Saturday, July 28, 2007
RassleResults: Lawler with OVW at Six Flags, Louisville, KY - 7.27.07
Fans stood in line in a gentle rain for hours to attend the event at Six Flags and the chance to meet Jerry the King Lawler. OVW Fan Club members had the chance to meet both Lawler and Cena. I got to meet Cena who was extremely nice and made every fan feel appreciated. Due to the long line to see the King, I didn't get to see him.
Despite the bad weather, the attendance was standing room only.
First match was a Diva scramble match with nine OVW divas which was won by Beth Phoenix who got the pin on Nattie Neidhart.
Second match was TJ Dalton and Jamin Olivencia facing the New Generation Hart Foundation Harry Smith and Teddy Hart with Nattie Neidheart. The New Hart Foundation won that one as the rain started to get worse.Visibility at the matchs from ringside was bad due to many fans moving their chairs into groups closer to the front, staying on their feet and making it very difficult to see what was happening, despite the best efforts of the Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom security. This was unfortunate and the first time that I've attended an OVW event with this problem. Blame it on the weather I guess.
As the rain continued to get harder, John Cena faced Shawn Spears. Cena won the match with a very wet FU in the middle of the ring.
Jerry Lawler then faced KC James who came to the ring with Kassidy James, and their managers Kenny "the Starmaker" Bolin and Mini B. The match stipulations were changed at the start to a no disqualification match, so that the King could legally use his infamous piledriver. After a hard match with many slips caused by the soggy conditions, Lawler landed a piledriver on KC for the win and clobbered Kenny Bolin with his briefcase and a soggy punch on Mini B for good measure.The show was then stopped due to worsening weather conditions.
Dennis Rayburn @
Notes on Autozone Park and Memphis Spoilers for tonight!!
----Vicious, who they really never said would be on the show is at Pro Wrestling Unplugged on tonight in Philadelphia, which has 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Sid Vicious and Joey Mercury vs. Trent Acid at the Alhambra
----Tatt2/Starr/Spellbinder vs Derrick King/Clowns…Too Cool 2 vs the Posse…Hughes squashed someone…Johnny Rotten squashed someone….No Blaylock…No Johnny Dotson…Nothing confirmed for tonight, but looks like Rotten vs Lawler as the main...Only one show taped, so they are probably taping another show or two tonight.
----credit for the first two items.
Wildside and PK Ripper Respond!!!
Friday, July 27, 2007

This Saturday night, NBW puts on another big atmosphere type show as they present Vendetta. Tickets are $7. Every title is on the line and there are 7 big matches in all. You will see....
NBW Heavyweight Championship "FANS BRING THE WEAPONS"
(C) "Southern Outlaw" Kilo vs. "Real Deal" Tim Edwards
NBW Tag-Team Championship "MASKS vs. TITLES"
(C) The Treat Connection vs. Team X
Finals of the NBW Lucky 7 Tournament
"One Man Wrecking Crew" Tank vs. "The Enforcer" Mark Justice
NBW Hardcore Championship "3 WAY DANCE"
(C) Lil' Tim Alfonzo vs. Psycho w/ Kayte vs. Void
NBW High Risk Championship
(C) Slim "the Bulldog" Pickens vs. "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore
The Black Label Society vs. Chris "Fabulous" Rocker & Motley Cruz
Battle Royal featuring Crazy Train, Gunner Thompson, "Playboy" Tommy Love, The Sicilian Kid, Kid Krazy, Rod Dent, Buckwheat and more.
This will also be a live taping for NBW:THROWDOWN, which airs on Dyersburg local channel 14 every Thursday afternoon at 4:00pm.
Don't forget to check out NBW's website at
TIWF TV REVIEW 7.26.07 by The Rambling Critic and his friend Sherman

----Anybody watch the TLCW or NBW TV on a regular basis?? If so, please contact me for posting on the site.
Steroid Issue NOT Going Away

----Vince McMahon apparently had a meeting in the last few weeks where he told the boys – if you are on something – get off of it!! Will he be taking his own advice?? Will he force others – some of the top names like HHH to be drug free?? I know this is a horrible question to ask, but can this business ever be COMPLETELY drug free?? Is the NFL, NBA or MLB COMPLETELY drug free? Society is not drug free, so to assume that we can make wrestling drug free would be a joke.
----I want to state something that it seems that every news media is really screwing up on – Vince McMahon, WWE and STERIODS was not the cause of Chris Benoit’s death. Benoit went completely nuts and killed his family and himself.
----If someone said the cause of wrestlers dying was because of steroids, then they would probably not be 100 % right either. But, for just a moment look at just the facts –
*62 major league wrestlers have died in the last 10 years before the age of 50.
*Of this list, 37 were known to be regular steroid users.
*37 of them also had issues with painkillers or recreational drugs.
*13% heart attacks
*8% suicides
----Combine the travel, the steroids, the painkillers and little weed and crack rock ever now and then – there is a problem. No other major organization – not even the movie industry have this kind of death rate.
----My gut feeling on all of this [and this is if the government does get involved] is that the next 3 years will see this business evolve into something totally different than what we see on TV today. Will Vince try to call for the pure athletic style and not worry about the bodies?? Or will he go back to the big gimmicks style where the body is not even an issue?? Or what if he just goes totally in another direction and the actually wrestling becomes more secondary than it is now – we get 15 minutes of wrestling and 105 minutes of soap opera. Finally, will the fans continue to watch the superheroes when they look just like you and me??
Thanks to Wrestling Observer Newsletter for stats.
"Too Cool" Headed to TNA??

