----WWCW promoter Joey McNew has already posted a clip from the Memphis show today.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 8.09.08 - Channel 50 Debut!!
----Memphis Wrestling moved from a long time traditional Saturday morning AM spot to Saturday night at 11:00 PM on September 2, 2006. After almost a year of reruns and a few months completely off TV, Memphis Wrestling returned to their "old school" 11:00 AM Saturday morning slot on local MyNetwork channel 50.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report
----Jerry Lawler and Corey Maclin open the show behind a desk Production was slick looking. Corey was laughing like he was having his first date with Lawler.
----Lawler vs Test clip from Autozone Park - Buff Bagwell jumps Lawler. Bagwell does a phone interview. Bagwell says he will put his "Top Hat" against Lawler's "Crown". Bagwell says it is time for a new king. Bagwell actually sounded drunk. Maclin says that Bagwell will be there August 30th show.
----From Fed Ex Forum Hogan show [4.27.07]- Buff Bagwell vs Brian Christopher airs next. Brian C wins with the "hip hop drop."
----Lance Russell interview on via the phone. Russell has appeared on every edition of Memphis Wrestling. Lawler has also. Wrestling Professor made his debut. It was some kid in a graduation gown and cap. Russell calls out a date and Prof tells
him exactly what happened on that date. And, they just HAPPENED to have the footage of the date. LOL The date was June 6, 1986. They aired the clip - Lawler interview talking about Robert Fuller & Sylvia. Fuller/Sylvia jump Lawler after she throws powder in Lawler's face. Jeff Jarrett tries to make the save. Senshi/Tojo Yamamoto jump in to beat up Lawler. Billy Travis and Max Pain make the save.
----"Los Locos" [Raul/Ramon interview. Match from Danny Davis Arena. They come out as Southern Tag Team Champions and babyfaces. "Locos" beat Eric Doom/Kharn Alexander. This was from the 3.08.08 Ohio Valley Wrestling show.
----Eugene vs Vladimir Kozlov from Ohio Valley Wrestling airs next. Eugune beats him with the "People's Elbow".
----Jerry Lawler vs Johnathan Coachman [4.27.07]from New England Championship Wrestling - Coach calls out Romeo Roselli with Talia Madison to make a handicap match. Crowd was so hot. Fun typical Lawler bout. Lawler pinned Coachman to win.
They are going to show more of the Coachman vs Lawler feud next week.
----They had new opening...They started the show right off promoting the August 30 event. Good job...Show was not even listed on Direct TV guide - it was listed as "Paid Programming"...Why would they show Bagwell losing clean in the ring??...Who was the Wrestling Professor?? I think it might have been one of Coreys' kids. I guess that is their new "Opening the Vault" type of segment...Who was Senshi??...Professor is what is wrong with Memphis Wrestling!!..."Locos" are custom made for a feud with "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex]...Same channel will air Smackdown...They announced that Christie Hemmi, Queen Renee and more.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report
----Jerry Lawler and Corey Maclin open the show behind a desk Production was slick looking. Corey was laughing like he was having his first date with Lawler.
----Lawler vs Test clip from Autozone Park - Buff Bagwell jumps Lawler. Bagwell does a phone interview. Bagwell says he will put his "Top Hat" against Lawler's "Crown". Bagwell says it is time for a new king. Bagwell actually sounded drunk. Maclin says that Bagwell will be there August 30th show.
----From Fed Ex Forum Hogan show [4.27.07]- Buff Bagwell vs Brian Christopher airs next. Brian C wins with the "hip hop drop."
----Lance Russell interview on via the phone. Russell has appeared on every edition of Memphis Wrestling. Lawler has also. Wrestling Professor made his debut. It was some kid in a graduation gown and cap. Russell calls out a date and Prof tells
him exactly what happened on that date. And, they just HAPPENED to have the footage of the date. LOL The date was June 6, 1986. They aired the clip - Lawler interview talking about Robert Fuller & Sylvia. Fuller/Sylvia jump Lawler after she throws powder in Lawler's face. Jeff Jarrett tries to make the save. Senshi/Tojo Yamamoto jump in to beat up Lawler. Billy Travis and Max Pain make the save.
----"Los Locos" [Raul/Ramon interview. Match from Danny Davis Arena. They come out as Southern Tag Team Champions and babyfaces. "Locos" beat Eric Doom/Kharn Alexander. This was from the 3.08.08 Ohio Valley Wrestling show.
----Eugene vs Vladimir Kozlov from Ohio Valley Wrestling airs next. Eugune beats him with the "People's Elbow".
----Jerry Lawler vs Johnathan Coachman [4.27.07]from New England Championship Wrestling - Coach calls out Romeo Roselli with Talia Madison to make a handicap match. Crowd was so hot. Fun typical Lawler bout. Lawler pinned Coachman to win.
They are going to show more of the Coachman vs Lawler feud next week.
----They had new opening...They started the show right off promoting the August 30 event. Good job...Show was not even listed on Direct TV guide - it was listed as "Paid Programming"...Why would they show Bagwell losing clean in the ring??...Who was the Wrestling Professor?? I think it might have been one of Coreys' kids. I guess that is their new "Opening the Vault" type of segment...Who was Senshi??...Professor is what is wrong with Memphis Wrestling!!..."Locos" are custom made for a feud with "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex]...Same channel will air Smackdown...They announced that Christie Hemmi, Queen Renee and more.
RassleResults: USWO Nashville, TN 8.08.08
Attendance 58
Lee Cross b Rob C
Bryan Casey b Derrick Neal
Shane Smalls & Josh Crowe b Petey Wright & Eric Ecstasy when Smalls pinned Ecstasy
USWO Jr. Champion Cousin Jason X b Justin Spade
Andy Douglas vs Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) ended in a double countout when the two brawled outside the ring
USWO Tag Team Champions Quinton Quarisma & JC Crowe b Psycho Medic & White Tiger when Crowe pinned Tiger
USWO Champion Jeremian Plunkett b Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie)
Next Stadium Inn show is Saturday 8/16 due to Titans preseason games Saturday and next Friday
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
Lee Cross b Rob C
Bryan Casey b Derrick Neal
Shane Smalls & Josh Crowe b Petey Wright & Eric Ecstasy when Smalls pinned Ecstasy
USWO Jr. Champion Cousin Jason X b Justin Spade
Andy Douglas vs Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) ended in a double countout when the two brawled outside the ring
USWO Tag Team Champions Quinton Quarisma & JC Crowe b Psycho Medic & White Tiger when Crowe pinned Tiger
USWO Champion Jeremian Plunkett b Gary Valiant (w/Miss Boogie)
Next Stadium Inn show is Saturday 8/16 due to Titans preseason games Saturday and next Friday
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
----Just to remind everyone that at 11:00 AM this morning Memphis Wrestling debuts on MyNetwork Channel 50. Please look for a report to be posted right after the show airs and vote in our new THUMBS UP/THUMBS DOWN poll!!!
Rumor Mill - Brian C, Mystery Partner, and Sid Return!!!

----One of the rumors I reported on last week has been neither confirmed nor denied, because Brian Christopher is back to working shows. It was rumored he had spent time in rehab. I have even been told he was there, but one of two things happened – he left or he was kicked out. Sources also say that Brian spent some time in the hospital for a surgery on his eye. Christopher was in good shape for both ASWF shows this past weekend and everyone was happy with his performance. Why do people view rehab so negative?? I always see it as a positive step. I guess it is when you have to admit that you did something wrong??
----Who?? What?? Yes, after GUESSING the mystery partner for Jeremy Moore for tonight’s NBW Summer Jam show was going to be Derrick King , rumors have it that DK has now declined to do the show. Or has he?? Moore mentioned at the show last week that his partner would be “Picture Perfect” - I am almost certain neither Jon Michael or Christian Jacobs will be available this week, so it could be Chris O’Neal?? We will have to wait until tonight’s show to find out whether it will be a “hell freezes over” moment or just a lackluster event.
----I got word earlier this week that Sid Vicious may be making his WWE return sometime in September. Gunner Eudy, Sid’s son, has been telling various people that his dad has signed to return. RRO staff and visitors wish the best of luck to Sid.
----Rumor mill – some of it could be true or some of it could be false – I am just posting things that I have been told during the week.
Rassle Results: NBW Dyersburg, TN 8.02.08 - SUMMER JAM TONIGHT!!

Show opened w/ Allen Walker in the ring hyping Summer Jam. Seth Knight came out for an interview, he stated that even after what happened last week that he is the #1 contender and isn't scared of Motley Cruz and that at Summer Jam there will be a new age in NBW.
"Dynamite" Seth Knight def. John "biscuit" Roberts
Lil' Tim Alfonso def. "The Real Deal" Tim Edwards after he jumped from the middle rope and delivered a double knee face buster to Big Tim, Post match Big Tim said next week he and Lil' Tim would have a good old fashioned street fight!
Tommy Redneck vs. Jason Matthews was ruled a no-contest after Biscuit came in and delivered a Rude Awakening from the ladder on Redneck
Allen Walker was again Hyping Summer Jam when he was interrupted by The S.O.B.'s, they said that they see Jeremy Moore's family there but haven't heard from Moore, they figured maybe Moore smartened up and stayed home. They said that even if he had the guts to show up next week then no one would tag up w/ him because they have beaten down anybody who dared to align themselves w/ Moore. They then said that for everyone who missed it last week they were gonna do an instant replay w/ Just Joe acting like a crippled Moore. The music hit except this time Moore came out, he said he was there and that he would fight next week, he said he found a partner, one who has worked for WWE and one everybody knows well, he said that he had wrestled in that very ring not to long ago and his partner would be a "Picture Perfect" partner. Allen then said the S.O.B.'s had a match.
S.O.B.'s def. The “Party Boyz” [Gaylon Ray/Erik Hayes] in the match of the night. Post match they beat Erik Hayes until he had to be carried out on a stretcher
Motley Cruz def. Phoenix X. post match Motley was going to try to burn Phoenix until Seth Knight made the save. Motley low-blowed Knight and went and grabbed a windshield from under the ring. He set it up between 2 chairs and lit it on fire, and continued to slam Knight through the windshield to end the show!
Crowd was up a bit from last week. Biggest Pop was either for Lil' Tim, or the party boyz. Great Show overall. TONIGHT !! Motley Cruz vs.Seth Knight-NBW Title flaming table match... Jeremy Moore/Mystery Opponent vs. S.O.B.'s... Biscuit vs. Redneck High Risk title Ladder Match... Lil' Tim vs. Big Tim- Street Fight... #1 con. for the high risk title match and Danny B. Good returns to action!
Credit: NBW News Guy
----Good build up for the big show. It will be interesting to see if they draw a bigger crowd with just the local talent. The fans will be paying more, so if they draw the normal size, it would be considered a minor success.
RassleResults: EWP Louisville, TN 8.07.08

Simgon & Kole Layton King came out and Sigmon said that the fans should be applauding him but he doesn't get any respect around here and that next week the benefit show should be for him and started to talk about Shawn Shultz until Shane Andrews ran him off to the back. Then KLK got the mic said he was going to prove himself around here and said he an offer that Robbie Race couldn't refuse. The "Big Gun" came out and King offered him $20 which offended Race and King said for a man of his stature he offered him $30 and Robbie laid down for a few seconds but got up.
