tty much agreed that would not be a good idea. When the match started Chris locked up with him and said just listen to what I say, I’m calling this match and called "duck two, headlock takeover" when he shot Tatt2 off he ducked the first one and then spinning heel kicked Chris and Chris sold it. O’Neal put him in a headlock again and said,"Listen to me" and called another spot with Tatt2 once again didn’t do and went into his own spot and started kicking Chris. Chris shot him in the turnbuckle and said splash. He went in for the splash and Tatt2 moved and stated kicking him again so Chris knocked him down and got him in a shoot headlock and said listen to me and quit this bullshit. He choked him for a second and let him go and when Tatt2 didn’t listen to the next spot, Chris kicked him in the face. At which point Tatt2 walked to the back and Derrick walked out to defend Tatt2 for a shoot. They wrestled around for a shoot for a bit then just worked a stiff match with Chris winning with a sunset flip. Chris went to find Tatt2 after the match and when he did he walked up to Tatt2 and said “hey listen” and as soon as he said that Tatt2, who was tying his shoe,picked him up by both legs and he fell on his head and neck. They started punching and then it was broke up. DK made them all talk it out…Crazy stuff with a little spot show like this with so much crap going on. Tatt2 is good at spots, but has no idea about psychology and should not be calling spots. I am not in favor of roughing anyone up, but after calling all of that I would have been pissed also. O’Neal and Tatt2 were good after all of it as they were seen hugging at TV tapings.
Monday, January 08, 2007
RassleResults: TLCW Bogota, TN 1.05.07
----Seth Knight beat Rockin Randy; Tim Alfonzo beat Dell Tucker; “Black Out Squad” [Oz/Bishop] beat “Picture Perfect” [Jon Michael/Christian Jacobs]; Chris O’Neal beat Tatt2 by COR; Chris O’Neal beat Derrick King and Main Event: DK/”The Posse” [Lil Chris/Simon Reed] beat Flash Flanagan/Jason Reed/”The Golden Boy” Greg Anthony.