Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Piece of my Mind Aug 30th 2008 by "The Big Cheese" Sal Corrente

There are many times that names come up in conversation from the “old days”. One of the names is JYD. The man named Sylvester Ritter later became The Junkyard Dog. I met JYD through my association with The Wild Samoans. It was Afa who tracked down JYD for him to come to NY. I remember sitting there with Afa when the call came from Vince for Afa to track down JYD. I can remember Afa telling me that he never heard an ovation like when The Junkyard Dog walked into the Louisiana Superdome. The Samoans had been involved in a program in the territory against JYD and Mr. Olympia (Jerry Stubbs).
I got to be friends with JYD and when he left WWF I used him on shows. I also took him over to Hamilton, Bermuda for a show. I actually got to work in Bermuda several times for a guy named Eddy DeMello. He had a lot of power on the island and did a lot of promoting of various events. On this particular trip I took JYD, Ivan Koloff, Carolina’s Own David Isley and Thunderfoot #2 Gene Ligon. There were others on the trip that I cannot recall at this time.
I had Ivan in a single with JYD that eventually turned into a tag match. I remember JYD saying to Isley over the house microphone "I don’t know much about you kid but let’s get these guys". It was sometime later in the trip that JYD recommended Isley talk to Stan Hansen about going to Japan. It wasn’t long after that Isley was on his way to work for the Giant Baba. It was a huge thrill for him to go to Japan and work with legends. I remember him coming back and telling me that he was in a six man tag match with Abdullah the Butcher and somebody against Baba and two guys. He told me that when Baba went to shoot him into the ropes that Abdullah walked the apron and said “Please go off your feet kid”. You see Abdullah knew that Baba’s chop would probably not look very good and he wanted to be sure the Japan new comer would go off his feet for a move that couldn’t break an egg.
You might ask yourself "why would Abdullah need to do that?" But I spoke to Gorgeous Gary Royal who had the chance to work in Charlotte against The Giant Baba. He barely sold anything and Gary Royal was for sure one of the better workers of his era. I have wrestled Gary numerous times and I can tell you wrestling Gary Royal is like taking a night off every day. When he got back to the dressing room JJ Dillon gave him a hard time for not selling for someone as legendary as The Giant Baba. It wasn’t only his stature as a legend but also the head of All Japan Pro Wrestling. All Gary told JJ was that he didn’t think he would want him to sell that stuff it all looked so horrible. You see Gary didn’t even know who Baba was except some big Japanese guy. I can personally tell you that Gary can and would sell for anyone. He has no ego but he just didn’t know. So that type of thinking is why Abby had to be sure of the result in Isley’s case. It’s one thing to not sell for Baba in Charlotte. It would be a whole other issue in Osaka.
I am not trying to speak poorly of Baba. I have had many conversations about Baba with Bruno Sammartino and in his youth he was a great competitor. This stuff all happened at the end of his career a career that he managed very well. In Isley’s case, he will always be grateful to JYD and I will always think of how electric it was to hear Another One Bites The Dust as JYD made his way to the ring whether it was in Madison Square Garden or some show I booked him on.
There has been a lot of talk this week about Raven’s lawsuit with WWE. I have seen quotes from WWE’s long time attorney Jerry McDevitt. He seems to believe this case is a non-issue. I am well aware of McDevitt’s reputation and I would certainly feel comfortable if he was representing me based on everything I have heard about him. He has kept WWE out of a lot of hot water over the years. I have run businesses for many years and if WWE wrestlers qualify for Independent Contractor status then many businesses should have employee status reevaluated. The other solution is the IRS has no clue about what wrestling really is. I wonder if previous inquiries have really been done correctly. The IRS should go on the road for a week and see how “independent” these wrestlers really are.
All in all many times wrestlers and wrestling have flown under the radar because for so many years it was such a secret fraternity. As time has gone by we have clearly seen that things are opening up and as time goes by more truths are uncovered. The more exposed and available the business is to the public the more things truly need to be in order. In the world of WWE the more they get away with the more they attempt to get away with. I have to say if you can beat the IRS that’s really accomplishing something. I think I’d like to see the outcome of this case as the main event at Wrestlemania. I know that wouldn’t work out but the finish will have more to do with the future of the wrestling business than any match they could put together.
It seems you can’t go anywhere without hearing someone talk about the Ric Flair situation and there is good reason for that. It doesn’t add up or make any sense to anyone who has thought about it for more than five minutes. The way Flair left WWE for other opportunities I would have thought he going to be a contestant on Dancing with the Stars this year. I think he would have made a great choice. I wasn’t over thrilled with this year’s lineup he would have added some real “flair” to it. In this situation the numbers don’t add up and the big opportunities have yet to show themselves. In this business most stuff leaks out so whatever reasons are out there over time we may here about them. In Ric Flair’s case he has always performed on the biggest stage in our business and now he walks away for better money opportunities? How about the worldwide TV recognition that the WWE brings with it?
It was just recently that Flair appeared at Greg Price’s Mid Atlantic Legends event. It has been long coming that Flair appear at this event. He should have been there years ago when the other Horsemen were there. This event is held in Charlotte and it didn’t seem right that Flair never appeared there before. I hope that Greg and the Charlotte wrestling fans are happy two legends appeared at the convention which I understand was a huge success. In all that I have just said one thing is still a fact Ric Flair did not leave WWE to attend these types of events. It doesn’t matter how much he can make at these events. I have heard numbers between $350,000.00 and $500,000.00 being his WWE salary so before he can say this experiment made him one penny he has to beat whatever his WWE salary was. I say look for the real story and look for Ric Flair to be back in the WWE after he rakes in all the big money he has been missing on the autograph and Indy circuit.
This picture is me with Erin Murphy who playes Tabitha on the tv show Bewitched. You may wonder why this is relevant well because she is one of the celebrity participants in Hulk Hogans Celebrity Wrestling starting soon on CMT. I can tell you Erin is a great girl and I was very happy when she was selected.
Memphis Wrestling TV Report 8.30.08
----Maclin tells about the lineup for Delta Fair. Glen Jones [who??] will sing the National Anthem. Wrestling is free. Lawler vs Bagwell, Brian Christopher vs Chris Masters , Eugene, “Too Kool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex], Koko Ware, Mr. Hughes, Derrick King/Johnny Dotson vs “Los Locos”, Kid Kash and “Nature Boy” Kevin White. Maclin also announces the debut of Mucho Dinero?? Not sure, but that is probably a local guy doing a lucha gimmick.
----Match clip airs of Brian Christopher/Scotty Too Hotty vs Doug Gilbert/Spellbinder from one of the Legends shows. Brian C interview talking about Chris Masters. Brian says he is going to put horse manure in Masters’ face from the rodeo at the fair. Masters interview about tonight.
----“Wrestling Professor” comes out. 11.17.90 is the date today. “New Kids” [Brian Christopher/Tony Williams] vs Joey Mags/Sarge O’Reilly. Brian was soooo small. A little sloppy all around. Brian C does interview after the match saying that people say they are too small and too young.
----Interview with Eugene via phone with a match playing in the background with OVW match of Eugene vs Armando Estrada.
----“Gauntlet Match” [from Northeast Wrestling DVD “Wrestlefest XII” 4.19.08] starts with Awesome Kong vs Roxie. She beats her. Followed by Amber. Kong beats her. “Velvet Sky” Talia Madison. Madison wins by DQ, when Kong powerbombs the ref.
----Derrick King/Johnny Dotson at Taco Bell talking about “Los Locos”. “Los Locos” squash from OVW airs.
----Same Maclin promo airs about the show tonight!!
----“Buff” Bagwell interview with Corey Maclin. This was bad.
----Romeo Roselli with Talia Madison vs Jerry Lawler [I think from Northeast Wrestling DVD “New Spring Slam” 6.01.06] Madison trips Lawler to start the heat. Lawler ends up using the “Stunner”, kisses Madison and then piledrives Roselii for the win. Why does Lawler use the “Stunner”??
----Funny that the new opening features Bill Dundee a few times…Nice touch to see the guys doing interviews targeted for “tonight”…They did a real good job promoting the show for the Fair. This show seems to be the format for new Memphis Wrestling. It will be interesting to see what kind of ratings they will do…Maclin did say they were filming the Delta Fair stuff, so maybe we will get original material aired next week.
...Make sure to vote in the poll today if you watched the show. I will be posting the complete show on Tuesday for those that don't get it.