Stamford....we have a problem by Gene Jackson
McMahon asked by congressional committee to hand over records
By Shaun Assael
ESPN The Magazine
In a three-page letter dated Friday, Rep. Henry Waxman, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Tom Davis, its ranking minority member, asked McMahon to provide a series of documents intended to give the committee and its investigation a detailed look at WWE's drug-testing policy, including information about the results of performance-enhancing drug tests on pro wrestlers.
"The tragic deaths of World Wrestling Entertainment star Chris Benoit and his family have raised questions about reports of widespread use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs by professional wrestlers," the congressmen wrote.
"These allegations -- which include first-hand reports of steroid use by prominent former wrestlers -- have swirled around the WWE for over a decade. Investigations by journalists have described a culture of performance-enhancing drug use in professional wrestling, high fatality rates among young professional wrestlers, and an inability or unwillingness of WWE to address these problems."
The letter from Waxman and Davis described WWE wrestlers as "multimedia stars that have an influence on the behavior and attitudes of the nation's youth."
"WWE has a responsibility to do everything possible to eliminate the use of performance-enhancing drugs -- or the perception of such use -- by its wrestlers."
The records request is wide ranging, and parallels what was asked of Major League Baseball. It seeks a list of drugs covered by its policies; the entity that conducts its drug testing; the number of tests it conducts annually; the protocols followed after a positive test; and the procedures for awarding exemptions.
It also wants hard figures about the number of tests that the WWE conducts each year; the numbers of wrestlers tested; positive results for each specific drug; and the number of positive tests for which wrestlers were penalized.
In an attempt to investigate the WWE's reaction to past scandals, the committee is also seeking "the results of any investigations prepared [by the company] regarding the deaths, injuries, or illnesses of current or former professional wrestlers that may have been related to the use of steroids."
It adds to the list "all communications between [the company] and outside entities including communications with health care professionals or law enforcement authorities, regarding allegations of drug use by wrestlers."
Shaun Assael is a senior writer for ESPN The Magazine. He is also the co-author of "Sex, Lies, and Headlocks: The Real Story of Vince McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment,"
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Eric Bischoff wants to be an astronaut....... by Gene Jackson

Bischoff's Blog
......oh yeah and Renee Dupree got released from WWE recently. (I'm sure that will lose them all of NO viewers.)
Bobby Eaton Does Promo
Shows for The Weekend 7.27 to 7.28.07
---- Friday night @ Byhalia Middle School in Byhalia,MS for North Mississippi Championship Wrestling - Bell time is 8:00 PM with The Manson Brothers vs “Pure Destruction,Leatherface, “24/7”, Danny B Good, Reno Diamond, Marcus O’Neil, Hollywood Jimmy, Pappy, Psycho and many more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT for LAW in Rector, AR with …Arnez, Christopher O’Neal, Tommy Redneck, “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Erik Hayes, TL Jones, Jon Michael, Slim Pickens and many more.
----FRIDAY NIGHT The Future of Wrestling has a show at the TFW Arena in Tupelo, MS with Shawn Reed,Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, Special Ed, Cassanova Kid, Chris Kaos, Hittman, T-Byrd, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, The Freakshow, The Interns, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more.Tickets are $5. Doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night, Golden Triangle Wrestling returns for a show behind Cathy's restaurant, located on Highway 45 in West Point, MS. "The Warrior" Justin Reed, Hittman, Josh Matthews, Chris Styles, Jack Irons, "Southern Thunder" Chris Kilgore, Hunter Montgomery Jackson, and much more. I believe tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and the show starts at 8:00.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Psycho, “Black Label Society” [Void, AJ Bradley, Robbie], Chris Rocker and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with This Saturday Night June 2nd in Jackson Tennessee @ the True Force Arena on Gill Street Way Cool, PK Ripper ,Highrollers, Steven Rampage, Big Boy BOB, Moondog Rex, Lawman Williams, Ravishing Randy, Wildside, Hardknox, Johnny Thunder, Billy Joe Dream, Punisher Dra Black, Azreal.....All taking place this Saturday night bell time 7:30 tickets only $5.00
----ASWF Saturday Night - At The Valiant Arena 201 Hwy 67 N Tuckerman Ar. (870) 349-2050 Belltime 7pm. Tickets: All Seats $6 Appearing X-Kaliber, Team Adrenaline (Austin Lane & The Juice) w/Nikki Lane & Miss Juicy, Reno Diamond Scott Fury ,Chuck Daddy ,Blalock The Blazer, Marcus O'Neil ,Acid, Announcers Michael Ward,Brian Edwards, LSD [Idol Bane/Deadly Dale], Cody Daniels and more.
----Saturday night Memphis Wrestling AutoZone Park – Redbirds Game and Wrestling for only $5!! "Hot Summer Nights" 8:00 PM bell time 1st 500 receive free concession voucher..."The Agents" [Max Corbin/Albino Rhino], Naughty By Nature" [Pokerface/Rude],"Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind],Tatt2, Dustin Starr, Kevin White, Spellbinder,Johnny Dotson, Derrick King, Johnny Rotten, Jerry Lawler and more.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington TGB Greg Anthony, Stan Lee, Jerry Weezy, Gaylon Ray, Tommy Redneck, Seth Knight, Rockin' Randy, Dell Tucker, Motley Cruz, "Rhythm & Blues" and much more!!!
----Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th and Oak Street. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With such star's as "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, The Casino Kid, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, "The Velvet Lover"Cody Thunder, "The Southern Submission Machine" Wild Bill, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, Chris Stryker, Matt Justus, and many more. Bell Time is 8 P.M, door's open @ 7:15 P.M.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Lance Storm speaks out about Marc Mero by Gene Jackson
Here is a commentary posted by Lance Storm on his website about Marc Mero specifically his most recent interview with Glen Beck (where Beck referred to Mero as "Mike" through most of it while discussing the evils of the WWE's "All American Bash" pay per view) Check it out.
