes and big boot then Austin breaks it up, idol bane doing power slam and boot and Tommy kicks out final Tommy ducks a close line and delivers a double close line with demon Tommy makes the tag to Austin and all four men are battling idol to outside Austin bench presses and throws Tommy over on idol, Austin comes threw ropes on these two men,demon x going top rope to come off and Tommy catches him as he falls back Tommy gets his cross body off top 1 2 idol breaks it up delivering side effect 1 2 Austin breaks it up and spears idol 1 2 demon breaks it up then power-bomb Austin 1 2 Tommy breaks it up and demon goes to power bomb on him idol boots demon in face then goes for power-bomb on Wayne, Wayne spins out and drop kicks idol as he falls into rope and gets hung Tommy turns around into spear Austin covers Tommy in front of idol.
Credit: ASWF Ace @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
WGN) Jan 18: Raw tonight, 70s Japan wrestler dies, Big Show talks Shane McMahon, Ken Anderson not signed, TNA tells Bubba to stay home and more!
Monday January 18, 2010
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to you.
1/17 Raw house show results from Chattanooga, TN: Santino over Chavo; Paul Burchill over Johnny Curtis; Legacy over beat Mark Henry & Evan Bourne; The Miz over Jack Swagger & Chris Masters in a three-way; The Bella Twins over Maryse & Alicia Fox;Big show over MVP; Randy Orton over Kofi Kingston; and Triple H over Sheamus via DQ.
1/17 SD/ECW house show results from Florence, SC: Great Khali over Mike Knox; Vance Archer over Hurricane; The Hart Dynasty over Jimmy Yang & Slam Master J; Christian over William Regal; Drew McIntyre over R-Truth; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; and Matt Hardy, Kane & Undertaker over Chris Jericho, CM Punk & Batista.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Greenville. We're looking for reader reports from this show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
The Sun at www.the-sun.co.uk/wrestling has more from Big Show talking about his home life, his health, quitting smoking, and his Wrestlemania match with Floyd Mayweather. He also talked about Shane McMahon leaving the company. He said: "Shane is a lot like his dad. Vince struck away from his dad and ended up buying him out. Shane is the type that wants to follow his own path and he is going to do fine. I don't see Shane starting up a rival wrestling company, but he wanted to do some Mixed Martial Arts thing then maybe. If Shane wanted to work on a production company for movies then that can happen too. Shane is a very charismatic, intelligent man, a very driven person, so whatever avenue he chooses to go into he is going to be very successful at it. He cant ask for anymore than that. We all work together and there are a lot of guys that really love him and he loves them too. But we are business men and grown men too. There comes a time where every man has to make a decision for himself and his family and everyone respects that."
Jerry Springer will guest host Raw from Des Moines on February 15.
There is talk of Edge returning soon in a non-wrestling role.
Paul Burchill toured with the Raw crew this past weekend working as a babyface. He may have injured himself in Chattanooga. No update at press time.
Carlito and Primo worked for their father Carlos Colon this past weekend in Puerto Rico. It's actually written into their WWE contracts that they can work two dates per year for the World Wrestling Council. Primo laid down for his cousin Orlando while Carlito was part of three-way that saw Ray Gonzalez win the Wrestler Of The Decade Cup.
Freddie Prinze Jr. talks Bret Hart's recent return at http://tinyurl.com/y9yc4mt.
Maria Kanellis clarified her statements from UK interviews via her Twitter page. She tweeted: "Someday I will have to leave the WWE when I want to have a family... but as of right now I am staying. I love the WWE universe!"
Kelly Kelly's appearance on the UK show Soccer AM is online at http://tinyurl.com/yezdqpd.
FemaleFirst.co.uk has an interview up with Kelly and Maria, who noted she is dating a former NFL player. Both said they were fans of WWE growing up in the 90s. Maria said The Rock was her favorite while Kelly said she obsessed with Steve Austin because, "I loved his little bald head!" When asking about being objects of desire, she said: "I don’t really consider us as sex objects I see us more as hot girls kicking butt and since we’ve become PG I think we’re known a lot more for our wrestling now, which is very important and it’s nice to be known as a pretty face who can get out there and wrestle."
WWE has partnered with AmeriCares to assist with the relief efforts in Haiti. You can text the word "live" to 25383 to donate $10.
Bryan Danielson made his FCW debut against Kaval [Low Ki] at the developmental tapings last Thursday. They didn't take many risks or bumps but focused more on producing a WWE-style 10 minute match. Danielson asked to go to Tampa to work off ring rust before he starts on television. There is talk of him joining Smackdown as part of the storyline with CM Punk.