RassleResults: Big Time Wrestling Lee County Fair, Pennington Gap, VA
Friday Aug. 29
Lee County Fair - Pennington Gap ,VA
*Fantastic Bobby Fulton beat Beau James
*Frat Boy beat Justice
*Rolling Thunder beat Eclipso
*Misty James beat Rebecca Lynn
*Ricky Morton beat Bobby Eaton (name dropper) -Jimmy Valiant Special Ref
*Buff Bagwell beat The Sheik of Arraby
800 - free with admission to the fair
credit: CW Crippler
Michael Johns chimes in on the Kevin Lawler situation.."Life Isn't Fair"
I wanted to chime in on Kevin Lawler for a minute. I've been around Kevin numerous times, as has most of the boys. You know the drill, though. If you're at a
I read Dustin's blog, and I will say that editing can make anybody Attila the Hun, or
Good people have bad luck, and make mistakes. All I will say for Kevin is, he's always treated me like a person. There's never been any sign of an ego, or like he looked at me as a mark, or anything. All our conversations have been as normal as any I'd have with a friend. I called him once about a spot as our Champ, and he politely declined, as he wasn't working as much, and offered to let me call Brian. Again, I was looking to bring back Kevin/Derrick, so, I wanted Kevin. I declined Brian's number, and thanked him for his time. Kevin just sticks out in my mind, because, I can memorably list the people that rank "high" in the business that have been genuinely nice to me. Kevin, The King, Jimmy Hart, C4P, Dr. Tom. Dr. Death, Baldo, Terry Taylor, Billy Travis,
I'm not saying Kevin's innocent, or that I think he's guilty. I'm saying Kevin Lawler is a genuinely nice guy. Stuff like this isn't supposed tohappen to them. Life isn't fair.....
Memphis Wrestling Ratings and Poll Weekly Report
-Duggan vs Executioner 2
0.5 ( 8103 viewers )
2cnd quarter
-DK/Dotson – interview
-Los Locos – interview
-Kash interview with match
-Wrestling Professor segment [start]
0.5 ( 8103 )
3rd Quarter
-Professor segment [finish]
-Bagwell interview
-Lawler vs Landell [start]
0.4 ( 6482 )
-Lawler vs Landell [finish]
-Masters – interview
-Brian C - interview
0.1 ( 1621 )
Viewers from Start to Finish: [-6482 viewers]
Final Rating: 0.4 ( 6482 viewers ) 1 share
----There is nothing good about this rating. It is the lowest I have seen since starting the site and as Ron Guidry said earlier this week, it was probably the lowest ever for a Memphis Wrestling show. What does all this mean?? Well, for starters the show has lacked anything that viewers want to see. They watched the first two shows and said, “Screw it!” The drop from start to finish was 80% of total viewership!! Traditionally when there is a low rating, then the show bounces back with a real good rating next week, so we will just have wait and see.
Memphis Wrestling Weekly TV Poll
Thumbs Up 57%
Thumbs Down 42%
----This was the highest winning margin so far with the show getting a “Thumbs Up” for the third week in a row. The participation in the poll was down about 25% and I am assuming it was because we did not post the show online this week.
Friday, August 29, 2008
RassleResults: EWP Aloca, TN 8.28.08
Shawn Streets pinned Jim Miller with a schoolboy roll-up following a missed charge into the corner by Miller.
Jason Maxx defeated Chase Ownes by disqualification after the Power TRIP ran in and attacked Maxx going after his already aggravated knee from the match and trying to put him out like they did Willie B Badd.
Shane Willians defeated the SoCal Kid after a piledriver. Afterwards the King got on the mic and asked where his scheduled opponent, Johnathan McMurray, was. Shane started to run down Johnathan until Shawn Streets came out to defend his partner's honor and challenged Shane to a match.
Shane Williams defeated Shawn Streets by pinfall. Streets had the go-behind position on the King but Shane ran into the ropes to stun Streets and pinned him with his feet on the ropes. Then the King started to talk about Jeff Anderson which he was informed that the Wildman is reinstated to the Fleatorium and came in through the front as Shane ran back to the locker room. Jeff said those 4 famous words and said that he'll get a hold of Shane Williams when, where and how he wants to so make sure you're there or you might miss it.
The Power TRIP retained the EWP tag Team Titles against Trooper T & Menace after a Hart Attack on Trooper. After the match they gave Trooper the Killswitch and attacked Menace as he was getting back in the ring.
Edward Idol defeated Robbie Race in a Lumberjack match. Edward went up top as Robbie was down but Robbie got up and caught Idol and shoved him off onto the lumberjacks (SoCal Kid, Shawn Streets, Chase Owens & Suito Maximo) While the Spur was checking on them Shane Williams came out and punched Robbie with a foreign object.
Wayne Adkins & Keith Knox defeated Beau James & Sigmon in the Double Jeapordy Pole Match by Wayne getting the contract for a title match. All 4 men were bloodied by the end of this match. After the match was over Knox got the strap down and laid into Sigmon and the incoming Chase Owens & Kole Layton King until Dr. X ran out with the "Good Mood" spray to Beau James with a towel as Beau soaked it up and got it around the mouth of both men to put them unconscious and was about a use his Indiana Jones whip on Keith nox's back until Jeff Anderson came in with a weapon to clear the ring.
Notes: The ether was real deal and James threw the towel in the crowd for evreyone to smell
Credit: Zilfer
Dustin Starr Comments..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Link to Kevin Lawler arrest story
"Smackdown: How Big Business destroyed regional professional wrestling" by Dylan Hayes
In American culture, pro wrestling is usually regarded as one of the lowest forms of low-brow entertainment — slightly above Jerry Springer, but solidly below NASCAR. Critics treat it as a comedic expression of the tastelessness of the American working class, a sort of redneck theater, scripted and choreographed, with poor acting and a poorer clientele.
But in its heyday, the sport nestled comfortably within the traditional, communal atmosphere of small town USA. The larger-than-life characters would often play off of regional stereotypes and real world conflicts, allowing for the sort of morality plays that appealed to the ethos of main street America. The decline of the wrestling business and its emergence as an entertainment industry was masterminded by one of the most ruthless corporate tyrants in recent memory, and in the process became a stark example of the dangers of modern "sports entertainment," both for the performers and those who applaud them.
Pro-wrestling has always been a strange business, straddling uneasily between sport and entertainment, and the tension is not always easy on its stars.
Its best performers make good money, but even then, neither their salaries nor their living conditions match those of your typical "pampered athlete." The typical salary is far less than a million dollars, and unlike most major-league sports, wrestlers are expected to perform year round. Their tours are world-wide, and most pay their own traveling and living expenses while on the road. Health care and pension plans are nonexistent, but the physical intensity leads to frequent injuries, leading many wrestlers to work while hurt.
It is not surprising, then, that injuries often become a gateway to painkiller and steroid abuse — addictions that have long plagued the industry. The list of wrestlers who have died because of drug abuse — much of it with prescriptions from doctors with questionable credentials — is unbelievably long. Some of the worst abusers, men like Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Scott Hall, have managed to eke out a tormented existence, estranged from their families and working years past their physical primes in order to finance their expanding "recreational" habits.
Wrestlers that seek employment outside their industry often find themselves stumbling back into the waiting arms of the squared circle. Many cannot cope in normal middle class settings after years of groupies, drugs, and artificially inflated egos. Paranoia is rampant. The wrestling business is notorious for its backstabbing and politicking, as grown men argue intensely over the method in which they will "win" staged battles and keep their "spot on the card." Sabotage is common.
Despite these misgivings, I am indeed a long time fan. I grew up on the old National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), a loose band of regional territories. The organization's shows were no less "fake" than the modern product, but the organizational structure was drastically different. These territories were governed through a sort of federalist system. Each "territory" had its own booking office, TV show, tour dates and regional champion. Becoming a world champion meant becoming the shared property of the NWA, responsible for promoting the organization by performing all over the world. This arrangement worked until cable television and other forms of mass media made both the globe and the lifespan of the average wrestler much, much smaller.
It's true that many of the problems that plague the wrestling industry today existed back then as well. For understandable reasons, the profession has always been prone to alcoholism, brawling, and backstabbing, and family life has never been easy. But there was also something much more humane about the locally-oriented, territorial roots of the wrestling industry in the United States. In his book Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry, author Matthew Randazzo writes:
"Unlike the NWA territories which kept a wrestler within driving distance of his family at most times, these international brands sent their wrestlers from one end of the continent to the other...This in effect put an end to the camaraderie that had existed in the territories. No longer were wrestlers members of a freewheeling carnie brotherhood, a traveling biker gang; now they were interchangeable cogs within a heavily bureaucratic corporate behemoth, cowering in their cubicles in fear of the next downsizing."
