"I just seen Moondog Cujo on Memphis Wrestling and that was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. He is so fat and out of shape he could not even stand up and what about them overalls. The reason why he had overalls on is because he is to fat to wear anything else. Also I wonder if he could call his spots any louder in the ring. Actually he needs some Rogaine for that bald ass head. That's why there should not be anymore Moondogs cause all their going to do is kill the Moondog name. Because my father took pride in the name and it goes to show that no one can live it up to the name Moondog. To sum it all up - it is Memphis Wrestling and it has been around since the dawn of time. But if they keep on doing shit like that it will not be around much longer. Because all Corey is going to do is kill Memphis Wrestling. " Chris Booker - Son of Spot