RassleResults: SUW McKenzie, TN 12.01.06
----Wildman beat JR Rich; Bonecrusher w/Little Hippie beat Wildman by hit a legdrop on a sign over Wildmans face; The Big Boys beat Jason Koresh & Twiztid- very hardcore match - The BOB powerbombed Twiztid thru a road sign set up on two chairs for the win and in the Main Event: RL Brimstone w/Tara St.Cloud beat Extreme Neal Dream-Brimstone hit Neal with a piledriver then Tara come off the top rope with a leg drop and Brimstone pinned Neal. ----Crowd was around 65 with a gate of over $300 with all proceeds going to the Lions Club of McKenzie…I was told it was real cold, but the crowd was loud and rowdy…This group does mainly a hardcore show [as you can see], but it seems to get over with the people that are there.