----A funny story that most of you will enjoy. Psycho almost got my ass kicked by Sid Vicious. I always like to feel out “stars” before talking to them and such. I always try to be respectful in that if they like to talk, then I will talk, if they would rather talk to others, then that is kewl also. This was something that I was taught in the old days when I was taking photos. Guys like Jerry Lawler pretty much stuck to themselves and I was welcome when only asked and hardly ever took photos of him. I usually had access to talk, but he wasn’t one that wanted to spend time taking photos.
----Sid was talking to everyone that came up to him and seemed to be a pretty nice guy. After Sarge/Mickey had arrived I decided to ease over and sit down next to Sid. I had a 8x10 of Sid with site reader Dan Haynes. Haynes had meet Sid in Memphis one time on Beale Street and had a photo taken with him. He wanted it autographed, so I said sure. I take it out and ask Sid to autograph it. He is nice enough to do it with no problem. I had talked about trying to get shoot interviews with Sid/Snowman when I was coming to the show. So, my good buddy Psycho, says “You going to get a shoot interview for your dirt sheet??” in front of Sid. Well, Vicious starts going totally off. He is saying how he has never read a dirt sheet and never will. Guys that do sheets can’t make a name for themselves, so they make names off others. I am sitting there waiting for someone to rat me out and all I could see was Sid’s big hand just knocking the shit out of me. Psycho looks at Sid and agrees with him about the sheets and I nod my head also. LOL Mickey Ray then comes to the rescue by changing the subject real quick.
----I have met Doug Gilbert a handful of times over the years. He was just tagging along with Eddie the first time I met him. We actually later worked a card for JD McKay together and he said when shaking my hand, “Nice to meet the guy that gives Jerry Lawler so much hell.” I have really never “known” Doug, but one time after a Power Pro Beale Street show he called my house to threaten to stick his baseball bat up my ass due to some personal business that I actually had nothing to do with. Well, sort of..long story. LOL We had later talked on the phone about renting my ring and he was a nice guy. When I shook his hand at the show, I was not sure he remembered me and actually thought he didn’t. I was told later on in the night that Gilbert was asked by Sid, “who is that??” pointing at me and Gilbert said something like, “He used to manage my brother-in-law [Paul Justice] – he ain’t nobody!!” Thanks for putting me over Doug!! So, Psycho tries to get me beat up and Doug says I am nobody to Sid. Don’t think I was over with the big guy; what’ca think??
----Finally, Lamarrus Brooks said something about “Psycho” and Sid said, “What?? Me??” and Psycho said no me. Sid looked at him and then went on with his business. Later on it happened a few more times and you could see Sid seemed to be either disgusted that Psycho was using the name or he was pissed at himself for answering to it every time.
**Sid vs Doug photo by Cindy Hawk