Attention Marc Mero
July 20, 2007
I watched the Glen Beck show tonight on CNN Headline News, and Beck was talking about wrestling yet again, and one of his guests was Marc Mero. Mero has been doing a ton of interviews lately, but something he said tonight struck a chord and really pissed me off. If someone has an email address for Marc please feel free to send him a link to my rant because I would love for him to read it and perhaps even send me his thoughts on it. I will make an attempt to be professional here but I can’t guarantee I will succeed; as I mentioned I am pretty pissed off.
The comment that Marc made that got under my skin was his response to Glen Beck, when he asked what Marc was on when he was in WWE (actually Beck kept calling him Mike, but I’ll let that slide). Marc responded (I don’t have an exact quote but this should be damn close). “Mainly pain killers, because you had to, to make all the towns and deal with the punishment you inflicted on your body.” BULLSHIT!!!!! “Had to” is a F---ing excuse used all the time by guys on drugs. Marc also talked about taking steroids because he “HAD” to, to compete and get a job. Well you know what Marc, I didn’t f---ing have to. I didn’t take Steroids, or pain pills to work. EVER!!!! I respect the fact that you are trying to do a good thing here but you are doing your cause a disservice by not admitting you were part of the damn problem. You are spewing the same bullshit excuses that the boys have been spewing for years, and it is this cop out bullshit excuse of “HAVING” to do it to deal with pain or get ahead, that perpetuates the very drug problems you are trying to stop.
Let’s be honest here, and this is where I may stir a lot of heat, but I don’t care, I’m pissed off. Marc Mero was not a very talented guy. When he was in WCW he was not, what you could call an in-ring general or great worker, so why did he have a job? He had a job because he took steroids to get a job he didn’t deserve. Steroids gave him the look that the company was willing to push despite his level of ability. Now Marc Mero can defend himself as much as he wants, with if he didn’t do steroids for the spot someone else would have, but that doesn’t excuse his actions. I was a worker at that time Marc, and I was close to your size and a hell of a lot more talented, and I wasn’t doing steroids nor have I EVER. Have you ever considered that you taking steroids cost a more deserving person who wasn’t on steroids, the opportunity he deserved, and in turn then put additional pressure on them to do steroids, to get the spot they actually deserved in the first place? Thankfully I had the backbone to not cave in to steroid and drug pressures, and enough talent to still make a career for myself, but so many others didn’t.
I’m not saying Marc Mero is the only guy in the business to have done this, or that he is a bad person today because of it, but he needs to realize not admitting he was part of the problem, completely kills his credibility. This bullshit mentality of “I did steroids because I had to”, or “I took pain pills because I had to to make all the towns” is a complete load of crap. This business is tough yes, but less talented, or smaller guys who take steroids to get a job or push they don’t deserve just makes it tougher.
“Everyone else was doing it” is a bullshit excuse your Mother wouldn’t accept when you were 10, Mark, quit using it now. Not EVERYONE else was doing it and those of us who weren’t either suffered for it, or gave into the pressure and got dragged down the toilet with you. You may be trying to do a good thing here, but admit that you were part of the problem, and realize that your past actions may have pushed others into drug use, maybe even some of the people on your “Dead Wrestlers” list.
Speaking of the “Dead Wrestlers” list, I’m begging you to get an accurate one so those within the industry can’t bring up valid arguments to defend themselves. The list we keep seeing includes deaths from Breast cancer, accidents, you name it. Instead of pulling out a bogus list of 100+ people, can we not use the accurate list of 50+, is 50-60 dead people not tragic enough?
Before I wrap this up, I want to point out that I am not attempting to defend WWE or the Industry as a whole here. I think they should share some of the responsibility and blame for drug use in this industry. I also think for the most part Marc Mero is trying to fight a good fight, with good intentions. It just angers me when the people who started the problem or continued to perpetuate it, deny they are the biggest part of the problem, and then after reaping the rewards of their actions later claim victim status and try to dump all the responsibility on those who are likely more guilty of not stopping the problem or looking the other way than actually causing the problem in the first place. I respect Marc Mero for trying to do something good here, and this tirade should actually be directed at everyone in the industry who has used these excuses or done the drugs to get ahead, Marc’s just the guy using them on national TV and getting my attention. This was not meant as a personal attack Marc, and this was far stiffer that I originally intended, but I think my points are valid and stand by them.
TNA should send Marc Mero a thank you letter for giving me something new to rant about.
