Dude, I and Sherman just watched one of the worst wrestling shows ever allowed to be put on TV. We watched TIWF....I know...WHY? Well we were curious...it was like old ECW in that we had to stay up until 1:00 to watch it but lacked ALL the GOOD. As for the attendance figures they are giving out....BULLSHIT!!!! There were
MAYBE 25 people in that place. First match was Moondog Rex vs Kraven Hunter in a Moondog Rules Match. Guess what....there were no foreign objects.....no chairs, no vacuums, no chains, no nothing, not even the bone...until after the match which ended with Rex going over clean with a weird submission. Kraven SUCKED. The next bout saw AC Havoc take on Tojo Yamamoto Jr. Tojo looked Mexican and in fact had a Mexican lady valet named Diabla....go figure. The ref turned his back and looked at a fan for three seconds just because Tojo told him to. Out of 5 stars I give this match a negative 2. Spyder vs Showstopper....oh If only they all could have been this good. Match went straight to heat with no shine...then double down...then heat...then shine...then heat...then as Spyder has beat the crap outta Showstopper the entire match he for no reason at all pulls out a chain and hits him for the pin. WTF? Actually this was my pick for MOTN, but Sherman disagreed....Next was "Lawaman" Williams (Yes they misspelled his name on the screen) vs JR Rich. Finish saw Lawman take 20 shots to the head and then strongman comeback with a finisher that was a combination of a stunner and RKO....but it wasn't supposed to be a combination...JR just didn't know how to take a stunner. MAIN EVENT....PK Ripper and Weasel vs Big BOB and Wildside, BOB sold like hell for the mighty PK but Weasel's best couldn't even budge him. Bob went down to a Ripper dropkick but it took weasel 3 clotheslines (one from the 2nd rope and a drop kick to get him down) PK RULZ!!! Finish saw Jon Seymore come out and have Wildside and Randy arrested while Bob took a senton splash from Weasel and an Alabama Jam off the 2nd rope from PK. PK pins him. His streak is still alive!! HORRIBLE SHOW. Another thing that we found funny. They did the show with a host, Jon Seymore. They filmed it at JEA E+6 Studios. Seymore looked like he was reading the entire time and his guest host was Wildside....IN FULL WRESTLING OUTFIT. I mean, he was sitting behind a desk....but for that he needed to have on elbow and knee pads? BTW, they have NO sponsors. It’s just a hour straight through with two breaks for JEA Clips. Seymore was bad, really bad. Wildside was 50 times better than Seymore....but I still don't know why he wore his gear. Right now ANY other company could come and take that spot on TV. ANY. It was that bad. What’s sad is that they are sitting on a goldmine if they would only learn HOW to wrestle and learn basic match psychology. The announcer JC was annoying as hell. He was the heel announcer YET he put down the heels. Figure that one out.
----Anybody watch the TLCW or NBW TV on a regular basis?? If so, please contact me for posting on the site.