Saturday, October 11, 2008

Memphis Wrestling Ratings and Weekly Poll Results 10.04.08

Memphis Wrestling 10-04-08

Final Rating: 0.1 ( 1,621 viewers ) 0 share

1st Quarter
-Los Locos vs DK/Dotson

2cnd Quarter
-Russell interview
-“Wrestling Professor” segment [start]

3rd Quarter
-“Wrestling Professor” segment [finish]
-Lawler vs Sid [start]
.2 [3241 viewers] [+3241 viewers]

4th Quarter
-Lawler vs Sid [finish]
.4 [6482 viewers] [+3241 viewers]

Start to finish [+6482 viewers]

----Well, I think “Rating Man” Ron stated it correctly this week when he said, “"What Memphis Watches" and it ain't Memphis Wrestling. LOL The average audience was 1,621 viewers!! There was not enough registering on the meter for the first two hours. The main segment that did draw over 6000 viewers was the Lawler vs Sid bout. These ratings are just horrible though and there nothing POSITIVE about them.


Thumbs Up 61%
Thumbs Down 39%


----Not as big of a margin as last week, but since their re-start on channel 50, these show has received all THUMBS UP. The Kayfabe Board has discussed this in the last week or so with BAM doing a great job summing things up.

“Let’s get serious here. Can you honestly tell me that 70 percent of the people that surf this site VOTE THUMBS UP?!?!?!? That’s like, blasphemy. Are you honestly telling me you are enjoying watching a show that doesn’t even show a Memphis product? You enjoy watching A.J. Styles VS Samoa Joe every damn weekend. Are you honestly telling me that you love tuning in to see what great knowledge "The Wrestling Professor" beholds? I know he's my favorite wrestler. Wait... I mean kid. Where is the Memphis Wrestling? And most of you guys are voting thumbs up and blowing it out of the water. Someone, anyone, say something!!!!”

Klee43 also added, “Bam, I am inclined to agree with you. Only one time did I give it a “thumbs up” and that was because it was mildly entertaining compared to other weeks. I missed it last week, but I am amazed at what Memphis wrestling fans will settle for. No live matches, showing matches from other parts of the country, etc. Giving it a “thumbs up” simply because you are glad it is on Memphis television is insane. Basically what you are saying is the quality of the product doesn't matter to you, you will settle for anything. I grew up on wrestling, but I am not going to support something that does not entertain me.”