Sunday was Howard Finkel's 33rd anniversary since debuting as a ring announcer at Madison Square Garden.
Ted DiBiase Sr. turns 56 today.
1/17 Genesis PPV results from Orlando, FL: Amazing Red over Brian Kendrick to retain the X-title; Sean Morley over Daniels; Tara over ODB to capture the Knockout title in a best 2/3 falls match; Matt Morgan & Hernandez over The British Invasion to capture the tag titles; Desmond Wolfe over Pope D'Angelo Dinero; Beer Money over Kevin Nash & Syxx-Pac; Mr. Ken Anderson over Abyss; and AJ Styles over Kurt Angle to retain the TNA heavyweight title.
TNA tape four weeks worth of television today through Wednesday night with all the build up to the Against All Odds pay-per-view on Valentine's Day. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Ken Anderson is currently working under a per night deal and has not signed an exclusive contract. He noted to friends that he has no plans to return to WWE but working with TNA will help support his acting aspirations.
Bubba the Love Sponge, who has nuclear heat on him right now, was warned to stay away from the television tapings today due to his controversial comments over the Haiti relief effort that the company is supporting. Bubba noted on his Twitter this morning that he was scheduled for a production meeting this afternoon but somebody from the office called and told him to stay home. Much later he wrote: "I am going to say this one time and one time only. First of all a real man sometimes has to take a step back and maybe look at something they said or did so that being said I would like to apologize for my comments regarding Haiti. In the world of live radio that I operate sometimes you say things that you can't take back. So I am man enough now to say I am sorry for those I offended. Bubba"
Wrestlers for Haiti with Awesome Kong, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne and friends raised over $5,000 this past weekend in Pennsylvania. All proceeds were donated to the American Red Cross.
Karen Angle accompanied Jeff Jarrett during weekend house shows. There is once again talk of her returning in an on-screen role.
ODB recently popped an implant but is working through the tapings this week before she looks at undergoing a corrective procedure.
Joey Fatone of 'N Sync fame and Jesse Godderz of Big Brother fame were both hanging out backstage at Genesis.
Hogan was said to be very surprised by the fan reaction to doing away with the six-sided ring. Some fans in the Impact Zone last night were warned by a Universal employee about their language and "being negative towards the wrestlers." You know, like booing the supposed babayfaces. Security basically threatened to remove fans who didn't go along with the program.
We haven't managed to get this confirmed but we believe the valet of Desmond Wolfe last night was either a local model or UK indy wrestler called Lisa Fury.
Sean Morley [the former Val Venis] said he was disappointed with his match last night blaming lack of sleep. He wrote on his Facebook page: "Did my first PPV match with TNA in a complete zombie type state. I walked into that ring last night with 36 hours of zero sleep under my belt. Never want to take another red eye before work again. Zero sleep sucks!"
Management made the decision to replace Scott Hall with Sean Waltman in the tag match several days ago. Hall did tell some people last night that he had a groin strain but the real reason he didn't work was concern over him carrying his weight with Nash being banged up and very limited with what he can do. There was also a back up plan with Eric Young on standby if Waltman didn't want to replace Hall in the match.
Jeremy Borash is working his storyline via his Twitter. "Someday I'm gonna host a show where young, semi-exciting television talent is appreciated, like NBC," he tweeted. "Seriously though, gonna take a break from Twitter & FB to regroup. Thank you all for you kind words. Furleys out. O-O"
The Hartford Courant interviewed Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/ygxtjlo about Linda McMahon's senate campaign, TNA vs. WWE, The Wrestler, and more. He was very complimentary when asked about Linda: "She's brilliant. She's a very gracious, very smart lady, and her intent and her agenda has always been to help the community and be plugged in and be involved. Inside or outside that wrestling world that the McMahons have created, Linda McMahon is a great person."
USA Today has a Q&A with Bobby Lashley at http://tinyurl.com/ybtlhp6. He said MMA was his priority and was going to sit down with TNA soon to discuss his future. He said: "The main deal is that TNA had always told me they were willing to work with anything that I had to do with fighting. This is their first opportunity to show they're really going to work with me. That's all I really can say about that. Originally when we signed the deal, they knew I was going to have a huge obligation in the fighting business. At the end of the day, that's my main source of income and what requires the most dedication. They told me they would be able to work with me and anything that I wanted to do, and they know that this fight's important and every other fight that I have with Strikeforce is important. I just want to see that they're willing to hold up their end of the bargain and support me as I fight and move forward. This is my first fight since I've been with them. Up to this point, yeah, they've been working with me. I have a couple of more weeks until the fight. We'll see if they're going to work with me through this fight and then through the next fight. We'll see. I'll know within the next two weeks."
