Monday, November 06, 2006

RassleBits: RassleTube, Kastle, Knight responds and Drinking/Drugs

----YouTube is having some technical difficulties, so RassleTube will be up and running as soon as possible. I have been having the same problems for the last three hours. I have some Memphis Wrestling from 10.28.06 and some classic stuff I think you are going to enjoy this week.

----I did get a call from Kaleb Kastle today. He informed me that he is not working Memphis Wrestling right now due to his current job. He is “on call” during the day on Saturdays, so it will permit him to travel from Florence, AL to Memphis. He also told me that yes, he was upset the other night because they had called him “Kidd Kastle” and that he did not quit CWA. I feel a few things would have to change, but I do expect him back with CWA if he works anything around here and look for him to return to Memphis as soon as he can.

----Seth Knight sent this via yahoo messenger “Untrue comments made of me about the show in Humboldt. I was the same condition, if not more sober, then I was the night I had a 4 star match with Rude. I wasn’t any "drunker" than any other wrestler/rock singer who has had a few before they go out to the ring/stage. If I was in no condition to wrestle then why did I go out and wrestle the match before the battle royal? And if Chris O’Neal and Trendsetter [Jon Michael] are such good "Bookers" why didn’t they have the balls to tell me they didn’t want me to win the battle royal. I have better things to do than be somewhere they don’t like drinking at the show. Looks like they can’t have half the other workers in TN at their show if they don’t like a guy to drink before hand. Screw them - I’m sure they won’t be the bookers for long.”

----Ok my feelings on the drinking or any drugs before a show was this --- do what you want after the show, but please stay sober so no one gets hurt. Changing the finish without telling Knight was unprofessional, but coming to a show drunk or drinking is unprofessional also. As Knight said though, and this is really sad, but a lot of the workers will drink or smoke a joint before a match and not think anything about it. I am not here to judge you, as I am NOT an innocent soul when it comes to things like this. But, always remember when you are out there wrestling, you are not only trying not to get hurt, but you are trying not to hurt your opponent.