While a "biker gang" may sound unseemly, it really was an ideal arrangement for many of the wrestlers, or "boys," as they often referred to themselves. Jobs were plentiful, and performers had options in a diversified market; work could be found almost anywhere in the country. Though the pay wasn't always great, many promoters had local connections that enabled their employees to eat and travel for cheap. Because the weekly and monthly schedules were concrete, with little deviation, even very active regions had schedules that gave wrestlers uniformity and a structured work environment. The relative smallness of the business also allowed more opportunities for spending time with his family, if he had one.
In this era, pro wrestling was often one of the few weekly sources for small town family entertainment. Back then, wrestling was strictly a morality play in which the good guys -- "faces," in wrestling jargon -- were pitted against the bad guys, or "heels." In places like Tennessee and Texas, pro wrestling became an established part of life, with arenas regularly packed to capacity with fathers and sons cheering for decency to triumph over decadence, which it always did. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the industry as a whole.
When Vince McMahon and Ted Turner seized the industry in the 80's, it was a legal move, but not a moral one. Using slick financial techniques, the two moguls moved into the markets of the smaller companies, bought up their syndicated television time slots, signed away many of their stars and then purchased the hollow shells that were left, often at fire-sale prices. Along with these buyouts and takeovers came a switch from the standard good vs. evil plot lines for a model based on grandiosity and largesse. "Bigger is better" applied to the business model, the scope of the enterprise, and the actors themselves.
"Superstar" Billy Graham failed to live up to his namesake when he helped introduce steroids into wrestling in the 70's, and the body-altering drug went from a fancy to a full blown necessity after McMahon and Turner's takeover. Combined with the rise of Hulk Hogan's "Hulkamania," it was nearly impossible to get a well paying job in the business unless one was on the "juice." Where once, the business had been filled with tough looking, dock worker types like Harley Race and legit amateur legends like Danny Hodge, it was now filled with pro football washouts and body builders, nearly all of whom were "roided" to the gills.
As steroids exploded so did recreational drug use. Cocaine was prevalent and even used as payment in emergency situations. As modern fans became accustomed to even harder-hitting, daredevil wrestling styles in the late 80's, painkiller abuse spiked. The corporate wrestling bosses largely viewed their talent pools as expendable and ran worker after worker into the ground.
Since wrestlers were independent contractors, they had virtually no power in disputes with their employers. Tag Teams — two wrestlers who worked in conjunction against other tandems — were broken up at random, even though their success often depended on remaining a team. Releases were given for the most minor infractions and via the most insulting methods. The future "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was released from WCW by fax while out with an injury. The then soon-to-be Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, met a similar fate.
By early 2001, the layers of bureaucratic chaos created by Turner's outfit — which had been extremely profitable just a few years before — collapsed under the weight of its own excesses and the company was purchased by the last remaining lion in the jungle, Vince McMahon. With no serious competition in the market place, the centralization of the sport was complete.
The business had become an industry, and the end result of this downturn has been entirely predictable: dozens of wrestlers have died, whatever semblance of family life wrestlers may have once enjoyed is gone, and the old pro wrestling so many grew up on has morphed into one of the most monstrous arrangements of corporate criminals and drug addicts imaginable.
In retrospect, bigger was not better for the wrestlers or their fans. It was just plain bad.
In the wake of the Benoit tragedy, many wrestling fans wanted some sort of action, but what could be done? The calls for industry regulation would drive the independents out of business altogether and further strengthen McMahon's monopoly-like power over the industry. Breaking up the WWE would certainly embarrass McMahon, but it would likely lead to a drastic reduction in pay for the workers. Organic change is even more complex. Cosmopolitan elites and their yuppie hanger-ons are quick to disassociate themselves from a "faked" sport on which the supposedly tasteless American working class feeds, but ironically, showing contempt for the "phoniness" of wrestling actively contributes to devaluing the lives of its participants.
The sad reality is that pro wrestling cannot easily be changed back to what it once was. Perhaps wrestlers themselves could arrive at the realization that they are not cogs in a machine, but men with responsibilities and duties. Alternately, a fan boycott could be organized. But the the excesses of pro wrestling are so ingrained in our culture of hyper-urbanization and its accompanying pathologies that such efforts would be terribly difficult, if not impossible. For now, spectacle trumps sport in the squared circle, and its only a matter of time before the next Chris Benoit ducks under the rope.
"What Memphis Watches" MEMPHIS WRESTLING TANKS!!! by Ron Guidry
TNA Impact’s rating was up a lil’ bit this week. Nice to see them bounce back from a few weeks of low numbers. Friday Night Smackdown went into that night with some stiff competition in the closing ceremonies of the Olympics and they held their own. Only dropping 1 point from last week Smackdown did a very respectable 5.1 and maintained that consistency that SD has shown from week to week. With the way Memphis Wrestling’s numbers have looked since they moved to Ch. 50, it will be very, very interesting to see how Smackdown’s numbers will be affected when they make the move to MyNetwork Ch.50 in a month or so.
I have no ratings for RAW this week since it ran on Sci-Fi. The ratings I get from the station do not have Sci-Fi on the list but check out the Impact replay and WWE A.M. numbers. I guess a lot of wrestling fans stayed home Saturday night.
If you have any questions or comments just email me at:
Thanks and enjoy!!!
TNA Impact (Thursday) 8-21-08
Final Rating: 2.1 (34,031 viewers) 3 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 2.2 ( 35,651 viewers )
1.7 ( 27,549 )
1.8 ( 29,169 )
2.0 ( 32,410 )
2nd hour: 2.1 ( 34,031 viewers )
2.5 ( 40,512 )
2.1 ( 34,031 )
2.1 ( 34,031 )
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 8-22-08
Final Rating: 5.1 (82.646 viewers) 8 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 4.5 ( 72,923 viewers )
5.3 ( 85,887 )
4.5 ( 72,923 )
4.4 ( 71,302 )
2nd hour: 5.0 ( 81,025 viewers )
5.7 ( 92,369 )
6.0 ( 97,230 )
5.5 ( 89,128 )
Memphis Wrestling 8-23-08
Final Rating: 0.4 ( 6482 viewers ) 1 share
Quarter hours: 0.5 ( 8103 viewers )
0.5 ( 8103 )
0.4 ( 6482 )
0.1 ( 1621 )
TNA Impact Replay 8-23-08
Final Rating: 1.2 ( 19,446 viewers ) 2 share
Quarter hours:
1st hour: 1.6 ( 25,928 viewers )
1.4 ( 22,687 )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
0.8 ( 12,964 )
2nd hour: 0.8 ( 12,964 viewers )
1.0 ( 16,205 )
1.5 ( 24,308 )
1.4 ( 22,687 )
WWE A.M. 8-17-08
Final Rating: 2.5 ( 40,512 viewers ) 5 share
Quarter hours: 2.9 ( 46,995 viewers )
2.3 ( 37,272 )
2.3 ( 37,272 )
2.3 ( 37,272 )
----Ron Guidry works for a Memphis TV station and provides the rating analysis every week. He was formerly known as “The Penguin” with the old Kick Ass Wrestling promotion.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
MLW Poster!!
Shows for The Weekend 8.29.08 to 8.30.08
The Asylum Straight Jacket Match. One of each members of the teams will have a straight jacket placed on them and locked. The keys will be hung from the ceiling. The only way to get the key is to climb the ladder and at that point the match gets really bad for one team and really good for the other. The team that gets the key can unlock their tag partner and they 3 get a 3 on 2 advantage. The other member in the straight jacket also can be put in the match as anything goes, weapons, no DQ, the team that cannot answer the 10 count is the loser of the match. This match could end the career of one member of these two teams.
Kevin Lawler Arrested!!
----Kevin was always considered the “black sheep” of the Lawler family, even though his brother is Brian. There was an infamous story in the sheets during the time WCW would run shows in Memphis. Kevin wanted to go see Great Muta and Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat. Jerry told him that if he went, then he was not invited to Christmas dinner. Kevin went to the show and wrote all of this in a letter to Dave Meltzer. Not sure if he went to Christmas dinner or not, but that let’s you know how much Jerry hated the big promotions in the day.
"Flashback" Aug 1979 by Mark James
Twenty-nine years ago, Jerry Lawler was a month into a big heel run. Bill Dundee was the area’s top babyface. Also new to the area and the business was a youngster, Terry Boulder, the Hulk. In a few short years he would be the WWF World champion and known as Hulk Hogan.
