----TLCW out of Ripley, TN seems to have some troubles coming out of this weekend. I consider this promotion the model when it comes to weekly draw and such. In the early part of the year they were drawing close to 150 to 200 every weekend. Hot weather helped dropped them down and they had one of their worse crowds in over a year a couple of weeks ago. Is it just the weather or is it something to do with the booking and talent?? I would say a little combo of both.
----I hated the booking of the last couple of weeks. The team of “Genocide” [Albino Rhino/Maxx Corbin] win the belts, then lose them and then win them back on Friday night. The TLCW Title was won by “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony in March and he has held onto the title. For someone to keep the title that long, then it makes the title mean something. Do the WWE titles mean as much as they did?? No. But, for local promotions like this, you need a selling point and that belt will slowly mean something in this area, if you don’t “hot shot” it with booking like TGB losing it Friday night and then there is plans for him to win it back this coming Saturday. Tim Grind or Dustin Starr would be the perfect pick for the next champion, but why take it off TGB without a good build??
----I sometimes do second guess what I post. Whether or not it should be posted? I ask myself that. But, I also know that to be considered a “news” site and there is news all over the place about a certain subject, then I eventually have to post it. Case in point on the two guys being caught with weed this Saturday at TLCW. I personally like both of these guys. They have has always been very respectable to me. It doesn’t change the fact that they were caught and it is something that actually pissed off some of the major talent in TLCW, because they don’t want to be grouped as doing anything illegal. Does that mean that everyone follows the rules and no one breaks the law?? Am I above all of this and never been part of anything illegal?? I would have to say that I am NOT 100% innocent, but as I have said before, there is a time and place for everything.
----Former LAW promoter Kelly Warner is back in jail serving his time for a sexual assault charge for violating parole. Tavian Robinson, an area referee, had sexual misconduct charges against him earlier this year, but the best I can tell, those chargers were dropped. Does any of that change the fact that both guys have been instrumental in roles in pro wrestling in this area?? Would you use them to work for you? Robinson had his chargers dropped, but he was featured promptly in the local papers. Does that turn off fans?? At what point does the trust factor come in on whether you want to hire a Warner, Robinson, or whoever that might cause you problems??
----Everyone seemed to crap on the Unforgiven PPV, but I talked with a friend who went to the show live and enjoyed himself. This is coming from a guy that watches mostly WWE stuff. He said the Undertaker entrance was one of the best things he has every seen live. He stated the wrestling was not great, but overall it was a fun experience. I am glad to hear that and hear that they drew a great crowd. Memphis is not consider a great drawing wrestling town now – just look at Hogan at the FedEx Forum this year. The city of Memphis also has not been one to go out and support any kind of major sports franchise. Here is a town that could have had a NFL franchise by now, but they crapped all over the NFL when the Titans were playing in Memphis. They do not have a big Redbird following and the Grizzles do not draw huge crowds. The only local sport team that is supported is the University of Memphis Tigers – both football and basketball draw fans.
----Although this really has nothing to do with wrestling, the underlining effect is the same. How in the hell can people say that Brittany Spears is too fat?? I will give you this – her performance was horrible. But, how can she be considered fat?? Damn. Has society got so infatuated with the way they look that a normal size woman that has had two kids is fat?? It fits in the wrestling world as the valets try to be smaller and the guys try to have perfect bodies and when people do not look perfect, they are not given jobs. The “look” sucks sometimes and all us fat people need to take a stand. LOL I heard one comedian say, “Only gay guys and women thought Brittany was fat, because all of us normal guys have had sex with A LOT worse!!” I think that pretty much sums it up.