Lance Evers
The Ratings - Memphis Wrestling TV 7.21.07
-Vicious angle replay
-Derrick King vs Sam Shaw
-Jimmy Hart Interview
1st quarter – 2.9 = [48,352 viewers]
-Insane Clowns vs Lexx/Valentine
-Rockey The Redbird/Lawler
-Lawler-Hughes interview
2cnd 2.6 = [43,484 viewers][– 4868 viewers]
-Lawler vs Hughes
-Bowden skit with manager
-TC2 vs Tatt2/Starr
3rd Quarter 3.5 [59,433 viewers] [+15,949 viewers]
-White interview
-White/Agents vs Posse/Poker
-Spell kidnaps Mr. White
4th Quarter – 2.1 [35,928 viewers] [-23,505 viewers]
12 Week Average – 2.7 – 45,722 viewers
12 Week High – 4.0 – 67,828 viewers – 7.07.07
12 Week Low – 1.6 = 26,862 viewers – 5.05.07
Growth from start to finish [-12,424 viewers]
Channel 3 News and CSI Miami 8.1 [136,327 viewers]
DUI Charges for the former "Skyscraper" by Gene Jackson

Dan Spivey best known for being Sid Vicious' partner as the Skyscrapers in WCW and his short stint as Waylon Mercy in the WWE was arrested recently for DUI. However the thing everyone is talking about moreso than the DUI charge is the above mugshot that will have to go down in history next to the one of Nick Nolte as one of the worst ever. Spivey looks terrible here and seeing it makes you take a second look at Sid and apppreciate the fact that he's still in tremendous shape (although Spivey is several years older than Sid) If you'd like to see the details of the police report they can be seen at this link:
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ted Dibiase Jr. gets a developmental deal by Gene Jackson

Well it would appear that former WWE Employee Ted Dibiase's recent appearence on Larry King with John Cena and Bret Hart where he defended the WWE and their drug testing policies may have paid off as his son Ted Dibiase Jr. (seen above while training with Harley Race) was signed this week to a developmental contract and will be assigned to the new WWE Developmental Territory Florida Championship Wrestling ran by Steve Keirn. He will join recent signee Teddy Hart (nephew of Bret 'the Hitman'), Harry Smith (son of Davey Boy Smith), and Nattie Neidhart (daughter of Jim "the Anvil) as a part of a promising crop of future stars.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 7.21.07
Hillbilly Pappy beat Jay Webster
Crazed Country Rebels [Cody Murduch/Wild Bill] beat the The New Bad Boys [C-Money/Shawn Williams] and The Lepuchans
“Team Adrenaline” – Austin/Nikki/Justin Smart came out and Lane said he would have warm up match for Brandon Baxter. [who he will be working on August 3, 2007 in Paragould, AR]. LSD [Deadly Dale/Idol Bane] debuted helping Chuck Daddy over Austin Lane. LSD said that Lane’s past would catch up with him and they challenged them for a match later in the night.
Battle of the Big Men – Acid beat Cody Daniels – Acid F5’ed him
Team Adrenaline defeated LSD in NO DQ match
Scott Fury beat XCailbur – Cody Murdoch and Will Bill helped him win – Lights went out – on and off!! Erie music started playing – dogs are barking!!
ASWF Battle Royal for Vacated Tag Team Titles – Team Adrenaline won by defeating the last team of LSD, Leprechauns, Crazed Country Rebels, New Bad Boys and Chuck Daddy/XCalibur.
----There was at least 120 paid with a gate around $720 with 160 in the building…They are building for the big Paragould show which will feature – LWA St. Louis tag team match, Leprechauns vs Treat Connection [which could be one of the funniest bouts ever]…Acid vs Kamala – if Acid wins Brian Edwards becomes commish – Ward has to wear dress – or vice versa…ASWF Scott Fury vs Jake Roberts, Austin Lane vs Brandon Baxter…Next week in Tuckerman, AR will be a Death match – LSD vs Team Adrenaline, X Title: Reno Diamond vs Marcus O’Neil vs Blalock the Blazer and more...Erie music is for Cujo. No not a Moondog, but a guy that has worked this area as Cujo for a long time...Interesting to see Scottie Graham go back to Scott Fury.
Gene Jackson's Cheap Heat Interview w/ Chris Styles
GJ: So there's a lot of talk about your upcoming show in Philadelphia at the old ECW Arena for Chikara Pro, this is a big opportunity for you guys to be seen in front of an entirely new audience, how did this booking come about?
CS: We had been in the talks with them about myself,Josh,and Shawn going but in Pennysylvania you have to be 18 to work and with Jon (Jonathan Douglas) quiting it was kinda hard to choose who we wanted to go with us..So we thought about it and came up with a third person that we think can hold his own ground and as funny as this may sound we got our booker to get ahold of them and let them know we would be comin..Also be lookin for some of their guys here in the Dirty South....
GJ: This is the chance for a lot of exposure as Chikara dvd's are pretty popular on the internet and amongst the trading communities, not to mention that the shows get aired over in Japan and such. Are you hoping this is the beginning of some more bookings in other areas (especially up north) or just another show to work?
CS: Your right they are a very hot Indy show we love to watch their DVD's and you know me I pray that this is the big step we've all been waiting on and if it's not then I will keep doing what I love every chance I get..But I will say this when we get back we have already booked up the rest of Aug-Sept....So be on the look out for us...IN YOUR TOWN..
GJ: Do you prefer working shows like TFW and GTW where you have more input into the show or do you like going to other places where you only have to worry about going out and working?
CS: There's no place like home but at a show like this where you have no worries except getting the job done is great...The stress at TFW >W are crazy but it's like that at shows you book or help book. But im always up for new crowds cause they seem to hate you more or love you more...
GJ: You've been the victim of a LOT of flack on the message boards lately for being the booker of GTW in West Point, how do you feel about all the criticism? Do you think it's justified or just jealousy?
CS: I'm glad you asked I would love for any of them to try and start a show where noone has ever ran before plus find workers that aren't already booked..Yeah I use to spend alot of time out there and so did some others but it's because we don't care to bust our asses noone says anything when I work 5 times for Kenny or when they're bookin the show...But I leave you with this if you dont like the way I do things feel free to talk to me and I will hand you the books on my best day and I bet you money that says I find another show and stomp that ass cause everything you see isnt everything you could get who knows what I have lined up...P.S. I DONT READ THE BOARDS ....
GJ: If you could book yourself in a pay per view match with anyone from any era of wrestling, who would it be and why?
CS: No offense to anyone I love all you guys...But I would have to say me and Jon (Jonathan Douglas) because we have always went out there and give a little more than we thought we could when we was in the back...In my own words we're smooth like ice together...And we'll work our asses off for anyone even if we don't like them we still love the sport of wrestling and respect any chance we get to work each other...)
