----After brief intro, Derrick King and Reggie B Fine came out talking about the Memphis Wrestling TV Title match later tonight vs Jerry Lawler.
Fine says, “I got your back like four flats on a Cadillac.” LOL
Only on Memphis Wrestling!!!
----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex]/Flash Flanagan come out with Southern Tag Team Titles. They try to convince Corey that all three are tag champs, but Maclin says that only Flash/Grind are champions. Grind/Flash beat Tatt2/Dustin Starr. Flash started the heat on Dustin when Flex tripped him. Hot tag to Tatt2. Double fist in the corner spot from the babys. Dustin is flipped over top rope. Tatt2 is trying to do a huracanrana on Grind, but Grind catches him and brings him near the ropes while Flex hits him with the belt. Grind ends it hitting a
Liger bomb for the pin. Good match.
----They air the Koko Ware/The Grizz angle from last week. Koko never touches him, but chases him away. They then air angle which they filmed last week with The Grizz celebrating his birthday. Nate comes out and grabs the cake. Nate actually says, “Let show you what happens to a cake on a wrestling show!!” and he tries to throw it in Grizz’s face, but he ducks and Corey gets it.
----Grady Watson interview. Watson says he has someone to help him with Jethro. Jethro comes out and chokes Grady. Jethro vs Johnny Dotson. Watson was ringside, so Jethro went out and got him before a finish. He threw him in the ring and was getting ready to beat him up, when Moondog Cujo [pictured] jumped him with a shovel. Crowd was hot for it, but the Moondog looked horrible. Watson interview
with Cujo.
----Kevin White/Mr. Hughes interview. Good interview. Hughes introduces Big Bob Fury. Hughes/White/Fury beat by DQ Brickhouse Brown/”The Posse” [Chris/Simon] . Fury was horrible. Heat on Simon. Hot tag to Lil Chris used as a hope spot as Hughes cuts him off. Hot tag to Brick. Everyone in the ring with White/Chris outside the ring and White was going to piledrive Chris on the concrete like he did Dundee, but Dundee jumped White with a chair. Heels won by DQ.
----Derrick King with Fine interview again. DK is wearing his “Lawler” gimmick tights. Lawler interview. Lawler beat DK to become the first CW 30 Memphis Wrestling TV Champion. Match was total psychology with every time Lawler would try his comeback Fine would in
terfere again. No big moves just punches and a few backdrops, but a good match. DK pulled own his strap [pictured] at one time and even did the Lawler fist drop, but missed. Lawler finally pulled down his strap and went after Fine outside the ring. Fine was at Corey’s desk running away and DK hit Lawler from behind. Lawler then threw a fireball and DK ran to the ring. Lawler pinned him for the win.
RassleNotes: It still looks like they will turn Flex…Tatt2 punches when coming out of heat do not look legit. His dropkicks looked real good. Tatt2 actually looked smaller today than usual – someone FEED HIM!!!...Why did they do an angle with a cake with The Grizz?? It made no sense because Koko was not involved. Koko jumping The Grizz at a NBA game would be a great stunt…Sam’s Town – The Grizz with Corey Maclin vs Koko Ware, Lawler vs Chris Masters, Boogeyman…Jethro has shaved his head and looks crazy!! Dotson vs Jethro was not that good, but Dotson did a better job in a big guy vs small guy match than Tatt2 did a few weeks back…Hughes is calling himself “Total Protection” Mr. Hughes…Fury was wearing a cap backwards, sunglasses, converse and a pair of shorts that looked like he bought at Wal Mart. Horrible. Corey actually called him “Furry” one time. LOL…A pretty good show this week. Two real good bouts and some horrible stuff in the middle. The good thing about the show was that it was a WRESTLING show – 4 bouts with time given to all four of them.
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