I would like to let everyone know I will be finishing up with RRO the end of next month(August)
All the interviews will still be posted (Bull Pain, Mo, David Haskins, James Beard (who worked for World Class), "Nightmare" Ken Wayne, Tatt2, Tommy Mercer, & Antwane Wise.
I was commited to do these and I will stand by my commitment.
The interviews will still be posted every Sunday up until my departure.
I want to thank everyone who took part in this project with "Turnbuckle Madness" and that sat down with myself and RRO.
My decision wasen't a hard decision at all as I am looking at doing missionary work. I just didn't want to come back as a full time journalist and with the site that's what has happened spending long hours with the interviews and getting them pieced together for the site was just too much.
For those unware I have been out of the business since 2003 and have enjoyed my life tremendously since walking away from the wrestling business. I have a calling and that's what I am looking into now.
I will not be posting any longer on the site (besides just the weekly interviews on Sunday)
Here is the following schedule on interviews as follows:
July 4th - Jimmy Valiant
July 11h - Bull Pain
July 18th - Mo (a.k.a. Rob Harlem)
July 25th - David Haskins (a.k.a. Davey Rich)
August 1st - Tatt2
August 8th - Tommy Mercer
August 15th - Antwane Wise
August 22 - James Beard
August 29 - "Nightmare" Ken Wayne..... This will be my last interview and last day with the site.