GJ: What are your long term goals in wrestling? Do you feel that working shows like the one in Philly will bring you closer to those goals?
CS: I have always had the goal to work for WWE who hasn't, but the way things are there its not wrestling anymore its BS..I hope and pray that this is that big step I was talkin about and I would love to work ROH or TNA and hell even WWE but I would want to go through those two before I got there for simple reasons that people think their ready for that kinda stuff and there not. I have friends that work and have worked for Vince and they say it's hell but it's also love so I hope and wish the best for all of our goals and I hope that one day we reach them.
GJ: Having LITERALLY grown up in the business your entire life, what do you feel is the most important thing you've learned since you've started actually wrestling yourself?
CS: Don't go in there thinkin your better than the next guy cause you will find your place real quick, go in with heart not ego you will make more friends and get better bookings, Show RESPECT to everyone no matter if they started when you did, show it, its a big plus in alot of the guys eyes because this is a sport where you want friends because there is alot of trust in it and I don't trust my enemies..And if you get in it for the money unless your already makin millions you got in it for the wrong reason and if you get into it already makin that much money at least still have the love for it cause there is alot of guys I would love to see make that kinda money because they're worth it.
GJ: Do you have any interest in ever working for Memphis Wrestling?
CS: Honestly havent had the interest to work there since it all went to shit I mean you still have great workers come there and work there all the time but (And im not scared to say this)it goes back to ego's alot of them couldn't wrestle there way out of a wet paper sack but the ones who can are the ones you respect I could sit here and name names of all the guys I've worked with from there and hell even you would tell me I was right cause they show they still have the heart..Their not just in it to look good for the girls or to make the money but because they love the sport....But if I ever got the call I would work for them cause I love to wrestle and I dont care who it is we will try a 110% everytime.
GJ: Anything else you'd like to say while you have the opportunity?
CS: I know alot of people don't like me and I know alot of you respect me but there is one thing you can keep in mind no matter who you are, or what you do know that I look up to you all for havin the love for this sport just like the next person does...And for those who dont love and respect out sport get the fuck out and go work at Burger King they love ego's there.
I want to thank Chris Styles for the interview and wish him the best of luck on his upcoming trip to Philly and we will have full coverage of the event here on the site.
Check back soon for the first of my new series of "Cheap Heat" RasslePod broadcasts which will feature interviews and other news. The first interview will be conducted this week with Real Pro Wrestling's Scott "the Stud" Porteau who will be on the show to discuss the upcoming debut show of RPW in Ecru, Mississippi on August 4th and some of the misconceptions that have seemed to spread about RPW .
Ronnie P Gossett Dies

ACW Cancels Again..Again..Again..Again...

----NBW, Tank and Justice have wanted it stated that they did none of this out of spite against TIWF. Void had assured them that the heat would be on him, since I am assuming he believed the belt was owed to him for past money.
----As for the belt situation anyway you look at it, it is wrong. If Void felt like TIWF owed him money, then he should have settled that during the weeks he was at the show. If this had been a one shot deal – say TIWF brought in Void for one week for $50 – and they did not give him the money, then I would see no reason for Void taking the belt as collateral until the $50 was paid. But, Void worked TIWF for weeks getting the same shitty pay, so you can’t just leave with their property and assume it is yours because you did not get paid right.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Rassle Results: TFW, Tupelo, MS 7-20-07
Chazz d. Special Ed.
“Prime Time” Nick Grymes d. Chris Chaos & Chris Styles to retain the Lt. Heavyweight belt.
Shawn Reed d. Josh Matthews by DQ.
Testosterone d. Cassanova Kid & Chop to retain the Tag Team Titles.
Max Steele d. Dirty Sanchez to retain the TFW strap.
Crowd was approx. 100 with a gate of $500.00.
Rassle Results: TFW, Tupelo, MS 7-13-07
Cassanova Kid d. Devon Raynes.
Chris Chaos d. Chop Top the Clown.
Dirty Sanchez d. Chazz.
Attitude, Inc. d. “DC” David Cross & Max Steele. Steele turned on DC and revealed that he was with Attitude, Inc. This made possible Attitude, Inc. winning the TFW belt.
Josh Matthews d. Shawn Reed.
Testosterone vs. The New Age Cowboys ended in a no contest.
Google Pulls RassleTube!!!
Hi,Your video "memphistv.wmv" was rejected because it didn't comply withour Program Policies.Videos submitted to our program are subject to an initial review toensure that they comply with our guidelines. When videos do not meet our standards, we disapprove them.
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RassleTubePod: Void/Allen Walker Shoot
----Another major story brewing out of all of this is that Wildside has apparently had a warrant issued on Void because Void stole the TIWF TV Title. It also looks like Void sold the belt - either part of an angle or for shoot - to Mark Justice. I will try to have the full story behind all of this ASAP.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 7.21.07
Seth Knight d. Shannon Lee
Chris O'Neal d. Jerry Weezy (Mystery opponent revealed at bell time.)
Stan Lee d. Dell Tucker
Lil' Chris d. Tatt2
In other matches:Gaylon Ray d. Jake the Jackhammer...Rockin' Randy/Tommy Redneck d. Motley Cruz/NBN Rude...The Golden Boy d. Chris Lexx....Derrick King vs. Dustin Starr was stopped (No contest).
