Saturday, April 28, 2007
WWE Camp News From Nashville
----I got word that the Mike Bucci WWE camp in Nashville, TN
featured a lot of the local guys. Simon Reed, Lil Chris, Alex Krisis, Chris O’Neal, Jon Michael, Christian Jacobs, Matt Boyce, Tatt2, Derrick King and Alan Steele. Bucci was again very impressed with “Picture Perfect” [Michael/Jacobs] and Alan Steele. And, I know this is not a surprise to anyone, but RRO Wrestler of The Year – Derrick King got great reviews. Bucci like everyone else wondered why King does not have contract. “Picture Perfect” and Steele will be getting dark matches Monday night in Nashville for RAW.

10 Years Ago In Memphis Wrestling.......
USWA: Larry Burton had left for California, but was expected to be returning shortly and had not left his General Manager post……. Jerry Lawler regained the Unified title from King Reginald on April 27th in Memphis……. The Truth Commission regained the USWA Tag Team titles from the Shooting Stars on April 19th…… Dutch Mantell and Bill Dundee were being booked as the top heels in the company. Paul Diamond (formerly Kato in WWF) was in, teaming with Steven Dunn to challenge the Truth Commission for the tag team titles…… In a tv angle, Billy Travis had turned on Flash Flanagan, nailing him with a guitar.
and an item related to Memphis Wrestling legends --
Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert had spent a night in prison on April 20th, after being arrested on charges of taking money under false pretences and possession of less than 15 grams of Marijuana. They were released the next afternoon after pleading guilty to misdemeanour charges, and were ordered to return the money they had taken. They had received money up front for a River City Wrestling indy show in Sisterville, WV, that they were booked on to headline, and had walked out on the show before they appeared, when they found out there was a lower crowd (100 fans) than expected. The promoter called the cops on them, and they were picked up near St Marys, WV, where upon the cops also found a small amount of Marijuana in the car. The two were held on a $2,000 bond at Tyler County jail, and since they had been unable to post bond, had spent the night in jail.
Credit: www.wrestlingobserver.com
and an item related to Memphis Wrestling legends --
Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert had spent a night in prison on April 20th, after being arrested on charges of taking money under false pretences and possession of less than 15 grams of Marijuana. They were released the next afternoon after pleading guilty to misdemeanour charges, and were ordered to return the money they had taken. They had received money up front for a River City Wrestling indy show in Sisterville, WV, that they were booked on to headline, and had walked out on the show before they appeared, when they found out there was a lower crowd (100 fans) than expected. The promoter called the cops on them, and they were picked up near St Marys, WV, where upon the cops also found a small amount of Marijuana in the car. The two were held on a $2,000 bond at Tyler County jail, and since they had been unable to post bond, had spent the night in jail.
Credit: www.wrestlingobserver.com
RassleResults: EWE Ripley, MS 4.27.07
Bonecrusher beat Kross
Slammer and Thunderbird w/ Miss Heather beat Danny Morris and Nathan Williams w/ Mississippi Rebel
Dirty Sanchez beat Neil Taylor
Dalton Storm beat Nathan Williams by dq when Danny Morris interferred and Slammer made the save for Dalton
"Family of Pain" [Sarge O'Rielly/Mickey Ray] beat Omega and Chris Fontaine
Buzz Harley beat Tysin Starr to become the 1st EWE US Heavyweight Champion
Main Event --- AC Styles beat Prime Time Nick Grymes to retain the EWE Intercontinental title in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match
----Crowd was about 50 with a gate around $300…FOP retirement lasted a long time; didn't it?? LOL...May 11th EWE returns to Fosters Recreational Center with Slammer and Dalton Storm vs. Nathan Williams and Danny Morris in an EWE Extreme Rules Match...AC Styles has a pretty good concussion after the main event last night. In the early part of the match Grymes gave him a chair shot to the head that left him dizzy but at the finish he was suppose to give him 2 one man con-chair-toh's. He blasted him in the back of the head on the 2nd one and Styles kicked out in what was supposed to be the pin. He then locked Nick a dragon sleeper and Grymes sold it as the finish…After they got Styles to the locker room, he came to after about 20 - 30 seconds, he has a bad concussion and couldn’t walk on his own afterwards.
Slammer and Thunderbird w/ Miss Heather beat Danny Morris and Nathan Williams w/ Mississippi Rebel
Dirty Sanchez beat Neil Taylor
Dalton Storm beat Nathan Williams by dq when Danny Morris interferred and Slammer made the save for Dalton
"Family of Pain" [Sarge O'Rielly/Mickey Ray] beat Omega and Chris Fontaine
Buzz Harley beat Tysin Starr to become the 1st EWE US Heavyweight Champion
Main Event --- AC Styles beat Prime Time Nick Grymes to retain the EWE Intercontinental title in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match
----Crowd was about 50 with a gate around $300…FOP retirement lasted a long time; didn't it?? LOL...May 11th EWE returns to Fosters Recreational Center with Slammer and Dalton Storm vs. Nathan Williams and Danny Morris in an EWE Extreme Rules Match...AC Styles has a pretty good concussion after the main event last night. In the early part of the match Grymes gave him a chair shot to the head that left him dizzy but at the finish he was suppose to give him 2 one man con-chair-toh's. He blasted him in the back of the head on the 2nd one and Styles kicked out in what was supposed to be the pin. He then locked Nick a dragon sleeper and Grymes sold it as the finish…After they got Styles to the locker room, he came to after about 20 - 30 seconds, he has a bad concussion and couldn’t walk on his own afterwards.
COL Coverage: Pics Posted and The Aftermath
----Photos have been posted and you can link them from the main page. There are two pages of photos that were taken from a video that was posted on www.appealtv.com. The caps were done by Aaron Pegg. The pic posted gives you a look at the crowd. I believe that is Brutus Beefcake in the pic and I was told he was in fantastic shape.
----After any big show, there are going to always be some kind of controversy; right?? I am talking to more people that were at the event last night and the attendance figure is a bit lo
wer than I initially reported. My “eye in the sky” Randy Dailey was not actually counting one by one the people and he was making an educated guess. The best I can figure, there were around 4,500 people in the building. There were 1000 freebies as advertising given out, so we are looking at around 3,200 paid counting friends and family getting in free. I would like to state that I am still making a guess, because I have not received an official word. I have heard from about three sources that the promotion is actually saying, “We do not know how many people were in there.” So, that should tell you it was a lot less than what I reported. If it was a sellout, then the media would have been given a quick number along with the gate.
----So, now we got a gate of around $151, 200, which is $100,000 less than I originally reported. I was told the building and security was in the $75,000 range. Talent without Hulk Hogan was in the $30,000 range – that is with hotel and airfares. You got to believe they spent $20,000 on advertising, so after all of that, then they probably did break even. It was not the huge success that they were expecting. The idea that they only had 9 days to promote Hogan vs Wight after Lawler pulled out must have hurt them. Lawler pulling out hurt them also – many of the fans wanted to see Hogan vs Lawler.
----Lots of questions to ask coming out of it also. Will Lawler be at TV tapings next Saturday?? I am being told he will be at TV along with the regular crew. It was also written about by columnist Axeman on http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/ that he had been told the very same thing. A lot of the crew were surprised that Ricky Morton/Kid Kash were given the tag straps. One guy said, “So, are they going to pay them to come in all the time now??”
----Here is something that I have not touched on much. Jimmy Hart, Hulk Hogan and Corey Maclin are very upset with Jerry Lawler. I talked closely with two guys from the crew of the show on Thursday night and they were very resentful towards Lawler for pulling out of the show. There was a meeting where Lawler, Hart, Hogan and Maclin were all present with Lawler saying, “Fuck Vince McMahon, I will do what I want to do.” And when it came to Vince stepping in, then Lawler turned his back on them. That is their feelings. I have stressed that I understand why Lawler made the decision he made. But, if you look at it from the other point of view – Lawler hurt them. And, by second examination of the gate, then they may even be more resentful now.
----Even though, it was not what I originally reported, I still think this show was a success for Memphis Wrestling. Not what he should have been, but Corey Maclin, cast and crew should be awarded for their efforts. This show will go down as the largest gate ever for Memphis Wrestling and be talked about for months to come.
----Photos have been posted and you can link them from the main page. There are two pages of photos that were taken from a video that was posted on www.appealtv.com. The caps were done by Aaron Pegg. The pic posted gives you a look at the crowd. I believe that is Brutus Beefcake in the pic and I was told he was in fantastic shape.
----After any big show, there are going to always be some kind of controversy; right?? I am talking to more people that were at the event last night and the attendance figure is a bit lo
----So, now we got a gate of around $151, 200, which is $100,000 less than I originally reported. I was told the building and security was in the $75,000 range. Talent without Hulk Hogan was in the $30,000 range – that is with hotel and airfares. You got to believe they spent $20,000 on advertising, so after all of that, then they probably did break even. It was not the huge success that they were expecting. The idea that they only had 9 days to promote Hogan vs Wight after Lawler pulled out must have hurt them. Lawler pulling out hurt them also – many of the fans wanted to see Hogan vs Lawler.
----Lots of questions to ask coming out of it also. Will Lawler be at TV tapings next Saturday?? I am being told he will be at TV along with the regular crew. It was also written about by columnist Axeman on http://www.hollywoodjimmy.com/ that he had been told the very same thing. A lot of the crew were surprised that Ricky Morton/Kid Kash were given the tag straps. One guy said, “So, are they going to pay them to come in all the time now??”
----Here is something that I have not touched on much. Jimmy Hart, Hulk Hogan and Corey Maclin are very upset with Jerry Lawler. I talked closely with two guys from the crew of the show on Thursday night and they were very resentful towards Lawler for pulling out of the show. There was a meeting where Lawler, Hart, Hogan and Maclin were all present with Lawler saying, “Fuck Vince McMahon, I will do what I want to do.” And when it came to Vince stepping in, then Lawler turned his back on them. That is their feelings. I have stressed that I understand why Lawler made the decision he made. But, if you look at it from the other point of view – Lawler hurt them. And, by second examination of the gate, then they may even be more resentful now.
