USWA: The return to Monday night house shows at the Flea Market hadn’t helped the crowds, as the show on October 21st had drawn another crowd of 375 fans paying $1800. Brian Christopher & Wolfie D won the USWA Tag Team titles from Bill & Jamie Dundee, in a match with Jimmy Valiant as guest referee. With the main weekly house show now taking place on a Monday, this ruled out Jerry Lawler being booked, as he had to work Monday nights doing live announcing for Raw, either in the Stamford studios or ringside at the arena….. The October 26th tv show was heavy on comedy, with Lawler doing the booking. A new wrestler debuted, named Macho Warrior Ric Hogan, whose gimmick was that he combined the interviews and mannerisms of the four. Randy Hales was taking credit for creating PG-13, and said he was debuting a new tag team that he’d manage – two masked heels called the ‘Devil Dogs’. In their squash match debut, they were beaten up by their jobber opponents for seven minutes, before Hales pulled them from the match (they lost via count out) and said that they were concentrating on an upcoming tag team title match…… Mike Samples was feuding with Sean Venom (who carried a snake), and debuted his neutralizer – a tiny dog called Hercules, which he had previously built up through promos to supposedly resemble a rottweiler. During his match on the show, he tried unsuccessfully to get the dog to act mean…….
----Credit to
www.wrestlingobserver.com for this.....