DEBUT PERFORMANCE: “Kevin Nikels, well....he looks like the Undertaker and can wrestle like Benoit, he has a ton of potential. We work together, train together and share pain together. I'm glad we were together to go through everything my Dad put us through and is still putting us through.”
CHILDHOOD HEROES: “When I was real young, like 6,7 or 8 years old, I loved watching PG-13 (Wolfie D. and J.C. Ice), they just seemed at ease in the ring and you could tell they were having fun. Once I got older, I still liked watching them, but I started watching more of Benoit, Rey Misterio and pretty much the big names that get mentioned when someone talks about great wrestling.”
DR. DOLITTLE: “Definitely working towards being a veterinarian. I have always had animals in my life, so I don't know how I could survive without a real companion like a dog. When I was born, my Dad had a dog named Midnyte, he died when I was five. Then I was given a dog that I named
Honeybear after a dog that Bill Dundee had. I just recently had to put her to sleep and I sure do miss her. I have had birds, a turtle, (he ran away), hermit crabs, cats and an Iguana when I lived in
FIVE YEARS FROM NOW: “Paying the bills by wrestling only. I want to be mentioned in the list of today's top wrestlers like Brian Danielson, C.M. Punk, Samoa Joe and A.J. Styles.”