Aug 20, 1979
Jimmy Valiant had returned to the area and along with Steve Regal lost to the Southern Tag Team Champions, Wayne Farris and Larry Latham, (along with their manager, Sgt. Danny Davis.) For most of the summer, Farris and Latham had feuded with Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee. When Lawler-Dundee renewed their feud against each other, the tag champs were put against various teams and dominated the tag team scene for many months.
Future Hall-of-Fame tag team, the Fabulous Freebirds, (Terry Gordy and Michael Hayes), were stuck in the middle of the card (as usual in Memphis.) On this card, they got the win over Tommy and Eddie Gilbert.
In recent weeks, the Hulk (Hogan) had been trying to win the Southern Heavyweight Title from Ron Bass. When the Hulk was about to win, the champ’s manager, Sonny King, would interfere and save his belt. On this card the Hulk got his revenge with a win over Sonny King in a one-on-one match-up.
Speaking of the Southern champ; Ron Bass lost by DQ to a young Ricky Morton.
Aug 27, 1979
Lawler finally got his AWA World title match against Nick Bockwinkle. The King took the champ to a 60 minute draw in a great match.
Bill Dundee got some gold of his own, as he defeated the current Southern Heavyweight champion, Ron Bass.
The Southern tag team champions, Wayne Farris and Larry Latham lost by DQ to the new team of Tommy Gilbert and the Hulk (Hogan). Hulk’s popularity was really big during this time in Memphis. His “larger-than-like” muscles were something the Memphis fans weren’t used to and they liked it.
Earlier in the night, the Fabulous Freebirds, (Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy) were broke the rules to defeat the new team of Steve Regal and Rick Morton. The father and son team of Buddy and Ken Wayne went to a draw with Dallas Montgomery and Eddie Gilbert.
----Mark James is the author of “Memphis Wrestling History – Cards, Matches, Results, Newspaper Clippings” Vol 1 and "Vol 2: The Programs 1972 - 1976" James also is the webmaster to the BEST Memphis Wrestling site in the area – - Click on his site and order his books!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Coach's Corner "Plans, Heart and There Are Good Things in Wrestling"
----You have heard the saying, “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything.” Or something like that; right?? If you were naming the four best workers in the area, would they include Psycho, Arnez, Justin Smart and “Indian” Quixote? Psycho is too fat, Arnez does not take enough heat, Justin is green and well…Quixote is the drizzlin shiznitz; right? Oh yea, Joey McNew is an idiot that has no business being a wrestling promoter and all three of his shows have been disasters. Well, all the of that may be true, but let me tell you – that one night in Kennett, MO those four guys along with booker Motley Cruz and promoter McNew put on a show that the fans enjoyed. It doesn’t matter that none of the bouts were “match of the year”. The fans went home happy and I look for a lot of them to return for the next show. All the people “hating” on this promotion and crew – all I can say is – give them a chance. Even though I personally would have probably marked out more for the four guys would have been Stan Lee, Derrick King, Flash Flanagan and Greg Anthony – I would add those four guys from Kennett that worked their asses off on my roster any day of the week. They got something some of your guys are lacking – heart.
----When I first heard that XOW was “invading” ASWF, I laughed and said, “Do those guys still run shows?” I then took a minute to think. These guys have continued to keep their names out there, even though they are not running regular shows [up until this weekend]. I think that is very smart marketing in doing a feud in NBW earlier this year and then keeping the name alive with ASWF invasion. Did I really think I still would be writing about the Tony Watts/Bill Russ promotion this late in 2008?? Nah, the promotion was formed out of more controversy than probably any group in this area. They have kept their name in the mix and more people probably know about them in this area than most promotions. And look at the talent they had on their show this past weekend!! Some of the best in the area, so how can you go wrong? Ok…so they are still using that stupid “Deadman”..but other than that you guys are over with me.
----Are there really that many good things to talk about in this area?? Another promotion that I felt would not make by this time in 2008, is RWA. They run their weekly shows in an arena that was built for Bert Prentice. So I am thinking from the start that these guys are cursed. LOL Frank Martin has jumped in and got the community working with them. There is a church group that comes to the show – what other group can say that?? I am told the payoffs are not that big right now, but that is the understanding when being hired. This is considered a “start up” company and when it does flourish, the Martin says the workers will benefit. His rosters have also changed back and forth, which keeps it fresh. He also has been able to take guys most considered “not that talented” along with guys like Ali Stevens and Rodney Mack to make the fans want to come in. The workers also talk about how it might be one of the best dressing rooms in the area – no backstabbing and no bitching. Keep up the good work guys.
----I remember a few years back when talking about RAW in the dressing room, one of the workers in the dressing rooms said, “I don’t watch that crap.” And, I really wondered how could a worker not follow the main show of the business?? Well, I have to admit that it has been a long time since I watched any of the major promotions’ shows. You got nothing on TNA – Sting is in a bad mood again?? Wow!! ECW looks so bad with a roster that has NO ONE that I get excited about watching. RAW is going to be the top show; right? Well, at least there seems to be some things I want to go out of my way to see – like Jericho/Michaels, JBL/Punk and even the Lawler/Duggan stuff with Dibiase/Runnels. I think there has to be SOMETHING right with the universe, when CM Punk is world champion. Smackdown?? Well, I am so sick of watching Eddy’s ex-wife that I want to puke. Every time I see her – I think she is just exploiting Eddy. I may be total off base on that, but it is just the way I see her. And what the hell happened with MVP?? Talk about being forgotten in the shuffle?? Here is a guy that was being pushed as being the next big thing having good matches with Chris Benoit and now he is just “lost” on Smackdown.
Live Like A King!!

----A RRO visitor sent along a message via e-mail yesterday that he drove past Jerry Lawler’s house on Walnut Grove in Memphis. It is no secret that Lawler lives on Walnut Grove and has lived there as long as I can remember. His house is now for sale or rent, because Lawler has bought a new house in Germantown. So the RRO visitor called to just see how much the cost of rent was?? “King” is renting the place for $3,500 a month!! So, wanna live like a King?? Rent the home of former “King” Jerry Lawler. Is that as high I think it is for even Memphis??
RassleResults: RWA Jonesboro, AR 8.23.08
1st Match: Lucky VS J.D. Kerry VS P.P.3 Winner, PP3
This was a good match and very quick match with all three workers going full speed from the beginning. To start the match PP3 was searching Lucky and found 2 gold balls. Crowd found this really funny. PP3 won the match after Kerry missed on a cross body off the top rope.
2nd Match: Chris Steel with Classy Meltin Massy VS Mike Titan. Winner Steel.
Mike Titan is the second student to graduate from Rodney Mack and Jazz Wrestling school here in the RWA. This young man is 6' 6" and 375 lbs. He had an impressive second match. This kid is so strong not even he knows how strong he is. He threw Steel around like a stuffed animal. He also threw Massy around and Massy is not small by any stretch of the imagination. Titan throws hammers to the top of the head instead of punches. However Massy distracted the ref and Steel pulled out a chain and knocked Titan out to get the three count.
3rd Match: Big Indian Quixote VS The 7 foot monster Silas. The Big Indian gave Silas all he wanted. Quixote does not back down from anyone and did not look to be intimidated by Silas. Silas was knocked off his feet again in this match, Silas is not used to being off his feet and the Indian is the only one to do it so far in the RWA. Silas caught the Indian on the second rope and slammed him to the mat. Silas showing his strength then picked him up and choked slammed him to get the three count.
4th Match: The Fabulous Luke Graham Jr. VS Soul Train Jones. This was a classic old school vs new school match. Soul Train match Luke pretty much move for move. The crowd saw a wrestling match and not a brawl and seemed to really like it. The ref was knocked out for a brief period when Soul Train caught him with an elbow as he was winding up to throw a punch. The second ref Biscuit came in and made the count. The first ref got up and DQ'd Soul Train for hitting him so Graham got the win by DQ. But this is far from over.
5th Match: The Asylum, (Arnez, Psycho, Pappy) VS The Natural Born Playa'z (Southside, Mr. Pimptacular, Mike Anthony) This was a Hale County Street Fight. This fight was a brutal match with street signs, kendo sticks, wet floor signs, chairs a bat with barbwire wrapped around it all used in this match. Psycho hit a side slam on Mike Anthony on top of a chair and then hit the Dream Catcher on the chair. Mike Anthony was out as Mr. Pimptacular came in from behind and caught Psycho with a sign to the head and rolled Mike over on Psycho for the 3 count.
