"PURE DESTRUCTION" [Brody & Cody Hawk] won over Primetime Nick Grimes & Cassanova Kid
Pappy/Jay Webster/Colton Anderson wo
Soultaker won over Tommy Knox
24/7's Kross & J.R. Mauler won over D.C. & Fusion
Danny B. Good won over Neal "the real deal" Taylor with Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock handcuffed to Tony Watts at ringside. (see pic)
----70 in crowd with a gate close to $350...After the main event Blaylock & Taylor attacked Danny’s son. Danny B. lost it and was ranting & raving & throwing stuff, demanding a match with Neil. Re-match this Sat. night. Love that angle!! They did this once [and I think Eddie Gilbert booked this??] with Pez Whatley and it was great!!!