Robbie Race pinned Kole Layton King after a fisherman's suplex with cradle pin.
The Power TRIP retained the EWP Tag Team Titles over Trooper T and Keith Knox when they hit their neckbreaker/rack move on Trooper as Keith was outside the ring.
The team of Shawn Streets & Johnathan MacMurray defeated Edward Idol & Jim Miller after Streets tackled Miller. Robbie Race was out with Streets & MacMurray to counteract Devin Hart. Post-match Edard got Johnathan in a leglock and threatened to break his leg if Robbie didn't accept a match for next week, which he did.
The fleatorium became a part of the Overkill Nation as he debuted tonight against Menace but ultimately came up short. both men hit big-time maneuvers for close counts but Menace finally put Overkill away with the Package Piledriver.
Shane Williams played a trick as he came out to Jeff Anderson's music and "Welcomed us to the fleatorium" to add more insult. The King pinned Jason Maxx after a straight kick to the groin behind the referee's back.
Shane Andrews defeated Sigmon by countout as the Prodigy went up top to finish Sigmon but KLK pulled Sigmon out of the ring and they walked off. Shane Andrews was left in disbelief but called them back to the ring for 5 more minutes but Sigmon didn't want any. Andrews then said next week Sigmon will defend the EWP Championship against Menace at the Shawn Shultz benefit as Sigmon looked in disbelief.
Credit: Zilfer
----95 in attendance...Photo of above is of Andrews after James burned him a few weeks back. Looks like silly putty or Halloween makeup. Not a bad job - at least he was selling it.
RassleResults: KFW Sevierville, TN 8.06.08
*Robbie Race vs Sigmon:Great matchup very back and forth the crowd was hot very hot all night and this was a great way to kick it off,Donovan was at ringside with Sigmon and interfered several times however in the end Robbie Race hooks on a Leg Hold and the ref stops the match.[No Contest]
*Ryan Dookie vs Draven Brothers:Dookie comes out claiming to be the most ''Hardcore'' wrestler in KFW and challenges anyone out comes the Draven Brothers who grab weapons but every time they go to hit him Dookie blocks it and instead of using a weapon he slaps on a wrestling hold in the Dookie wins with a ''Double Camel Clutch''
*Donovan Daniels vs Keith Knox:Loud chants from a hot crowd of ''Pussy'' and Queer'' and various other chants during the match the KFW Crowd was very,very hot for this one in the end Donovan trys cheating ref finds the weapon match restarts Keith Knox beats Donovan Daniels.
*Trooper T vs Chase Owens:Good match back and forth Trooper wins with Sunset Flip in corner after the match Devin Hart and the All Star Players come out attacking Trooper and letting the flag touch the ground the crowd was going literally apeshit during this one couple of fans tried charging the ring but was held back members of the All Star Players almost had to fight there way to the back.
*Menace vs Overkill:Fucking bomb ass match over on our message board our fans are saying match of the year nomination ''in KFW'' insane wrestling skills displayed along with several Big Spots ref takes a fall Vixxen gets involved Menace rolls up Overkill for the win....it must be noted that this match was Incredible and the crowd was literally INSANE during this one with Menace and Overkill chants following each other throughout the whole match great matchup maybe a top 10 in KFW History!!!!!!!
*King Shane & All Star Players vs Issac,Adkins,The Rebels:Great 8 man Tag Wayen Adkins Leg took a beating until he made the tag and Issac Cain went apeshit however in the end Issac was accidentally leveled by one of the Rebels then Piledrived by King Shane as a result The A.S.P. & King Shane win
Credit: Devin Hart
----100 in the crowd...Sounds like the crowd is rowdy at these shows. LOL...They run weekly here.
*Ryan Dookie vs Draven Brothers:Dookie comes out claiming to be the most ''Hardcore'' wrestler in KFW and challenges anyone out comes the Draven Brothers who grab weapons but every time they go to hit him Dookie blocks it and instead of using a weapon he slaps on a wrestling hold in the Dookie wins with a ''Double Camel Clutch''
*Donovan Daniels vs Keith Knox:Loud chants from a hot crowd of ''Pussy'' and Queer'' and various other chants during the match the KFW Crowd was very,very hot for this one in the end Donovan trys cheating ref finds the weapon match restarts Keith Knox beats Donovan Daniels.
*Trooper T vs Chase Owens:Good match back and forth Trooper wins with Sunset Flip in corner after the match Devin Hart and the All Star Players come out attacking Trooper and letting the flag touch the ground the crowd was going literally apeshit during this one couple of fans tried charging the ring but was held back members of the All Star Players almost had to fight there way to the back.
*Menace vs Overkill:Fucking bomb ass match over on our message board our fans are saying match of the year nomination ''in KFW'' insane wrestling skills displayed along with several Big Spots ref takes a fall Vixxen gets involved Menace rolls up Overkill for the win....it must be noted that this match was Incredible and the crowd was literally INSANE during this one with Menace and Overkill chants following each other throughout the whole match great matchup maybe a top 10 in KFW History!!!!!!!
*King Shane & All Star Players vs Issac,Adkins,The Rebels:Great 8 man Tag Wayen Adkins Leg took a beating until he made the tag and Issac Cain went apeshit however in the end Issac was accidentally leveled by one of the Rebels then Piledrived by King Shane as a result The A.S.P. & King Shane win
Credit: Devin Hart
----100 in the crowd...Sounds like the crowd is rowdy at these shows. LOL...They run weekly here.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 8.02.08
XOW Come Out saying they had a special treat for ever one and main event would be a handicap match between Casino and Acid vs Sarge O’Reilly/Chris Rocker and Suicide
1st match
Big Al Vs Morgan Lane With His Butterfly Eclipse
Morgan Lane hitting the trailor hitch (Full Nelson) for the win
“LSD”(Idol Bane and Cody Only Vs Mike Anthony And X- Kailibur
X-Kailibur thought he had it won till he got tripped form the outside and his feet got held to get pinned from idol bane - new #1 tag team contenders – “LSD”.
Nikki Lane Vs Sue Young
Good Solid Match with Nikki pinning Sue with a leg drop
Kevin White Vs Scott Fury
Fury won by DQ when White pinned him, but got caught with a chain afterwards.
Wild Bill and Demon X (c) vs Brian Christopher & Ty Hamilton
Non title match - Christopher goes over on Wild Bill after a leg drop off top.
Blalok the Blazer and Austin Lane Vs Ray Ray And Reno Diamond
This has been a all out war for three weeks and finally it looked like Ray and Reno would get some revenge but Austin pins Ray Ray after “ride of life”.
7th Main Event – XOW vs ASWF
Sarge O’Reilly, Chris Rocker, & Suicide Vs Acid & Casino
Casino made his way to the mic to say he had a few strings pulled and they found a partner - X- Division Champ - Tommy Wayne. ASWF looked good at first with
Wayne getting the best of all three then feeding Casino and Acid the little man of XOW – Suicide. Some sick bumps was delivered bye all three men to Tommy during the heat.
After the hot tag it ended up with Wayne getting hit with a suitcase and getting pinned by Suicide. XOW Beats ASWF - Casino defends ASWF Title vs Sarge this week.
Credit: ASWF Ace
----Not sure what a Butterfly Eclipse is, but I am guessing it was Morgan Lane’s valet…Brian C works two nights and pins their champs two nights in a row. That makes no sense. Seriously if they are going to use Brian on a semi regular basis, they should put the strap on him and it would mean something when he came in to defend it…At least Kevin had a decent worker for the second night…Lane vs Young would have been interesting to see how good these girls worked together…Please put the belts on LSD!!!
XOW Come Out saying they had a special treat for ever one and main event would be a handicap match between Casino and Acid vs Sarge O’Reilly/Chris Rocker and Suicide
1st match
Big Al Vs Morgan Lane With His Butterfly Eclipse
Morgan Lane hitting the trailor hitch (Full Nelson) for the win
“LSD”(Idol Bane and Cody Only Vs Mike Anthony And X- Kailibur
X-Kailibur thought he had it won till he got tripped form the outside and his feet got held to get pinned from idol bane - new #1 tag team contenders – “LSD”.
Nikki Lane Vs Sue Young
Good Solid Match with Nikki pinning Sue with a leg drop
Kevin White Vs Scott Fury
Fury won by DQ when White pinned him, but got caught with a chain afterwards.
Wild Bill and Demon X (c) vs Brian Christopher & Ty Hamilton
Non title match - Christopher goes over on Wild Bill after a leg drop off top.
Blalok the Blazer and Austin Lane Vs Ray Ray And Reno Diamond
This has been a all out war for three weeks and finally it looked like Ray and Reno would get some revenge but Austin pins Ray Ray after “ride of life”.
7th Main Event – XOW vs ASWF
Sarge O’Reilly, Chris Rocker, & Suicide Vs Acid & Casino
Casino made his way to the mic to say he had a few strings pulled and they found a partner - X- Division Champ - Tommy Wayne. ASWF looked good at first with
Wayne getting the best of all three then feeding Casino and Acid the little man of XOW – Suicide. Some sick bumps was delivered bye all three men to Tommy during the heat.
After the hot tag it ended up with Wayne getting hit with a suitcase and getting pinned by Suicide. XOW Beats ASWF - Casino defends ASWF Title vs Sarge this week.
Credit: ASWF Ace
----Not sure what a Butterfly Eclipse is, but I am guessing it was Morgan Lane’s valet…Brian C works two nights and pins their champs two nights in a row. That makes no sense. Seriously if they are going to use Brian on a semi regular basis, they should put the strap on him and it would mean something when he came in to defend it…At least Kevin had a decent worker for the second night…Lane vs Young would have been interesting to see how good these girls worked together…Please put the belts on LSD!!!
A Piece of my Mind August 8th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

One thing that we all have to keep in mind is that the wrestling business is very political. It isn’t about who is the best wrestler’s or talker. It has nothing to do with who the toughest is. I can remember one legend telling me that if the business was about real tough guys there would only be about five guys left in it and they wouldn’t draw you a nickel. Well we sure have gotten to the part where nobody can draw a nickel, but I don’t think the reason for that is because we only have tough guys in it. There are many cases where guys who could barely work have drawn money in our business. There have been many situations where guys who were basically candy asses have drawn money. I am ok with all of this we are entertainers. If we wanted to fight we would be in UFC.
My point is this, no matter what we think, no matter who it seems that should get a break on the Indy circuit, . this is a business that is basically controlled by the mood of a couple of people. On the top of the heap are Vincent Kennedy McMahon and Dixie Carter. If you want to count someone like Cary Silkin or Gabe Sapolsky they can be figured in too. In the case of Silkin and Sapolsky, who seem to be true talent scouts, they find pure talent that fits into their model and get the most out of them they possibly can. In the case of Dixie Carter, I think that many factors come into play at TNA. To name a few, WWE past history or whoever can get to her ear the quickest.