Psycho grabbed Frank Martin the owner of the RWA who was watching the match ring side placing Kayte to his ear. This is where it gets real strange as the doll seems to speak for the Asylum. The Asylum has demanded a match that has never been preformed. This is the most dangerous match in wrestling. The Asylum Straight Jacket Match. One of each members of the teams will have a straight jacket placed on them and locked. The keys will be hung from the ceiling. The only way to get the key is to climb the ladder and at that point the match gets really bad for one team and really good for the other. The team that gets the key can unlock their tag partner and they 3 get a 3 on 2 advantage. The other member in the straight jacket also can be put in the match as anything goes, weapons, no DQ, the team that cannot answer the 10 count is the loser of the match. This match could end the career of one member of these two teams.
The Main Event.
Rik Burton and Zane Richards VS Rodney Mack the RWA Champ and Ron Rage of P.O.B. This tag match was one of the best matches this reporter has seen in quite sometime. One could tell that all of these guy's are veterans. Every move was well executed, each team tagged with great timing. As Rik Burton was about to get the advantage for the pin fall. The Big Indian came out and came off the second rope hitting Burton in the back of the head and rolled Ron Rage on to Burton for the three count. The after math of this match, Zane Richards challenged Rodney Mack to a match, Burton is tied into a match with the Big Indian. Now where that leaves Ron Rage only time will tell.
Note: The Midnight Cowboy was not at the show. The Cowboy had a stint put in his heart. No one knows at this time if the Cowboy will ever wrestle again. The RWA family would like the Cowboy to know that we are all behind him and he is in our prayers. Get Well Soon Cowboy.
There were 150 in the building and the announcement was made that the RWA has a Web site being built. All the information is being gathered by the company building the web site keep an eye out for the New RWA Web site. This Saturday the 30th. Shawn Sultz will be in action in Jonesboro. This reporter has talked to Shawn and yes he is going to wrestle. Also the Hale County Straight Jacket match. Plus one lucky fan will win a $50.00 Gas Card and an Oil change.
Credit: RWA Reporter
RassleResults: EPW Booneville, MS 8.23.08
EPW Champion "Dangerous" David Cox vs. "Prime Time" Nick Grimes ended in a time limit draw. Rematch this Saturday night, no time limit. If Grimes defeats Cox, Cox gets a return match the following week. If Cox wins, Grimes get a rematch the following week with same stipulations.
Cassanova Kid over Slammer, Damion Rage, & LSD in a 4-way match.
"Monkey Boy" Danny Morris over Dalton Storm & BJ Fuller in a 3-way.
Tysin Starr defeated Izzy Rotten.
The Ghost Riders (Buzz Harley & Blade) defeated PHAT Foundation (Justin Rhodes & Chris Fontaine) to become #1 contenders for the Tag Team Championship. Good match.
The main event was supposed to be Bonecrusher & his wife, Michelle, taking on 24/7 (Kross & JR Mauler). Michelle came out with Bonecrusher and it was revealed that she had been attacked earlier in the week by 24/7 and was injured and would not be able to compete. Bonecrusher had, however, been given permission by EPW Promoter, Edith Poole, to choose someone to be his partner, and he had called an old friend. Michelle was given permission to stay at ring side in Bonecrusher's corner. Bonecrusher actually started the match by himself, but his partner came out a few minuted later and it was none other than Cody Hawk. This match quickly deteriorated into a brawl, much of it fought outside the ring. At one point Kross grabbed Michelle, but Bonecrusher grabbed Kross before he could do any damage. Michelle got in several pretty good shots with her good arm, however. The referee finally threw the match out when it was obvious that he was never going to regain control. The locker room emptied and everyone tried to pull the four men apart, but it took about 15 minutes to finally get them separated and to the back. Great match, wild action in & out of the ring. I am sure these two teams will go at each other again this Saturday night. It is not over by a long shot.
The crowd was standing room only. I counted 132 in the building. I know for a FACT that paid attendance was 101. Additional chairs had to be brought from the back to accommodate the fans who were standing. Congratulations to Edith and everyone at EPW on EPW's largest crowd ever and on a great show.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
Check out this match- Larry Sweeney vs. Bill Dundee
Meanwhile check out this week's featured match:
"Superstar" Bill Dundee vs. "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney from XCW Midwest's Xtreme Heat in New Albany, Indiana on Aug. 7, 2007
Monday, August 25, 2008
"As Rotten As I Wanna Be" by Izzy Rotten
First I would like to thank Coach BT for letting me come on here and write or BITCH some may say before it's all said and done. Well lets get on with it shall we.
Saturday night in Booneville MS at EPW some "workers" were there that wasn't booked on the card. Well I'm a firm believer of if you are not booked and you want to get on the card bring your stuff and talk to the booker. Hell any true "worker" will tell you if your going to a show take your gear. Well I figured that’s what these guys (Ac Styles,Cage, and BJ Fuller) were doing. BJ was the only one that worked the show last night. After my match I was getting undressed and someone told Bonecrusher that Cage and AC were outside talking crap about the show to "MARKS".... We just had a meeting that night about everyone need to tighten up because we had standing room only in the building and the best draw the company has had since starting up. So this blew Bonecrusher up, this is not no normal size man I mean his hands are like Rocks. (Bonecrusher in Mississippi, Not the ugly no working ass that works in TN area) Bonecrusher says... “Where is Cage?” and flies out the door. Me being one that loves to see someone get there face kicked in I follow him out, there stands Cage by AC Styles truck (which says on the back glass in big white letter's TNA's Wrestling Superstar AC Styles!!!!! I'm not joking either.) Bonecrusher 6'4 267 lbs confronts Cage 5' 7 210 lbs. and says if your going to run your mouth about this company say something to me about it. Cage didn't have anything to say then. Cage put his hand up like he was going to push Bonecrusher back and Bonecrusher grabbed that asshole up and told him if he heard him say anything about EPW again he'd hunt him down and kick his ass.... LOL
Great Moment in EPW by far. Why you ask? Because Bonecrusher takes pride in this business and doesn't hide behind a keyboard like everyone does on the Bathroom Wall. I think if everyone would stand up for there company and keep the shit out of it they just might draw a damn crowd.... EPW has been drawing on average 40 to 40 people paid, Saturday night - 101 total paid and for having just about 10 guys that can "work", that’s a 110% turn around for a town that was killed by JWS and Sammy Magee( owner of JWS) and the Fair in town with the Fair Grounds unless then 500 feet away. Yep I would have confronted that asshole also and he'd be still laying in the parking lot
Lets hear what you guys think... Go to the kayfabe board and post your throughts.
RassleResults: MWS Selmer, TN 8.23.08
*Fire beat Rocker Johnny Maness
*Ty Hamilton beat The Grappler
*Albino Rhino won over Agent Cahill
*Doug Gilbert and Michael Gilbert beat Kevin White and Cody Melton with Su Yung and Garry White.
Credit: MWS Studd
----I was told attendance was around 130, which is way down from the two previous shows...They plan to run around the first of every month from this point on with 10.04.08 being their next event...A lot going on in September with this group..."The Agents" from Memphis Wrestling returned for this show!! They had been working as "Blitz" and "Gladiator".
RassleResults: TIWF Trenton, TN 8.23.08
Hardknox Hooligan/Chico Mendoza def PK Ripper and Outlaw
Byron Wilcott w/ravishing randy defeated Waycool, after Ravishing Randy threw his croquette mallet in the ring. Byron used it on Waycool to get the win.(Match of the NIGHT)
Bobby "Butcherman" Smith and Tank Turner fought to a double countout, after the match Butcherman was suspended for 2 weeks.
Dre Black retained the TV Title after using the ropes for leverage over Oz the XTEME
Lawman Williams and Simon Reed won by Disqualification over "Big and Nasty" [Big Boy Bob/Dazzlin Dixie] after a Masked man entered the ring and laid a beat down on Simon with a chain and the championship belt.
--115 attendance
-- Where’s Wildside? He has been gone for 3 weeks now, is The Franchise coming back?
--Rumors are Sarge O'rReilly is coming in a few weeks.
--Georgia Promotion has contacted TIWF about a talent swap.
-- TIWF joins the AIWF as the Midsouth affiliate.
Catch us live every Saturday night at the Showplex Arena in Trenton, Tn.
Tennessee Independent Wrestling Federation TV can be seen on E+TV6 each
Every Sat. at noon and Primetime at 6 p.m.
website at
Credit: Steve Hunter
RassleResults: TFW Tupelo, MS 8.22.08
Chris Fontaine defeated DC.
