Thursday, December 20, 2007

Corey Maclin Denies or Does He???

----This was on the web site on Monday and I just missed it.

--We talked this morning with Corey Maclin regarding rumors of the death of Memphis Wrestling. As things stand, he said there is nothing to the story, but he did tell talent there aren't going to be new tapings and they have no new house shows to promote for the time being. They will be airing tapes of classic Memphis wrestling in the time slot starting in January. He said they were going to go back to taping on Ch. 30, and are not moving to a new station, but he couldn't give a date on when that would be, saying it could be some time between late January and perhaps March. Ch. 30 is for sale and they are looking at cutting costs, such as production of a live wrestling show.

----Trent Van Drisse on his message board said the following...

"Check this out from todays Observer update. Makes me laugh, Maclin says there's nothing to the story, but then basically goes on to confirm about everything Brian Tramel reported, cept that they're going to air old Memphis tapes for now, and maybe for a long while......."

----Thanks Trent - after reading it - it made me laugh also. I have had more than one web site, message board and such say my Memphis Wrestling Is Over story was false. Maclin just confirmed everything I said, as if I was sitting in during the meeting. LOL

----Let me just say that as I wrote before, Memphis Wrestling as we know it is done. I do not see them [unless something new happens] taping the show at the CW30 studios anymore. Is it completely over?? Probably not - the classic shows may branch out to some legends shows. I have said this to a lot of the area workers - if this Memphis Classics show does the same numbers as the regular studio show, then Maclin will be in no hurry to tape shows. Why would he?? He could sell advertising and do 4 big legend shows a year and make more money than what he is doing now.

----REMINDER - I will be co-hosting in the morning with Gene Jackson as we talk with Jimmy Hart about this and more happenings involving Hart and Memphis Wrestling this year.