Friday, June 29, 2007

Rating for 6.23.07 - Second Highest Ratings of The Year!!!

----This week's show scored a minor victory posting the second highest rating of the year with a 3.8 [63,966 viewers]. The 1.27.07 show is the only one that beat it this year with a 4.1 rating. This increase in viewership I think can be contributed to the company airing two really good shows before this show. Also there was major interest in the Sal Corrente/Jerry Lawler story because with it being all over the news people wanted to tune in to see if Lawler said anything. It was only a minor victory, because the show also took one of the biggest dips ever when over 20,000 people turned the show off after watching the Lawler interview. Rest of the show leading up to that had really been bad, so they felt rest of the show would be the same. In the worst quarter [4th], which had the best match of the show, still did almost 6,000 viewers than average, but they did end the show with 27,000 less viewers than they started with.

The Agent vs The Spellbinder Interview w/ Reggie B. Fine Opening the Vaults of Memphis Classic Wrestling: The Invader vs. Koko B. Ware
1st Quarter – 4.6 [77,397 viewers]
Interview w/ Jerry Lawler from his Disney Room
2cnd quarter – 4.5 [74,711 viewers] [-2686 viewers]

"Total Protection" Mr. Hughes vs. King Cobra Tim of Too Cool Two & Kevin White vs Dustin Starr & Tattoo 3rd Quarter – 3.2 [53,725 viewers] [-20986 viewers]

Johnny Dotson vs Sean Schultz
4th Quarter – 3.0 [50,031 viewers] [-3694 viewers]

12 Week Average – 2.7 – 44,192 viewers
12 Week High – 3.8 = 63,966 – 6.23.0712
Week Low – 1.6 = 26,862 viewers – 5.05.07
Growth from start to finish [–27,366 viewers]

What was Memphis watching?? Channel 3 News and CSI Miami - 7.8 [131,626 viewers]

----The show will be up on the site sometime tomorrow.