----Even though, it was not what I originally reported, I still think this show was a success for Memphis Wrestling. Not what he should have been, but Corey Maclin, cast and crew should be awarded for their efforts. This show will go down as the largest gate ever for Memphis Wrestling and be talked about for months to come.
"Clash of the Legends" Results and Report 4.27.07 - OVER $250,000 GATE!!
----Moondog Cujo with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente beat The Barbarian in pretty much a hardcore match. Crowd was into it. Barbarian had Cujo pinned, but Sal got on the ring apron with Cujo then pinning Barbarian.
----Greg Valentine beat Mr. Hughes with a roll up. Hughes had Valentine pinned with his feet on the ropes, but then ref Bill Rush seen it. Hughes had his back turned and Valentine rolled him up.
----Jazz beat Christie Ricci & Miss Passion in a triple threat Ladies Match.
----Abdullah The Butcher vs Big Al Greene was No Contest in a match that never got into the ring. A bloodbath. The fans got into it.
----Bill Dundee/Dutch Mantell with Jimmy Valiant beat Koko Ware/Bobby Eaton with Slick. Jimmy Hart came down from the announcer's desk to have the formation of the First Family with Koko/Eaton back together [they were a team a long time ago], then in called out Slick to manage them.
----Brutus Beefcake/Bubba The Love Sponge beat The New Assassins with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente. Assassins looked just like the guys working in Memphis as Fire/Flame. Bubba was horrible in the ring. He did a splash from the second rope for the pin. Beefcake put Sal in the sleeper and they cut his hair after the match.
---- Brian Christopher beat Buff Bagwell with the hip hop drop. Bagwell talked about how bad Memphis was and heeled the crowd. Christopher came out to a huge pop.
----Southern Tag Team Title Match: Ricky Morton/Kid Kash beat "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] for the titles.
----Hulk Hogan beat Paul Wight slamming him and dropping the leg on him. It was around a 10 minute match with the crowd so nuts for Hogan!!
NOTES: No official figure, but I am guessing close to 6000 fans with a gate close to $256,500…Jazz performed her own entrance music to the ring…Koko had Frankie and got Lance Russell to dance with him…NBA's Memphis Grizzlies Mascot - The Grizz came out and was shooting t-shirts out to everyone at intermission…Before the show started, it was announced that "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] had regained the Southern Tag Team Titles from The Moondogs [Cujo/Spike]. That was one of those phantom changes. They announced Grind/Flex vs Rock N Roll Express for later in the show, but it turned out to be Kash/Morton…After Bubba’s match they brought some kid from St. Jude down and Bubba had the kid on his shoulders. VH1 cameras captured that and it was a kewl moment for the kid and the crowd…I got to say "great job" to Corey Maclin and crew for putting the local guys - Flex/Grind in the semi-main event. All my bitching about them not featuring the local guys and they do go and do this -- perfect way to get them over being seen by so many fans. I would have loved have seen them win, but apparently they got plans for Morton/Kash and Flex/Grind down the road…I was told all in all a fun show and crowd loved it.
----Brian Tramel @ http://www.rasslinriotonline.com/ with much appreciated help from Randy Dailey. Thanks to everyone for joining me on the site for the match by match coverage. I will continue to cover this story as a possible new era in Memphis Wrestling starts next weekend as they scheduled to do tapings with their regular crew. They promised the crowd a special TV show tomorrow night, so it will probably have clips from the show. Congrats to Memphis Wrestling cast and crew for a recording breaking crowd and setting a new standard for indy wrestling.
----Greg Valentine beat Mr. Hughes with a roll up. Hughes had Valentine pinned with his feet on the ropes, but then ref Bill Rush seen it. Hughes had his back turned and Valentine rolled him up.
----Jazz beat Christie Ricci & Miss Passion in a triple threat Ladies Match.
----Abdullah The Butcher vs Big Al Greene was No Contest in a match that never got into the ring. A bloodbath. The fans got into it.
----Bill Dundee/Dutch Mantell with Jimmy Valiant beat Koko Ware/Bobby Eaton with Slick. Jimmy Hart came down from the announcer's desk to have the formation of the First Family with Koko/Eaton back together [they were a team a long time ago], then in called out Slick to manage them.
----Brutus Beefcake/Bubba The Love Sponge beat The New Assassins with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente. Assassins looked just like the guys working in Memphis as Fire/Flame. Bubba was horrible in the ring. He did a splash from the second rope for the pin. Beefcake put Sal in the sleeper and they cut his hair after the match.
---- Brian Christopher beat Buff Bagwell with the hip hop drop. Bagwell talked about how bad Memphis was and heeled the crowd. Christopher came out to a huge pop.
----Southern Tag Team Title Match: Ricky Morton/Kid Kash beat "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] for the titles.
----Hulk Hogan beat Paul Wight slamming him and dropping the leg on him. It was around a 10 minute match with the crowd so nuts for Hogan!!
NOTES: No official figure, but I am guessing close to 6000 fans with a gate close to $256,500…Jazz performed her own entrance music to the ring…Koko had Frankie and got Lance Russell to dance with him…NBA's Memphis Grizzlies Mascot - The Grizz came out and was shooting t-shirts out to everyone at intermission…Before the show started, it was announced that "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] had regained the Southern Tag Team Titles from The Moondogs [Cujo/Spike]. That was one of those phantom changes. They announced Grind/Flex vs Rock N Roll Express for later in the show, but it turned out to be Kash/Morton…After Bubba’s match they brought some kid from St. Jude down and Bubba had the kid on his shoulders. VH1 cameras captured that and it was a kewl moment for the kid and the crowd…I got to say "great job" to Corey Maclin and crew for putting the local guys - Flex/Grind in the semi-main event. All my bitching about them not featuring the local guys and they do go and do this -- perfect way to get them over being seen by so many fans. I would have loved have seen them win, but apparently they got plans for Morton/Kash and Flex/Grind down the road…I was told all in all a fun show and crowd loved it.
----Brian Tramel @ http://www.rasslinriotonline.com/ with much appreciated help from Randy Dailey. Thanks to everyone for joining me on the site for the match by match coverage. I will continue to cover this story as a possible new era in Memphis Wrestling starts next weekend as they scheduled to do tapings with their regular crew. They promised the crowd a special TV show tomorrow night, so it will probably have clips from the show. Congrats to Memphis Wrestling cast and crew for a recording breaking crowd and setting a new standard for indy wrestling.
Friday, April 27, 2007
----Stay tuned right here for the match by match coverage. You may need to REFRESH your browser to keep the matches updated.
----It looks like we got about 1600 to 1800 people in the building. The 5200 number that Hogan was saying looks like was just a work.
----I forgot to mention that Dave Meltzer reported that this match by match coverage was starting at 7:50 EASTERN time earlier today, but does have it corrected now. If you came to the site one hour early, then my apologies.
----Bubba The Love Sponge promised 1000 tickets - I guess Hogan was only good for 800??
-----Well, I put my foot in my mouth. The fans have arrived!! Looks like 5500 to 6000 people in the building.
----Moondog Cujo with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente beat The Barbarian in pretty much a hardcore match. Crowd was into it. Barbarian had Cujo pinned, but Sal got on the ring apron with Cujo then pinning him.
----Greg Valentine beat Mr. Hughes with a roll up. Hughes had Valentine pinned with his feet on the ropes, but then ref Bill Rush seen it. Hughes had his back turned and Valentine rolled him up.
----Jazz performed her own entrance song on the way to the ring.
----Jazz beat Christie Ricci & Miss Passion in a triple threat Ladies Match.
----Abdullah The Butcher vs Big Al Greene was No Contest in a match that never got into the ring. A bloodbath. The fans got into it.
----Bill Dundee/Dutch Mantell with Jimmy Valiant beat Koko Ware/Bobby Eaton with Slick in the ring. Jimmy Hart came down from the announcer's desk to have the formation of the First Family with Koko/Eaton back together [they were a team a long time ago], then in called out Slick to manage them.
----Koko had Frankie and got Lance Russell to dance with him.
----They are at intermission now with four more matches to go. NBA's Memphis Grizzlies Mascot - The Grizz came out and was shooting t-shirts out to everyone.
----Before the show started, it was announced that "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] had regained the Southern Tag Team Titles from The Moondogs [Cujo/Spike]. That was one of those phantom changes, but they have Flex/Grind in the second part of the show defending against Ricky Morton & a partner. They actually announced it as "Rock n Roll Express", but as of late last night Robert Gibson was still off the show.
----Show has been fun and fans have been into everything up to this point.
----Brutus Beefcake/Bubba The Love Sponge beat The New Assassins with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente. Assassins looked just like the guys working in Memphis as Fire/Flame. Bubba was horrible in the ring. He did a splash from the second rope for the pin. Beefcake put Sal in the sleeper and they cut his hair after the match.
----After the match they brought some kid from St. Jude down and Bubba had the kid on his shoulders. VH1 cameras captured that and it was a kewl moment for the kid and the crowd.
----Brian Christopher beat Buff Bagwell with the hip hop drop. Bagwell talked about how bad Memphis was and heeled the crowd. Christopher came out to a huge pop.
----Southern Tag Team Title Match: Ricky Morton/Kid Kash beat "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] for the titles. I got to say "great job" to Corey Maclin and crew for putting the local guys - Flex/Grind in the semi-main event. All my bitching about them not featuring the local guys and they do this -- perfect way to get them over being seen by so many fans. I would have loved have seen them win, but apparently they got plans for Morton/Kash and Flex/Grind down the road. Match was good.
----Hulk Hogan beat Paul Wight slamming him and dropping the leg on him. It was around a 10 minute match with the crowd so nuts for Hogan!!
----I would like to thank Randy Dailey with very appreciated help in doing this coverage. It would have not happened without him. He said it was a fun show and the crowd had a good time with it. Thanks to all of the visitors for joining me tonight. I hope to have an official figure sometime in the next few days. Congrats to Memphis Wrestling cast and crew for a recording breaking crowd and setting a new standard for indy wrestling.
