November 2006 may be the month remembered as when TLCW became the breakthrough promotion in the area. The shows have seen a slow increase from the first week of November drawing about 80 fans in the building to last Saturday night with 180 in the building. There was close to 500 people seeing the show in November. If the streak continues, then they could put close to 800 in the seats in the month of December. I have been told that TCLW puts on a real good show and the building has been re-done. “You got to come see the show!!” is what I have been hearing for the last few weeks. I said in the results earlier this week, “This group’s success can be contributed to a few factors with DCWF shutting down, some good booking [a lot of the boys are giving Flash’s help as props here] and some improvements of the building. Take a look at the roster – best local talent in the area” I ask the question “Why is Ripley drawing??” to the workers and fans of TLCW. I got the following, as I give TLCW a HIGH FIVE!! “We do have the best cast of characters and gimmicks from the fun guys like me and “Lil” Chris, the assholes like Flash and Dustin Starr, the young guys that can bump like Tucker and Rockin Randy, the traditional baby faces like Girl Candy, Jon and Chris, extreme aerial artists like Stan, Tatt2 and Reno,
the two best black wrestlers in the area hands down in PKO and Rude, the best refs in Bill Rush and Will Gibson and the best manager in Rashard. Something for everyone’s taste. Kevin White and Bill Dundee it can only help us as a company. I personally have put in a ton of work on the building not to mention Derrick, Tim Cummings, Tucker, Big Jerry, the boys themselves, the security guards, the families and people of the community have helped in getting the building ready. The owner, JC White, has been a great help in our transformation from a outlaw wrestling show into a business. He wants everything right no matter what costs. This is the best group of wrestlers and talent. I don’t care what anyone says we have always drawn and we always will. You know what I’m talkin about. We made the entertainment center, everyone wanted to work there. Now we just changed locations, dropped the dead weight and drama queens. The core of guys are solid more than any other I would even say WWE because we build it once and they took it away, we built it again and we lost it, now we did everything right. It’s our time and no one can stop us.” Simon Reed of “The Posse” [photo above posed with a mark]
“One of wrestling's oldest sayings.. right place, right time. A town that hasn't been ran into the ground plus the best roster in the area. Flash, Dk, Stan, Jon Michael, CJ, Chris, Seth.” “The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony
"The TLCW fans have an energy about them that make the boys work harder,
week in and week out. You've got Flash Flanagan, Derrick King, Stan Lee, Picture Perfect, Chris O'Neal, The Posse, Tatt2, The Black Out Squad, Kevin White, Bill Dundee and of course me (Dustin Starr). Who has a better group of talent working for them every week? No one. It's an amazing roster." Dustin “Five” Starr [pic to right]
“Ripley,Tennessee is drawing because Derrick King works hard to keep continuing storylines and because this young man loves the wrestling business so much he goes the extra mile to make sure he keeps his fanbase satisfied. The owners of the promotion have given Derrick King a free hand to run the company. Bottom line is there is not many guys in the business like Derrick, this promotion would not be as successful with anyone else. I have been there for the past 3 weeks and I see the hard work that goes into making this show work, plus the talent isn't bad either.” Garry White
“I think the reas
on Ripley has become such a good show is the passion everyone has for wrestling from the workers to security to the owners, top to bottom it has been a group effort. Countless hours have been spent improving the building. It is the hard work and dedication shown by so many that has helped our show become as successful as it has become. We are not yet where we want to be, but if we keep workin, our goal is attainable.” “Lil” Chris of “The Posse” [pic to the left with the same mark]
----Thanks to everyone that responded to this question. I apologize for not using everyone’s comments, but I picked the top 5 – I didn’t want to mess up the HIGH FIVE gimmick. LOL