In McMahons case it’s about mood and or personal feelings and this guy is no talent scout. In the whole history of the WWWF, WWF, WWE the powers to be in the company (A McMahon) have never got it right. At least not the first time out. They left Buddy Rogers practically run the company into the ground while attempting to run Bruno Sammartino out of the wrestling business. Then they wake up and plead with Sammartino to come back and wrestle in the United States. If you look into between Sammartino title runs, they couldn’t find anyone to really take the company on its shoulders. The Backlund years are clear they made another mistake and they knew it. Instead of stepping up to the plate and admitting it, they did everything they could to camouflage the obvious problem with some of the greatest under cards you could have and special bonus performers to hide the fact that the main event wasn’t really a main event. Does it make sense that some of the bigger angles of the early eighties involved Snuka and Piper and The Iron Sheik and Sgt. Slaugher? One of the angles timing was perfect one of those situations like shooting fish in a barrel. In the other one you had a phenomenal athlete who was truly something special in Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. The key factor here was in these two major angles the world title was nowhere to be seen.
In the case of the Hogan years, it took Sylvester Stallone putting Hulk in Rocky 3 for them to figure the whole thing out. If you go beyond that they bring in Steve Austin with some Mickey Mouse Lion Tamer gimmick and they get The Rock booed out of every building in America. They then rethink both of those presentations and create true superstars who then walk away from the company. It just always seems that when things work out for them they are by accident. They have been looking for the next big thing for so long now it’s almost a joke. In a world of this size they can’t find one guy with a personality that people will pay to come see? I find it almost funny that a company can make so many mistakes and still show a huge profit.
I heard today that some wrestlers are suing the WWE over the fact that wrestlers are considered independent contractors. I cannot believe that it took so long for this to happen. Why are wrestlers bringing a lawsuit? Where has the IRS been for all these years? If you know anything about how the independent contractor status works you would know that wrestlers do not qualify for that status. I don’t know how this has gone on for as long as it has but this could be the end of it.
I am sure there are plusses and minuses to both sides, but if every other employer needs to classify their employees the correct way then the WWE should have to do the same thing. Can anyone say retroactive penalties?
I finally want to talk about what appears is going to be a parting of the ways between WWE and Mick Foley. I think along with many that Mick was doing an excellent job as a broadcaster of Smackdown. I find it sickening that someone doing that job has to sit there and try to commentate while Vince McMahon is screaming into the announces headset. There is no reason for that type of conduct. I am sure all the announcers suffer the same consequences. Is this a way to run a company? I believe they once again by accident found the right spot for someone and now they are running him off. If Vince doesn’t like the way the job is being done why doesn’t he get back behind the microphone himself. He was a broadcaster for many years he should just do the announcing then it can be his way. If he doesn’t want to do the pick your team and stand behind the team he chooses.
This photo was taken at the New Haven Memorial Coliseum. It was my first big show on the left is the late Jay Youngblood, in the middle Bob Backlund and Mark Youngblood on the end. The Youngbloods were facing the Samoans that night and I got to work with them for the first time. It was so sad when Afa and I were getting ready to leave for overseas not to long after we got the call that Jay had passed on
This has been a piece of my mind
Friday, August 08, 2008
RassleResults: CW Greeneville, TN 8.07.08
Championship WrestlingThurs. Aug. 7Greeneville TN @ Greene County Fair
* Cody Ices beat Nick Hammonds
* Robbie Cassidy beat Chase Owens
* Tag Team Champions Beau James & Moe Jenkins beat The 501st
* Tony Givens beat The Russian Assassin
* National Champion Alyx Winters wrestled TV Champion Wayne Adkins to draw
* Misty James beat Rebecca Lynn
* Ricky Morton beat AWA Champion Brian Logan by DQ
CW returns to Greeneville next Sat. Aug. 16 at Eastview
Credit: CW Crippler
* Cody Ices beat Nick Hammonds
* Robbie Cassidy beat Chase Owens
* Tag Team Champions Beau James & Moe Jenkins beat The 501st
* Tony Givens beat The Russian Assassin
* National Champion Alyx Winters wrestled TV Champion Wayne Adkins to draw
* Misty James beat Rebecca Lynn
* Ricky Morton beat AWA Champion Brian Logan by DQ
CW returns to Greeneville next Sat. Aug. 16 at Eastview
Credit: CW Crippler
"What Memphis Watches" by Ron Guidry - TNA DROPS - SNME DOES GOOD NUMBERS!!
This past Memphis wrestling fans had a full plate of shows to watch and with the exception of WWE RAW viewership was down on all shows. The biggest drop was TNA Impact. After a strong run of ratings that started after the PPV back in June, Impact’s numbers this week fell back to what they were averaging before the PPV. Hopefully, this is only a one week occurrence as I was excited to see TNA starting to draw good numbers in the hometown of the greatest wrestling fans in the world (IMO).
Smackdown’s numbers were way down this week too but after looking at what other shows did, I noticed that those numbers were down too. I think it was just that no one was home last Friday night to watch Smackdown or anything else on TV.
Saturday saw the return of Memphis Wrestling back to TV and another installment of WWE’s Saturday Night’s Main Event. Memphis Wrestling’s show did a very respectable 2.8. Considering MW hasn’t run a new show in over 6 months and had little to no promotion of the show, that 2.8 is great. SNME also had a good showing with its 3.2 rating. Here’s a point to ponder: The national rating for SNME was 0.8. The Memphis rating quadrupled the national rating.
The only show of the week to improve from last week’s ratings was RAW, up almost a full point from last Monday night. Having written this report a little late this week has allowed me to notice a surprising stat. In Thursday election’s for the US House of Rep. Dist. 9 race between Steve Cohen and Nikki Tinker, a little over 63,000 people voted in that race. With its 6.0 rating at approx. 16,000 viewers per ratings point, 96,000 people watched RAW last Monday night. You can make your own joke here.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at: rpg187@gmail.com.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact (Thursday) 7-31-08
Final Rating: 2.2 [35,672 viewers] 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.3 [37,293 viewers], 1.7 [27,564 viewers], 1.7 [27,564 viewers], 2.2 [35,672 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.6 [42,157 viewers] 2.4 [38,914 viewers], 2.3 [37,293 viewers], 2.3 [37,293 viewers]
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8-01-08
Final Rating: 3.7 [59993 viewers] 6 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 3.6 [58,371 viewers], 3.0 48,643 viewers], 3.1 [50,264 viewers], 2.4 [38,914 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.4 [38,914 viewers], 4.0 [64,857 viewers], 5.0 [81,072 viewers], 5.7 [92,422 viewers]
Memphis Wrestling – Redbirds Special - CW30 FINALE
Final Rating: 2.8 [45,400 viewers] 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.0 [48,616 viewers], 2.8 [45,375 viewers], 2.6 [42,134 viewers], 2.7 [43,754 viewers]
WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event
Final Rating: 3.2 [51,857 viewers] 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.1 [50,237 viewers], 3.2 [51,857 viewers], 3.1 [50,237 viewers], 3.5 [56,719 viewers]
TNA Impact Replay 8-02-08
Final Rating: 1.2 [19,446 viewers] 2 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 0.6 [9723 viewers], 0.8 [12,964 viewers], 0.9 [14,585 viewers], 1.5 [24,308 viewers]
2nd hour: 1.1 [17,826 viewers], 1.4 [22,687 viewers], 1.4 [22,687 viewers], 2.0 [32,411 viewers]
WWE A.M. 8-03-08
Final Rating: 0.6 [9,723 viewers] 1 share
Quarter hours: 0.3 [4,862 viewers], 1.1 [17,826 viewers], 0.4 [6,482 viewers], 0.4 [6,482 viewers]
WWE Raw 8-04-08
Final Rating: 6.0 [97,232 viewers] 8 share
1st hour: 5.4 [87,509 viewers] 8 share
Quarter hours: 5.1 [82,647 viewers], 5.8 [93,991 viewers], 6.3 [102,094 viewers], 6.3 [102,094 viewers]
2nd hour: 5.9 [95,612 viewers] 8 share
Quarter hours: 6.1 [98,853 viewers], 5.8 [93,991 viewers], 6.2 [100,473 viewers], 6.9 [111,817 viewers]
Overrun: 6.3 [102,094 viewers]
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” was the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
----The start of the new Memphis Wrestling show is this Saturday morning at 11:00 AM. Ron will continue to do his reports along with the detailed ratings [either me or him] of every quarter of Memphis Wrestling. RRO will also feature a THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN Poll every week for people to vote from Saturday to Wednesday every week.
Smackdown’s numbers were way down this week too but after looking at what other shows did, I noticed that those numbers were down too. I think it was just that no one was home last Friday night to watch Smackdown or anything else on TV.
Saturday saw the return of Memphis Wrestling back to TV and another installment of WWE’s Saturday Night’s Main Event. Memphis Wrestling’s show did a very respectable 2.8. Considering MW hasn’t run a new show in over 6 months and had little to no promotion of the show, that 2.8 is great. SNME also had a good showing with its 3.2 rating. Here’s a point to ponder: The national rating for SNME was 0.8. The Memphis rating quadrupled the national rating.
The only show of the week to improve from last week’s ratings was RAW, up almost a full point from last Monday night. Having written this report a little late this week has allowed me to notice a surprising stat. In Thursday election’s for the US House of Rep. Dist. 9 race between Steve Cohen and Nikki Tinker, a little over 63,000 people voted in that race. With its 6.0 rating at approx. 16,000 viewers per ratings point, 96,000 people watched RAW last Monday night. You can make your own joke here.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at: rpg187@gmail.com.
Note: The ratings for RAW is listed as 2 separate hours. I will round off, to the highest number, the averages of both hours for the final rating.
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact (Thursday) 7-31-08
Final Rating: 2.2 [35,672 viewers] 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.3 [37,293 viewers], 1.7 [27,564 viewers], 1.7 [27,564 viewers], 2.2 [35,672 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.6 [42,157 viewers] 2.4 [38,914 viewers], 2.3 [37,293 viewers], 2.3 [37,293 viewers]
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8-01-08
Final Rating: 3.7 [59993 viewers] 6 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 3.6 [58,371 viewers], 3.0 48,643 viewers], 3.1 [50,264 viewers], 2.4 [38,914 viewers]
2nd hour: 2.4 [38,914 viewers], 4.0 [64,857 viewers], 5.0 [81,072 viewers], 5.7 [92,422 viewers]
Memphis Wrestling – Redbirds Special - CW30 FINALE
Final Rating: 2.8 [45,400 viewers] 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.0 [48,616 viewers], 2.8 [45,375 viewers], 2.6 [42,134 viewers], 2.7 [43,754 viewers]
WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event
Final Rating: 3.2 [51,857 viewers] 5 share
Quarter hours: 3.1 [50,237 viewers], 3.2 [51,857 viewers], 3.1 [50,237 viewers], 3.5 [56,719 viewers]
TNA Impact Replay 8-02-08
Final Rating: 1.2 [19,446 viewers] 2 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 0.6 [9723 viewers], 0.8 [12,964 viewers], 0.9 [14,585 viewers], 1.5 [24,308 viewers]
2nd hour: 1.1 [17,826 viewers], 1.4 [22,687 viewers], 1.4 [22,687 viewers], 2.0 [32,411 viewers]
WWE A.M. 8-03-08
Final Rating: 0.6 [9,723 viewers] 1 share
Quarter hours: 0.3 [4,862 viewers], 1.1 [17,826 viewers], 0.4 [6,482 viewers], 0.4 [6,482 viewers]
WWE Raw 8-04-08
Final Rating: 6.0 [97,232 viewers] 8 share
1st hour: 5.4 [87,509 viewers] 8 share
Quarter hours: 5.1 [82,647 viewers], 5.8 [93,991 viewers], 6.3 [102,094 viewers], 6.3 [102,094 viewers]
2nd hour: 5.9 [95,612 viewers] 8 share
Quarter hours: 6.1 [98,853 viewers], 5.8 [93,991 viewers], 6.2 [100,473 viewers], 6.9 [111,817 viewers]
Overrun: 6.3 [102,094 viewers]
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” was the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
----The start of the new Memphis Wrestling show is this Saturday morning at 11:00 AM. Ron will continue to do his reports along with the detailed ratings [either me or him] of every quarter of Memphis Wrestling. RRO will also feature a THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN Poll every week for people to vote from Saturday to Wednesday every week.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Bobby Eaton Talks!!