IGN.com interviewed Daffney at http://tinyurl.com/yb7uf86. She noted the company protected her following the sick bump at Bound For Glory where she suffered a concussion: "... They're always very good, and they've been giving me some Xplosion matches lately. And in the battle royal they had me out first to protect my head. They gave me a web match with Traci Brooks. And I just had an Xplosion match with Tara – which was another web match. I loved working with her and I want to get my hands on her and her spider and bite off its head. And then they asked me, 'how's your head?' And I said 'oh, it's fine.' So maybe that's why, as of late – since that happened - they've been more focused on me hanging out and not wrestling because they really wanted to protect my head. Because that was not fun. That as…if it's possible, I was knocked loopy. But I'm already loopy so I'm not sure how to say it. I was knocked more loopy? More loopier?"
Former announcer Lauren Thompson is getting married later this week. She announced her engagement back in October.
Former New Japan wrestler and referee Katsuhisa Shibata passed away on Saturday after suffering a heart attack. He was 66. Shibata started wrestling in 1966 and worked the very first New Japan show in 1972. After hanging his boots up in 1976 he became a referee for the company. He went into semi-retirement as a referee in 1999 but had been making sporadic appearances of late. He is survived by his son and second generation pro wrestler/fighter Katsuyori Shibata. The funeral took place today in Kuwana City, the Mie Prefecture region of Japan.
Rene Goguen [Renee Dupree], 26, quietly got married in Japan on October 14. He met future wife Kanako through a mutual friend while working for Japan’s Hustle group. Dupree is currently working for All Japan as part of the heel group Voodoo Murders, and said he plans to make Japan his home base. He posted a wedding photo on his website at www.renedupree.net.
Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet includes Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe and Delirious vs. Sonjay Dutt. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
ROH debuts in the Carolinas on April 3 in Charlotte at the 3000-seat Grady Cole Center. Gary Juster is helping to promote the show locally. "Pro wrestling will explode into the 21st century on April 3rd," said Jim Cornette, Executive Producer of ROH in a company press release. "This event will showcase the emergence of ROH as the most exciting, athletic, hard-hitting and competitive style of pro wrestling in this country, with the youngest talent roster in the sport and a more serious sports approach than either WWE or TNA, the current industry leaders." The release also confirmed a Latino influence to the event. "We already have commitments from a number of Luchadores", Cornette said, "including Blue Demon Jr., one of the biggest names in Mexico. He is known throughout the Latino community, and even in the States through his popular energy drink. The Lucha style of wrestling is exciting, high-flying and technical, and we are looking forward to presenting it to the audience in the states." Tickets go on sale Monday, February 15 at 10am ET at ROHwrestling.com, or by calling 215-781-2500.
Cornette talks ROH coming to Charlotte on the local FOX affiliate at http://tinyurl.com/ycc54wc. He was in town this past weekend to make the official announcement on the WCCB-TV show Got Game with Bruce Snyder.
EVOLVE, the brainchild of Gabe Sapolsky, debuted on Saturday night drawing 400 people in Rahway, NJ, with Davey Richards over Kota Ibushi in the main event. The show was said to be a lot of fun in you enjoy pro wrestling oppose to sports entertainment. Tommy Dreamer ran out during a Jimmy Jacobs-Ken Doane match to tell the referee that Jacobs had his foot on the rope during a pinfall. The match restarted with Jacobs winning via submission. They did an angle afterwards where Jacobs told Dreamer that he didn't need his help so Dreamer gave him a DDT. Crowd didn't like this angle. The return date is March 13. More info at www.EVOLVEWrestling.com.
Sid Eudy has changed his hair. He now has blonde hair extensions and looks like the love child of Randy the Ram. He is pushing hard to get in with WWE or TNA.
Jimmy Hart is a guest with Jason Agnew on The Surf on BITE Television in Canada on Tuesday night. Hart is promoting the new all-girl group Wrestlicious which has just sold it's television rights in Canada. There will be a live stream of the show at 10pm ET at www.bite.ca/TheSurf. Viewers will be able to ask questions to Jimmy Hart by calling 1-888-778-2483 during the show, or by emailing in questions anytime before the show to TheSurf@bite.ca.
Today's Diva of the Day is Maria at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.
Monday January 18, 2010
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren - All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to you.
1/17 Raw house show results from Chattanooga, TN: Santino over Chavo; Paul Burchill over Johnny Curtis; Legacy over beat Mark Henry & Evan Bourne; The Miz over Jack Swagger & Chris Masters in a three-way; The Bella Twins over Maryse & Alicia Fox;Big show over MVP; Randy Orton over Kofi Kingston; and Triple H over Sheamus via DQ.
