NOW HERE IS A REAL QUESTION FOR YOU...... if the owner cant pay for the building ...the lights....water and other expenses then where would they wrestle. IF EVERY OWNER .......PROMOTOR GOT TOGETHER and said hey everyone in the locker room is going to work for the same amount..... LETS SAY $25 if this CAN be paid after all of the bills are paid then how many of the GUYS THAT WANT GUARANTEES would stay in this business ...... NOT MANY. BUT THEN you have guys that LOVE THIS SPORTS so much that they don’t care if they get paid or not. if there were more that wrestled because they love this sports as much as they say they do then there would be more shows to work . I can see where a promoter want to see if a wrestler that wants a guarantee wants to see DRAW POWER for his GUARANTEE. If he doesnt draw more than his regular crew then why pay him more that his regular crew? LET ME ASK YOU.... if you draw 100 people every weekend ....and you have someone wanting a guarantee... then ask him would he work for what they draw over that 100 people ? I think i can answer that one NO he wouldnt work for that. THAT’S NOT A GUARANTEE....LOL.
I can remember a trip that a bunch of the CCW workers took to KANSAS CITY KANSAS one night. It took us 18 hours to get there. WE HAD A GUARANTEE.......... BUT when we got all the way there they didnt draw. THERE WENT THE GUARANTEE. BUT GUESS WHAT..... EVERY WORKER THAT TOOK THIS TRIP WORKED. WHY? WE LOVE ThE SPORT. DONT get me wrong I’m not saying if you love the sport don’t ask for money just don’t be unreasonable about it. Most of the time a promotion cant afford to pay ungodly amount to make the roster better. As long as you get your gas money then you should be happy if you love to entertain.
As for someone getting paid more because they are someone’s BOY or FRIEND. NOT RIGHT.....the other guys are doing the same thing as he is WORKING. Someone asked me one time at a show was I going to get an autograph or picture from a NAME that they brought in... and here is what I always told them.... HEY IM JUST AS GOOD AS THEM ..... Just because they have BEEN THERE DONE THAT........ WHERE ARE THEY NOW? WORKING THE SAME PLACE I AM. SO THAT MAKES THEM NO BETTER THAN ME JUST BEEN AROUND LONGER OR HAD MORE EXPOSURE. BUT most of the time it’s about how much MONEY you have. If you can afford to get to places to be seen then you are going to get more exposure than you would if you don’t have the money to get there.
I learned in the time that I was part owner of CCW that THERE IS NO MONEY AT THIS LEVEL. Sometimes there are no FRIENDS and that people will stab you in the back just to get a better SPOT . BUT THEN AGAIN how much did they improve there self for doing it....NONE there still on the same damn shows that you’re on. People take this business WAY too serious at this level. So in closing I say take a chill pill quit worrying about MONEY THAT ISNT THERE at this level ...... AND HAVE FUN. I dont wrestle much anymore because of that reason. It got to be where I wasn’t having fun anymore because of the BS.