Josh Matthews defeated Chris Kilgore in a match with no DQ, no time limit, & no outside interference. Chris had said that if he could not defeat Josh, he would shake his hand and apologize for all the bad things he had said previously. Dirty Rell Mo came to the ring with Kilgore, but Chris sent him to the back prior to the match starting. Dirty came out again during the match and tried to interfere several times, but Chris threw him out of the ring. After the match Chris Kilgore did shake Josh's hand and apologize for all the things he had said. Great match. The members of Mo Foundation then attacked Kilgore, but made the save.
Little Guys, Inc. (Lil' Devil & Kid J) defeated Parental Advisory ("The Studd" Scott Porteau & "Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs). PA basically gave the match away so Little Guys, Inc. would be the new #1 contenders for the tag team belts. PA did not want to have to defend the belts against The Asylum at the next show.
In a "Loser Leaves Wrestling" match, Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor defeated Fusion. Fusion is now out of wrestling for good. After the match all of the wrestlers came out of the back and everyone gave Fusion a standing ovation. This was an outstanding match, by the way.
Athletic Commissioner Sammy Hall came out of the back and called out Chris Kilgore & Josh Matthews. Sammy congratulated them on their match, and said he did not like what he saw when Mo Foundation attacked Kilgore earlier in the show. Sammy said he wanted to come out of retirement and team with Josh & Chris to take on Mo Foundation at the next show. Bad Boy Burns said he had to be in on it also, so it will be Sammy Hall, Josh Matthews, & Chris Kilgore w/Bad Boy Burns vs. Mo Foundation this Friday night at TFW.
TFW Champion Chop Top the Clown defeated Izzy Rotten to retain the belt.
The main event was a 3-way elimination match for the TNA X-Division Championship, Ryan SoFine vs. Chris Styles vs. TNA X-Division Champion Petey Williams. Ryan SoFine was eliminated first, leaving Chris Styles & Petey Williams to battle it out. This was an outstanding match, eventually won by Petey Williams.
I did not have time to do a head count like I usually do, but I would say crowd approx. 170. Overall it was a very good show.
Credit: "Axeman" Randall Lewis @
RassleResults: SPWA Pulaski, TN 8.22.08
New Blood & The Bounty Hunter vs. The Texas Connection & Brawler Rex
Rex pinned the Bounty Hunter
Semi-Main Event: SPWA TV Title Match
Travis Locke vs. Brawler Rex (Champion)
Rex pinned Travis
Second Match: SPWA Title Match
Jay Kraft vs. Don Bass (Champion)
Jay Kraft wins by DQ due to outside interference by Hoss Williams & Brawler Rex
Opening Match: Singles Match
Just Bob vs. Hoss Williams
Hoss pinned Just Bob
Credit: Hoss Williams @
RassleResults: LAW Rector, AR 8.22.08 - "Untouchables" Team Formed
The Baron Malkavain over Lil' Tim Alfonso and Stan Lee in Triple Threat Match
'Girlcandy' Christian Jacobs over Dell Tucker
'The Golden Boy' Greg Anthony over Rockin' Randy by DQ
Derrick King & Idol Bane wrestled to a No Contest when Greg Anthony and Dell Tucker interfered
Idol Bane and Greg Anthony over Derrick King and Dell Tucker
Stan Lee gave Lil' Tim a sit down tombstone piledriver, The Baron then through Stan out of the ring and gave Lil' Tim The Demon's Wings for the 3 count.
Dell Tucker said he was battered and bruised but he wants tgb in the ring. 'Girlcandy' Christian Jacobs comes to the ring and tells Tucker that he needs to worry more about him making his return to LAW than anything else and challenges Tucker to a match right then. Tucker hit a vaulted cross body to CJ on the outside and then through him back into the ring. tgb came from the back and high kneed Tucker into the steel pole and put him back into the ring so CJ could hit The Spear for the victory.
Randy went for a superkick but tgb ducked and tossed him outside the ring. Dell Tucker hit the ring and tackled tgb and beat him down with right hands. Tucker then clotheslined him over the top as the crowd cheered.
Derrick came to the ring for 'Karoke with King'. This week Derrick treated the crowd to 'Walking in Memphis' by Marc Cohn. The crowd was singing along and clapping when all of sudden the music stopped and The LAW Champion Idol Bane's music hit. Idol came to the ring with Jeff and Dell and said that DK was making a fool of himself. He's a former 5 time LAW champion and he's out here singing? Derrick said that he's always liked to have a good time and have fun and singing is fun. He said Idol you came out here to.. what's that song? oh, yeah.. Mamma said knock you out.. and DK gave Idol a vicous right hand and an impromtu LAW title match was underway. Ref was knocked out during this contest and Idol went and got a chair. But DK superkicked him before he could use it. tgb came and attacked DK, tgb was going to hit DK with the chair but Tucker came and took the chair away from DK and a 4 man brawl broke out. DK & Tucker challenged tgb & Idol to a tag match.
In the main event, DK hit Idol with The Superkick. Idol fell to the floor and has the ref was checking on him.... 'Girlcandy' Christian Jacobs slid in and cut Derrick in half with a Spear. tgb then crawled and got the 3 count. tgb said he couldn't believe his eyes could, can we now add 'Girlcandy' Christian Jacobs to the mix, he asked. tgb said that individually that they are unbeatable, individually they are unbelievable but together they are 'Untouchable'!!!
Credit: Layingdownthelaw5150
----40 to 50 in the crowd...Christian Jacobs was scheduled to work Kennett, MO, but no showed and worked this one...Wasn't Chris Rocker and Jeremy Blaze called the "Untouchables"?? I like the name though for a heel group.
RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 8.23.08
Our first match was one that was more unbelievable than anything. Athena Eclipse was to take on Big Al. The match didn't even last three minutes before Morgan Lane stuck his nose in the match with a Muscle Cutter to Big Al, giving Athena the 123.
Winner: Athena Eclipse
2nd Match
Our second match of the night was one of high flying and technical wrestling. Johnny Hawk vs Suicide. A match that tested not only the agility of the wrestlers but their minds as well. Unfortunately for Suicide, Johnny Hawk would take home the victory.
Winner: Johnny Hawk
3rd Match
This match was for the ASWF Tag Team Titles. The defending champions Wild Bill and Demon X (CCR) took on the challengers Dre and Silent Mark. Although Dre and Silent Mark put on a heck of a match, it just wasn't enough to beat the champs. Not only did CCR have to deal with Dre and Silent Mark, Regulator and Syn came out after the match and tried to attack CCR, but didn't succeed.
Winner: CCR
4th Match
This match would be a qualification match for the European Championship. Scott Fury, the current champion, would take on Mr. Muscle Morgan Lane. There was interference by Athena Eclipse, but Nikki Lane would come out to make it even and be in Scott's corner. Morgan won the match securing him a title shot for next week.
Winner: Morgan Lane
5th Match
The match before intermission would set the bar for the rest of the night. The ASWF X-Division Title would be on the line. XOW's Niel Taylor, the current champion, vs Ray Ray vs X-Kaliber vs Hot Rod John Ellison. It was a long and brutal match for all four superstars. And to make things worse for ASWF, Tony "The Weasel" Watts brung out an XOW Referee to officiate the match. But that would make no difference, because at the end of the match it was X-Kaliber who got the 123.
Winner: X-Kaliber
6th Match
This next match would be owner vs owner. Ricky Rowland and David Walls with their Manager T-Bone Terrence Ward would take on XOW's Tony Watts and Billy with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock in their corner. Unfortunatly for the ASWF, XOW would win by DQ.
Winner: XOW
7th Match
The feature match of the night would be for the XOW Tag Team Titles. The current champions, Josh Matthews and Chris Styles would take on two of the ASWF top superstars, Tommy Wayne and the returning Chuck Fears. It was a long and brutal match for the two teams, but coming down to the end ASWF would take the gold getting the 123.
Winner: Tommy Wayne and Chuck Fears
8th Match
The Semi-Main event of the evening would be a highlight for sure. TNA's X-Division Champion Petey Williams would take on ASWF's Austin Lane in a singles match. Both wrestlers put on a great match almost guessing each others move. At the end of the match Petey Williams would get the pin, but a surprise was about to happen. Just as XOW entered the ring, Petey Williams turns on XOW knocking out Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock and supporting the ASWF!
Winner: Petey Williams
9th Match
Our main event match was not only for the ASWF Title but for the company as well. Casino Kid vs Cameron Valentine for the gold. Sarge who originally held the title last week was injured over the weekend and XOW turned the belt over to Valentine. This switch would be good for the XOW as Casino Kid would get the victory winning the belt and the company back!
Winner: Casino Kid.
Credit: ASWF Ace
----I am being told 300+ in the building and Austin Lane got a great loud reaction in his match vs Petey.