1/17 SD/ECW house show results from Florence, SC: Great Khali over Mike Knox; Vance Archer over Hurricane; The Hart Dynasty over Jimmy Yang & Slam Master J; Christian over William Regal; Drew McIntyre over R-Truth; Michelle McCool over Mickie James; and Matt Hardy, Kane & Undertaker over Chris Jericho, CM Punk & Batista.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are Tuesday in Greenville. We're looking for reader reports from this show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
The Sun at www.the-sun.co.uk/wrestling has more from Big Show talking about his home life, his health, quitting smoking, and his Wrestlemania match with Floyd Mayweather. He also talked about Shane McMahon leaving the company. He said: "Shane is a lot like his dad. Vince struck away from his dad and ended up buying him out. Shane is the type that wants to follow his own path and he is going to do fine. I don't see Shane starting up a rival wrestling company, but he wanted to do some Mixed Martial Arts thing then maybe. If Shane wanted to work on a production company for movies then that can happen too. Shane is a very charismatic, intelligent man, a very driven person, so whatever avenue he chooses to go into he is going to be very successful at it. He cant ask for anymore than that. We all work together and there are a lot of guys that really love him and he loves them too. But we are business men and grown men too. There comes a time where every man has to make a decision for himself and his family and everyone respects that."
Jerry Springer will guest host Raw from Des Moines on February 15.
There is talk of Edge returning soon in a non-wrestling role.
Paul Burchill toured with the Raw crew this past weekend working as a babyface. He may have injured himself in Chattanooga. No update at press time.
Carlito and Primo worked for their father Carlos Colon this past weekend in Puerto Rico. It's actually written into their WWE contracts that they can work two dates per year for the World Wrestling Council. Primo laid down for his cousin Orlando while Carlito was part of three-way that saw Ray Gonzalez win the Wrestler Of The Decade Cup.
Freddie Prinze Jr. talks Bret Hart's recent return at http://tinyurl.com/y9yc4mt.
Maria Kanellis clarified her statements from UK interviews via her Twitter page. She tweeted: "Someday I will have to leave the WWE when I want to have a family... but as of right now I am staying. I love the WWE universe!"
Kelly Kelly's appearance on the UK show Soccer AM is online at http://tinyurl.com/yezdqpd.
FemaleFirst.co.uk has an interview up with Kelly and Maria, who noted she is dating a former NFL player. Both said they were fans of WWE growing up in the 90s. Maria said The Rock was her favorite while Kelly said she obsessed with Steve Austin because, "I loved his little bald head!" When asking about being objects of desire, she said: "I don’t really consider us as sex objects I see us more as hot girls kicking butt and since we’ve become PG I think we’re known a lot more for our wrestling now, which is very important and it’s nice to be known as a pretty face who can get out there and wrestle."
WWE has partnered with AmeriCares to assist with the relief efforts in Haiti. You can text the word "live" to 25383 to donate $10.
Bryan Danielson made his FCW debut against Kaval [Low Ki] at the developmental tapings last Thursday. They didn't take many risks or bumps but focused more on producing a WWE-style 10 minute match. Danielson asked to go to Tampa to work off ring rust before he starts on television. There is talk of him joining Smackdown as part of the storyline with CM Punk.
Sunday was Howard Finkel's 33rd anniversary since debuting as a ring announcer at Madison Square Garden.
Ted DiBiase Sr. turns 56 today.
1/17 Genesis PPV results from Orlando, FL: Amazing Red over Brian Kendrick to retain the X-title; Sean Morley over Daniels; Tara over ODB to capture the Knockout title in a best 2/3 falls match; Matt Morgan & Hernandez over The British Invasion to capture the tag titles; Desmond Wolfe over Pope D'Angelo Dinero; Beer Money over Kevin Nash & Syxx-Pac; Mr. Ken Anderson over Abyss; and AJ Styles over Kurt Angle to retain the TNA heavyweight title.
TNA tape four weeks worth of television today through Wednesday night with all the build up to the Against All Odds pay-per-view on Valentine's Day. We're looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.
Ken Anderson is currently working under a per night deal and has not signed an exclusive contract. He noted to friends that he has no plans to return to WWE but working with TNA will help support his acting aspirations.
Bubba the Love Sponge, who has nuclear heat on him right now, was warned to stay away from the television tapings today due to his controversial comments over the Haiti relief effort that the company is supporting. Bubba noted on his Twitter this morning that he was scheduled for a production meeting this afternoon but somebody from the office called and told him to stay home. Much later he wrote: "I am going to say this one time and one time only. First of all a real man sometimes has to take a step back and maybe look at something they said or did so that being said I would like to apologize for my comments regarding Haiti. In the world of live radio that I operate sometimes you say things that you can't take back. So I am man enough now to say I am sorry for those I offended. Bubba"
Wrestlers for Haiti with Awesome Kong, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne and friends raised over $5,000 this past weekend in Pennsylvania. All proceeds were donated to the American Red Cross.
