----Pokerface beat Reno Diamond; Kevin White over Rude; Dustin Starr over Tucker by DQ, when Chris O’Neal jumped in; Derrick King beat Tatt2; Matt Foley over Seth Knight with Foley’s foot on the rope; Stan Lee by DQ over Flash Flanagan when Flash used a kendo stick. “The Posse” [‘Lil Chris/Simon Reed] beat “Cruzin 4 Pain” [187/Motley Cruz] with Tasha Simone in a “Graffiti Match” and “Picture Perfect” V1 [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs] beat “Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop] [photo to the right] in a non-title match.
----These matches are probably not in any order as they happened, because I just wrote them down as I was given the results…Gate was in the $900 range with close to 180 people in the crowd. My gate from last week with this group was a bit off also, as I was told there were 150 paid last week -- $750 gate. This group’s success can be contributed to a few factors with DCWF shutting down, some good booking [a lot of the boys are giving Flash’s help as props here] and some improvements of the building. Take a look at the roster – best local talent in the area…”Graffiti Match” has four poles in all four corners. One pole has a paint can and the others do not. If you get the paint can, you win and can paint your opponent. Love that idea…Starr/O’Neal had another heated pull-a-part. Crowd was hot for this. Looks like they might be trying to build for Starr/O’Neal Cage match…PP got beat up and handcuffed by BO Squad after match.