----It looks like we got about 1600 to 1800 people in the building. The 5200 number that Hogan was saying looks like was just a work.
----I forgot to mention that Dave Meltzer reported that this match by match coverage was starting at 7:50 EASTERN time earlier today, but does have it corrected now. If you came to the site one hour early, then my apologies.
----Bubba The Love Sponge promised 1000 tickets - I guess Hogan was only good for 800??
-----Well, I put my foot in my mouth. The fans have arrived!! Looks like 5500 to 6000 people in the building.
----Moondog Cujo with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente beat The Barbarian in pretty much a hardcore match. Crowd was into it. Barbarian had Cujo pinned, but Sal got on the ring apron with Cujo then pinning him.
----Greg Valentine beat Mr. Hughes with a roll up. Hughes had Valentine pinned with his feet on the ropes, but then ref Bill Rush seen it. Hughes had his back turned and Valentine rolled him up.
----Jazz performed her own entrance song on the way to the ring.
----Jazz beat Christie Ricci & Miss Passion in a triple threat Ladies Match.
----Abdullah The Butcher vs Big Al Greene was No Contest in a match that never got into the ring. A bloodbath. The fans got into it.
----Bill Dundee/Dutch Mantell with Jimmy Valiant beat Koko Ware/Bobby Eaton with Slick in the ring. Jimmy Hart came down from the announcer's desk to have the formation of the First Family with Koko/Eaton back together [they were a team a long time ago], then in called out Slick to manage them.
----Koko had Frankie and got Lance Russell to dance with him.
----They are at intermission now with four more matches to go. NBA's Memphis Grizzlies Mascot - The Grizz came out and was shooting t-shirts out to everyone.
----Before the show started, it was announced that "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] had regained the Southern Tag Team Titles from The Moondogs [Cujo/Spike]. That was one of those phantom changes, but they have Flex/Grind in the second part of the show defending against Ricky Morton & a partner. They actually announced it as "Rock n Roll Express", but as of late last night Robert Gibson was still off the show.
----Show has been fun and fans have been into everything up to this point.
----Brutus Beefcake/Bubba The Love Sponge beat The New Assassins with "Big Cheese" Sal Corrente. Assassins looked just like the guys working in Memphis as Fire/Flame. Bubba was horrible in the ring. He did a splash from the second rope for the pin. Beefcake put Sal in the sleeper and they cut his hair after the match.
----After the match they brought some kid from St. Jude down and Bubba had the kid on his shoulders. VH1 cameras captured that and it was a kewl moment for the kid and the crowd.
----Brian Christopher beat Buff Bagwell with the hip hop drop. Bagwell talked about how bad Memphis was and heeled the crowd. Christopher came out to a huge pop.
----Southern Tag Team Title Match: Ricky Morton/Kid Kash beat "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] for the titles. I got to say "great job" to Corey Maclin and crew for putting the local guys - Flex/Grind in the semi-main event. All my bitching about them not featuring the local guys and they do this -- perfect way to get them over being seen by so many fans. I would have loved have seen them win, but apparently they got plans for Morton/Kash and Flex/Grind down the road. Match was good.
----Hulk Hogan beat Paul Wight slamming him and dropping the leg on him. It was around a 10 minute match with the crowd so nuts for Hogan!!
----I would like to thank Randy Dailey with very appreciated help in doing this coverage. It would have not happened without him. He said it was a fun show and the crowd had a good time with it. Thanks to all of the visitors for joining me tonight. I hope to have an official figure sometime in the next few days. Congrats to Memphis Wrestling cast and crew for a recording breaking crowd and setting a new standard for indy wrestling.
20 Years Ago Today in Memphis Wrestling History!!
As reported today on www.wrestlingobserver.com
--20 years ago today in Memphis was the Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol hair vs. hair match in a cage where Tommy Rich and Paul Heyman (using the name Paul Dangerly, not Dangerously, because Jerry Jarrett thought his fans weren't smart enough to get the name Dangerously) interfered and Lawler got his hair cut. He didn't get his head shaved bald as advertised, but it was a very memorable deal at the time.
NASCAR's Tony Stewart and Wrestling
----You know I would never bring this sort of thing up, because I try my best to just cover wrestling. But, you don't know how many guys in
the business that I have met that believe EVERYTHING is a work. NFL, NBA and UFC included - EVERYTHING!! LOL!! This will just give them something else to say now.

www.abcnews.com reported Stewart saying the following...
"It's like playing God," he said on his show. "They can almost dictate the race instead of the drivers doing it. It's happened too many times this year."
"I guess NASCAR thinks, 'Hey, wrestling worked, and it was for the most part staged, so I guess it's going to work in racing, too,'" he said. "I can't understand how long the fans are going to let NASCAR treat them like they're stupid before the fans finally turn on NASCAR."
POLL RESULTS: How many fans??
----Just hours away from the show and I have called the poll to an end. Below are the results with 31% winning going to 3000-4000 fans. If Hogan was telling the truth about the 5,200 tickets sold, then that is out of the water. I have been promised a legit figure for the show. Best luck to all the guys on the show and hope it does real well.
How many fans will be at the FedEx Forum for Hogan??
3000 – 4000 - 31.0%
4001 – 5000 - 15.0%
5001 – 6000 - 22.0%
6001 – 7000 - 12%
7001 – 8000 - 9.0%
9001 – 10,000 - 5.0%
SELLOUT - 6.0%
How many fans will be at the FedEx Forum for Hogan??
3000 – 4000 - 31.0%
4001 – 5000 - 15.0%
5001 – 6000 - 22.0%
6001 – 7000 - 12%
7001 – 8000 - 9.0%
9001 – 10,000 - 5.0%
SELLOUT - 6.0%
Last Notes
----I am being told that Bobby Eaton will not be Ricky Morton's partner...Ring announcer will Dave Penzer...Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, Corey Maclin and Paul Wight are all over Memphis today.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Shows For The Weekend - 4.27 to 4.28.07
----No surprise here, but the show of the weekend and perhaps the show of the year, is Friday night in Memphis. This will go down in history as the highest gate ever for the local promotion.
----Friday night for Memphis Wrestling at FedEx Forum in Memphis, TN with Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight - CLICK HERE for full card!!
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Stan Lee, “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs], Chris O’Neal, Psycho, Erik Hayes, “The Posse” [Simon/Lil Chris] ,Flash Flanagan,Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, and more.
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Friday night in Ripley, MS with*"Kings of Rock" (Chris Fontaine and Tysin Starr] Omega, Kage w/ Kandi, Cassanova Kidd, Keylo Green w/ Bobby Wylde, Dalton Storm, Slammer, Danny Morris, Nathan Williams, AC Styles, “Prime Time” Nick Grymes, Bonecrusher, Kross, Buzz Harley, Johnny Morton and more.
----Saturday night for ASWF in Tuckerman, AR @ Valiant Arena with bell time at 7:00 PM with all seats $7 with Dirty Little Dave, Austin Lane, Reno Diamond, “Blackout Squad” [Oz/Bishop], X-Kaliber, Justin “The Juice” Smart, Jamie Jay, Kidd Krazy, Morgan Lane, Hollywood Jimmy and more.
----Saturday night in Olive Branch, MS RSWF with Soultaker, Kross, JR Mauler, Danny B, Justin Rhodes, Cassanova Kidd and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with Bobby The Butcher,Tank Turner, Dazzlin Dixie, Lawman Williams; Genocide vs the Big Boys; Steven Rampage,AC Havoc;Wildside, Razor;PK Ripper, Void and more.
----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Hamhock, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Kayte, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, The Hambones, Adrian Stratton and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, Rob Justice, Psycho and more.
----Saturday night in XOW in Ecru, MS for PURE DESTRUCTION, Izzy Rotten, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley, Jay Webster, Colton Anderson, Tommy Knox, Neil Taylor, Hollywood Jimmy and more! XOW Wrestling, Bell time is 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with Craven Moorehead, Hollywood, Rockin Randy, Alex Krisis, Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Dell Tucker, Brian Steele,Tim Alfonzo, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2, Derrick King, Tim Grind and more.
---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.
----No surprise here, but the show of the weekend and perhaps the show of the year, is Friday night in Memphis. This will go down in history as the highest gate ever for the local promotion.
----Friday night for Memphis Wrestling at FedEx Forum in Memphis, TN with Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight - CLICK HERE for full card!!
----Friday night for LAW in Rector, AR with Stan Lee, “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs], Chris O’Neal, Psycho, Erik Hayes, “The Posse” [Simon/Lil Chris] ,Flash Flanagan,Rockin Randy, Dustin Starr, The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, and more.
---- Friday night for TFW in Tupelo, MS with "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs, The Freakshow [Chop Top the Clown & Vinnie the Blade], “DOA” [Dirty Sanchez & Orion], Tysin Starr, "The Future" Chris Styles, Jonathon Douglas, "DC" David Cross,Pappy,Izzy Rotten and more.
----Friday night in Ripley, MS with*"Kings of Rock" (Chris Fontaine and Tysin Starr] Omega, Kage w/ Kandi, Cassanova Kidd, Keylo Green w/ Bobby Wylde, Dalton Storm, Slammer, Danny Morris, Nathan Williams, AC Styles, “Prime Time” Nick Grymes, Bonecrusher, Kross, Buzz Harley, Johnny Morton and more.
----Saturday night for ASWF in Tuckerman, AR @ Valiant Arena with bell time at 7:00 PM with all seats $7 with Dirty Little Dave, Austin Lane, Reno Diamond, “Blackout Squad” [Oz/Bishop], X-Kaliber, Justin “The Juice” Smart, Jamie Jay, Kidd Krazy, Morgan Lane, Hollywood Jimmy and more.
----Saturday night in Olive Branch, MS RSWF with Soultaker, Kross, JR Mauler, Danny B, Justin Rhodes, Cassanova Kidd and more.
----Saturday night @ True Force Arena 256 Gill Street Jackson, TN at 7:30 PM with Bobby The Butcher,Tank Turner, Dazzlin Dixie, Lawman Williams; Genocide vs the Big Boys; Steven Rampage,AC Havoc;Wildside, Razor;PK Ripper, Void and more.
