----I am sorry, but I quit laughing at this crazy shit. Lesson to be learned – don’t steal gimmicks of crazy people. I had a few people ask why I reported it last night, but I did because I knew I would be reporting Alfonzo getting it cut off sometime today or late last night. Simon is just that crazy!! LOL Some more of the back story of this has Alfonzo actually walking in the beauty shop that Simon’s girlfriend works in, so how did Alfonzo think Simon would not find out?? And, I have not be able to have this confirmed or denied, but I was told that “The Golden Boy”, who is the booker for NBW, told Alfonzo “get a personality” and he knew ahead of time he was getting a Mohawk.
----I know some of you are thinking, why is the Mohawk such a big deal and hell I see Mohawks all the time?? Doesn’t Shannon Moore got a Mohawk?? Is Simon going to cut everyone else that has a Mohawk?? I think is so ridiculous that I can’t quit laughing. It is sort of “Jackass” [like the movie] and shows you the things that some people will do to protect their gimmick. There could even be some kind of assault charges filed, but I am not sure if Alfonzo would do it or not??