----Just had to post this. I stole it from the www.wrestlingclassics.com board. Who said Bobby Eaton can't talk??
RassleResults: CW Greeneville, TN 8.06.08
*TV Champion Wayne Adkins beat Chase Owens
*Adam York beat Moe Jenkins with help from Jin
*Tony Givens beat Cody Ices
*Beau James beat Jin.... Adam York and Jin double teamed James until save by Jenkins
*AWA World Champion beat Robbie Cassidy - Ricky Morton came out and challenged Logan after the match
CW at the fair tonight Logan vs. Ricky Morton AWA Title...Jenkins and James vs. York and Jin Tag Titles...Ladies match with Misty James and more.
Credit: CW Crippler
*Adam York beat Moe Jenkins with help from Jin
*Tony Givens beat Cody Ices
*Beau James beat Jin.... Adam York and Jin double teamed James until save by Jenkins
*AWA World Champion beat Robbie Cassidy - Ricky Morton came out and challenged Logan after the match
CW at the fair tonight Logan vs. Ricky Morton AWA Title...Jenkins and James vs. York and Jin Tag Titles...Ladies match with Misty James and more.
Credit: CW Crippler
Shows For The Weekend: 8.08 to 8.09.08

----CLICK HERE for regular schedule shows. Two big shows this weekend with the NBW show on Saturday night main eventing with a "Flaming Tables" Match with Motley Cruz vs Seth Knight. Ad is posted here on the site. Another big show for "Memphis Wrestling Superstars" with the following..
----Friday night in Selmer,TN with Eugene, Derrick King, Kevin White, Brian Christopher, Cody Melton, Su Young, Doug Gilbert, Micheal Gilbert, Garry White, Black Label, Rhino, Ty Hamilton, Gladiator and more.
RassleResults: ASWF 8.02.08 NOON show - White River Carnival Batesville, AR
Opening Match
Ray Ray Vs Blalok the Blazer/ With Austin Lane
Ray Ray gave it his all but just like we all usually see Ausin interfere and help
give Blalok the win.
Scott Fury & Mike Anthony vs Kevin White And Demon X
Kevin And Demon kept Mike in the match the whole time when Scott finally got tagged the ref didn’t see it so Demon X pins Mike Anthony.
Big Al Vs Ty Hamilton
Big Al showing his size and strength right from the get go - finally Ty makes a come back and hits a paylay kick for the 123.
Tommy Wayne (c) Vs Suicide
All out again with these two from suicide getting closelined into the water to him diving 15 feet off a stage onto Tommy Wayne. After a long match they finally work there way back to the ring and Tommy hits a top rope brain buster for the 123.
Ray Ray Vs Johnny Hawk
Hawk back to his old tricks trying to teach the young buck a lesson witch back fired when he got caught with a chain Ray wins by DQ.
Austin Lane Vs Reno Diamond
Another very good match with bodies flying everywhere as Nikki Lane tried to help Austin it cost him the match with Reno hitting a swanton and finishing Austin 123.
Casino Kid Vs “Too Sexy” Brian Christopher
Good Solid Match with Brian winning with a top rope leg drop on Casino. Austin tried to run in but got stopped bye the special ref ( Radio Announcer) and couldn’t do enough to help Casino get a win.
Credit: ASWF Ace
----I was told the crowd was very hot during X- Division match and Casino’s match…Around 600 in the crowd watching the show…Kevin White debuts and has to work Demon X – sorry Kevin. LOL…Brian C did make an appearance...Isn't Casino still their champ?? Why do they keep having him do jobs for Brian??
Ray Ray Vs Blalok the Blazer/ With Austin Lane
Ray Ray gave it his all but just like we all usually see Ausin interfere and help
give Blalok the win.
Scott Fury & Mike Anthony vs Kevin White And Demon X
Kevin And Demon kept Mike in the match the whole time when Scott finally got tagged the ref didn’t see it so Demon X pins Mike Anthony.
Big Al Vs Ty Hamilton
Big Al showing his size and strength right from the get go - finally Ty makes a come back and hits a paylay kick for the 123.
Tommy Wayne (c) Vs Suicide
All out again with these two from suicide getting closelined into the water to him diving 15 feet off a stage onto Tommy Wayne. After a long match they finally work there way back to the ring and Tommy hits a top rope brain buster for the 123.
Ray Ray Vs Johnny Hawk
Hawk back to his old tricks trying to teach the young buck a lesson witch back fired when he got caught with a chain Ray wins by DQ.
Austin Lane Vs Reno Diamond
Another very good match with bodies flying everywhere as Nikki Lane tried to help Austin it cost him the match with Reno hitting a swanton and finishing Austin 123.
Casino Kid Vs “Too Sexy” Brian Christopher
Good Solid Match with Brian winning with a top rope leg drop on Casino. Austin tried to run in but got stopped bye the special ref ( Radio Announcer) and couldn’t do enough to help Casino get a win.
Credit: ASWF Ace
----I was told the crowd was very hot during X- Division match and Casino’s match…Around 600 in the crowd watching the show…Kevin White debuts and has to work Demon X – sorry Kevin. LOL…Brian C did make an appearance...Isn't Casino still their champ?? Why do they keep having him do jobs for Brian??
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
"Shooting the Shiznit" with "Downtown" Bruno Is Ready!!
----Join Brian Tramel and Brian Thompson for "Shooting the Shiznit" as they spend a little over 45 minutes with “Downtown” Bruno Lauer. He talked about his new book "Wrestling With The Truth". He also covered questions from the Kayfabe message board including injuries, worst wrestler ever, talked briefly about his ex wife Karen, $7 from the Rock, his catch phrase, Boss Winters and Ward, AR, JD McKay, his job with the WWE, Randy Hales, Mark Curtis and a lot more stuff. A real fun hour with a class act.
"Cheap Heat Radio" presents "Stirrin' The Shiznit"
----This featured host Gene Jackson with Izzy Rotten, Leslie Jones, Neil Taylor and more talking for two hours "stirrin' the shiznit" on various things including web sites, Yearbook 2007, Hugo and other stuff. Gene described it as such when advertising it, "Feelings will be hurt, tears will be shed, and the haters will be spanking it while they post on the "bathroom wall". Don't f'n miss it!"
"Flashback" 8.06.84 by Mark James

This Week’s Flashsback Highlights August 6, 1984 And A One Night Tag Team Tournament
Over the past month I’ve been going thru the wrestling cards that took place in Memphis during the summer of 1984. If you were around to watch it, it was a great period of time to be a fan. If not, I hope you enjoy looking at these cards and results as well as reading about what it was like to be there (almost a quarter of a century ago).
This card took place on August 6, 1984.
The card was a one-night tag team tournament to decide a tag team to represent the Memphis promotion in a giant world-wide tag tournament in Japan . It had 9 pretty good tag team matches.
First Round:
The opening match had the Rock n Roll Express losing to Phil Hickerson and the Spoiler (who were the reigning Southern tag team champions). Morton and Gibson had just come out of a successful feud with “Macho Man” Randy Savage and his brother, “Leaping” Lanny Poffo. The R&R were on a huge roll and the fans expected them to easily defeat the tag champs. They didn’t and this immediately set these 2 teams up for their next feud.
New Generation was managed by Tojo Yamamoto and featured rookie Johnny Wilhoyt and veteran Mark Batten. They were the current babyface mid-level tag team. They end up losing to the team of Mr. Ito and the Animal who were managed by Jimmy Hart.
Bill Dundee and Dutch Mantell defeated the tough team of the Nightmares while Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Valiant defeated Randy Savage and Lanny Poffo.
The last first round match had Rick Rude and King Kong Bundy teaming for the first time in Memphis and defeating Tommy Rich and Jackie Fargo. Rich’s original partner was Eddie Gilbert. The previous Sat morning Gilbert turned on him and Fargo stepped in.
Second Round:
Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Valiant coasted over Mr. Ito and the Animal to start the second round. Rude and Bundy had a harder time, but got the win over Bill Dundee and Dutch Mantell. Southern tag champs Phil Hickerson and the Spoiler had a second round bye.
Lawler and Valiant defeated Phil Hickerson and the Spoiler. Rick Rude and King Kong Bundy got a bye to the finals.
Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Valiant defeated Rick Rude and King Kong Bundy to win the opportunity to represent Memphis in the Japanese tag team tournament.
I really liked this card. With attendance at 9,677, the fans seemed to as well. As far as a personal preference, I liked the tourney format far better than the battle royal format. In Memphis , they would sometimes have a 2 ring, double elimination, battle royal. The premise was there would be one man left in each ring and they would be crowned the tag team champs, (etc). The problem was almost every single time they did this, the two wrestlers left were ones in a feud and wouldn’t work together and continue feuding, etc. It just seemed a waste of time in my book. This is the reason the battle royals never really appealed to me. While in the tag or singles tournaments, there would usually be some interesting match ups or even better, the promotion would use it as an opportunity to start some new feuds (like the Rock n Roll Express against Hickerson & the Spoiler and Tommy Rich vs Eddie Gilbert). As long as the tournament was done in one night, you were going to see a lot of good matches. Needless to say in 1988, I wasn’t a fan of the Renegades Ramapage tournament that seemed to take months to resolve.
Next week: We continue to examine August 1984…
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – www.memphiswrestlinghistory.com - Click on his site and order his books!!
----If anyone was working Memphis during this time and remembers, but this tournament was all just a big work for Valiant/Lawler to go to Japan to do a few matches; right?? Or did they actualy participate in the tag tournament over there?? Post any responses on the Kayfabe Message Board.
RassleResults: EPW Boonville, MS 8.02.08
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris defeated Cassanova Kid due to interference by 24/7.
Dalton Storm over Bonecrusher & Slammer. Again 24/7 interferes in the match, coming to the aid of Dalton Storm. End result is a double pin with Dalton & Slammer pinning Bonecrusher. Referee awards the match to Dalton for reasons unknown. This sets up a match between Dalton & Slammer for next show.
Damion Rage & his cousin Dorian Rage defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) by DQ.
The Executioners (Axe & Dagger) defeated Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade).
24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) defeated Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz).
This Saturday night in Booneville: The Executioners vs. The Ghost Riders in a street fight.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Dalton Storm over Bonecrusher & Slammer. Again 24/7 interferes in the match, coming to the aid of Dalton Storm. End result is a double pin with Dalton & Slammer pinning Bonecrusher. Referee awards the match to Dalton for reasons unknown. This sets up a match between Dalton & Slammer for next show.
Damion Rage & his cousin Dorian Rage defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) by DQ.
The Executioners (Axe & Dagger) defeated Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade).