----Saturday night @ National Guard Armory in Paragould, AR for Arkansas Championship Wrestling with Midnight Cowboy, Buster Johnson, Loose Cannon, Hamhock, Sam Dollar, Cody Daniels, Idol Bane, Deadly Dale, Arnez with Kayte, Bryan Knight, San Francisco Treat, Shakedown, The Hambones, Adrian Stratton and more.
----Saturday night New Blood Wrestling @ Country Nights 1901 Saint John Ave - Bell time 8:00 PM in Dyersburg, TN –Tank, “Real Deal” Tim Edwards, Gunner Thompson, J Weezy, Kilo, Jeremy Moore, Slim Pickens, Allen Steele, Mark Justice, Rob Justice, Psycho and more.
----Saturday night in XOW in Ecru, MS for PURE DESTRUCTION, Izzy Rotten, Bonecrusher, Buzz Harley, Jay Webster, Colton Anderson, Tommy Knox, Neil Taylor, Hollywood Jimmy and more! XOW Wrestling, Bell time is 8:00.
----Saturday night in Ripley, TN with TLCW 207 Washington Street – with Craven Moorehead, Hollywood, Rockin Randy, Alex Krisis, Greg Anthony, Seth Knight, Dell Tucker, Brian Steele,Tim Alfonzo, “Jawbreaker” Jones, Tatt2, Derrick King, Tim Grind and more.
---- Saturday Night in Batesville, Arkansas. Main Event Wrestling located at the Old Miller Gym at 9th And Oak Street’s. Admission is FREE to the public, sponsored by local businesses and community leaders. With "Crazy" Luke Graham Jr., Gerry "Chubby" Graham, Scottie Graham,The Casino Kid, ,Gravedigger, "Mr. Playboy" Tommy Wayne, Scotty Graham, "The Suicide King" Ray Ray, "The Brazilian Bad Boy" Rozzi, Hillbilly Tiny, Gravedigger, Danger Zone{"Hot Rod’ John Ellison, "Dangerous" Dave Cox, Johnny Harper}, Righteous Punishment{ Jack " Lockdown" Johnson," Byg" Daddy Moose}, "Velvet Lover" Cody Thunder, Wild Bill, Acid, Venom, Plowboy Hayes, Eric Wayne, Kid Nickels, and many, many more. Bell time is 8P.M, doors open at 7:15P.M.
-Hulk Hogan vs. Paul Wight.
- Brutus Beefcake & Bubba The Love Sponge vs. The New Assassins w/ The Big Cheese Sal Corrente.
- Buff Bagwell vs. Brian Christopher.
- Abdullah The Butcher vs. Al Green.
- Koko B. Ware & Kid Kash vs. Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantell w/ Jimmy Valiant.
- The Barbarian vs. Moondog Cujo.
- Greg Valentine vs. Mr. Hughes.
- Ricky Morton & TBA vs. 2 Cool II.
- Jazz vs. Christie Ricci vs. Miss Passion.
----Dave Brown is going to be there...I also heard on Corey Maclin/Jimmy Hart on ESPN radio out of Memphis today and they mentioned that Koko is suppose to be bringing Frankie. LOL They said that it was actually Frankie II, as the first Frankie got killed in a house fire. Useless trivia there...Ricky Morton's partner is probably going to be Bobby Eaton.
- Brutus Beefcake & Bubba The Love Sponge vs. The New Assassins w/ The Big Cheese Sal Corrente.
- Buff Bagwell vs. Brian Christopher.
- Abdullah The Butcher vs. Al Green.
- Koko B. Ware & Kid Kash vs. Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantell w/ Jimmy Valiant.
- The Barbarian vs. Moondog Cujo.
- Greg Valentine vs. Mr. Hughes.
- Ricky Morton & TBA vs. 2 Cool II.
- Jazz vs. Christie Ricci vs. Miss Passion.
----Dave Brown is going to be there...I also heard on Corey Maclin/Jimmy Hart on ESPN radio out of Memphis today and they mentioned that Koko is suppose to be bringing Frankie. LOL They said that it was actually Frankie II, as the first Frankie got killed in a house fire. Useless trivia there...Ricky Morton's partner is probably going to be Bobby Eaton.
More Talent - Help!!
----I was informed late last night that Corey Maclin appeared on KISS FM yesterday morning promoting the show. He announced Moondog Cujo vs Barbarian and that "Too Cool 2" [Flex/Tim Grind] would be appearing on the show. I hate to see the Moondog on anything, but congrats to Flex/Grind. Also, Bobby Eaton has been added to the show!!!
----I will not be attending the event. And, don't think it is because I am protesting or anything. LOL I think I would have attended with Lawler vs Hogan, but this was a letdown for me. I do plan to do the match by match coverage. If you are attending the event, please contact me!! I need some backup sources in case my other one does not attend. I need results as they happen, so you would have to have access to a cell phone. If you are attending and don't have access to a cell phone, then just e-mail me any info after the show. I am really wanting a crowd estimate before 8:00 PM.
----I will not be attending the event. And, don't think it is because I am protesting or anything. LOL I think I would have attended with Lawler vs Hogan, but this was a letdown for me. I do plan to do the match by match coverage. If you are attending the event, please contact me!! I need some backup sources in case my other one does not attend. I need results as they happen, so you would have to have access to a cell phone. If you are attending and don't have access to a cell phone, then just e-mail me any info after the show. I am really wanting a crowd estimate before 8:00 PM.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
----Just over 48 hours
until the big event and I wanted to cover all the news leading up to the show.
----Corey Maclin did a very short interview on http://www.liveaudiowrestling.com/. You can listen to the program by hitting the link.
----It was stated that Memphis Wrestling is on The Fight Network every day of the week. [Sorry my fellow Canadians] Maclin stated that he felt caught in the crossfire between Lawler/Hogan. He said that the first thing he thought when he found out no Hogan vs Lawler [besides him saying OH SHIT!!!] was how do we make it better for the fans?? He stated his first comment was “we have to move on and the show must go on.”
----Corey Maclin did a very short interview on http://www.liveaudiowrestling.com/. You can listen to the program by hitting the link.
----It was stated that Memphis Wrestling is on The Fight Network every day of the week. [Sorry my fellow Canadians] Maclin stated that he felt caught in the crossfire between Lawler/Hogan. He said that the first thing he thought when he found out no Hogan vs Lawler [besides him saying OH SHIT!!!] was how do we make it better for the fans?? He stated his first comment was “we have to move on and the show must go on.”
----Memphis Wrestling had been building months for this bout and “dropped the ball” when it came to the Hogan vs Lawler. At what point would you not call Vince and see if it was alright in the first place?? Maclin went on to say that Lawler was very torn about it. He stated, “It was a decision I understand why he made. This was something out of Lawler’s control and he had to listen to what WWE said.” He also added, “Lawler left us holding the bag.” Maclin also said that Hogan vs Wight is a good replacement for the match.
----This week’s show did much better. It scored about 8,000 more viewers than average. But, the weak spot was that the show lost 21,322 viewers and that was even more than last week. Even though it is overall a better rating, the company is probably not proud of the number.
Ratings – 3.3 - 54,900 viewers
1st Quarter – 4.0 - 66,820 viewers
2cnd Quarter – 3.1 – 51, 878 viewers
3rd Quarter - 3.3– 55,572 viewers
4th Quarter – 2.7 – 45,498 viewers
12 Week Average – 2.8 – 46,102 viewers
12 Week High – 3.6 - 60, 2073 viewers 3.17.07
12 Week Low – 1.8 – 30,220 viewers – 4.14.07
Growth from start to finish [-21,322]
----The “Clash of Legends” show is just a few days away and Memphis Wrestling has not release but one match being on the show – Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight. Many sites are calling this the “indy show of the year”, but isn’t it weird that we only know one match?? [except Assassins vs Brutus Beefcake/Bubba] This is so different than the old days when Memphis Wrestling promoted a card – Lance Russell would run down the complete AT LEAST two times per show and everyone knew what was happening Monday night. And, EVERY match meant something. Corey Maclin is usually good at running down the cards and such, but I guess they feel they can sell this show on only one match. Just for those wondering, I have contacted both FedEx Forum and Corey Maclin in the last few days for comments about the show, but neither has responded. Not that I did not expect it, since I usually don’t have nice things to say about Maclin, but look at all the free press I have given these guys. You would think he might at least release the card to the site.
----The below was stolen from
http://www.myspace.com/hulkamania_news_online, which also has tons about the show on his site. Maclin was on the show today. Slick has been added to the show and Hogan is saying there are 5,200 tickets sold already. If that is true [and Hogan may be bsing..I mean working], but that would have the gate up to $245,700.
-Corey Maclin called into Bubba The Love Sponge Show to promote this Fridays wrestling event with Hulk Hogan and to thank him and Sirius (who they are trying to get to broadcast it live or on tape delay Saturday). Here are bullet points from the appearance ...
----This week’s show did much better. It scored about 8,000 more viewers than average. But, the weak spot was that the show lost 21,322 viewers and that was even more than last week. Even though it is overall a better rating, the company is probably not proud of the number.
Ratings – 3.3 - 54,900 viewers
1st Quarter – 4.0 - 66,820 viewers
2cnd Quarter – 3.1 – 51, 878 viewers
3rd Quarter - 3.3– 55,572 viewers
4th Quarter – 2.7 – 45,498 viewers
12 Week Average – 2.8 – 46,102 viewers
12 Week High – 3.6 - 60, 2073 viewers 3.17.07
12 Week Low – 1.8 – 30,220 viewers – 4.14.07
Growth from start to finish [-21,322]
----The “Clash of Legends” show is just a few days away and Memphis Wrestling has not release but one match being on the show – Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight. Many sites are calling this the “indy show of the year”, but isn’t it weird that we only know one match?? [except Assassins vs Brutus Beefcake/Bubba] This is so different than the old days when Memphis Wrestling promoted a card – Lance Russell would run down the complete AT LEAST two times per show and everyone knew what was happening Monday night. And, EVERY match meant something. Corey Maclin is usually good at running down the cards and such, but I guess they feel they can sell this show on only one match. Just for those wondering, I have contacted both FedEx Forum and Corey Maclin in the last few days for comments about the show, but neither has responded. Not that I did not expect it, since I usually don’t have nice things to say about Maclin, but look at all the free press I have given these guys. You would think he might at least release the card to the site.