Other notes:120 people in the crowd with about 100 paid with $600 gate...Gaylon Ray and J. Weezy have jumped from NBW to here..."Rhythm & Blues" [Brian Steele/Ike Tucker] came to the ring claiming to be #1 Tag Title Contenders. "Genocide" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] arrives to stake their claim to the title shot. Then Genocide attacked R&B with the assistance of Rick Marx. Marx claims R&B dropped the ball, and then leaves with Genocide...."The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony came to the ring to find out the identity of his challenger at Super Summer Showdown on August 11th. He said it didn't matter who he faced because he is the "Best of the Best." The challenger was announced to be Jerry the King Lawler. TGB sat in stunnedsilence for a moment, and then left the arena without saying a word....For the second week in a row. A message appeared on the video screen proclaiming that"The Savior of TLCW is coming." The interesting thing is that each time this message hasappeared during Tatt2's match....he main event had to be stopped after the Posse hit the ring and attacked Derrick. Stan Lee came to his partners aid, but Dustin Starr joined the Posse in assaulting Hot Topic. Chris O'Neal joined the fight. Then the entire locker room came out try and break things up. Tim Cummings stated that if any of the six men did not stop they would be suspended. It was difficult tell wha thappened next, but I think Stan Lee was the next to throw a punch. In any event, the fight ignited again. It took the entire TLCW locker room, security, management, and at least onemember of the Ripley P.D. to stop the fighting which looked like a riot.At this point, it is not clear how many suspensions will be handed out or how this will affect thetournament.
RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR 7.21.07
The Second Match of the evening was an M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title Match. The Champion “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne was defending his M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title against the former champion “The Suicide King” Ray Ray. This was part two to the Ladder Match from “No Rules”, these two men fought long and hard inside and outside of the ring. Tommy and Ray gave all they had to beat the other won, but during of there many outside of the ring battles, they were both counted out. Tommy retained his M.E.W.A Light Heavy Weight Title in 21:45. After the match was over Ray attacked Tommy on the entrance ramp and beating him senseless with the title belt. Ray left Tommy lying inside the ring and Ray left with Tommy’s Light Heavy Title. The M.E.W.A. Commission ordered that Ray Ray return the title to Tommy or face a HUGE fine or being suspended for 90 Day’s.
The Semi-Main Event of the night started off as a normal match, but end up being one of the wildest M.E.W.A. has ever seen. The match started off a singles match between “Dangerous” Dave Cox VS. “Old School” Johnny Harper .Cox and Harper went toe-to-toe back and forth showing the fans a great battle between these two Indy Legend’s. These two greats were fighting outside of the ring when “Hot Rod” John Ellison attacked Harper from behind. Everyone thought this was going to very bad for Johnny Harper, but to everyone’s shock the Casino Kid came to the aide of Harper. Casino Kid and Johnny Harper beat Danger Zone out of the ring and the Casino demanded the microphone to make a challenge. Harper and Casino challenged Danger Zone for the M.E.W.A World Tag Team Titles. Both team’s demanded that Ast. General Manager “Bigg” Joe Johnson makes this match. Johnson then went to the back and got the match booked by the M.E.W.A. Commission. As Johnson went to the back to get the match made, Casino and Harper were inside of the ring taunting Danger Zone. After a few minutes went by Johnson returned and said “You Have Your Match for the Tag Team Titles”. Danger Zone decides to add a few surprise stipulations of there own, if they had to defend there Tag Team titles then Casino had to put his M.E.W.A World Heavy Title up a title for titles match. Now since Harper had to title to put up for Danger Zone to get if they won, what was Harper going to put on the line? Ellison said if they win Harper had to retired forever from wrestling.
So instead of Casino Kid defending his title against “Hot Rod” John Ellison in the Main Event Match of the night it was now a Title for Title and Career Match.
The Main Event was now a tag team match between, M.E.W.A World Tag Team Champions Danger Zone {“Dangerous” Dave Cox and “Hot Rod” John Ellison} defending there titles against M.E.W.A World Heavy Champion Casino Kid and “Old School” Johnny Harper. This was the match of the night with all the crowd going crazy yelling, clapping, hitting, the stands trying to give Casino and Harper all the help they as all 4 men beat the HELL of each inside and outside the ring. These men so head set on hurting each other that Danger Zone hit the Target Drop on Casino, but he was saved by Harper. Casino even hit Hot Rod a D.D.T off the top rope, but Cox saved him from the 3 count. Cox and Harper were battling outside the ring when Casino and Hot Rod both though the Ref. into the ropes and gave him a HUGE back drop, laughing him as if he was a missile. When the Ref. was able to get to his feet he called for the bell and said it was a Double D.Q on both teams for touching a Ref., the match was called short due to the actions of both teams in 10:45.
After the match was over Casino and Harper once again request Ast. General Manager “Bigg” Joe Johnson comes inside the ring. Neither team was happy with what had happened, so Casino and Harper said next week they want a rematch with the same Title for Title for Career in a Batesville Street Fight. They demanded that Johnson do everything in his power to get this match signed so it can be settled once and for all.
The crowd was down this week with County Fair in town, there were 216 in the stands.
RassleResults: NBW, Dyersburg TN. 7-21-07 - TOTAL CHAOS!
4-Corner Hardcore Match to crown the new NBW Hardcore Champion.
Lil' Tim Alfonzo defeated "Straight Shooter" Gunner Thompson, The Sicilian Kid and the debuting Zane Richards.
this match saw everyone get slammed in thumbtacks, get hit with chairs, signs, ladders, suicide dives and everything else. In the end, it was Lil'Tim hitting a moonsault on Kid who was laying in thumbtacks to score the win and become the new NBW Hardcore Champion.
NBW Tag-Team Champions The Treat Connection(Loose Cannon & San Francisco Treat) w/ Buckwheat defeated Team X(Gryffon & Phoenix) by DQ.
