----Newport show did not air on the web site for me Sunday. I e-mailed the offices of their promotion, but never got a response.
----IWF show crowd was 123 @ $5 so that is a gate of $615, but they raised a total of $2,317 as I reported for Noah Sheffield. Good job guys!!
----I got sketchy Ripley, TN TLCW results from Saturday night [11.11.06], but it looks
Bill Dundee is in to help. They have been running an angle where Derrick King fired the Commish, so Dundee was hired as the new commish. Dundee said he was bringing in new talent and Kevin White [photo to the right] came out. Pokerface challenged him, but Dustin Starr/Poker beat up White with DK making the save. White/DK vs Starr/Poker this coming week. Hey, I love the idea of White working indy shows, but it is all screwed up compared to Memphis – DK/Poker are heels and White/Starr are faces. WTF??
----ASWF will soon be running shows again. Aaron Polston has opened back up and also formed the Tri-State Wrestling Alliance with Kenny Valiant’s All Pro and Rodney Grimes’ CWA. The old ASWF web site has been updated and Polston has even got All Pro and CWA web pages that he created himself.