Karen Angle accompanied Jeff Jarrett during weekend house shows. There is once again talk of her returning in an on-screen role.
ODB recently popped an implant but is working through the tapings this week before she looks at undergoing a corrective procedure.
Joey Fatone of 'N Sync fame and Jesse Godderz of Big Brother fame were both hanging out backstage at Genesis.
Hogan was said to be very surprised by the fan reaction to doing away with the six-sided ring. Some fans in the Impact Zone last night were warned by a Universal employee about their language and "being negative towards the wrestlers." You know, like booing the supposed babayfaces. Security basically threatened to remove fans who didn't go along with the program.
We haven't managed to get this confirmed but we believe the valet of Desmond Wolfe last night was either a local model or UK indy wrestler called Lisa Fury.
Sean Morley [the former Val Venis] said he was disappointed with his match last night blaming lack of sleep. He wrote on his Facebook page: "Did my first PPV match with TNA in a complete zombie type state. I walked into that ring last night with 36 hours of zero sleep under my belt. Never want to take another red eye before work again. Zero sleep sucks!"
Management made the decision to replace Scott Hall with Sean Waltman in the tag match several days ago. Hall did tell some people last night that he had a groin strain but the real reason he didn't work was concern over him carrying his weight with Nash being banged up and very limited with what he can do. There was also a back up plan with Eric Young on standby if Waltman didn't want to replace Hall in the match.
Jeremy Borash is working his storyline via his Twitter. "Someday I'm gonna host a show where young, semi-exciting television talent is appreciated, like NBC," he tweeted. "Seriously though, gonna take a break from Twitter & FB to regroup. Thank you all for you kind words. Furleys out. O-O"
The Hartford Courant interviewed Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/ygxtjlo about Linda McMahon's senate campaign, TNA vs. WWE, The Wrestler, and more. He was very complimentary when asked about Linda: "She's brilliant. She's a very gracious, very smart lady, and her intent and her agenda has always been to help the community and be plugged in and be involved. Inside or outside that wrestling world that the McMahons have created, Linda McMahon is a great person."
USA Today has a Q&A with Bobby Lashley at http://tinyurl.com/ybtlhp6. He said MMA was his priority and was going to sit down with TNA soon to discuss his future. He said: "The main deal is that TNA had always told me they were willing to work with anything that I had to do with fighting. This is their first opportunity to show they're really going to work with me. That's all I really can say about that. Originally when we signed the deal, they knew I was going to have a huge obligation in the fighting business. At the end of the day, that's my main source of income and what requires the most dedication. They told me they would be able to work with me and anything that I wanted to do, and they know that this fight's important and every other fight that I have with Strikeforce is important. I just want to see that they're willing to hold up their end of the bargain and support me as I fight and move forward. This is my first fight since I've been with them. Up to this point, yeah, they've been working with me. I have a couple of more weeks until the fight. We'll see if they're going to work with me through this fight and then through the next fight. We'll see. I'll know within the next two weeks."
IGN.com interviewed Daffney at http://tinyurl.com/yb7uf86. She noted the company protected her following the sick bump at Bound For Glory where she suffered a concussion: "... They're always very good, and they've been giving me some Xplosion matches lately. And in the battle royal they had me out first to protect my head. They gave me a web match with Traci Brooks. And I just had an Xplosion match with Tara – which was another web match. I loved working with her and I want to get my hands on her and her spider and bite off its head. And then they asked me, 'how's your head?' And I said 'oh, it's fine.' So maybe that's why, as of late – since that happened - they've been more focused on me hanging out and not wrestling because they really wanted to protect my head. Because that was not fun. That as…if it's possible, I was knocked loopy. But I'm already loopy so I'm not sure how to say it. I was knocked more loopy? More loopier?"
Former announcer Lauren Thompson is getting married later this week. She announced her engagement back in October.
Former New Japan wrestler and referee Katsuhisa Shibata passed away on Saturday after suffering a heart attack. He was 66. Shibata started wrestling in 1966 and worked the very first New Japan show in 1972. After hanging his boots up in 1976 he became a referee for the company. He went into semi-retirement as a referee in 1999 but had been making sporadic appearances of late. He is survived by his son and second generation pro wrestler/fighter Katsuyori Shibata. The funeral took place today in Kuwana City, the Mie Prefecture region of Japan.