RassleResults: XOW Senatobia, MS 8.23.08
The show started with Sarge O'Riley and Tony Watts introducing Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock and the TNA X-Division Champion, "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams. Sarge had a bad mic. Bad Mic-Bad Call. Petey will be locking up with "The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane, later, in the main event.
Opening Match-Special XOW Hardcore Championship-Uncle Felton(Champion), Jason Sydal, Syn, D.J. Stunner, and The Baron Malkavain competed in a wild and crazy match to kick off the show. There was pandemonium both inside and outside of the ring at Huey White Chevrolet during this one, which included battles in a trailer, pizza pans, and a leg drop in the back of a truck. Uncle Felton took a nasty spill on the outside, later in the match, but in the end, it was D.J. Stunner getting the win and being crowned NEW XOW Hardcore Champion.
2nd Match-"Bad Attitude" Tony Dabbs with Hollywood Jimmy defeated Cameron Valentine after Jimmy hit Cameron with his cane. Fun match with Tony cutting up. During the end of a test of strength with the powerhouse Valentine, Tony got his fingers stomped. I always get a kick out of that and the crowd loves it.
3rd Match-Su Yung defeated Tasha Simone in a Special Ladies Match with a roll up. They gave these ladies a good bit of time. It had a few rocky moments during it, but, hey, it's the adorable Su Yung and Tasha will simply kick your ass. So, it's all good!
4th Match-Chris Rocker & Derrick King defeated "SARGE-OLICIOUS" Sarge O'Riley and Neil "The Real Deal" Taylor with Hollywood Jimmy and Tony Watts in their corner. The Hollywood Clique got lots of heat, here. Prior to the match, I gave Neil Taylor a Good Call, but he told me to stick my sign up my a#@! Ouch! That's no way to be. It was different seeing Derrick work as a face. This match saw many moments of miscommunication and tension between the Clique. At the end of the match, both Chris and Derrick were sent into the ropes, by Sarge and Neil, but Derrick fell through the ropes and took a very nasty bump on the concrete. Rocker ended up getting the win with a superkick. After the match, Derrick was helped to the back while the trouble continued for the Hollywood Clique, but all was well, in the end, because everyone hugged. What a Kodak moment. As Sarge was leaving ringside, he got into a confrontation with Uncle Felton, who was sitting in the crowd. Sarge asked Felton, "Why are you talking to me? It's not February!" That did it. It was on, then! Uncle Felton chased Sarge in the ring and got him some, by shortly clearing the ring. I thought that was a nice touch. Totally unpredictable.
During the intermission, the TNA X-Division Champion and "The Definition of Definition" Petey Williams came out to sign autographs and take pictures. The crew began to assemble the cage while Al Hall took a moment to roast everyone at Huey White. Kimble, Oscar, and Al also plugged the Wrestling News Center. Tony Watts said he heard that The Deadman was suppose to be here, but he wasn't. The Deadman appeared and walked slowly after Tony Watts all around Huey White.
5th Match-Special Steel Cage Match for the XOW Tag Team Titles-The Sons of the South, "The Future" Chris Styles and Josh Matthews with Diamond in their corner became the NEW XOW Tag Champs after defeating Ray Ray and Tommy Wayne in the steel cage. Amazing match. Josh Matthews attempted a frog splash from the top of the cage and Ray Ray attempted a swanton, during the match. Neither connected. The finish came, as referee Crispy Fries was knocked out with the door open, Diamond grabbed the belts and gave them to Styles and Matthews. They hit Ray Ray and Tommy Wayne with the belts and escaped the cage to become the new champs. These two teams worked great together. I look forward to seeing them hook up, again, real soon. Speaking of hit, Al Hall was trying to hit on Diamond, throughout the whole match, but to no avail.
As the crew was taking down the cage, they brought out Derrick King to let everyone know how he's doing after his bad bump, earlier. He let everyone know that he's ok and that he'll probley have a few beverages, later. "The Mayor" Oscar Barlow informed Derrick that he was currently in a dry county. Chris Rocker said that if someone would tighten up the ropes maybe these kind of things wouldn't happen. Al Hall said that Uncle Felton was Derrick's Daddy.
Main Event-"Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams with Hollywood Jimmy defeated "The Human Highlight Reel" Austin Lane with his signature move, The Canadian Destroyer, to retain the TNA X-Division title. It's always cool to see The Canadian Destroyer live and in person. These two had great chemistry. At one point, they both were countering each other's move and even attempting the same move. This was very well done. There was also the ole' abdominal stretch spot with Jimmy lending a hand to Petey a couple times to add some extra added pressure and pain on Austin. On the third attempt, Austin reversed the move, so Jimmy ended up hurting his boy, Petey. Good stuff. Petey also beat the hell out of a traffic cone that was at ringside. It was kinda weird seeing Jimmy managing against Austin Lane.
There was a nice crowd considering that it was cloudy all day. Luckily, the rain held off until the show ended. Great show and a great time was had by everyone. Plus it was a FREE show. Can't beat that with a stick. The referee for all of today's matches was a gentleman by the name of Crispy Fries. Yeah, that's right. Crispy Fries. Now that's funny. Al Hall said that today was the first time he had seen me wearing men's clothing. That Al has got jokes. Gotta go with Oscar on that big game next weekend. Hotty Toddy!
Special Good Calls
On behalf of all of us here at, we would like to thank Kimble Winstead, "The Mayor" Oscar Barlow, and Al Hall for their excellent job of advertising our website. You guys are always a Good Call! I really appreciate all of the kind words, also. Jimmy McClure for District 17 Circuit County Judge in Northwest Mississippi is another Good Call. The final Good Call goes out to XOW and all of its great workers, staff, and the fine people of Huey White Chevrolet for giving us an AWESOME day of wrestling.
Credit: D-Rock @
RassleResults: Tennessee Xtreme Wrestling Knoxville, TN 8.23.08
***Due to injury, the Blassie Twins surrendered the Tag Titles at the top of the show to TXW staff b/c they could not defend the belts 2nite. What will happen with the TXW Tag Team Titles is still undecided.
1) Demetria defeated Violet Adams after hitting her with something pulled from her bra.
Earlier on TV this week, Bobby Rayne of the The Forsaken Angels Guild demanded that their three way tag team match be turned into a #1 Contenders match for the TXW Tag Team Championships... His wish was granted.
2) The new Forsaken Angels Guild with "Ravishing" Ryan Luther pinned the Reaper as they defeated Urban Militia and disfigured Juggalo Drake and Bob O Mac. Bob O Mac abandoned Drake as he chased Funkmaster V when Funk put his hands on the Lovely Beth at ringside. The Guild are now the #1 contenders to the vacated Tag Belts
3) THE KAPOW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP was captured by Ryan Dookie by pinfall over the defending champ Shane "The Prodigy" Andrews! Dookie's manager pushed Andrews off of the top rope and Dookie rolled him up for the 1...2...3!
4) THE EWP HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP was successfully defended as Sigmon took out "Sensational" Wayne Adkins with a pinfall in a great match. Sigmon should be greatful for his EWP pals Beau James and Kole Layton King for their help in the match.
***An Elvis impersonator shooks his hips for the ladies at intermission. The divorce rate in Knoxville jumped 3%
5) Donovan Daniels needed help from his EWP Tag Team Partner "the Rip" to take out Shawn Streets. Streets dominated the match, but when the ref was knocked out, Daniels was able to get some revenge on Shawn Streets for his invlovement with last show's "Fans Bring the Weapons" Title fight.
***On the Mothership, Funkmaster V raised an envelope to the crowd and claimed that inside were pictures of he and the Lovely Beth that would prove to everyone that they were an item during Bob O Mac's engagment to her. He claimed that he would post the pics online Monday unless Bob O Mac could defeat him in a rematch.
6) Funkmaster V defeated Bob O Mac via DQ as Jon Diamond, Monroe Fayte and TXW color commentator "The Reverend" Jay Perkey appealed to the ref that Bob O Mac used a chain to defeat Funkmaster, when in actuality Bob O Mac dominated the match and pinned him clean without the use of foreign objects. Details about the pics will be announced on the TXW hotline Monday.
7) In what was suppossed to be a Tag Team Championship match, TXW management was able to sign this match last minute. Former Tag Champion Bobbie Blassie and his new partner Allen Sheppard took on Justin O'day and Nick Taylor. When Blassie's team got the pin, Justin O'Day and manager Tony Lucassio turned on Nick Taylor and beat him down for being the partner that was pinned. Allen Sheppard arrived to the crowd's delight to make the save, but then shocked them all by teaming up with Oday and Lucassio to further punish Taylor.