----The below was stolen from
http://www.myspace.com/hulkamania_news_online, which also has tons about the show on his site. Maclin was on the show today. Slick has been added to the show and Hogan is saying there are 5,200 tickets sold already. If that is true [and Hogan may be bsing..I mean working], but that would have the gate up to $245,700.
-Corey Maclin called into Bubba The Love Sponge Show to promote this Fridays wrestling event with Hulk Hogan and to thank him and Sirius (who they are trying to get to broadcast it live or on tape delay Saturday). Here are bullet points from the appearance ...
-9 matches scheduled with Lance Russell, Jimmy Hart & Corey doing commentary.
-They discussed ticket sales are doing well and that Vince must be affected by how popular Hogan is on his own and Corey discussed what an amazing concert Brooke put on recently in Orlando.
-Bubba brought up that Vince was "shady" in how he handled his event in Memphis and how he approached Corey.
-They discussed bringing this legends show around to other areas and how he would love Bubba to travel around with them as well and that it would be headlined by Hogan.
-They discussed a lot of older names like Buff Bagwell, Barbarian, Brutus, Koko, and Greg Valentine that are filling out the card
-Corey broke news that Slick signed on to be there and asked Bubba if he would like him to be in his corner and Bubba said he'd rather have Jimmy Hart.
-Bubba said he is promoting Wednesday morning at 8am on Howard Stern's show and that he wanted Corey to call in Friday morning and that Jimmy Hart is calling in Thursday
-The first 5,000 fans through the door get a free $20 Sam's Casino Slot Play Card.
-There will be multiple crews videotaping.
-Bubba is doing the meet and greet with Hogan & Paul Wight at 6pm for the Platinum Ticket Holders, which is already sold out.
-Bubba ended by saying Hogan said there are already 5,200 tickets sold.
-Bubba promised a video will be on BubbaRaw.com of his match and he mentioned again he did this at a loss of about $1,500 because he is flying his family in and getting a nice room, etc
----Arron Pegg from Australia is the owner of the myspace account above and wrote the following – “I have heaps of videos and audio files up including hogans and shows appearance on LAW, bubba and memphis TV. If you can plug a link on your site in one of your related article it might convince some of your readers to attend the event with all the flashy media I have up. It’s ok if you’re not down with it. Either way you’re free to use whatever you want off the page.”
----I want to make a quick comment about me “not down with it.” I think I may come off sometimes as abrasive towards Maclin and company. As I seen in that letter from last week, all the readers may feel that I hate Maclin and want him to fail. That is not the case. I hope this show does tons of money and Memphis Wrestling grows. I am happy that Maclin has had the money and effort to bring stars and shows like this to Memphis. But, I just hate it when he misses opportunities and the young crew misses opportunities to compete on this level.
----CLICK HERE to vote for crowd size!!
**Photos by Arron Pegg
RassleResults: TLCW Ripley, TN 4.21.07
*Cruiserweight Title match :Dell Tucker vs. Tatt2 ended in a time limit draw
*#1 Contenders Match(Hardcore Title) :Tommy Redneck vs Rockin Randy ended in a no contest when Seth Knight came to ringside and Randy ran off with the Hardcore Title.
*"Filthy Freaks" [Tim Grind/Matt Foley] come out and do an interview saying they killed Flashamania........Flash Flanagan came out and challenged Grind for a match later that night and Grind said ok but if Flash would not bring the kendo stick to ringside.
*”The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat K. Hill with the Goldilock in a non-title match
*Ike Tucker vs Tim Alfonzo never happened as before the match Ike Tucker and the Cosmic Cowboy gave him the Chartbuster – Ike/Steele ‘s new finisher.
*“Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King] beat “Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino]
*“Cruzin 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] retained the titles over Shannon Lee and Driveby.......after the match Ike Tucker and Rick the Stick came out and distracted C4P and Cosmic Cowboy gave 187 the number one smash hit(guitar to the head)
*Flash Flanagan vs Tim Grind ended in no-contest when Flash knocked out referee Tavian Hart. Genocide and Matt Foley jumped in and Hot Topic made the save. Flash challenged Tim Grind to a lumberjack match where all the fans can bring belts and use them.
----About 130 paid with a gate of $780 with about 150 in the building. One of their lowest crowds in months.
*#1 Contenders Match(Hardcore Title) :Tommy Redneck vs Rockin Randy ended in a no contest when Seth Knight came to ringside and Randy ran off with the Hardcore Title.
*"Filthy Freaks" [Tim Grind/Matt Foley] come out and do an interview saying they killed Flashamania........Flash Flanagan came out and challenged Grind for a match later that night and Grind said ok but if Flash would not bring the kendo stick to ringside.
*”The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony beat K. Hill with the Goldilock in a non-title match
*Ike Tucker vs Tim Alfonzo never happened as before the match Ike Tucker and the Cosmic Cowboy gave him the Chartbuster – Ike/Steele ‘s new finisher.
*“Hot Topic” [Stan Lee/Derrick King] beat “Genocide” [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino]
*“Cruzin 4 Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] retained the titles over Shannon Lee and Driveby.......after the match Ike Tucker and Rick the Stick came out and distracted C4P and Cosmic Cowboy gave 187 the number one smash hit(guitar to the head)
*Flash Flanagan vs Tim Grind ended in no-contest when Flash knocked out referee Tavian Hart. Genocide and Matt Foley jumped in and Hot Topic made the save. Flash challenged Tim Grind to a lumberjack match where all the fans can bring belts and use them.
----About 130 paid with a gate of $780 with about 150 in the building. One of their lowest crowds in months.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 4.20.07
Owners came out and said they had fined Picture Perfect $2500 and they couldnt return until it was paid.
*Tommy Redneck (with Cosmic Cowboy) beat Alec Fontez
*Dell Tucker beat Tim Alfonzo
*Derrick King beat Flash Flanagan with a small package
*Rockin Randy vs Psycho ended in a no-contest after Cosmic Cowboy , Dell Tucker, Rockin Randy,and Tommy Redneck jumped Psycho. James Arnez made the save.
*Stan Lee over Golden Boy by DQ when Flash Flanagan interfered. Derrick King made the save.They teased a tag team hardcore match but said the match would take place next week. So the main event will be Golden Boy & Flash Flanagan vs. "Hot Topic" [Lee/King]
----I love that $2,500 figure!! LOL...I was told one figure of 50ish people and then at least 70 paid. Gate was close to $420.
*Tommy Redneck (with Cosmic Cowboy) beat Alec Fontez
*Dell Tucker beat Tim Alfonzo
*Derrick King beat Flash Flanagan with a small package
*Rockin Randy vs Psycho ended in a no-contest after Cosmic Cowboy , Dell Tucker, Rockin Randy,and Tommy Redneck jumped Psycho. James Arnez made the save.
*Stan Lee over Golden Boy by DQ when Flash Flanagan interfered. Derrick King made the save.They teased a tag team hardcore match but said the match would take place next week. So the main event will be Golden Boy & Flash Flanagan vs. "Hot Topic" [Lee/King]
----I love that $2,500 figure!! LOL...I was told one figure of 50ish people and then at least 70 paid. Gate was close to $420.
RasslePoll: How many fans??
----Here we go with a new poll. Vote!! How many fans will pack the FedEx Forum Friday night for Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight Memphis Wrestling event - "Clash of the Legends"
----Here we go with a new poll. Vote!! How many fans will pack the FedEx Forum Friday night for Hulk Hogan vs Paul Wight Memphis Wrestling event - "Clash of the Legends"
RassleResults: TIWF Jackson, TN 4.21.07
Razor [winning his first title of his career] beat Jennifer Justice & AC Havoc in a triple threat with Ravishing Randy turning on Justice to win the TV Title.
Lawman Williams beat Wildman and fired Randy after the bout.
#1 Contender for Cruiserweight Title: PK Ripper vs Wildside was DDQ when after a ref bump, the ref got up to see two chairs in the ring and two guys down, so he DQed both of them.
Moondog Rules Match: Rex Moondog beat Showstopper and Mickey in a triple threat. After the match, Allen Walker brought Moondog a bone and a gift.
Way Cool beat Boogeyman Scream – after the match Wildside and Randy jumped him.
Moondog Rex/Steven Rampage beat “Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Void] & The High Rollers. Rex brought his gift [a picture of something] to the ring and kept looking at it and would not tag Rampage. Finish had Void make Rex mad, so he hit Void with something with Void juicing and then he hit Rampage who fell on top of Void for the pin.
Crowd was 88 with a gate close to $440.
Lawman Williams beat Wildman and fired Randy after the bout.
#1 Contender for Cruiserweight Title: PK Ripper vs Wildside was DDQ when after a ref bump, the ref got up to see two chairs in the ring and two guys down, so he DQed both of them.
Moondog Rules Match: Rex Moondog beat Showstopper and Mickey in a triple threat. After the match, Allen Walker brought Moondog a bone and a gift.
Way Cool beat Boogeyman Scream – after the match Wildside and Randy jumped him.
Moondog Rex/Steven Rampage beat “Black Label Society” [AJ Bradley/Void] & The High Rollers. Rex brought his gift [a picture of something] to the ring and kept looking at it and would not tag Rampage. Finish had Void make Rex mad, so he hit Void with something with Void juicing and then he hit Rampage who fell on top of Void for the pin.
Crowd was 88 with a gate close to $440.
RassleBits: Bucci, Mo, Starr and "Legends" note
----Trent Van Drisse commented that Bucci and WWE were not on good terms. I read this and can’t remember where I stole it from – “Writer Dave Lagana and Mike Bucci (Simon Dean) pushed for the signing of Colt Cabana, who now has a developmental deal.’ Bucci camp in Nashville for this weekend is sold out.
