---Not sure what show these matches are unless I note it.
----There is finally a house show as they announced December 30, 2006 at the Mid-South Coliseum as this will be the last show there, since they are tearing the Coliseum down…Fire/Flame vs Starr/Kevin White burn Dustin Starr on first show; PP/Tatt2 vs Flash/Cowboys – Flash pinned Tatt2. PP/Ramsey Cahill vs Jethro/Fire/Flame—Starr/White came out with chairs, but then the Cowboys came out doing a possible face turn and screwing all the heat that they had on Starr/White…Simon Reed vs Derrick King [photo above with a mark]…Flash vs Bill Dundee…Johnny Dotson did a phone interview about his return and then everyone is praising the King interview on the second show on Dotson…Lots of yelling and screaming backstage over the Cowboys...These two shows were booked and written by Cory Maclin as Jerry Lawler was not there.