TIWF TV Report
The screen is still bouncing and there is still a big black bar across the bottom. Do they care? Can they not figure out how to fix this problem?
Wildside and Jon Seymore are back behind the desk this week, Wildside in gimmick...but no elbow pads.
The attendance was up this week. 55-65 people in the crowd. Mostly small kids but former TIWF Champ "Jawbreaker" Jesse Dee was also in the crowd.
Match # 1
Chico Mendoza vs J.R. Rich
Last week J.R. was a ref, now he's back to being a wrestler. WTF? This match was heavily edited, but thats a good thing considering who was in it. Chico still wrestles lazy, but wins with a brass knucks shot on J.R. that gets baby pop from the crowd. 1/2 Star.
Match # 2
TV Title Match
Spyder (c) vs Overkill
Overkill has a blue fauxhawk this week. This match was full of botches. Overkill throws horrible clothslines. Overkill needs gear. Overkill hits a real nice looking "619" on Spyder but Hotrod oversells it and calls it the "731". Waycool interfers and so Overkill wins by DQ. I like Spyder's Fit Finlay gimmick, but he needs something. Maybe a nice video package. Why can't he win clean here? 1 Star.
Match # 3
Big Boy Bob & Steven Rampage vs Johnny Thunder and Weasel
Real nice chain wrestling by Rampage and Weasel. Thunder is bad. He's 300 pounds and trying to do kip ups, drop kicks, and other lightweight moves. He fell on his butt mostly. Rampage gets hit with powder by Bob, then he hits Bob with the "Lobotomy Driver". Bob gets pinned. This was the most edited match I've ever seen, and I don't know why. It took away from the story. This match deserved more time...how about not show Chico and J.R. Even with Johnny Thunder in this match, the others made it good. The producers need to only put out the good product. Weasel and Johnny Thunder's new name is American Thunder. 2 Stars, would have been more but the editing and Johnny Thunder brought it down.
Match # 4
Moondog Rules Match
Waycool vs Moondog Rex
Moondog wins after sending Waycool crashing through a door that was in the ring...yes a door. Moondog no sells way too much, more than a Moondog should. 1/2 Star.
Match # 5
TIWF Heavyweight Title Match
Wildside vs PK Ripper
Certain spots were mistimed. Screen f'd up during match. It got super digitized, went crazy fast followed by crazy slow for a minute. Finish had a ref bump, Rampage gets in the ring, PK sends him out and then turns into the double underhook DDT. Wildside wins. These guys have had hundreds of matches against each other, this was not the best...was not the worst either. What's wrong with having a clean finish? I was thinking during this match that if Wildside were to get into shape and lose the gut he would definatly be the best worker in TIWF. 2 Stars.
Best match was the tag match, it had psychology and needed more TV time. It was wrestling. I think that Spyder and Weasel would have a good little program if given the chance. Wildside needs a different opponent than PK. EVERYONE knew these two would be the final in the tourney, so surprise us and get someone else beside PK involved in the Title picture. PK could have decent matches with Overkill, maybe even team up with him. There need to be some CLEAN wins. Also a NBW TV report is in the works, when some glitches get worked out I will post it. Until next week...