First off, before I get started, I would like to thank Brian for giving me a spot on the site to do the column. Since I am not doing to much wrestling anymore, but watch it on TV, why not write my thoughts. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ll give you some insight. I am 21 (turning 22 on November 1st) and have been watching wrestling since 1997 when my uncle invited me to watch Halloween Havoc 97. I was hooked. I also got to watch WWF here and there, but WCW hooked me. In 2000, I began doing work at The Main Event Wrestling store in Bartlett, Tn. Myself and another one of my friends started selling merch from his store at Memphis Championship Wrestling events while they were under WWF (wwe) Contract as a Development Territory. After meeting talent like Steve Bradley, Brian Kendrick (known then as Spanky), The Island Boys, and so on and so forth, I knew wrestling is what I wanted to be a part of. I began doing managing, but found out that announcing was something I was better at. During this time, I launched Pro Wrestling Network, which became very popular in the Midsouth Area. Now days, I just watch wrestling on TV because I just don’t have anything better else to do, definitely not because it is captivating television, but so much for the jibber jabber, on with my Point.
First off before I get to this weeks WWE, I would like to say that Bound for Glory this year, was much better than last year’s event. The card already said that it would be, other than the Kevin Nash Invitational and Zybsko/Young, but other than that, I think it was worth’s someone’s money to watch. Also, I must say, great attendance running against the World Series. I think TNA is on its way towards something if it can deliver on its Primetime slot on the 16th, it should be a good end of the year and good start to next year for TNA Wrestling.
RAW this past Monday was solid Cyber Sunday builder with only another week to build and sell it. Cyber Sunday itself will only be a building block for Survivor Series after it as both PPV’s are Inter-Promotional. First off, why devote time to “K-Fed” instead of the rest of your show? If your want to break down RAW into segments, he was in at least 4 of them: Opening Package, Live Open, Backstage Segment, and Cena/Nitro match. My Point? You pay your talent x amount of dollars and instead of investing your talent in meaningful ways you let them sit backstage and watch someone only known to most of the world as “Mr. Spears” take that time. Who do I think is missing off of RAW, Super Crazy. They brought him in with a good push and even a 6 way match for the Intercontinental Championship match, but after that, nothing. Still, the only thing sparking any interest in WWE for me right now is DX which once again proves reaching to the past can sometimes, and ONLY sometimes, bring up something that works. I think the make-shift feud between Edge and Orton against DX was also good to do as you had four of your top stars without anything legit to do. It also once again proves anything is possible this is one of the first times I have ever seen WWE actually remember angles from a few years back instead of forget they ever happened. Good Job guys *thumbs up*. Anyways, I think it’s a good way to keep them busy. What isn’t a good thing to do for RAW? Pretty much almost everything else you saw including what I call the worst feud idea right now and that’s the Champion of Champions match. First I think its fair to say its to soon to do it with Survivor Series being the PPV to something like that at, but then again, follow the Interactive PPV’s history and it shows they put what could potentially be the best matches on it to try and pop a buyrate. I also think it’s a bad idea due to who your champions are. Cena, Big Show, and Booker T…in one match against each other…not saying anymore on that. I will say though WWE has done a good job so far with Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday PPV events and this should be good to.
I would comment on more, but time to move to last night’s ECW event on Sci Fi. Good opener for ECW with the main event being made as a Ladder Match between Big Show and RVD. This is a feud they could potentially take all the way to December to Dismember. The opening match between Punk and Striker was a very good wrestling match IMO when it comes to WWE style matches. It makes me beg the question as to why WWE is pushing Punk. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I mean it as this…they are pushing a good wrestler with his own gimmick he had in the Indies. It just surprises me that they are doing this, but hey, its all good in my book. My problem though with the push is that his push has been against opponents sometimes twice in a row, Credible and Dupree he fought two times a piece if I remember correctly. With the way they are pushing and I know this is a one hour show but its time they re-introduce the TV championship. They also need to get their tag teams in order and do something as well with that. Second match for ECW wasn’t the best in the world with Test and Holly and well, WAY TO LONG. The ending of the match was the wrong way to go also because it left open to more when obviously the fans, other than big spots, didn’t care for the match and it went long enough to be a blow off type match, instead we have more of Test Vs Holly to look forward to…damn. Maybe if they would have brought in the weapons, it would have been better, but no…it wasn’t “Extreme Rules”. What kind of **** is that, eh? Next up is Sandman promo…good for Sandman, ditch the girl. He was putting over why you should Vote Sandman and he approved his message. Also, quick note, when your going to choose who is going to look at WWE.com live on TV, give the computer to the guy who likes the computer type and not Tazz. The Main Event was what it should of been, a Main Event match. It shows how much better Show has gotten since he has been given the ball to run with on ECW. The Show/RVD feud could pay off very well for WWE. All of the spots they pulled off was good and for WWE these days, this could of been a solid PPV match which begs the question if they can add to this if it becomes the ECW PPV Main Event. This week's ECW was very good, which is something they have been able for the past few weeks and it shows that if the right people have the writing say so (Heymen), it can hopefully get better.
Until then, I will see you next week with a full week of Wrestling Television...the good, bad, and ugly of it all. If you have any feedback, please email me at ransting@gmail.com.
Take Care