Buckwheat slid one of the tag belts in the ring & then distracted the ref. As Treat was going to nail Phoenix, Gryffon stopped him and grabbed the belt and nailed Treat. the referee turned around just in time to see the belt being used by Team X and called for the bell. after the bell, Treat & Cannon assaulted Team X going for their mask again trying to reveal who they was. Treat got the mic saying that they were tired of Team X always being there and not showing their faces. Treat said next week at Vendetta, they was going to rid themselves of Team X once and for all and they was going to find out who is hiding under them masks. Treat made the challenge of Team X's masks against Treat Connections belts. Co-commissioner Allen Walker made the match, so next week at Vendetta it will be the NBW Tag-Team Titles vs. Team X's Masks.
Crazy Train defeated "Real Deal" Tim Edwards
the referee was bumped and Crazy Train was attempting a sunset flip on Edwards. Edwards made it to the ropes and was holding on for dear life, when from out of nowhere, Kilo came running in, nailed Edwards with a "619" sending him back into the sunset flip by Crazy Train. Kilo shook the ref who made the count and after several tries, Crazy Train has finally secured a victory over Tim Edwards.
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated Chris "Fabulous" Rocker to advance into the finals of the NBW Lucky 7 Tournament with help from the B.L.S.
Rocker had just landed a calf kick on Justice when B.L.S. came to ringside. Justice held Rocker up so Bradley could nail him. Rocker ducked with Bradley nailing Justice instead. The ref called for the bell declaring Justice the winner. B.L.S. & Justice then beat down Rocker before Big Red, Kilo and Tank made the save. The referee said that considering that Justice was hit, B.L.S. was there to help Rocker because all he saw was Justice get hit and that was a Disqualification. So it will now be Justice vs. Tank in the finals of the Lucky 7 Tournament.
NBW High Risk Champion Slim "the Bulldog" Pickens defeated "Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore to retain the title after more B.L.S. interference. This time, Pickens & Moore was both down. Bradley distracted the ref, while Void placed a chain in Pickens hand. Pickens got to his feet and looked at the chain with Void telling him what to do with it, then wrapped it around his fist and nailed Moore who was just getting up. B.L.S. left ringside and Pickens pinned Moore to retain the title.
6-Man Tag
NBW Heavyweight Champion "Southern Outlaw" Kilo, Big Red & Chris Rocker vs. The Black Label Society(Void, A.J. Bradley & Robbie Douglas) was threw out after the referee could no longer contain the match and all 6 men were going at it. Slim Pickens then came to the ring to help with the beating. Jeremy Moore wasn't far behind as he went right after Pickens. Tim Edwards & Mark Justice then came out and attacked Kilo trying to soften him up for next week. Red bumped Justice down and sent Edwards down in the corner. Tank then made his way the ring where he was waiting on Edwards to get up. The crowd was ready to see Tank finally get a hold of Edwards. When Edwards turned around, Tank caught him and was ready to deliver the "Warhead" but Justice caught Tank from behind. Justice and Tank started exchanging rights and went to the floor and joined everyone else leaving Kilo & Edwards in the ring. Kilo came back on Edwards bumping him a couple of times before Edwards left the ring. While all of the fighting was going on, Slim Pickens somehow got away and crawled under the ring to safety. As B.L.S., Edwards & Justice made their way to the locker room, Pickens got back in the ring, all by himself, until Tank slid in behind him unknown, and Moore came in to face Slim. Pickens backed away from Moore right into Tank. As Pickens turned around not only stood Tank, but Rocker, Red & Kilo as well. Slim begged for mercy. Tank jumped at Slim making him turn to run away but as Slim turned around Moore was waiting and caught him with an "RKO". Red then threw Slim over the top rope with the faces celebrating in the ring.
Kilo got the mic and told Edwards that it was time for him to be a man and stop running like a little bitch. Kilo then challenged for their match at Vendetta be a "Fans Bring The Weapons Match". Edwards accepted stating that there would just be more ways for him to beat Kilo's ass. Edwards then said that Justice was going to take care of Tank next week and secure that he didn't win the tournament and be rid if him. The co-commissioners came out and made some more matches for Vendetta next week and ended the show.
Notes: Crowd was around 80 with a gate close to $500.
Crazy Train got the biggest pop of the night after he beat Edwards. B.L.S. continue to have major heat with the fans. Slim Pickens as heel? I don't know. We will have to see how that plays out. The fans was really into the hardcore match as Lil' Tim is way over with the people. The fans are really itching to see Edwards vs. Tank as they have been building for weeks now with Tank never getting a hold of him. Full card for Vendetta will be posted today or tomorrow.
Don't forget NBW:THROWDOWN on local Dyersburg Channel 14 every Thursday afternoon at 4:00 pm and don't forget to visit New Blood Wrestling online at
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 7.20.07 - New Champ!!
----30-40 in the crowd with a gate close to $180...Jeff O'Dell sent referee Sharina Fowler home before the Main Event got underway and made himself the special guest referee for this contest and he also claimed to have sent home the entire locker room home as well. When Jeff O'Dell refused to count after Chris hit the Overexposed on TGB, Chris knocked out Jeff O'Dell but then Rockin' Randy and Gryffon X came out. Chris fought them off before Trendsetter speared Chris, Jeff O'Dell back on his feet called for more help from the back and the tag team champions Idol Bane and Scott Graham came and gave Chris the spike Ghost of Andy Kaufman. TGB then crawled over to make the pin. Jeff O'Dell called it The Massacre of Chris O'Neal! TGB is now the TLCW Champion and the LAW Champion - has that ever happened before?? Someone holding both of those belts??