24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler) defeated Revolution (Cyrus & Chazz).
This Saturday night in Booneville: The Executioners vs. The Ghost Riders in a street fight.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
----Join Brian Tramel and Brian Thompson as they spend time with former Memphis manager "Downtown" Bruno Lauer. He will be talking about his new book "Wrestling With The Truth" and look for them to get him to talk about Memphis Wrestling. Tune in a special time at 7:00 PM on Wednesday night to listen in!!
----I have also posted an entry on the message board for people that want to ask Bruno a question - leave it there!!
----I have also posted an entry on the message board for people that want to ask Bruno a question - leave it there!!
RassleResults: SPWA Pulaski, TN 8.01.08
Main Event: SPWA TV Title Match
"Irish" Terry Gunn (SPWA Champion) vs. Brawler Rex (SPWA TV Champion)
Terry Gunn wins by DQ due to outside interference by Don Bass and Hoss Williams
Semi-Main Event: Tag Team Match
Travis Locke & Jay Kraft vs. The Texas Connection (Don Bass & Hoss)
The Texas Connection was DQ'd
Third Match: Title vs Hair Match
"Irish" Terry Gunn (SPWA Champ.) vs. Gentleman Jim Casey
Jim Casey pinned Terry Gunn after Hoss distracted the ref and Don Bass hit Terry Gunn with a chain. The ref declared Jim Casey the new SPWA Champion. Terry began complaining to the ref about being hit with a chain. He then lifted Don Bass' arm and a chain fell out. The ref restarted the match and forced The Texas Connection and Brawler Rex to leave the ring. While the ref's back was turned, Terry hit Gentleman Jim with the chain and covered him for the pin. As a result of the pinfall, Jim Casey had his head shaved in the middle of the ring.
Second Match: Singles Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Don Bass
Don Bass is dq'd due to outside interference by Hoss Williams And Brawler Rex
Opening Match: Singles Match
Travis Locke vs. Hoss Williams
Travis wins by DQ when Don Bass and Brawler Rex hit the ring and attack him.
Credit: Hoss Williams @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
"Irish" Terry Gunn (SPWA Champion) vs. Brawler Rex (SPWA TV Champion)
Terry Gunn wins by DQ due to outside interference by Don Bass and Hoss Williams
Semi-Main Event: Tag Team Match
Travis Locke & Jay Kraft vs. The Texas Connection (Don Bass & Hoss)
The Texas Connection was DQ'd
Third Match: Title vs Hair Match
"Irish" Terry Gunn (SPWA Champ.) vs. Gentleman Jim Casey
Jim Casey pinned Terry Gunn after Hoss distracted the ref and Don Bass hit Terry Gunn with a chain. The ref declared Jim Casey the new SPWA Champion. Terry began complaining to the ref about being hit with a chain. He then lifted Don Bass' arm and a chain fell out. The ref restarted the match and forced The Texas Connection and Brawler Rex to leave the ring. While the ref's back was turned, Terry hit Gentleman Jim with the chain and covered him for the pin. As a result of the pinfall, Jim Casey had his head shaved in the middle of the ring.
Second Match: Singles Match
Bounty Hunter Mark vs. Don Bass
Don Bass is dq'd due to outside interference by Hoss Williams And Brawler Rex
Opening Match: Singles Match
Travis Locke vs. Hoss Williams
Travis wins by DQ when Don Bass and Brawler Rex hit the ring and attack him.
Credit: Hoss Williams @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 8.01.08
Ryan SoFine defeated Tysin Starr in a second round match in the tournament to determine who faces Petey Williams for the TNA X-Division Championship 8-22-08. Ryan advances to the finals on Friday night 8-8-08.
In a 3-way match Outlaw danger (making his TFW debut) defeated LSD & Psykottik (returning to TFW after a long absence).
Pappy defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs by DQ.
In the other semi-final match in the tournament, "The Future" Chris Styles defeated Chris Fontaine in spite of Ryan SoFine's repeated interference in the match.
Chop Top the Clown defeated Jay Webster.
DC & Fusion defeated Curly Mo & G-Mo Money of Mo Foundation w/Dirty Rell Mo. After the match all members of Mo Foundation beat Fusion down. They also beat referee Andy Camps down.
The main event was Josh Matthews vs. Chris Kilgore of Mo Foundation w/Dirty Rell Mo. Chris Kilgore won by DQ. After the match the members of Mo Foundation beat down Josh & referee Crispy Fries. Mo Foundation members were all fined heavily for their actions both in the previous match and in the main event.
Don't forget TNA X-Division Champion Petey Williams will be at TFW to defend his belt on Friday night, 8-22-08. Advance tickets are available at all TFW shows until 8-22. Advance tickets are $8.00. Tickets at the door will be $10.00. This will be a great show. You don't want to miss it! Get your advance tickets now. There will be a big crowd!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
In a 3-way match Outlaw danger (making his TFW debut) defeated LSD & Psykottik (returning to TFW after a long absence).
Pappy defeated "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs by DQ.
In the other semi-final match in the tournament, "The Future" Chris Styles defeated Chris Fontaine in spite of Ryan SoFine's repeated interference in the match.
Chop Top the Clown defeated Jay Webster.
DC & Fusion defeated Curly Mo & G-Mo Money of Mo Foundation w/Dirty Rell Mo. After the match all members of Mo Foundation beat Fusion down. They also beat referee Andy Camps down.
The main event was Josh Matthews vs. Chris Kilgore of Mo Foundation w/Dirty Rell Mo. Chris Kilgore won by DQ. After the match the members of Mo Foundation beat down Josh & referee Crispy Fries. Mo Foundation members were all fined heavily for their actions both in the previous match and in the main event.
Don't forget TNA X-Division Champion Petey Williams will be at TFW to defend his belt on Friday night, 8-22-08. Advance tickets are available at all TFW shows until 8-22. Advance tickets are $8.00. Tickets at the door will be $10.00. This will be a great show. You don't want to miss it! Get your advance tickets now. There will be a big crowd!
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @ www.wrestlingnewscenter.com
Shawn Shultz Injuried!!

----Shawn Shultz has worked and is friends with many area workers. He did do a few shows for Memphis Wrestling last year, so RRO visitors might be remember him there. This was posted by Jason James on the RRO Site of the Year - Mid-Southern Messageboard..
The story I got from Bert [Prentice] was this:
Shawn had gotten kicked in the nose in a match last week. His sinus cavity erupted. He didn't think anything of it as he also had a cold at the time. He thought he had post concussion syndrome. On vacation, he complained of a headache and was taken to the hospital. The infection from the sinus rupture spread to his brain and apparently he had a brain hemmerage(check spelling) and was bleeding on the one side of his brain. From what I understand he is awaiting MRI results but according to Bert is expected to make a full recovery. Please keep Shawn and his family in your thoughts and prayers as this is a very scary situation.
----They have apparently already arranged a benefit to help him with expenses.
The following was posted in a MySpace bulletin:
Shawn Shultz is in ICU in Florida with swelling in his brain!! JEFF ANDERSON has already donated $100 on the rent for that evening!! There will be friends of Shawn from all around on this show with a few former TNA guys!!
Remember Thursday August 14th SHAWN SHULTZ benefit show at the Fleatorium, Green Acres Flea Market ALCOA, TN!!
He needs your prayers.
----The staff of RRO and all his friends in this area wish him a speedy recovery!!
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 8.02.08
1st Match. Soul Train Jones. VS J.D. Kerry. Soul Train by pin fall.
2nd Match. Asylum. VS Natural Born Playa's and PP3. NBP and PP3 by pin fall.
3rd Match. Chris Steel. VS Big Chief Quixote. No Contest.
4th Match. Chris Steel. VS Ron Rage. No Contest.
5th Match. Fabulous Luke Graham Jr. VS Midnight Cowboy. Cowboy by DQ.
6th Match. RWA Champion Rodney "RED DOGG" Mack. VS Rik Burton. Mack by DQ.
Frank Martin opened the show by telling the crowd that he has brought in a new talent. Soul Train Jones. This man is a big time athlete from Greenwood Mississippi. Mississippi power lifting champion. Mississippi track and field shot put champion. All American football player and the list of credentials goes on. He stands 6' 2" and weights in at 255 lbs. Very impressive debut in the RWA. Martin then introduced the new RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "RED DOGG" Mack. Mack came out very humble and told the crowd he was proud to be the RWA Champion and would defend and perform to the best of his ability every week. Martin then told him Rik Burton invoked his rematch clause and Mack would face Burton again tonight. Mack let the crowd know it did not matter who it was they better be ready to get it on Doggy Style.
Soul Train Jones debut in his match with the young and popular J. D. Kerry. It was a mismatch from the beginning. Jones was so powerful and even though Kerry was quicker Jones caught him coming off the ropes and gave him the Soul Train Jam. It is a running power slam. Jones got the 3 count and then like a true competitor that Jones is he helped up Kerry in a good show of sportsmanship.
The NBP came out with Classy Meltin Massy to face the “Asylum” [Psycho/Arnez/Pappy]. Again they were not ready for a 3 man tag. Martin asked Massy if he was going to wrestle and he said no that the Playa's would take on all 3. Martin told them he would not allow that because he knew that Melton would tell everyone that he was unfair and had the Playa's in a 2 on 3 match. Martin went on to apologize to the Playa's for setting them up with PP3 last week. He told them that there was another worker here that was working with Soul Train Jones who was just as impressive. He asked them if they wanted that worker. The Playa's agreed since Jones was so impressive. That's when PP3's music hit. This was another brutal match with the Asylum with the crowd behind them really working over the Playa's. The Playa's used a chain provided by Massy to get the win. That probably was not a good move on their part. The Asylum is not happy about what happened. The Playa's maybe going on a trip to Hale County.
Chris Steel and the Big Chief Match was a good match until Massy got involved. Rottn Randy hit the ring when Massy did. He did not see Massy pass the chain to Steel. At this point the Ref threw out the match. The two managers went at it and then Steel hit the Indian and busted him open bad. Steel then jumped Rottn in the corner as he was beating Massy's Class out of him..Rottn also was busted open. Martin came to the ring and told Massy and Steel that he was tired of seeing them use chains and jumping people from behind. Martin told Steel he would have another match right after intermission and his opponent would be someone who loves to be jumped and busted open.
Intermission ended with, POB Ron Rage and Midnight Cowboy, coming to the ring to remind Rik Burton and the Rat Pack that they have something of his (rage). The Rat Pack have Raven Rage as Rik Burton's personal Valet. They bring her to the ring with a chain around her neck. Midnight Cowboy also let Luke Graham know that tonight would be a brutal match.
The 4th match started with Steel in the ring and Martin came out and told him that he told him he give him a match with someone who likes to be jumped and busted open. Thats when POB's music hit and Ron Rage came out. Rage and Steel went at it with Rage giving Steel a good beating for the fans. Rage hit his finisher the "Rage Driver" and then Massy pulled the Ref out before he could count 3. That's when Rottn Randy and The Big Chief showed up and beat Steel and Massy all the way to the back. Quixote then told Steel that he would have him in a match since he liked to bust people open. The Chief challenged him to an Indian Strap Match. Steel would not do it but Martin told him if he did not then he would fire him and Massy. Steel agreed reluctantly. So next week in an Indian Strap Match Quixote and Steel. It is the match that made Whaoo Mc Daniel famous, the winner must drag his opponent to all four corners.