Rene Goguen [Renee Dupree], 26, quietly got married in Japan on October 14. He met future wife Kanako through a mutual friend while working for Japan’s Hustle group. Dupree is currently working for All Japan as part of the heel group Voodoo Murders, and said he plans to make Japan his home base. He posted a wedding photo on his website at www.renedupree.net.
Ring of Honor tonight on HDNet includes Jay Briscoe vs. Mark Briscoe and Delirious vs. Sonjay Dutt. More info at www.rohwrestling.com.
ROH debuts in the Carolinas on April 3 in Charlotte at the 3000-seat Grady Cole Center. Gary Juster is helping to promote the show locally. "Pro wrestling will explode into the 21st century on April 3rd," said Jim Cornette, Executive Producer of ROH in a company press release. "This event will showcase the emergence of ROH as the most exciting, athletic, hard-hitting and competitive style of pro wrestling in this country, with the youngest talent roster in the sport and a more serious sports approach than either WWE or TNA, the current industry leaders." The release also confirmed a Latino influence to the event. "We already have commitments from a number of Luchadores", Cornette said, "including Blue Demon Jr., one of the biggest names in Mexico. He is known throughout the Latino community, and even in the States through his popular energy drink. The Lucha style of wrestling is exciting, high-flying and technical, and we are looking forward to presenting it to the audience in the states." Tickets go on sale Monday, February 15 at 10am ET at ROHwrestling.com, or by calling 215-781-2500.
Cornette talks ROH coming to Charlotte on the local FOX affiliate at http://tinyurl.com/ycc54wc. He was in town this past weekend to make the official announcement on the WCCB-TV show Got Game with Bruce Snyder.
EVOLVE, the brainchild of Gabe Sapolsky, debuted on Saturday night drawing 400 people in Rahway, NJ, with Davey Richards over Kota Ibushi in the main event. The show was said to be a lot of fun in you enjoy pro wrestling oppose to sports entertainment. Tommy Dreamer ran out during a Jimmy Jacobs-Ken Doane match to tell the referee that Jacobs had his foot on the rope during a pinfall. The match restarted with Jacobs winning via submission. They did an angle afterwards where Jacobs told Dreamer that he didn't need his help so Dreamer gave him a DDT. Crowd didn't like this angle. The return date is March 13. More info at www.EVOLVEWrestling.com.
Sid Eudy has changed his hair. He now has blonde hair extensions and looks like the love child of Randy the Ram. He is pushing hard to get in with WWE or TNA.
Jimmy Hart is a guest with Jason Agnew on The Surf on BITE Television in Canada on Tuesday night. Hart is promoting the new all-girl group Wrestlicious which has just sold it's television rights in Canada. There will be a live stream of the show at 10pm ET at www.bite.ca/TheSurf. Viewers will be able to ask questions to Jimmy Hart by calling 1-888-778-2483 during the show, or by emailing in questions anytime before the show to TheSurf@bite.ca.
Today's Diva of the Day is Maria at http://www.thewrestlingpress.com/DailyDiva.
NEW Greg King Jr Graduation DVD is Now Available!!
----The one hour Graduation Match featuring Greg King Jr is now available thru RRO and NEW!! More DVD releases coming soon!! If you are a promotion or worker, please contact me if you are interested in working on a DVD project!!

CLICK HERE to order your copy!!

CLICK HERE to order your copy!!
IWA Did Not Air - Slated To Air This Weekend!!
----IWA did not air this past Saturday. All that aired were infomercials. I have been told that IWA is slated to again to air at Noon this coming Saturday - 1.23.10. We will be watching to see!!
My World - MAXXED OUT!! "Life Turns, Monday Wars and Lane Kiffen" by Maxx Corbin
Life turns, Monday wars and Lane Kiffen
What a crazy couple of weeks 2010 has been so far. Where do I begin? Let’s start with the life turns part. Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been on any cards since October. The reasoning behind this is simple. I needed to change some things in my life. I was tired of getting by on the wages at my job and decided to try to work on a degree in Computer Information Systems. This also came with a desire to buy a house and start a family. I realized I need to straighten things out before that could happen. It has also been nice to rest my horrible back. After wrestling a match in October, I couldn’t walk without some sort of pain and it went on for a week. Before that I was taking a handful of Ibuprofen and a pain killer every now and then to get through the weekend matches. I really started worrying about my health and didn’t want to end up addicted to pain meds so I decided to take a break till I finished my school work.
I think people have mistaken this as me quitting the business or losing my love for wrestling; nothing could be farther from the truth. I MISS WRESTLING LIKE CRAZY!!! I have almost thrown my gear in the car and took off a few times.