CWA Results - 7/21/07 - Selmer, TN
RassleNotes: Show was again free with fair admission as part of the McNairy County Fair. However, this event was held outside on the midway as opposed to inside the CWA’s normal Selmer venue – the Jaycees Building . . . Crowd was off and on around 200-300 throughout the show . . . After the Posse match, Nightmare unmasked as Chris Kilgore after him and Morris pushed each other...The Grimes-Morris matches ended up with Morris losing and having to go to the fair’s dunk tank where fans would buy chances and dunk him . . . Bass and manager “Gentleman” Jim Casey jumped Eric Wayne before the show when Eric was competing in a “beauty pageant” as part of the fair. Actual match was title for title, but on the DQ both men retained . . . Tony Watts was referee for each match except the semi-main as local police officer Michael Gilbert was signed as “special enforcer” to keep “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock in line. He cuffed Blaylock to the bottom rope before the start of the bout . . . CWA returns to Selmer on Saturday, Aug. 4 as part of a benefit show to help the victims of a terrible tragedy that occurred in June in Selmer. Show will feature 30 stars from around the country including CWA regulars The Posse, Eric Wayne, Kid Nikels, “Mega Man” Rodney Grimes and more. Mark Anthony will return with a partner to face Fire & Flame at the Aug. 4 show.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 7.21.07
----Derrick King beat Sam Shaw with a superkick in a good squash. Shaw is a big guy and has lots of potiental.
----Jimmy Hart interview putting over the Redbirds TV taping next Saturday.
----"Insane Clowns" with Rashard Devon. Rashard had the Clowns dressed up in doctor scrubs. Rashard had a cup and said he had a pee test [cup said "Pee" on it LOL] with the Clowns and said they were not on steriods, but that their opponents Chris Lexx /Cameron Valentine were on roids. Rashard threw the pee in Cameron's face. Valentine got hit with a fake leg for the Clowns win. Yes, I said that right. LOL This was funny. Match wasn't that good, but the skit and all was good.
----Rockey The Redbird/Jerry Lawler interview. They promote Memphis Wrestling with Memphis Redbirds at Autozone Park. A baseball game and wrestling for only $5. They will be taping TV there. Corey comes back from commercial with a video filmed at Autozone in the middle of the field.
----Lawler comes out for an interview. Mr. Hughes walks out and says, "Talking all that trash. Get the ring and I will whip the white off of you." I know that is bad, but it was funny for some reason. Lawler beat Mr. Hughes by DQ. Not much psychology with Lawler getting most of the match. Lawler even did his fistdrop without even pulling off his strap. Johnny Rotten jumped in for the DQ and Hughes/Rotten beat up Lawler. Rotten said Lawler would have to worry about Sid at Autozone Park.
----Scott Bowden comes out with all the area managers - "Hollywood" Jimmy, Grady Watson, Mr. White and Rashard Devon. Bowden says they are nothing as individuals to get rid of Lawler, but as a collective they could take care of Lawler. Bowden gives Watson $1,000 to join them. They make it out as a big deal and that Watson [u know the hick] has never seen that kind of money.
----"Too Cool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] vs Tatt2/Dustin Starr - NO CONEST. They were fighting all over the place when the bout was stopped. Good match, but not as good as I had been told. Tatt2/Starr both did dives outside the ring. Crowd loved it.
----Kevin White/"Genocide Agents" [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] beat "The Posse" [Lil Chris/Simon Reed]/Pokerface. Good match with heat on Lil Chris. Hot tag to Simon. It ended up with Simon in the ring with Agents - they did a double stinger splash on him for the pin and win. Well, I guess that is what they did - the camera missed it all. Spellbinder appeared and grabbed Mr. White and the Skull pole.
----NOTES: Excellent way to start the show by airing the Vicious return. Ratings were not good last week, so this should help for those people that did not see the return of Vicious...DK actually said he was still the champ, even though the show was taped before "Sam's Town"...The Redbirds promotion is good for both wrestling and the baseball team. The Redbirds are in last place in their division and 20 1/2 games out of first place....They should have turned Hughes to help Lawler. Memphis Wrestling could always make money in the past taking two guys that hate each other to take over a bigger badder tag team...Mr. White joined Maclin during the TC2 vs Starr/Tatt2 match - he said he was "representing 731" and Corey was a "hater". LOL OMG - that was funny!! He also said that the skull on the pole was Spell's "mother on crack" LOL. White should join Corey all the time...Corbin has lost so much weight since the first time I seen him, he actually looks "slim" LOL...Why no Vicious live this week on TV?? I would have to put him on EVERY show if he was working for me...Not a bad show, but not nearly as bad as last week.
RassleResults: FTW, Tracy City, TN. 7-20-07
Fusion Traditional Wrestling
Friday. July 20Th.
Tracy City, TN
High School Gym
"Southern Outlaw" Kilo defeated "The One Man Wrecking Crew" TANK with a frogsplash. after the match, Tank grabbed his log ch

Ronin defeated Billy Merciless w/ The Ace by DQ.
John Frost went to a Double Count-Out with Jason Scott.
A.C. Frost defeated Patrick Colvett.
Rock Dogg defeated Ryan Jeffries to retain the FTW Heavyweight title.
Bad Company Inc defeated Brian Murdock & Backstreet by DQ to retain the FTW Tag-Team Titles.
Tickets to this event were $8
Crowd around 90 with a gate close to $800 with well over 100 fans in the building.
FTW was impressed with Tank & Kilo, saying they had real good psychology and was welcome back anytime. The entire show was great and was a nice change of pace. Everyone worked really old school which the fans loved. The crowd was easy to pop, even for the ones they didn't know.