Chico Mendoza defeated J.R. Rich
“The Convicts” [Wyked/Bobby Cane/Apod] defeated "Law & Order" [Jonathan Storm/Lawman Williams] in a non-sanctioned match
TV Title Match
Overkill defeated Spyder by DQ (no title change)
Feature Match
“American Thunder” [Weasel & Johnny Thunder] defeated
Big Boy Bob & Steven Rampage
Semi Main Event
Moondog Rex defeated Waycool in a Moondog Rules Match
Main Event
Wildside defeated P.K. Ripper to become The NEW T.I.W.F. Heavyweight Champion
----There were around 100 in the building…”Ravishing” Randy and Steven Rampage helped Wildside win… Mr. Beezley, who was the one claiming to be with the WWE, didn’t come back. LOL…They have big show this coming Saturday night with Team Empire vs Team TIWF.
RassleResults: Lexington, TN 8.17.07
----Wyked defeated Azreal…Spyder defeated Johnny Thunder to keep the TV title…Overkill & Moondog Rex & JR Rich defeated AC Havoc & Waycool & Bobby Cane…Jennifer Justice defeated Ravishing Randy…Wildside vs PK Ripper was a DCO…“Law and Order” [Lawman Williams/Jonathan Storm defeated the Big Boys to gain the TIWF tag team titles
----45 to 50 in crowd with a hot building with no AC.