out…Porkchop Express were unmasked to be The Hambones…After Cannon cheated to win the match vs Banks, the commish made a match for later on vs a mystery challenger. It turned out to be Treat. Treat beat Cannon when RottnRandy hit Cannon by mistake with his cane. Cannon brought out Sam Dollar and he fired Randy & they both beat up Randy….Stip on the main was if Buster lost then he got 10 lashes, but if Arnez lost then Bate got 10 lashes. Bate got two lashes before Arnez/Dale/Bane jumped in to get some lashes in on Buster…No posters or advertisement this time – just a banner in front of the Armory. This group is drawing on having good shows back to back. It makes you wonder though how many they would have drawn if they would have had posters???
Monday, January 08, 2007
RassleResults: Arkansas Championship Wrestling Paragould, AR 1.06.07
----“Next Division” Title Match: Big Indian beat Shakedown; Blakster/Mask Menace beat “Porkchop Express” I & II; Bryan Knight beat “Porkchop Express” III; ACW Title Match: Loose Cannon with RottnRandy beat Adrian Banks; Deadly Dale/Idol Bane with Bate Masterson beat Cody Daniels/Big Indian; “San Francisco Treat” [pic below] beat Loose Cannon with RottnRandy in a non-title match and in the Main Event: Loser Takes 10 Lashes with the Indian Strap – Buster Johnson beat Arnez with Bate Masterson.