Fabulous Luke Graham and The Midnight Cowboy gave the fans an old school fight. No technical holds just an old fashion slobber knocker.(sorry JR.) They went out on the floor and that's where Graham got busted open bad. The Cowboy stayed on him back in the ring. The Cowboy put him in a sleeper and as his hand was going down for the 3rd time Graham kicked the Ref in the face. Cowboy won by DQ and as he was celebrating in the ring Graham came out from the back with a cup of stuff and threw it in his face burning his eye's.
The Main Event had Rik Burton challenging for the RWA belt that he lost last week. This match had both of these guy's hitting their moves with great intensity. Mack was up to the challenge as Burton went after Mack's leg and put him in the figure 4. Mack broke the hold and started his come back, he hit the big power slam and that's when the Rat Pack hit the ring. They beat Mack down and Burton took a chair and started to work over Mack. The locker room cleared and came to the aid of their champion. Burton and the Rat Pack powdered and Mack won by DQ to retain his RWA title.
Another great show for the RWA with 170+ in the building for the show. It seems that the RWA is growing in Jonesboro slowly. The RWA is starting to get retired workers to come to the show. This week J.R. Hall came in to watch the show. J.R. worked this area for years and his daughter was Dallas in the Gladiators and the WWF. Ali Stevens makes his return to the RWA this coming Saturday.
Credit: RWA Reporter
----Great to see this group’s attendance going up…”Soul Train” Jones was actually the first gimmick for Virgil in the WWE. I seen him work in Blytheville, AR during those days.
2nd Match. Asylum. VS Natural Born Playa's and PP3. NBP and PP3 by pin fall.
3rd Match. Chris Steel. VS Big Chief Quixote. No Contest.
4th Match. Chris Steel. VS Ron Rage. No Contest.
5th Match. Fabulous Luke Graham Jr. VS Midnight Cowboy. Cowboy by DQ.
6th Match. RWA Champion Rodney "RED DOGG" Mack. VS Rik Burton. Mack by DQ.
Frank Martin opened the show by telling the crowd that he has brought in a new talent. Soul Train Jones. This man is a big time athlete from Greenwood Mississippi. Mississippi power lifting champion. Mississippi track and field shot put champion. All American football player and the list of credentials goes on. He stands 6' 2" and weights in at 255 lbs. Very impressive debut in the RWA. Martin then introduced the new RWA Heavyweight Champion Rodney "RED DOGG" Mack. Mack came out very humble and told the crowd he was proud to be the RWA Champion and would defend and perform to the best of his ability every week. Martin then told him Rik Burton invoked his rematch clause and Mack would face Burton again tonight. Mack let the crowd know it did not matter who it was they better be ready to get it on Doggy Style.
Soul Train Jones debut in his match with the young and popular J. D. Kerry. It was a mismatch from the beginning. Jones was so powerful and even though Kerry was quicker Jones caught him coming off the ropes and gave him the Soul Train Jam. It is a running power slam. Jones got the 3 count and then like a true competitor that Jones is he helped up Kerry in a good show of sportsmanship.
The NBP came out with Classy Meltin Massy to face the “Asylum” [Psycho/Arnez/Pappy]. Again they were not ready for a 3 man tag. Martin asked Massy if he was going to wrestle and he said no that the Playa's would take on all 3. Martin told them he would not allow that because he knew that Melton would tell everyone that he was unfair and had the Playa's in a 2 on 3 match. Martin went on to apologize to the Playa's for setting them up with PP3 last week. He told them that there was another worker here that was working with Soul Train Jones who was just as impressive. He asked them if they wanted that worker. The Playa's agreed since Jones was so impressive. That's when PP3's music hit. This was another brutal match with the Asylum with the crowd behind them really working over the Playa's. The Playa's used a chain provided by Massy to get the win. That probably was not a good move on their part. The Asylum is not happy about what happened. The Playa's maybe going on a trip to Hale County.
Chris Steel and the Big Chief Match was a good match until Massy got involved. Rottn Randy hit the ring when Massy did. He did not see Massy pass the chain to Steel. At this point the Ref threw out the match. The two managers went at it and then Steel hit the Indian and busted him open bad. Steel then jumped Rottn in the corner as he was beating Massy's Class out of him..Rottn also was busted open. Martin came to the ring and told Massy and Steel that he was tired of seeing them use chains and jumping people from behind. Martin told Steel he would have another match right after intermission and his opponent would be someone who loves to be jumped and busted open.
Intermission ended with, POB Ron Rage and Midnight Cowboy, coming to the ring to remind Rik Burton and the Rat Pack that they have something of his (rage). The Rat Pack have Raven Rage as Rik Burton's personal Valet. They bring her to the ring with a chain around her neck. Midnight Cowboy also let Luke Graham know that tonight would be a brutal match.
The 4th match started with Steel in the ring and Martin came out and told him that he told him he give him a match with someone who likes to be jumped and busted open. Thats when POB's music hit and Ron Rage came out. Rage and Steel went at it with Rage giving Steel a good beating for the fans. Rage hit his finisher the "Rage Driver" and then Massy pulled the Ref out before he could count 3. That's when Rottn Randy and The Big Chief showed up and beat Steel and Massy all the way to the back. Quixote then told Steel that he would have him in a match since he liked to bust people open. The Chief challenged him to an Indian Strap Match. Steel would not do it but Martin told him if he did not then he would fire him and Massy. Steel agreed reluctantly. So next week in an Indian Strap Match Quixote and Steel. It is the match that made Whaoo Mc Daniel famous, the winner must drag his opponent to all four corners.
Fabulous Luke Graham and The Midnight Cowboy gave the fans an old school fight. No technical holds just an old fashion slobber knocker.(sorry JR.) They went out on the floor and that's where Graham got busted open bad. The Cowboy stayed on him back in the ring. The Cowboy put him in a sleeper and as his hand was going down for the 3rd time Graham kicked the Ref in the face. Cowboy won by DQ and as he was celebrating in the ring Graham came out from the back with a cup of stuff and threw it in his face burning his eye's.
The Main Event had Rik Burton challenging for the RWA belt that he lost last week. This match had both of these guy's hitting their moves with great intensity. Mack was up to the challenge as Burton went after Mack's leg and put him in the figure 4. Mack broke the hold and started his come back, he hit the big power slam and that's when the Rat Pack hit the ring. They beat Mack down and Burton took a chair and started to work over Mack. The locker room cleared and came to the aid of their champion. Burton and the Rat Pack powdered and Mack won by DQ to retain his RWA title.
Another great show for the RWA with 170+ in the building for the show. It seems that the RWA is growing in Jonesboro slowly. The RWA is starting to get retired workers to come to the show. This week J.R. Hall came in to watch the show. J.R. worked this area for years and his daughter was Dallas in the Gladiators and the WWF. Ali Stevens makes his return to the RWA this coming Saturday.
Credit: RWA Reporter
----Great to see this group’s attendance going up…”Soul Train” Jones was actually the first gimmick for Virgil in the WWE. I seen him work in Blytheville, AR during those days.
Monday, August 04, 2008
"Shooting The Shiznit" Wednesday Night!!

----Join Brian Tramel and Brian Thompson as the spend time with former Memphis manager "Downtown" Bruno Lauer. He will be talking about his new book "Wrestling With The Truth" and look for them to get him to talk about Memphis Wrestling. Tune in a special time at 8:00 PM on Wednesday night to listen in!!
NBW Video From Saturday Night!!!
----I got this sent to me. The video is not that clear, but it is Motley Cruz with manager Mad Money Mike putting gasoline on a windshield and putting Seth Knight thru it. I question why would you promote a "Flaming Tables" match for next weekend and give away with this?? I was told it would make them want to come out to see Seth get revenge. Also, the other reason was that if the group did this on a "regular show", what would they do on a "big" show?? I would have never done anything like this the week before the big match though.
A Message From Lance

A Message From Lance
Yello' again everybody. Boy it's been much too long since I last was with you, sorry for the absence. Believe me you have been in my mind and I've been reading the Forum regularly. I'm almost sorry to say that you seem to be getting along fine without me.
I wanted to let you know that I got a phone call, the other day, from Memphis Wrestling Promoter Corey Maclin. Cory called to tell me about the new home for Memphis Wrestling on Memphis' channel 50,"ion tv". And, while you know that I haven't been in Memphis for some time and haven't had the opportunity to watch channel 50, I'm happy for Corey and the fans that wrestling is back on the air. And the good news is that it returns at its classic time slot of 11:00AM Saturday mornings.
I'm sure that Corey didn't take the time to tell me all of his plans but, from what he did say, it sounds like he has some great changes in mind for the new Memphis promotion. Most exciting of which, is the news that Memphis Wrestling fans can expect to see some talent new to Memphis but not new to the ring. In addition, Corey is planning to promote live house shows in the Memphis mid-south area. Let's hope that this news means that we can expect some good days for a great Memphis tradition.
One other thing that I can tell you is that I've agreed to join Corey and Jerry "The King" Lawler in a phone interview that will air Saturday August the 9th . I'm looking forward to talking with them about the new promotion and I certainly appreciate Corey making it possible for me to say that I've been on every television station that Memphis Wrestling has been on since its inception.
If you have any questions about the new Memphis Wrestling promotion ask them here and I'll do my best to get answers for you. I am planning on making a live appearance on the new show just as soon as circumstances allow me to travel back to Memphis.
Join with me in wishing Corey and all those associated with the new show good luck and best wishes in providing another era of legendary Memphis Wrestling.
Credit: www.lancerussell.com
RassleResults: EWP Morristown, TN 8.02.08
EWP Morristown, TN @ National Guard Armory
65 in crowd
Shane Andrews defeated Chase Owens after a hurricanrana.
Beau James defeated Trooper T by school boying him with feet on the ropes as Trooper was distracted by Kole Layton King.
Jeff Anderson returned and beat Kole Layton King after Beau James accidentally hit Kole Layton King. I guess it makes sense since Eric said he fired him from the Fleatorium Thursday not the armory.
Keith Knox beat Shane Williams after Shane hit Keith wi a foreign object and sat right on Keith for the pin but Keith rolled him over and got the win.
The Power TRIP retained the EWP Tag Team Titles over DRI after Willie got hit with a title and then into Donovan's flatliner.
Wayne Adkins beat Sigmon by disqualification in the main event after Chase Owens and Kole Layton King jumped in and attacked Wayne as he had Sigmon pinned and were beating on him attemtping to spike piledrive him again until Keith Knox and Shane Andrews made the save and laid waste to the other men. Sigmon got left alone in the ring with them but eventually managed to get out of the ring.
Credit: Zilfer
65 in crowd
Shane Andrews defeated Chase Owens after a hurricanrana.
Beau James defeated Trooper T by school boying him with feet on the ropes as Trooper was distracted by Kole Layton King.
Jeff Anderson returned and beat Kole Layton King after Beau James accidentally hit Kole Layton King. I guess it makes sense since Eric said he fired him from the Fleatorium Thursday not the armory.
Keith Knox beat Shane Williams after Shane hit Keith wi a foreign object and sat right on Keith for the pin but Keith rolled him over and got the win.