----I am being told that Mo will be at NBW Saturday night as he decided not to go to North Carolina as of right now. Mo’s main job is going to be the wrestling school and Jeremy Moore will be the main booker. I had talked with Jeff McDonald last week about the whole deal with Moore being the booker, but the NBW company is something that McDonald started for his son and he feels this is something that Jeremy will be good at doing. Only time will tell on this one.
----www.dustinstarr.com has not been updated in a few weeks due to technical difficulties. He should have it up and running as quick as he gets everything worked out. It also looks like Starr is scheduled to wrestle Brian Christopher headlining shows in May for various promotions including LAW and TLCW.
----Reminder: I will be doing full match by match coverage of the “Clash of Legends” show this Friday night with coverage starting around 7:50 PM with a crowd estimate and any notes I might have before the start of the show. I am being told as of today that no local talent will be used. I also was told that the “Rock n Roll Express” [Ricky Morton/Robert Gibson] will not appear at the show. Gibson actually is under contract with WWE and a very good source said that he actually told Corey Maclin he would not be appearing at the show, but Maclin is still advertising them.
----I am being told that Mo will be at NBW Saturday night as he decided not to go to North Carolina as of right now. Mo’s main job is going to be the wrestling school and Jeremy Moore will be the main booker. I had talked with Jeff McDonald last week about the whole deal with Moore being the booker, but the NBW company is something that McDonald started for his son and he feels this is something that Jeremy will be good at doing. Only time will tell on this one.
----www.dustinstarr.com has not been updated in a few weeks due to technical difficulties. He should have it up and running as quick as he gets everything worked out. It also looks like Starr is scheduled to wrestle Brian Christopher headlining shows in May for various promotions including LAW and TLCW.
----Reminder: I will be doing full match by match coverage of the “Clash of Legends” show this Friday night with coverage starting around 7:50 PM with a crowd estimate and any notes I might have before the start of the show. I am being told as of today that no local talent will be used. I also was told that the “Rock n Roll Express” [Ricky Morton/Robert Gibson] will not appear at the show. Gibson actually is under contract with WWE and a very good source said that he actually told Corey Maclin he would not be appearing at the show, but Maclin is still advertising them.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Thanks to www.mondaynightmayhem.com!!
----I would like to thank the Big Mosh and crew at www.mondaynightmayhem.com for a great time during the interview tonight. We talked 30 minutes about the Legends show. The show should be archived sometime this week, so if you missed it, you can download it.
Paul Wight Talks!!
----Paul Wight was a guest on Live Audio Wrestling Sunday night. Corey Maclin was also a guest and I hope to have some of his interview highlights by the end of the week. Here are the Wight highlights.
- Wight said he was pretty much banged up when he left WWE. He said the hardcore wrestling took years off his career.
- He said he has conquered his diet, and has lost 70 pounds. He has cut out carbohydrates, and is doing cardio training.
- Wight said he was having trouble sleeping when he weighed over 500 pounds, but is doing much better after losing weight.
- “Mentally I was fried,” said Wight.
- He said at times, all you are is a piece of meat for the writers and promoters. He brought up his match with Akebono where he basically wrestled in a diaper.
- Career highlights include working with Randy Savage, Sting, Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Steve Keirn, Undertaker, Steve Austin, The Rock, and Mick Foley.
- Memorable feuds to Wight include working with Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle.
- He said he was low-balled by WWE when his contract expired. He said he was making seven figures, and they offered high a high six figure deal without bonuses or added benefits.
- He said he leased a 45 foot tour bus in the last two years as he couldn’t fit into most rental cars.
- Wight said the non-talent contract offered by WWE was a “put me off the shelf, pay me, shut up money.”He said he was insulted by the offer.
- He said the bamboo used in the Punjabi prison match was made of steel, and it hurt like heck working inside the structure.
- “I don’t know,” when asked about his future. He said he is just chilling at home.
- Wight said he hasn’t been approached by TNA. He feels they are respecting him by letting him rest up.
- He feels WWE blocking Jerry Lawler from working the Hulk Hogan match was a business decision, trying to prevent Memphis Wrestling from growing.
- On the Hogan front, Wight said McMahon “has a real boner for Terry.”
- Wight said he was first approached about doing a match with Hogan at Wrestlemania last October, but the match didn’t materialize. He feels on 4/27, they can do the match they want to do.- He said he doesn’t think Hogan wants to wrestle him night after night on a farewell tour.
**Credit to www.gerweck.net
- Wight said he was pretty much banged up when he left WWE. He said the hardcore wrestling took years off his career.
- He said he has conquered his diet, and has lost 70 pounds. He has cut out carbohydrates, and is doing cardio training.
- Wight said he was having trouble sleeping when he weighed over 500 pounds, but is doing much better after losing weight.
- “Mentally I was fried,” said Wight.
- He said at times, all you are is a piece of meat for the writers and promoters. He brought up his match with Akebono where he basically wrestled in a diaper.
- Career highlights include working with Randy Savage, Sting, Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Steve Keirn, Undertaker, Steve Austin, The Rock, and Mick Foley.
- Memorable feuds to Wight include working with Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle.
- He said he was low-balled by WWE when his contract expired. He said he was making seven figures, and they offered high a high six figure deal without bonuses or added benefits.
- He said he leased a 45 foot tour bus in the last two years as he couldn’t fit into most rental cars.
- Wight said the non-talent contract offered by WWE was a “put me off the shelf, pay me, shut up money.”He said he was insulted by the offer.
- He said the bamboo used in the Punjabi prison match was made of steel, and it hurt like heck working inside the structure.
- “I don’t know,” when asked about his future. He said he is just chilling at home.
- Wight said he hasn’t been approached by TNA. He feels they are respecting him by letting him rest up.
- He feels WWE blocking Jerry Lawler from working the Hulk Hogan match was a business decision, trying to prevent Memphis Wrestling from growing.
- On the Hogan front, Wight said McMahon “has a real boner for Terry.”
- Wight said he was first approached about doing a match with Hogan at Wrestlemania last October, but the match didn’t materialize. He feels on 4/27, they can do the match they want to do.- He said he doesn’t think Hogan wants to wrestle him night after night on a farewell tour.
**Credit to www.gerweck.net
RassleResults: XOW Ecru, MS 4.21.07
David Cross beat Jay Webster.
Pappy beat Izzy Rotten. Pappy faces Neil Taylor later in the show for the XOW belt.
Pure Destruction beat Colton Anderson & Jay Webster.
David Cross was the winner of a battle royal to become new TV Champ. Canadian Brotherhood [Big Canadian & DK]beat Brett Michaels & Fusion by DQ to become #1 contenders for tag team belts.
Pappy beat Neil Taylor to win the XOW belt.
60 in the building with a $300 gate.
Pappy beat Izzy Rotten. Pappy faces Neil Taylor later in the show for the XOW belt.
Pure Destruction beat Colton Anderson & Jay Webster.
David Cross was the winner of a battle royal to become new TV Champ. Canadian Brotherhood [Big Canadian & DK]beat Brett Michaels & Fusion by DQ to become #1 contenders for tag team belts.
Pappy beat Neil Taylor to win the XOW belt.
60 in the building with a $300 gate.
RassleResults: TFW Tupleo, MS 4.20.07
TFW owner T-Byrd [part of the storyline] came to the ring and announced that he has sold TFW. He said the new owner would be at TFW Friday night.
David Cross over Chris Chaos by DQ.
Judas Thorn by countout over Hittman.
Bless over Chop Top the Clown & Stevie Davis in a 3-way match. Revolution (Cyrus & Chaz) over Mark Mayhem & Dirty Sanchez.
Chris Kilgore over Tony Dabbs w/Chris Styles & T-Byrd.
Chris Styles w/Tony Dabbs & T-Byrd over Josh Matthews.
Special Ed beat Cassanova Kid to retain TFW belt.
100 in the crowd with a $500 gate
David Cross over Chris Chaos by DQ.
Judas Thorn by countout over Hittman.
Bless over Chop Top the Clown & Stevie Davis in a 3-way match. Revolution (Cyrus & Chaz) over Mark Mayhem & Dirty Sanchez.
Chris Kilgore over Tony Dabbs w/Chris Styles & T-Byrd.
Chris Styles w/Tony Dabbs & T-Byrd over Josh Matthews.
Special Ed beat Cassanova Kid to retain TFW belt.
100 in the crowd with a $500 gate
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hogan/Maclin Gets Help From Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson??
----Here is a bit that I got e-mailed that originally was posted on www.pwinsider.com. I had read a bit of it, but here is the complete thing. I don't know how much BS it is that TNA is trying to work with Memphis, but if they do, then Lawler is done in Memphis. Hogan mentions Jullian Hall also [and I have not seen the gimmick], so I posted what Hall had written in her blog on www.myspace.com about it. BTW, Hogan can get away with saying some stupid shit!!!
Hogan called into Bubba The Love Sponge today to plug the upcoming Memphis Wrestling event and officially announce Bubba's "participation." Jagger K sent the following bullet points
- Bubba said he was called by the promoter (Cory Maclin ) and asked to participate as a wrestler and a deal was negotiated for him to wrestle.
- Bubba mentioned he was told he needs to be at the arena by 3 PM and that Bubba said he arrives when Hogan does and no way that will be by 3 PM.
- Hogan said that his match with Paul Wight will be the match that should have been at Wrestlemania 23.
- Hogan and Bubba discussed the Jerry Lawler controversy from Hogan's side. Hogan feels Vince did this to spite him. Hogan said he contacted Cory Maclin, described Maclin as a black promoter twice, and that he wanted to wrestle at the Mid-South Coliseum so Cory called the "Black Mayor" (Hogan's words). He said that Vince McMahon OK'd Memphis Wrestling using The Fed-Ex Forum until Vince found out Hogan was involved. Hogan said Lawler gave him his word and then backed out. Hogan mentioned again that Cory was black and that he was contacted by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and they want to help Cory (and Hogan) fight against Vince McMahon.
- They discussed how Hogan selling out would make Vince look bad so that is why Vince squashed Lawler.
- Hogan mentioned that HHH and Stephanie McMahon were behind Jillian Hall's Brooke Hogan parody on Smackdown.
