Jerry Lawler is out for four weeks due to a broke leg. Lawler suffered the legit injury during a bout with Brad Armstrong last Monday night in Memphis. Brad hit Lawler and Jerry went to do a bump, but his foot was caught under Brad's foot. Lawler did the bump, but his foot stayed in the same place. It broke the febula bone and Lawler is already walking without crutches or a cast. It's not a big blow to the promotion like would have been a few years ago, because his drawing power here is way down.
Smoky Mountain Wrestling closed shop last week, but they continue to run the SMW vs USWA angle. It's still fun and I wonder what they are going to do since SMW doesn't exist anymore? But, this is wrestling and the storyline now is that 50% of the promotion is owned by USWA and 50% is owned by SMW. Bob Armstrong came out for an interview and forced announcer Dave Brown to play the SMW theme. He also reinstated the Smoky Mountain Massare, even though he had lost a loser leaves twon fall. He also gave the USWA Title back to Tex Slazinger, who had lost his belt to Brian C last Monday night due to the restarting of the bout. Randy Hales came out to tell Bob that he had to work with him, but that Hales had
reinstated Lance Russell, Dean Hill (Louisville ring announcer), and refs Frank Morrell & Bill Rush after Bob had fired them.
Bob Armstrong during a bout with Tasha vs Ms Texas (Texas won when DT Bruno grabbed Tasha's leg on mistake) kept stating he had someone to take care of Texas. When Texas came out for her interview, Bob was out to tell her he had a new wrestler to fight her and it was going to be Reggie B Fine's twin sister Regina B. Fine. Reggie debuted his new character of Regina B Fine (yes, Reggie in drag) and challenged Texas for Monday night. It was funny. Reggie is a big man and he will look funny vs Texas.
Clips were shown of Jeff Jarrett with Jerry Jarrett vs Jesse James
Armstrong with Bob Armstrong. It looked to be a good bout. They used the old Flair/Steamboat finish where Armstrong went for the figure-four,. but Jarrett cradled him for the win. They beat up Jerry Jarrett after the bout after they tied Jeff in the ropes. Bob piledrove him and finally PG13 made the save. Jeff Jarrett was not mentioned anymore on the show, so he might be headed to the WWF.
Since the promotion is owned by both USWA & SMW, then the Memphis card this Monday night (12/4) will feature three USWA booked bouts and three SMW bouts. USWA bouts: Winner to Get USWA Title Bout: Brian Christopher vs Cujo Moondog; USWA Title Match: Tex vs Koko B Ware; and USWA TT Title Match: Tracy Smothers/JJ Armstrong vs PG13. SMW bouts: Regina B Fine vs Ms Texas; SMMassacre vs Randy Hales (this is hilarious - you have to know what these two people look like to appreciate the humor); and Bob Armstrong vs Jerry Jarrett.
RAMBLES: The closing of SMW will open the doors for SMW regulars like The Armstrongs, Tommy Rich, Buddy Landell, R&R Express and The Headbangers to filter to the USWA or OMW. R&R Express are reported to start here in the USWA soon...Koko B Ware did a horrible interview and didn't look good in the ring...PG13/Ware beat SMM/Tex/Yellow Jacket, when YJ was pinned...Richard Lee (Cujo's manager) stated that Cujo had broke Doug Gilbert's arm. I think Doug is in Japan...Very little changes to the remodeled TV studio. Word I get is that all the remodeling was done to the news department's show, not the wrestling show.
An interesting angle was done and it seems like it was not coincidental either. Samantha Pain was out doing an interview, when Rikki Burton came out dressed in drag. Burton was looking at Pain's diamond ring, when he then handcuffed Pain to the ropes. Debbie T Wild then came out with a coal miner's glove on her hand and continue to hit Pain in the ribs until Bill Dundee & Colorado Kid made the save. Debbie claimed that Burton was her sister Shirley T Wild.
Didn't I just type that above about the USWA show? The OMW was taped last Saturday night and it seems that the angle was leaked out. It was probably told to Reggie B Fine, who worked some OMW dates in the past. The USWA show airs (10:00 AM) before the OMW show airs (11:30 PM), which made OMW look like they were copying the USWA, but in reality vice versa. OMW has a leak and they did to tell them to kayfabe. Bert Prentice said that he has a sister also - Big Bertha (Bert in drag - did it in the USWA) and she would help Pain Friday night in Jonesboro. Thumbs down to the USWA.
Reggie Montgomery debuted on the show. Reggie has been a ref for OMW and has been training to be a wrestler. After his debut bout, Brickhouse Brown came out to fuss that Reggie had interfered in a bout of his a few days ago. He also told Montgomery that he needed to be his friend, because both of them were black. He said that he knew he washed Dundee's car and carried Dundee's bags, but that he didn't have to do that. Reggie walked away and Brown jumped him. He DDTed him on the concrete, then poured a whole bag of flour on him. Okay, I know it was a race angle, but it was done good and Reggie was good in the role. He might turn into a good middle-of-the-card baby for them.
They aired the last 5 minutes of a 10 minute bout of Colorado Kid vs Chad Austin. It was the best bout they have aired on their show, since The Spiders left the area. Austin is a real hard worker and Kid seems to be improving. I've been told that Austin is here to stay because he is helping Bull Pain & Bill Dundee train wrestlers at Dundee's wrestling school. Austin did a flying side kick, the frogsplash, and some good bumps. Kid won with a dropkick from the top rope. They need to put the tag belts on Pain & Austin.
RAMBLES: Evansville has been drawing a crowd in the 200 range. $1000 gates plus all the gimmicks & concession should have them doing in the $1,200 range. The money here in Evansville is going to be the TV ads...The show has returned to a 30 minute format...6 matches are scheduled for this coming Friday night (12/8) with Gator McAllister vs Justin St John; Sam Pain/Big Berth vs Shirley & Debbie T Wild; Bill Dundee vs Terry Golden (no Dundee interview on this bout, but Golden did one where he said this bout was booked because Dundee interfered in his bouts all the time) ; NA Title Match: Colorado Kid defending his belt (no opponent announced, but I assume it will be Mike Samples) and a Non-Sanctioned Lights Out Match: BH Brown vs Reggie Montgomery were the only bouts announced. Giant Warrior and Bull Pain also announced as appearing...Giant Warrior beat Rikki Burton on TV with a legdrop finish...Tommy Rich announced vs Bill Dundee for his return here on 12/14 in Dexter, MO. Samples vs Kid also on that card. Rich was good here last summer, until he jumped to USWA in the SMW vs USWA feud. Rich & Dundee are good buddies. He should bring some excitement to the TV show.
Photo credit: Jerry Wilson