Memphis Wrestling TV Report 10.28.06
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. They challenge Brickhouse Brown/Kevin White for the tag belts. Flex/Grind beat Dustin “Five” Starr/Tatt2. Good opening bout for TV. All four guys were working hard. Heat on Tatt2 with hot tag to Starr. Starr had Flex pinned, but Grind helped him roll over as Flex held Starr’s trunks for the pin.
----“Opening the Vault” with Jim Cornette with “Rock N Roll Express” [Robert Gibson/
Ricky Morton] vs “Midnight Express” [Stan Lane/Bobby Eaton] with Terry Funk doing commentary. Nice segment, but why did they not show Memphis footage?? I think this bout was from Clash of the Champions VI - 4/2/89. Next week: Austin Idol.
----Tom Nunnery and Grady Watson interview. They mention that Nate the Rat has promised to go to Lawler’s mother’s house this week. They talk about how Mrs. Lawler is getting better and they are getting her new flowers and card. Lawler video with his mom saying it would be better to be at his mom’s house than at wrestling, because of Nate’s threat. Lawler has a fireplace poker.
----Reggie B Fine – interview. Fine has a mystery opponent tonight for the main event vs Brickhouse Brown/Kevin White. Fine joins Maclin on commentary. OMG!!!
----“Picture Perfect” [Chris O’Neal/Jon Michael] beat by DQ Flash Flanagan/Pokerface when Flash brings a chair in the ring and starts swinging. This was a very good short bout. It was all PP until Flash brought out the chair. Jon Michael even did a flying body press from the top rope.
----JR Title Match: Derrick King vs
Chris Rocker ends with the title being held up. Good bout. These guys work so good with each other. Rocker did a rollup with a bridge – Rocker/DK’s shoulders were both down. Ref Bill Rush held up the title. DK superkicked Rocker after the bout and ran off with the title.
----Nate the Rat at Lawler’s Mammy’s house. Nate shows the fans a house that is in the hood and says that Lawler has made millions of dollars but put his mom here. He knocks on the door, but no one comes out. He then looks in the window and says he can see Lawler and his mother sitting on the couch. He ends the segment saying he has proven that Lawler is a fraud. This was funny – good TV.
----BH Brown/White – interview. Brown said that Fine got in the business by hanging on his jock strap and driving him around. Funny. White/Brown beat by DQ over Fine/Lord Humongous II when Fine threw White over the top rope. Huey II was Fine’s mystery partner. This was not your typical get heat-hot tag match. It was just trying to get over the point that Fine did not want to tag to wrestle either Brown or White. White did a good job getting over the Huey gimmick. Huey was in the bout most of the time. Bout turned into a clusterf**k with everyone in the ring and then Fine threw White over the top rope to get the DQ.
RassleNotes: Crowd was hot for Tatt2. Starr had good babyface fire for the hot tag…Grady Watson should never be on TV unless someone is just beating the hell out of him!!!…I think this was the first time that Lawler’s mother has ever appeared on Memphis Wrestling…Flash/Poker actually destroyed PP after the bout, but let them shine in the match. This is the way it should be done – it gets over both teams…Rocker lost a loser leave town match, but is now back with no explanation. They even had an angle last week that Rocker could not wrestle, but could ref?? WTF??...Nate the Rat did a good job again this week with the video. Classic stuff!!...Brick has not looked good in his two last TV bouts. At one point it looked as if Huey had to fight to get Brick to do moves including a short closeline that Brick barely sold…Good show. This marks their 5th straight week of good TV and some moments of classic TV with Nate the Rat segments. Even though they still mess up storylines and such, the shows have been solid adding some vets like Huey and Flash Flanagan just improves the quality of the shows. Please get rid of The Cowboys, Reggie B Fine and Grady Watson!!!
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