- Hogan put over Sharpton and Jackson as being non-racial and fighting for fairness, but then went right into how they railroaded Don Imus unfairly
- They discussed the recent "media attack" on Hogan's family (the divorce rumors)
- Discussed how Paul Wight is fed up with Vince McMahon and cannot wait to wrestle on his own
- More TNA rumors about Hulk coming in. Hogan was evasive, saying that they "could be" one of the "three companies" that are actively pursuing Hogan as a brand.
- Discussed TNA discussing working alongside Cory Maclin in Memphis and how Jeff Jarrett is trying to make that happen
- Ended by discussing Bubba wrestling and "how great" he will be on the event and how they wish Bubba would shoot-fight with Honkytonk Man because they have heat from stuff Bubba has said on the radio.
-Hogan did not know if the event was on a Friday or Saturday when they discussed the date. (It's Friday 4/27).Bubba later mentioned that there is a lot of heat on Hogan for aligning himself with Sharpton/Jackson on SFN (Stern Fan Network). Bubba noted he does not like them, but since Vince is a huge corporate white man who is discriminating against a "black mayor & promoter", he is behind it.
From Jullian Hall
I assume you all know that I have been doing some things a little different from what you're use to on Smackdown. Some of you may like it and some may hate it, but I'm having a ball!!! This is the closest thing to me that you all have seen yet. I'm constantly singing backstage, and this thing kind of just happened. I love to sing, I love to wrestle and I love to entertain...it's perfect for me! A few people asked me lately, why I am imitating Brooke Hogan? Coming straight from me, I AM NOT IMITATING OR MAKING FUN OF IN ANY WAY BROOKE HOGAN. My favorite pop star is Britney, so I get a lot of inspiration from her.
Hogan called into Bubba The Love Sponge today to plug the upcoming Memphis Wrestling event and officially announce Bubba's "participation." Jagger K sent the following bullet points
- Bubba said he was called by the promoter (Cory Maclin ) and asked to participate as a wrestler and a deal was negotiated for him to wrestle.
- Bubba mentioned he was told he needs to be at the arena by 3 PM and that Bubba said he arrives when Hogan does and no way that will be by 3 PM.
- Hogan said that his match with Paul Wight will be the match that should have been at Wrestlemania 23.
- Hogan and Bubba discussed the Jerry Lawler controversy from Hogan's side. Hogan feels Vince did this to spite him. Hogan said he contacted Cory Maclin, described Maclin as a black promoter twice, and that he wanted to wrestle at the Mid-South Coliseum so Cory called the "Black Mayor" (Hogan's words). He said that Vince McMahon OK'd Memphis Wrestling using The Fed-Ex Forum until Vince found out Hogan was involved. Hogan said Lawler gave him his word and then backed out. Hogan mentioned again that Cory was black and that he was contacted by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and they want to help Cory (and Hogan) fight against Vince McMahon.
- They discussed how Hogan selling out would make Vince look bad so that is why Vince squashed Lawler.
- Hogan mentioned that HHH and Stephanie McMahon were behind Jillian Hall's Brooke Hogan parody on Smackdown.
- Hogan put over Sharpton and Jackson as being non-racial and fighting for fairness, but then went right into how they railroaded Don Imus unfairly
- They discussed the recent "media attack" on Hogan's family (the divorce rumors)
- Discussed how Paul Wight is fed up with Vince McMahon and cannot wait to wrestle on his own
- More TNA rumors about Hulk coming in. Hogan was evasive, saying that they "could be" one of the "three companies" that are actively pursuing Hogan as a brand.
- Discussed TNA discussing working alongside Cory Maclin in Memphis and how Jeff Jarrett is trying to make that happen
- Ended by discussing Bubba wrestling and "how great" he will be on the event and how they wish Bubba would shoot-fight with Honkytonk Man because they have heat from stuff Bubba has said on the radio.
-Hogan did not know if the event was on a Friday or Saturday when they discussed the date. (It's Friday 4/27).Bubba later mentioned that there is a lot of heat on Hogan for aligning himself with Sharpton/Jackson on SFN (Stern Fan Network). Bubba noted he does not like them, but since Vince is a huge corporate white man who is discriminating against a "black mayor & promoter", he is behind it.
From Jullian Hall
I assume you all know that I have been doing some things a little different from what you're use to on Smackdown. Some of you may like it and some may hate it, but I'm having a ball!!! This is the closest thing to me that you all have seen yet. I'm constantly singing backstage, and this thing kind of just happened. I love to sing, I love to wrestle and I love to entertain...it's perfect for me! A few people asked me lately, why I am imitating Brooke Hogan? Coming straight from me, I AM NOT IMITATING OR MAKING FUN OF IN ANY WAY BROOKE HOGAN. My favorite pop star is Britney, so I get a lot of inspiration from her.
Slated for Monday Night Mayhem!!!
----I was contacted late last week about appearing on the Monday Night Mayhem Radio Show and I am happy to announce that
I will be on the show tomorrow night from 7:20 to 7:50 PM talking about the "Clash of the Legends" show. I was contacted by John Masiulinis ["The Big Mosh"] about appearing and they seem to be one of the hottest wrestling internet radio sites out there. Please also go to the site tonight and get any software you might need to download so you can listen in!!!

Trent Talks - Mattmania!!!
----As many you know, I have give TVD lots of hell on this site, but he made me laugh here. Well, he didn't make me laugh, but Matt Boyce did. Do as Trent says in his letter and take a look at Matt. Ok, so I am not going to say it makes him look...well...maybe it does...well, hell, just look at it. It will make you laugh. And, take note that "Picture Perfect" are featured tons in the ads. Finally, Dustin Starr was not working for Bert this weekend. I may have a story about Starr being offered a booking job in this area.
Hey Brian, I read your report saying Dustin Starr was rumored to appear in Dyersberg last night, but didn't. I think I can tell you where he was. He was booked all weekend here in Middle Tennessee for Bert Prentice' Nashville Wrestling. Friday in Old Hickory, and last night in Springfield. Here's a link to the website that has him listed for both nights. http://nashvillewrestling.com/ Only thing I've heard about those shows so far is Friday night the ring didn't arrive until close to 7 pm, for an 8 pm show. Also, on the Nashville wrestling website watch the different stuff appear on the main page. The last one made me laugh, it's "Mattmania" pally, as in Matt Boyce. Yes indeed, this guy is full bore "Flavor of the month" right now. Tee hee hee!! That photo though is almost disturbing...... Boyce was also on the Prentice cards over the weekend, and I'd feel safe guessing he went over both nights.
**Trent Van Drisse's message board.
Hey Brian, I read your report saying Dustin Starr was rumored to appear in Dyersberg last night, but didn't. I think I can tell you where he was. He was booked all weekend here in Middle Tennessee for Bert Prentice' Nashville Wrestling. Friday in Old Hickory, and last night in Springfield. Here's a link to the website that has him listed for both nights. http://nashvillewrestling.com/ Only thing I've heard about those shows so far is Friday night the ring didn't arrive until close to 7 pm, for an 8 pm show. Also, on the Nashville wrestling website watch the different stuff appear on the main page. The last one made me laugh, it's "Mattmania" pally, as in Matt Boyce. Yes indeed, this guy is full bore "Flavor of the month" right now. Tee hee hee!! That photo though is almost disturbing...... Boyce was also on the Prentice cards over the weekend, and I'd feel safe guessing he went over both nights.
**Trent Van Drisse's message board.
Attention Tag Teams!!!
----I just watched a video that was from Japan featuring the Briscoes. Some of the double team moves and such were just nuts!! If you are a member of a tag team and want to learn some new double team moves or you just want to watch some crazy ass shit - CLICK HERE. The link takes you to www.prowrestlingpress.com and their www.youtube.com picks of the week.
RassleResults: MEWA Batesville, AR 4.21.07
Anton Leveigh over Brandon Barbwire in 6:49 with a Pedigree.
“The Velvet Lover” Cody Thunder over Hillbilly Tiny in 5:35 with a Schoolboy Roll-Up.
Kid Nickels over Matt Justice in 10:19 with a Pump Handle Slam.
Danger Zone{“Hot Rod” John Ellison, “Dangerous” Dave Cox, Johnny Harper} over “The Suicide King” Ray Ray, “Byg Daddy” Moose, Acid in 10:19 by a Pin Fall.
MEWA HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne over “The Southern Submission Machine” Wild Bill in 13:31. Hillbilly Tiny power bombed Tommy Wayne off the top rope and said he will get the title from him and if he has to go through Ray Ray to get to him.
“The Brazilian Bad Boy” Rozzi over Eric Wayne in 14:37 by Pin Fall to be become the #1 contender for the MEWA LIGHT HEAVY WEIGHT TITLE.
---255 in the crowd...I believe this was Eric Wayne's first main event of his career...Matt Justice is another trainee out of Ken Wayne's wrestling school.
“The Velvet Lover” Cody Thunder over Hillbilly Tiny in 5:35 with a Schoolboy Roll-Up.
Kid Nickels over Matt Justice in 10:19 with a Pump Handle Slam.
Danger Zone{“Hot Rod” John Ellison, “Dangerous” Dave Cox, Johnny Harper} over “The Suicide King” Ray Ray, “Byg Daddy” Moose, Acid in 10:19 by a Pin Fall.
MEWA HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH “Mr. Playboy” Tommy Wayne over “The Southern Submission Machine” Wild Bill in 13:31. Hillbilly Tiny power bombed Tommy Wayne off the top rope and said he will get the title from him and if he has to go through Ray Ray to get to him.
“The Brazilian Bad Boy” Rozzi over Eric Wayne in 14:37 by Pin Fall to be become the #1 contender for the MEWA LIGHT HEAVY WEIGHT TITLE.
---255 in the crowd...I believe this was Eric Wayne's first main event of his career...Matt Justice is another trainee out of Ken Wayne's wrestling school.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 4.21.07
----Corey Maclin and Jimmy Hart were in the studio sitting on the ring as same as last week.
----They announced that all of the $60 tickets are gone.