The Power TRIP retained the EWP Tag Team Titles over DRI after Willie got hit with a title and then into Donovan's flatliner.
Wayne Adkins beat Sigmon by disqualification in the main event after Chase Owens and Kole Layton King jumped in and attacked Wayne as he had Sigmon pinned and were beating on him attemtping to spike piledrive him again until Keith Knox and Shane Andrews made the save and laid waste to the other men. Sigmon got left alone in the ring with them but eventually managed to get out of the ring.
Credit: Zilfer
Sunday, August 03, 2008
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN - Results Wrapup!
Big Nasty def. X-3
The Outlaw© def. Tank Turner
Chico Mendoza def. PK Ripper by DQ
"New Breed of Perfection" [Wildside/WayCool] def. Spyder in a handicap match
Mark Southern def. Simon Reed by DQ
• Crowd 126.
• Danny B. Goode called several members of the TIWF about a possible return.
• 2 irate fans rushed the ring in the Southern/Reed match and got pummeled with a trash can lid by Mark Southern!
• BLS contacts owners about unhappiness with TLCW and NBW.
• Byron Wilcott returns in August
• Shawn Reed no showed.
• Federation faces stiff entertainment competition next two weeks with local festival events in the city planned.
Big Boy Bob def. Spyder
Simon Reed def. The Outlaw©
Criss Braggs def. Dre’ Black
Battle Royale To Crown #1 Contender TV Title
Order of Elimination: Big Boy Bob, Wildside, Spyder, Boogeyman, Tank Turner, Way Cool, Criss Braggs & Dre’ Black were the last two eliminated… at the same time.. so both will via for the championship next week.
"Locked & Loaded" [Lawman Williams/Tank Turner] def. "New Breed of Perfection" [Wildside/WayCool] to win the Tag Titles.
• Crowd 104.
• Crowd Still great despite no air in the building and local festivals in the area.
• Shawn Reed no showed 2nd week in a row!
• Steven Rampage& Cody Moore no showed. They joined TLCW over the weekend.
• The Punk Monkeys have been contacted about a possible return to action.
• Byron Wilcott returns in August
• BLS says they want to go to the highest bidder for their services between NBW, TLCW and TIWF.
Credit: Steven Hunter
----Group still drawing good...Who are the "Punk Monkeys"??...Have not seen Moore work, but Rampage's move to TLCW will help in his improvement...I am assuming the BLS notes are an angle.
Big Nasty def. X-3
The Outlaw© def. Tank Turner
Chico Mendoza def. PK Ripper by DQ
"New Breed of Perfection" [Wildside/WayCool] def. Spyder in a handicap match
Mark Southern def. Simon Reed by DQ
• Crowd 126.
• Danny B. Goode called several members of the TIWF about a possible return.
• 2 irate fans rushed the ring in the Southern/Reed match and got pummeled with a trash can lid by Mark Southern!
• BLS contacts owners about unhappiness with TLCW and NBW.
• Byron Wilcott returns in August
• Shawn Reed no showed.
• Federation faces stiff entertainment competition next two weeks with local festival events in the city planned.
Big Boy Bob def. Spyder
Simon Reed def. The Outlaw©
Criss Braggs def. Dre’ Black
Battle Royale To Crown #1 Contender TV Title
Order of Elimination: Big Boy Bob, Wildside, Spyder, Boogeyman, Tank Turner, Way Cool, Criss Braggs & Dre’ Black were the last two eliminated… at the same time.. so both will via for the championship next week.
"Locked & Loaded" [Lawman Williams/Tank Turner] def. "New Breed of Perfection" [Wildside/WayCool] to win the Tag Titles.
• Crowd 104.
• Crowd Still great despite no air in the building and local festivals in the area.
• Shawn Reed no showed 2nd week in a row!
• Steven Rampage& Cody Moore no showed. They joined TLCW over the weekend.
• The Punk Monkeys have been contacted about a possible return to action.
• Byron Wilcott returns in August
• BLS says they want to go to the highest bidder for their services between NBW, TLCW and TIWF.
Credit: Steven Hunter
----Group still drawing good...Who are the "Punk Monkeys"??...Have not seen Moore work, but Rampage's move to TLCW will help in his improvement...I am assuming the BLS notes are an angle.
Jerkin' The Curtain "Yak it up" night plus NWAME & SAW recaps Monday Aug. 4th @ 10 PM CST.
Heads up time. I'm going to do something a bit different on Jerkin' The Curtain this coming Monday night August 4th, at 10 PM central time. Tommy Stewart will still be doing recaps of the August 2nd episodes of NWA Main Event & SAW TV, and we'll still give our ratings for each show, and declare a winner for the week. We won't spend the whole show on the TV reviews this Monday though. I'm going to rip off Brian Tramel's "Shooting the shiznit" free for all concept, and I'm going to open the phone lines to anyone and everyone who wants to call in. The more the merrier, and we'll discuss any subject you want to discuss, wrestling and/or non wrestling related. Just a big bull session about whatever comes up. So if you're free Monday night sometime between 10 PM and midnight, and want to yak it up a bit with Tommy and I, and whoever else is on the line, feel free to call in. The number is 347-945-5503. If you missed last weeks show, the archive is available of course, but here's the results for the shows that aired July 26th...
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: Thumbs down(it bored Tommy big time)
SAW: Thumbs up
So Tommy gave the win to SAW.
NWAME: Thumbs in the middle
SAW: Thumbs in the middle
I wussed out and called the week a draw, I just couldn't pick either show as the winner. Both had enough about them I didn't like to stop me from doing so. So that meant that SAW got back on the board as the winner via split decision. Here's the standings since we started doing these reviews. Cya Monday night, and don't hesitate to call in! Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 7 NWAME: 2 Draw 1
Tommy Stewart:
NWA Main Event: Thumbs down(it bored Tommy big time)
SAW: Thumbs up
So Tommy gave the win to SAW.
NWAME: Thumbs in the middle
SAW: Thumbs in the middle
I wussed out and called the week a draw, I just couldn't pick either show as the winner. Both had enough about them I didn't like to stop me from doing so. So that meant that SAW got back on the board as the winner via split decision. Here's the standings since we started doing these reviews. Cya Monday night, and don't hesitate to call in! Trent Van Drisse
SAW: 7 NWAME: 2 Draw 1
RassleResults: USWO/ATL Nashville, TN 8.02.08
Rob C b Little Booger (w/Charming Charles)
Aiden Scott b Rockin Black Ninja
Derrick Neal won a 5-way over Blue Amigo, Otis Bass, Chris Norte, and Dyronic when he pinned Amigo
Justin Spade b White Tiger by reverse decision when Spade planted a chain on Tiger while being pinned
Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) b LT Falk
ATL Tag Team Champions New York Gangster & Damien Payne b Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn with stereo sunset flips
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
---36 in the crowd. No show next week because of Titans preseason game. How the hell would that bother a show that draws 40?? LOL
Aiden Scott b Rockin Black Ninja
Derrick Neal won a 5-way over Blue Amigo, Otis Bass, Chris Norte, and Dyronic when he pinned Amigo
Justin Spade b White Tiger by reverse decision when Spade planted a chain on Tiger while being pinned
Tim Renesto (w/Charming Charles) b LT Falk
ATL Tag Team Champions New York Gangster & Damien Payne b Richard Lowe & Kevin Dunn with stereo sunset flips
Credit: Jimmie Daniel
---36 in the crowd. No show next week because of Titans preseason game. How the hell would that bother a show that draws 40?? LOL
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 8.01.08
The Baron Malkavain over "Naughty By Nature" Rude
Rockin' Randy over AJ Bradley
Chris Rocker & Slim Pickens over Austin Lane & Justin Smart by DQ.
Derrick King over Robbie Douglas
Idol Bane over Dell Tucker & Greg Anthony in a Triple Threat Match for #1 Contender ship to the LAW Championship
Jeff O'Dell, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony and Idol Bane were in the ring. Jeff O'Dell informed everyone that the LAW Champion, Flash Flanagan, is injured from the attack last week. But in his absence he would name the #1 contender and the #1 contender is... Idol Bane. tgb upset informs Jeff that he should be #1 contender because he still hasn't gotten his rematch. Jeff tells tgb that Idol did injure Flash and won the Freedom Cup that Idol is on a roll. tgb says it doesn't matter nobody should be #1 contender over him. Tucker's music hits. Tucker says that tgb may deserve a rematch and Idol may be on a roll but he pinned tgb two weeks ago in the middle of the ring. So if anyone is #1 Contender its him. Greg, Tucker and Idol all started arguing back and forth, Jeff finally got everyone to shut up. He said we will have a #1 contender match tonight, it will be tgb vs Tucker vs Idol Bane in a triple threat match!
Austin Lane and Justin Smart demanded another Tag Title match which prompted Rocker/Slim to come to the ring. Rocker asked why they should give them another shot. We've beaten you in a tag match, in singles matches. We have nothing left to prove. Lane said that if they gave them another shot and if Rocker/Slim pinned them then would never show there face in Rector again. That was enough for Rocker/Slim. While Rocker gave Smart 10 punches in the corner Austin handcuffed Rocker to the top rope which left Slim at the mercy of Lane/Smart. They gave Slim a facebuster/Lungblower combo. As they were setting up to give another onto a steel chair the handcuffs luckily broke and Austin/Smart were able to get away but the damage had been done.
In the main event, Idol and tgb decided to work together against Tucker. However, Tucker fought off the double attack for a good part of the match until the numbers game finally got the best of him. Tucker finally clotheslined both tgb and Idol over the top rope and did a slingshot press onto both of them. Tucker through Idol back into the ring and was delivering right hands when tgb went for a missle dropkick off the top rope but Tucker moved and tgb nailed Idol. Dell then hit tgb with the TTD(That Tuckers Dead). Idol then hit Tucker with a sidewalk slam. tgb then held Tucker and Idol Bane went for the big boot but hit tgb out of the ring. Tucker shot off Idol but he reversed and tgb tripped Tucker from the outside but tgb didn't see who he was tripping. It allowed Idol to hit The Ghost of Andy Kauffman and get the win.
After the match tgb and Idol stood face to face as if they were going to have a slugfest but Tucker made it to his feet and tgb turned and attacked him. Idol left the ring. tgb delivered two Golden Guillotines and told the everyone that if it wasn't for Tucker he'd be #1 contender. Jeff O'Dell came out to calm tgb down. tgb asked Jeff if he could burn Tucker alive? tgb said he had the gas under the ring. Jeff said no and then tgb wanted to burn the fans alive then Jeff and security had take tgb to the back.
Credit: Lawingdownthelaw5150
----Wow!! What a crew for this show. Three top 10 of the area, "Most Improved 2007", one half of "Best Damn Tag Team 2007", #6 tag team of 2007, "Best Damn Performer 2006", "Wrestler of the Year 2006/2007", "Rookie of the Year 2007" candidate, probably three candidates for "Most Improved 2008" and a candidate for "Rookie of the Year 2008".
Rockin' Randy over AJ Bradley
Chris Rocker & Slim Pickens over Austin Lane & Justin Smart by DQ.