8) The TXW Heavyweight Championship was defended successfully yet again by Jerry Lee as he defeated Travis Sawyer by pinfall after the Powerslam. Jerry Lee would then endure something much worse than someone stealing his title. Justin O'day and Allen Sheppard arrived, and along with Travis Sawyer and Tony Lucassio then beat the holy poop out of the TXW Champion. After they were done with Lee, they then announced that are forming an outlaw alliance called "THE BLACK LIST." This show featured wrestlers from almost every promotion in Knoxville area.
RassleResults: EWP Bean Station, TN 8.23.08
Sigmon retained the EWP Championship over Menace by a schoolboy roll-up after Menace missed a moonsault.
The Power TRIP defeated Wayne Adkins & Shane Andrews to keep the EWP Tag Team Championship by pinfall. Wayne had Donovan pinned following a crossbody off the second rope but RIP broke it up with a big shot to Wayne's head and rolled Donovan over to get the victory.
Jeff Anderson defeated Beau James with a schoolboy roll-up. Beau brought a whip with him along with Kole Layton King & Sigmon and kept Jeff out of the ring for a few minutes beofre the match could begin until Jeff grabbed a chair. Jeff got the pin after Sigmon had ahold of Jeff from behind for Beau to hit with his whip but Jeff dodged and got Sigmon instead and Anderson took advantage.
Ericules gave Jason Maxx the fight of his life. (not really) Ericules avoided Mazz at first until he offered him a free shot which Eric took advantage of but Jason just reversed and took control. Ericules got a crossbody off but got caught and slammed for the 3 count.
Edward Idol pinned Trooper T with a roll-up with some help from the ropes.
Keith Knox beat Shane Williams by pinfall. Shane had something in his tights he used during the match several times to lay out Keith. At the end Williams stayed in the corner for a bit to rest and went to pin Keith after his last assisted punch but Keith flipped him over for the victory.
Credit: Zilfer
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Jerkin' The Curtain NWAME & SAW recaps + Yak it up Monday Aug. 25th @ 10 PM CST.
Tommy Stewart:
Tommy was out sick for this show, and he has yet to post his ratings. Come on Tommy, get on the stick dude!
Larry Goodman:
Larry joined me for the SAW review, and he gave it a mild thumbs up. He didn't see NWA main event.
NWA Main Event: Upper thumbs in the middle
SAW: Mild thumbs up
I gave the nod to SAW, but can't declare a winner for the week until Tommy gets his ratings posted. Come on Tommy, get on the stick dude! Cya Monday night. Trent Van Drisse
Arena Report: WWCW Kennett, MO 8.22.08 - Psycho First WWCW Champion!!

----WWCW promoter Joey McNew’s debut this year was considered a flop. His second show was ended in controversy. [Read the Kayfabe Board] So, how did the third show go with the return of wrestling to Kennett, MO?? The following is the report that I typed as the show happened on Friday night.
----I am trying again for a Wi-Fi show, but it looks like in rural America doe not know what Wi-Fi is..LOL
----The Missouri Commissioner is here and he is being a real prick. At 7:45 PM [15 minutes after the show was suppose to start], WWCW has 4 wrestlers cleared to wrestle. Blame is being thrown both ways as the workers are saying that the commish web site does not say that you need certain tests and such. Apparently all the workers were told what paperwork they were suppose to get, but they were going by the web site. All said and done – all of this should have been clear before the day of the show. Shit like this just totally amazes me. Ring, building…oh yeah…make sure talent is licensed?? LOL
----Paul Justice, Emilo Lazardo, Rod Dent III [his mom & dad], Brandy [went to a lot of the old shows], Dara [another long time fan], my girls and mom, Psycho, Arnez, Seth Knight, Zane, Kilo, Auburn Thunder, Rob Justice aka OzWick and Mark Justice [and family],.
----The show starts with Tasha Simone and Richard Marx going over the stips, [basically was a standard double elimination tournament with first match being a battle royal…I guess…LOL] putting over the fact there is only 4 guys on the show. The crowd was 150 – 170 and pretty hot for at least Tasha announcing “Asylum” – Tasha did a real good job getting all this over. Truthfully this can only be a major fustercluck, but at least RRO is here to cover it. LOL
----“Big Indian” Quixote is out. Psycho comes out to a huge pop. Kennett has always been his town. Psycho gives his doll Kayte to..the real Kayte [my daughter]. I got chills guys – sorry but this building, Psycho and wrestling means “something” to me. Psycho chops as he puts him in the corner. Huge “Psycho” chant. Justin “The Juice” Smart enters the ring. Smart jumped in, but stopped – should have continued on them. Smart and Quixote then start on Psycho taking heat. Quixote slams Psycho. They try pinning Psycho. And…4th person entering is “Asylum’s” Arnez. Psycho making comeback gets huge pop. Arnez got a big pop too. Crowd was so hot for “Asylum”!!! Tasha announces the tournament is for the WWCW Title. Tasha put over “Coach BT” and with messages on the laptop. LOL… Quixote and Smart playing total heel here getting heat – crowd was hot. Arnez eliminated by Smart. Psycho eliminates Smart with fall down closeline. Psycho pins Quixote. [**]
----“Loser” Bracket: Quixote vs Arnez – Winner has to wrestle Smart. Announcers putting over the fact that it could be Psycho vs Arnez in the finals. This match is bad – nothing yet. Arnez taking all match. Quixote gets heat. Arnez’s making comeback. No psychology, but crowd stayed into it most of the match. [*1/2]
----“Loser” Bracket: Smart vs Arnez is next. Started real quick with Arnez trying to get pins. Crowd wanted this. Sweet standing suplex from Arnez. Arnez runs into the ringpost for Smart to start heat. Smart working real hard here. Smart uses Karly [Arnez’ doll] on him. Crowd is hot for this. Two good hope spots. Perfect psychology so far. Smart went to the top and Arnez caught him for a black hole slam – looked good!! Goes for the pin and Quixote comes out. Quixote slides chair in – Smart takes it with him to top turnbuckle. He throws it to Arnez and Arnez catches and Smart hits him with a dropkick hitting the chair hard for the pin & win. Good match. [***]
----Psycho vs Smart next. Psycho missed Smart running into the turnbuckle. Smart goes after the leg with hard kick. Heat begins. Did I say how over Psycho is here?? Psycho makes a small comeback. Smart right back on him. Smart doing just basic heel stuff here. Fans are eating it up. Crowd is hot. Psycho making comeback. Psycho jumps from the bottom rope!! [BT Express move – I did that in my first ever match] LOL Smart goes to the top. Blockbuster from Smart. Double down. Smart goes for him, but Psycho blocks it for the “dreamcatcher” for the win and WWCW Title. Solid match. [**1/2]
----Quixote/Smart vs Arnez/Psycho next. Arnez/Psycho out with straight jackets and Psycho has a snake around his next. Arnez/Psycho getting shine. Psycho puts Smart down in a submission. Smart is still tired from other matches – blown up. Smart hits Arnez with dropkick to knee. Quixote comes in and the heat starts. Smart/Quixote work the knee. Arnez goes dead. Quixote misses legdrop, but gets the quick tag to Smart. Smart puts half crab in then to Quixote for half crab. Hot tag to Psycho was flat. Quixote shitcanned – “Straight to Hale” for finish. [**1/2]
-----Sarge O’Reilly, Chris Rocker, Rob Justice and Pappy were backstage without licenses including the ones mentioned above from CCW..."Classy" Meltin Massy [Loose Cannon] was backstage for the full event...Got to give the guys that worked a big hand for going out to do this. They all four went out and gave 110% and the fans were into the show right up to the end. Motley Cruz, who booked the show, did a good job also...Quixote has the worse music ever….Announces next show for October 11, 2008 for “Fan’s Appreciation Night” - $5!!...Simone did some real smart thing over the mic – putting over everything – every move – every part of the match…Smart superkick Quixote after main event. At times she was even calling spots to the workers very subtle. I usually not a fan of mic over crowd, but Tasha helped getting this show over…Even with all the license bs, you got to give McNew a “high five” for giving the fans a show. He announced before the show started there was only 4 wrestlers, so everyone knew what they were getting beforehand. I also was told to kayfabe, but the amount these four guys got for a payoff was probably one of the best of their careers. They deserved it also.
----Photos by Kayte Tramel. Psycho with strap to the left. Top right: Rod Dent II/BT/Emilo Lazardo. Lower Right: Arnez/Kilo/Psycho/Auburn Thunder/Zane Justice/Seth Knight/BT/Paul Justice/Mark Justice.