----Japanese wrestling photographer Jimmy Suzuki is going to be there.
----VH1 "Hogan Knows Best" cameras will be there.
----Dutch Mantell, Rock N Roll Express, Bill Dundee and Jimmy Valiant clips were shown.
----Hart had a "Hulkamania" jacket for Memphis Mayor Willie Hearton to wear Friday night.
----$60 ticket holders will be let in at 6:00 PM for "Meet and Greet".
----XWF Match: Hulk Hogan vs Curt Hennig - only clips.
----Hulk Hogan interview with Maclin. Hogan talks about coming back to his roots. He also said that Vince Jr had said something bad about his daughter and he had something to prove. He called Jerry Lawler a coward for getting out of the match. Good interview.
----Maclin states this will be the first time he has ever seen Hogan wrestle live.
----XWF Match: Koko Ware vs Disco Inferno - clip only.
----Jimmy Hart mentions talking to Dave Meltzer of http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, Bill Apter, PWI and 1wrestling.com.
----Paul Wight interview with Corey Maclin. Good interview.
----WWL PPV: Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner - clip only.
----Names to appear: Buff Bagwell, Greg Valentine, Lance Russell, The Rock N Roll Express, Brian Christopher, The Barbarian, Koko Ware, Mr. Hughes, Kid Kash, Jimmy Hart, Abdullah The Butcher, Jimmy Valiant, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell, Brutus Beefcake, Christie Ricci, The Grizz, The Assassins and more.
----Good show used to promote the card. The roster for show does not feature any local guys except Bill Dundee and Mr. Hughes. I have heard rumors of various guys working the show, but nothing mentioned here. The only mention on the whole show of Lawler was the bit from Hogan.
---- Check the site out this Friday night starting at 8:00 PM for full coverage of "Clash of the Legends" with match by match results.
----They announced that all of the $60 tickets are gone.
----Japanese wrestling photographer Jimmy Suzuki is going to be there.
----VH1 "Hogan Knows Best" cameras will be there.
----Dutch Mantell, Rock N Roll Express, Bill Dundee and Jimmy Valiant clips were shown.
----Hart had a "Hulkamania" jacket for Memphis Mayor Willie Hearton to wear Friday night.
----$60 ticket holders will be let in at 6:00 PM for "Meet and Greet".
----XWF Match: Hulk Hogan vs Curt Hennig - only clips.
----Hulk Hogan interview with Maclin. Hogan talks about coming back to his roots. He also said that Vince Jr had said something bad about his daughter and he had something to prove. He called Jerry Lawler a coward for getting out of the match. Good interview.
----Maclin states this will be the first time he has ever seen Hogan wrestle live.
----XWF Match: Koko Ware vs Disco Inferno - clip only.
----Jimmy Hart mentions talking to Dave Meltzer of http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/, Bill Apter, PWI and 1wrestling.com.
----Paul Wight interview with Corey Maclin. Good interview.
----WWL PPV: Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner - clip only.
----Names to appear: Buff Bagwell, Greg Valentine, Lance Russell, The Rock N Roll Express, Brian Christopher, The Barbarian, Koko Ware, Mr. Hughes, Kid Kash, Jimmy Hart, Abdullah The Butcher, Jimmy Valiant, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell, Brutus Beefcake, Christie Ricci, The Grizz, The Assassins and more.
----Good show used to promote the card. The roster for show does not feature any local guys except Bill Dundee and Mr. Hughes. I have heard rumors of various guys working the show, but nothing mentioned here. The only mention on the whole show of Lawler was the bit from Hogan.
---- Check the site out this Friday night starting at 8:00 PM for full coverage of "Clash of the Legends" with match by match results.
RassleResults: Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 4.21.07
Cody Daniels vs Bryan Knight – Time Limit Draw
Idol Bane beat Sgt Shakedown with Sam Dollar
Deadly Dale beat Adrian Stratton
Next Division Title Match: The Enforcer with Rottn Randy beat Hamhock with Sam Dollar
ACW Tag Team Title Match – Midnight Cowboy/Masked Menace beat Hambones with Sam Dollar to win the tag team titles. Menace took his mask off after the match to reveal Bryan Knight. ACW now has father/son tag team champions.
ACW Title Match: Arnez with Kayte by DQ over Loose Cannon
----Only 30 in the crowd with a gate close to $210. I believe this was the lowest crowd to date. No advertisement was put out and I have thought that would come to bite them in the ass…Arnez/Cannon/Buster Johnson three way title match next week…Sam Dollar dressed up like Rottn Randy in a skit.
Idol Bane beat Sgt Shakedown with Sam Dollar
Deadly Dale beat Adrian Stratton
Next Division Title Match: The Enforcer with Rottn Randy beat Hamhock with Sam Dollar
ACW Tag Team Title Match – Midnight Cowboy/Masked Menace beat Hambones with Sam Dollar to win the tag team titles. Menace took his mask off after the match to reveal Bryan Knight. ACW now has father/son tag team champions.
ACW Title Match: Arnez with Kayte by DQ over Loose Cannon
----Only 30 in the crowd with a gate close to $210. I believe this was the lowest crowd to date. No advertisement was put out and I have thought that would come to bite them in the ass…Arnez/Cannon/Buster Johnson three way title match next week…Sam Dollar dressed up like Rottn Randy in a skit.
RassleResults: RSWF Olive Branch, MS 4.21.07
Johnny Morton vs. Jamie Jay
Justin Rhodes beat JR Mauler by dq when Kross got involved, they set up an angle for Justin to bring out a mystery partner for the main event
Soultaker pinned Prime Time Nick Grymes after a tombstone
Cassanova Kidd pinned The Crime
Leatherface beat Dalton Storm
Danny B. Good beat Tysin Starr w/ Sensational Leslie Jones
Justin Rhodes and Bonecrusher beat “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler] by Count Out
---- Crowd was around 100 with a gate close to $650…Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids. Good price…Referee for the show was C'Lo Banks… Here is some info on their building - Knox Arena - it can hold up to around 1000 people, and has an ECW like feel to it, with it formally playing out as a Bingo Hall before turning into a Boxing Arena, now a Wrestling Arena, also it has 2 balconies with bleachers…Not sure of the result of the opening match.
Justin Rhodes beat JR Mauler by dq when Kross got involved, they set up an angle for Justin to bring out a mystery partner for the main event
Soultaker pinned Prime Time Nick Grymes after a tombstone
Cassanova Kidd pinned The Crime
Leatherface beat Dalton Storm
Danny B. Good beat Tysin Starr w/ Sensational Leslie Jones
Justin Rhodes and Bonecrusher beat “24/7” [Kross/JR Mauler] by Count Out
---- Crowd was around 100 with a gate close to $650…Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids. Good price…Referee for the show was C'Lo Banks… Here is some info on their building - Knox Arena - it can hold up to around 1000 people, and has an ECW like feel to it, with it formally playing out as a Bingo Hall before turning into a Boxing Arena, now a Wrestling Arena, also it has 2 balconies with bleachers…Not sure of the result of the opening match.
RassleResults: NBW Dyersburg, TN 4.21.07
Team X (Gryffon & Phoenix) defeated The Darkside (Dark Angel & Vortex) to retain the NBW Tag-Team Titles after hitting Vortex with their "X Marks The Spot" double team finisher.
Tank defeated Stumaga with his "Detonator" piledriver
"Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore defeated "Pretty Sexy" Gaylon Ray after a rollup. Bigg Money Gripp was caught cheating and was threw out by the ref, but BMG would not go. the ref got out of the ring and pushed on BMG. Gaylon had his attention on BMG and the ref, so Moore rolled him up. the ref got back in and make the count for moore to win. Gaylon attacked Moore after the match and the entire locker room emptied for a pull apart.
Psycho won a 4-Way Hardcore match after pinning Gunner Thompson to become the 1st NBW Hardcore Champion. "Real Deal" Tim Edwards, & J.Weezy were also involved.
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated "Superman" Jason Reed after the match went the full time limit and Reed asked for 5 more minutes. Ca$hFlow attacked Reed and the comissioner aloud the match to continue. Afterwards, Ca$hFlow attacked Reed again until Jeremy Moore made the save setting up a tag match in 3 weeks.
----Crowd was around 80 paid with a gate of $480 with about 100 in the building. It looks like the show did not retain any fans from the big show last week…Ticket prices are now $6, instead of $5…I heard rumors that Dustin Starr was making an appearance, but looks like it did not happen… The Darkside (Dark Angel & Vortex) were from Cookville, TN and I was told they were not that good. This group really needs some more regular teams…Kilo and Alan Steele was missing from the regular roster…Good to see Jason Reed working again. He is a really good worker.
Tank defeated Stumaga with his "Detonator" piledriver
"Upset Kid" Jeremy Moore defeated "Pretty Sexy" Gaylon Ray after a rollup. Bigg Money Gripp was caught cheating and was threw out by the ref, but BMG would not go. the ref got out of the ring and pushed on BMG. Gaylon had his attention on BMG and the ref, so Moore rolled him up. the ref got back in and make the count for moore to win. Gaylon attacked Moore after the match and the entire locker room emptied for a pull apart.
Psycho won a 4-Way Hardcore match after pinning Gunner Thompson to become the 1st NBW Hardcore Champion. "Real Deal" Tim Edwards, & J.Weezy were also involved.
"The Enforcer" Mark Justice defeated "Superman" Jason Reed after the match went the full time limit and Reed asked for 5 more minutes. Ca$hFlow attacked Reed and the comissioner aloud the match to continue. Afterwards, Ca$hFlow attacked Reed again until Jeremy Moore made the save setting up a tag match in 3 weeks.
----Crowd was around 80 paid with a gate of $480 with about 100 in the building. It looks like the show did not retain any fans from the big show last week…Ticket prices are now $6, instead of $5…I heard rumors that Dustin Starr was making an appearance, but looks like it did not happen… The Darkside (Dark Angel & Vortex) were from Cookville, TN and I was told they were not that good. This group really needs some more regular teams…Kilo and Alan Steele was missing from the regular roster…Good to see Jason Reed working again. He is a really good worker.
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