2 nights ago I had a dream I was in a show. It was supposed to be Ripley, but you know how dreams are. Some of them are symbolic. Like, you might have a friend and you know he’s your friend, but in the dream its Bob Saget or something more ridiculous and you never bat an eye. Well in my dream Reply had been renovated to hold 1,000 people and they had a packed house. I was just visiting friends in the dream and walked out through the curtain. This was before the show started but the upper deck (yes in my dream there was an upper deck) started chanting MAXX….MAXX…MAXX. It got louder and louder. So, trying not to get any heat for being out in the crowd, I walked to the back. A couple of fans following me to the back (great security my dreams have huh?) and one of them said they were glad to see me and they had missed me…….I woke up at that moment…..and I was bummed out that it was a dream….But it all made since when I thought about it, I was never that over…lol. The fans at Ripley did give Myles and me a great send off in September. Maybe that’s where the dream came from? Anyways, my point here was that I miss wrestling so much I’ve been dreaming about it.
I feel like I need to touch on the other big thing that is going on now; TNA possibly moving to Monday nights and starting a new Monday night war. I may be in the minority here but the show they ran on the 4th, in my opinion, was far better than what WWE was doing that night. It was nice seeing some of the old guys I haven’t seen in a while. And for the first time in a while I was actually excited when I saw Flair pop up on screen. There was just a feel to the show that reminded me of the old wars of the 90’s. It was awesome that to watch 2 wrestling shows live on my split screen.
But for all the things good they did that night there were a few glaring mistakes. 1: there was no promotion of the Thursday night time slot or the fact that the Monday slot was a one night thing. It just seemed like a waste of promotion time…Hell, even Rob Van Dam a wrestler a lot of people consider to be a future TNA signee, had no idea that Monday was a 1 shot deal. The 2nd thing wrong was the cage match at the beginning of a show. I felt so bad for that mother fucker trying to get out of that cage…..I was like “Come on dude get through that hole……dammit, PULL!!!…Come on get through there!!!….Shit he fell!…Damn how long was he up there? WHAT, How can a cage match end in a dq?.....This is BS!” That was, no lie, what I said. Anyways, everything past that point was good. Jeff Hardy was a good surprise and I was even entertained by the 2 women’s matches. I think everyone out there hopes TNA makes it. It means more jobs for guys and more fans to watch it. Either way it’s nice to see the business I love making a way back.
Finally, I have to say I hate Lane Kiffen. For the college football fans out there, even if you’re not a Vols fan, you have to feel a little bad for us. 3 weeks before signing day and out of the blue the guy leaves. Not only that, but the guy tried to take the players with him. I can’t imagine how the guys that were playing for him must feel. When I heard the news I was shocked. I started thinking man I don’t think I’ve ever been this shocked or disappointed before. Then I remembered the 5th grade and the pain I felt when The British Bulldog turned on Big Daddy Cool Diesel. To be honest, I can’t even tell you why that affected me like it did either. Neither Bulldog nor Diesel was my favorite wrestler. So, I have no clue. All I know is my 10 year old self had a hard time sleeping that night. Anyways, It really sucked that Kiffen screwed that organization and the kids like that. All I can do know is set back and hope he falls on his face at USC….that probably won’t happen though. But its always nice to dream. Oh well that’s enough football talk. If anyone wants to look me up, chat, or just drop me an email add me on Facebook. I usually accept everyone that looks real. Also, make sure you check out my weekly wrestling segment on 101.5 in Jackson, TN and on the net at wnws.com every Friday at 4:15. Until next time, Stay classy San Diego!
----Born Richard Mullikin, Maxx Corbin is a 7 year pro in wrestling and provides RRO with a monthly column. While growing up in Bemis,TN as a kid, he had no cable and lived week to week on the wrestling tapes he got from family and friends. He likes to think he has a great since of humor and makes light of tense situations. This is why he no longer works at the local hospital. He enjoys playing video games, stand up comedy, and music that very few have a taste for. He won an award in his middle school technology class for building a small bridge out of hobby wood. The bridge held 55lbs. He graduated from his high school with a 3.4 gpa. He was super bad ass at WCW vs NWO World Tour on N64(usually taking out opponents during Jerry Springer commercial breaks).
What a crazy couple of weeks 2010 has been so far. Where do I begin? Let’s start with the life turns part. Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been on any cards since October. The reasoning behind this is simple. I needed to change some things in my life. I was tired of getting by on the wages at my job and decided to try to work on a degree in Computer Information Systems. This also came with a desire to buy a house and start a family. I realized I need to straighten things out before that could happen. It has also been nice to rest my horrible back. After wrestling a match in October, I couldn’t walk without some sort of pain and it went on for a week. Before that I was taking a handful of Ibuprofen and a pain killer every now and then to get through the weekend matches. I really started worrying about my health and didn’t want to end up addicted to pain meds so I decided to take a break till I finished my school work.