Derrick King over Robbie Douglas
Idol Bane over Dell Tucker & Greg Anthony in a Triple Threat Match for #1 Contender ship to the LAW Championship
Jeff O'Dell, "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony and Idol Bane were in the ring. Jeff O'Dell informed everyone that the LAW Champion, Flash Flanagan, is injured from the attack last week. But in his absence he would name the #1 contender and the #1 contender is... Idol Bane. tgb upset informs Jeff that he should be #1 contender because he still hasn't gotten his rematch. Jeff tells tgb that Idol did injure Flash and won the Freedom Cup that Idol is on a roll. tgb says it doesn't matter nobody should be #1 contender over him. Tucker's music hits. Tucker says that tgb may deserve a rematch and Idol may be on a roll but he pinned tgb two weeks ago in the middle of the ring. So if anyone is #1 Contender its him. Greg, Tucker and Idol all started arguing back and forth, Jeff finally got everyone to shut up. He said we will have a #1 contender match tonight, it will be tgb vs Tucker vs Idol Bane in a triple threat match!
Austin Lane and Justin Smart demanded another Tag Title match which prompted Rocker/Slim to come to the ring. Rocker asked why they should give them another shot. We've beaten you in a tag match, in singles matches. We have nothing left to prove. Lane said that if they gave them another shot and if Rocker/Slim pinned them then would never show there face in Rector again. That was enough for Rocker/Slim. While Rocker gave Smart 10 punches in the corner Austin handcuffed Rocker to the top rope which left Slim at the mercy of Lane/Smart. They gave Slim a facebuster/Lungblower combo. As they were setting up to give another onto a steel chair the handcuffs luckily broke and Austin/Smart were able to get away but the damage had been done.
In the main event, Idol and tgb decided to work together against Tucker. However, Tucker fought off the double attack for a good part of the match until the numbers game finally got the best of him. Tucker finally clotheslined both tgb and Idol over the top rope and did a slingshot press onto both of them. Tucker through Idol back into the ring and was delivering right hands when tgb went for a missle dropkick off the top rope but Tucker moved and tgb nailed Idol. Dell then hit tgb with the TTD(That Tuckers Dead). Idol then hit Tucker with a sidewalk slam. tgb then held Tucker and Idol Bane went for the big boot but hit tgb out of the ring. Tucker shot off Idol but he reversed and tgb tripped Tucker from the outside but tgb didn't see who he was tripping. It allowed Idol to hit The Ghost of Andy Kauffman and get the win.
After the match tgb and Idol stood face to face as if they were going to have a slugfest but Tucker made it to his feet and tgb turned and attacked him. Idol left the ring. tgb delivered two Golden Guillotines and told the everyone that if it wasn't for Tucker he'd be #1 contender. Jeff O'Dell came out to calm tgb down. tgb asked Jeff if he could burn Tucker alive? tgb said he had the gas under the ring. Jeff said no and then tgb wanted to burn the fans alive then Jeff and security had take tgb to the back.
Credit: Lawingdownthelaw5150
----Wow!! What a crew for this show. Three top 10 of the area, "Most Improved 2007", one half of "Best Damn Tag Team 2007", #6 tag team of 2007, "Best Damn Performer 2006", "Wrestler of the Year 2006/2007", "Rookie of the Year 2007" candidate, probably three candidates for "Most Improved 2008" and a candidate for "Rookie of the Year 2008".
Memphis Wrestling & Redbirds Special TV Report
Memphis Wrestling & Redbirds Special 7.25.08
----Show opened with Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler at a desk set up at the Memphis Redbirds' home Autozone Park. They start going over the stars that will be at the show the next night in Memphis.
----Joey Mercury match airs from OVW TV. The announcers call him Matthews. He then sends in an interview talking about being in Memphis. Nothing special on the interview.
----Match aired from Summerslam 1999 of the "Steet Fight" with Test vs Shane McMahon. "Mean Street Posse" was involved. Maclin/Lawler talk about Test dating Kelly Kelly. Lawler says they should have stip that if Test beats him, then Test gets a WWE contract, but if Lawler wins he gets Kelly Kelly. During one point Lawler is talking about Stacy Kibler and Maclin is laughing saying, "when you first said Stacy" [refering to Stacy Carter]. Maclin is just so unprofessional and does not know how to even stick with the storyline. Lawler
would even put him over.
----Match aired from last year's Autozone Park show with Johnny Rotten vs Jerry Lawler.
----Video airs of Memphis Wrestling stars that were to appear at Autozone Park. "Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy video featuring Derrick King, Kevin White, Johnny Dotson, "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] and Koko Ware.
----Lawler & Corey show the "Memphis Sport" magazine with Lawler on the cover.
----Lawler & Corey did a good job to promote the show. But, as I said, Maclin is a just embarrassing sometimes. I really think he has a crush on Lawler.
----This show did a 2.9 [47,067 viewers]
----CLICK HERE for Autozone Park Results.
Memphis Wrestling & Redbirds Special 8.02.08 - CW Finale Show!!
----Corey Maclin opens the show alone talking about the death of Brian Teigland. Maclin says that the whole hour will be decicated to him. They then air a clip fo Teigland's first appearance on Memphis Wrestling. Nice touch.
----Show starts from Autozone Park with Maclin interviewing Derrick King and Johnny Dotson interview. "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. Heat started on Flex after Flex was thrown out of the ring by DK. Flex came out of heat with "What'a Move" with hot tag to Grind. It turned into a fustercluck after that with Grind pinning DK.
----Joey Mercury comes out with Rockey The Redbird and Redbird cheerleaders. Mercury came off as a star. Barbarian vs Joery Mercury. Barbarian jumps Mercury before the bell rings. Good quick bout with Rockey distracting Barbarian and Mercury rolling him up for the pin.
----Kid Kash, Kevin White, Su Yung and "Big Stuff" Garry White come out. What a group!! They came off as big time stars and Yung looked fantastic. Rockey the Redbird and family comes out. I hate that crap. Koko Ware and Pat Tanaka interview backstage. Ware says he fell in love with Tanaka when he was in Florida, but he was not gay. Yes, he said that. LOL Tanaka talked a bit.
----Pat Tanaka/Koko Ware vs Kevin White/Kid Kash. Tanaka was wearing a t-shirt, long shorts and no shoes. That looked bad, but he still worked hard in the ring. Heat on Koko. White missed a Lawler fist drop from the second rope and Koko got the hot tag.
They cut Tanaka off to start a double heat..but Tanaka got a quick hot tag to Koko and everyone in the ring. Koko knocked Garry off the ring apron. Kash hit White with superkick on mistake and Koko pinned him.
----Test interview backstage. Test calls Jerry Lawler an old fossil. LOL I guess he seen the front cover of "Memphis Sport"?? Test vs Jerry Lawler. Typical old school Lawler bout. Lawler actually bodyslammed Test. Test got caught with a boot coming
off the second rope with Lawler making the comeback. Lawler pulls down the strap and goes at it. Buff Bagwell jumps in and they beat up Lawler. Bagwell not in as good of shape as expected.
----Lawler interview.
----Maclin ends show and talks about Teigland again. They show a news piece on him.
----They advertised a show on August 30, 2008 at Shelby Farms on Walnut Grove [right down the street from Lawler's house] at the Delta Fair with Lawler, Eugene, Corey Maclin and Buff "the Stuff" Bagwell...Maclin announces that starting next week
at 11:00 AM on Channel 50 will be Memphis Wrestling. I enjoyed the show, but it might be because I haven't seen Memphis Wrestling for so long.
----Show opened with Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler at a desk set up at the Memphis Redbirds' home Autozone Park. They start going over the stars that will be at the show the next night in Memphis.
----Joey Mercury match airs from OVW TV. The announcers call him Matthews. He then sends in an interview talking about being in Memphis. Nothing special on the interview.
----Match aired from Summerslam 1999 of the "Steet Fight" with Test vs Shane McMahon. "Mean Street Posse" was involved. Maclin/Lawler talk about Test dating Kelly Kelly. Lawler says they should have stip that if Test beats him, then Test gets a WWE contract, but if Lawler wins he gets Kelly Kelly. During one point Lawler is talking about Stacy Kibler and Maclin is laughing saying, "when you first said Stacy" [refering to Stacy Carter]. Maclin is just so unprofessional and does not know how to even stick with the storyline. Lawler
would even put him over.
----Match aired from last year's Autozone Park show with Johnny Rotten vs Jerry Lawler.
----Video airs of Memphis Wrestling stars that were to appear at Autozone Park. "Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy video featuring Derrick King, Kevin White, Johnny Dotson, "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] and Koko Ware.
----Lawler & Corey show the "Memphis Sport" magazine with Lawler on the cover.
----Lawler & Corey did a good job to promote the show. But, as I said, Maclin is a just embarrassing sometimes. I really think he has a crush on Lawler.
----This show did a 2.9 [47,067 viewers]
----CLICK HERE for Autozone Park Results.
Memphis Wrestling & Redbirds Special 8.02.08 - CW Finale Show!!
----Corey Maclin opens the show alone talking about the death of Brian Teigland. Maclin says that the whole hour will be decicated to him. They then air a clip fo Teigland's first appearance on Memphis Wrestling. Nice touch.
----Show starts from Autozone Park with Maclin interviewing Derrick King and Johnny Dotson interview. "Too Kool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. Heat started on Flex after Flex was thrown out of the ring by DK. Flex came out of heat with "What'a Move" with hot tag to Grind. It turned into a fustercluck after that with Grind pinning DK.
----Joey Mercury comes out with Rockey The Redbird and Redbird cheerleaders. Mercury came off as a star. Barbarian vs Joery Mercury. Barbarian jumps Mercury before the bell rings. Good quick bout with Rockey distracting Barbarian and Mercury rolling him up for the pin.
----Kid Kash, Kevin White, Su Yung and "Big Stuff" Garry White come out. What a group!! They came off as big time stars and Yung looked fantastic. Rockey the Redbird and family comes out. I hate that crap. Koko Ware and Pat Tanaka interview backstage. Ware says he fell in love with Tanaka when he was in Florida, but he was not gay. Yes, he said that. LOL Tanaka talked a bit.
----Pat Tanaka/Koko Ware vs Kevin White/Kid Kash. Tanaka was wearing a t-shirt, long shorts and no shoes. That looked bad, but he still worked hard in the ring. Heat on Koko. White missed a Lawler fist drop from the second rope and Koko got the hot tag.
They cut Tanaka off to start a double heat..but Tanaka got a quick hot tag to Koko and everyone in the ring. Koko knocked Garry off the ring apron. Kash hit White with superkick on mistake and Koko pinned him.
----Test interview backstage. Test calls Jerry Lawler an old fossil. LOL I guess he seen the front cover of "Memphis Sport"?? Test vs Jerry Lawler. Typical old school Lawler bout. Lawler actually bodyslammed Test. Test got caught with a boot coming
off the second rope with Lawler making the comeback. Lawler pulls down the strap and goes at it. Buff Bagwell jumps in and they beat up Lawler. Bagwell not in as good of shape as expected.
----Lawler interview.
----Maclin ends show and talks about Teigland again. They show a news piece on him.
----They advertised a show on August 30, 2008 at Shelby Farms on Walnut Grove [right down the street from Lawler's house] at the Delta Fair with Lawler, Eugene, Corey Maclin and Buff "the Stuff" Bagwell...Maclin announces that starting next week
at 11:00 AM on Channel 50 will be Memphis Wrestling. I enjoyed the show, but it might be because I haven't seen Memphis Wrestling for so long.
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