----This past Saturday’s show wasn’t a big ratings winner, but it we also didn’t see a huge dip in the current trend. It averaged a 1.0 in the 4 quarters that it aired with it peaking in the 3rd quarter with over 24,000 viewers. It dropped in the last quarter and that is not what you want in the TV business. The good news is that with this week’s ratings, the show is doing around 18% increase from last year’s Channel 50 numbers. The sad figures are that at this same time last year they were average over 48,000 a week, so now they are airing the show with only about 30% of their audience retained.
Memphis Wrestling TV 2.14.09 1.0 [16,691 viewers]
1st Quarter
-Corey Maclin
-Kash/White vs Koko/Tanaka [start]
.8 [12,964 viewers]
2cnd Quarter
-Kash/White vs Koko/Tanaka [finish]
-Roadies vs Lawler/Idol [start]
.8 [12,964 viewers] [no change]
3rd Quarter
-Roadies vs Lawler/Idol [finish]
-Kevin White vs Brian Christopher
1.5 [24,307 viewers] [+11.343 viewers]
4th Quarter
-Lawler interview
-Lawler/Koko vs Clowns
-Dundee interview
1.0 [16,205 viewers] [-8102 viewers]
Start to Finish [+3241 viewers]