I think people have mistaken this as me quitting the business or losing my love for wrestling; nothing could be farther from the truth. I MISS WRESTLING LIKE CRAZY!!! I have almost thrown my gear in the car and took off a few times.
2 nights ago I had a dream I was in a show. It was supposed to be Ripley, but you know how dreams are. Some of them are symbolic. Like, you might have a friend and you know he’s your friend, but in the dream its Bob Saget or something more ridiculous and you never bat an eye. Well in my dream Reply had been renovated to hold 1,000 people and they had a packed house. I was just visiting friends in the dream and walked out through the curtain. This was before the show started but the upper deck (yes in my dream there was an upper deck) started chanting MAXX….MAXX…MAXX. It got louder and louder. So, trying not to get any heat for being out in the crowd, I walked to the back. A couple of fans following me to the back (great security my dreams have huh?) and one of them said they were glad to see me and they had missed me…….I woke up at that moment…..and I was bummed out that it was a dream….But it all made since when I thought about it, I was never that over…lol. The fans at Ripley did give Myles and me a great send off in September. Maybe that’s where the dream came from? Anyways, my point here was that I miss wrestling so much I’ve been dreaming about it.
I feel like I need to touch on the other big thing that is going on now; TNA possibly moving to Monday nights and starting a new Monday night war. I may be in the minority here but the show they ran on the 4th, in my opinion, was far better than what WWE was doing that night. It was nice seeing some of the old guys I haven’t seen in a while. And for the first time in a while I was actually excited when I saw Flair pop up on screen. There was just a feel to the show that reminded me of the old wars of the 90’s. It was awesome that to watch 2 wrestling shows live on my split screen.
But for all the things good they did that night there were a few glaring mistakes. 1: there was no promotion of the Thursday night time slot or the fact that the Monday slot was a one night thing. It just seemed like a waste of promotion time…Hell, even Rob Van Dam a wrestler a lot of people consider to be a future TNA signee, had no idea that Monday was a 1 shot deal. The 2nd thing wrong was the cage match at the beginning of a show. I felt so bad for that mother fucker trying to get out of that cage…..I was like “Come on dude get through that hole……dammit, PULL!!!…Come on get through there!!!….Shit he fell!…Damn how long was he up there? WHAT, How can a cage match end in a dq?.....This is BS!” That was, no lie, what I said. Anyways, everything past that point was good. Jeff Hardy was a good surprise and I was even entertained by the 2 women’s matches. I think everyone out there hopes TNA makes it. It means more jobs for guys and more fans to watch it. Either way it’s nice to see the business I love making a way back.
Finally, I have to say I hate Lane Kiffen. For the college football fans out there, even if you’re not a Vols fan, you have to feel a little bad for us. 3 weeks before signing day and out of the blue the guy leaves. Not only that, but the guy tried to take the players with him. I can’t imagine how the guys that were playing for him must feel. When I heard the news I was shocked. I started thinking man I don’t think I’ve ever been this shocked or disappointed before. Then I remembered the 5th grade and the pain I felt when The British Bulldog turned on Big Daddy Cool Diesel. To be honest, I can’t even tell you why that affected me like it did either. Neither Bulldog nor Diesel was my favorite wrestler. So, I have no clue. All I know is my 10 year old self had a hard time sleeping that night. Anyways, It really sucked that Kiffen screwed that organization and the kids like that. All I can do know is set back and hope he falls on his face at USC….that probably won’t happen though. But its always nice to dream. Oh well that’s enough football talk. If anyone wants to look me up, chat, or just drop me an email add me on Facebook. I usually accept everyone that looks real. Also, make sure you check out my weekly wrestling segment on 101.5 in Jackson, TN and on the net at wnws.com every Friday at 4:15. Until next time, Stay classy San Diego!
----Born Richard Mullikin, Maxx Corbin is a 7 year pro in wrestling and provides RRO with a monthly column. While growing up in Bemis,TN as a kid, he had no cable and lived week to week on the wrestling tapes he got from family and friends. He likes to think he has a great since of humor and makes light of tense situations. This is why he no longer works at the local hospital. He enjoys playing video games, stand up comedy, and music that very few have a taste for. He won an award in his middle school technology class for building a small bridge out of hobby wood. The bridge held 55lbs. He graduated from his high school with a 3.4 gpa. He was super bad ass at WCW vs NWO World Tour on N64(usually taking out opponents during Jerry Springer commercial breaks).
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