Friday, November 21, 2008

Coach's Corner "A Rib is A Rib"

----A rib is a rib is a rib; right?? The history of ribs go as far back as the days that wrestling started. I have heard some of funniest stuff like a story Dusty Wolfe [plug inserted] tells in his book about Gypsy Joe to guys crapping in Jerry Lawler’s crown [also in his book] to some local guys pissing in a guy’s Mountain Dew. I guess some would make you mad and some would make you just laugh. I guess it also it depends on whether you are being ribbed or ribbing; right?? Wolfe also talks about the art of ribbing being lost on the new generation and how no one does it. Guess what Dusty?? The rib is alive and well in Memphis Wrestling area. Sometimes they come off as cheap shots or shoots, others are just plain funny and well others just seem like life is pulling a rib. A rib is a rib, a spade is a spade, a loss is just a loss and a transvestite is a girl; right??

----A few weeks back when the booker of a promotion left due to the promotion only booking one show a month and then going biweekly in 2009, the promoter decided that in front of a crowd of 25 people he would do a little shoot on the former booker. After a rant that include someone dressing up to look like a “bright glowing vitality boy” and the promoter blaming the booking on the downfall of his promotion, then the promoter puffed out his chest and walked back to the dressing room. At no time did the promoter think maybe it was because he didn’t advertise - how could that contribute to no crowd?? One worker pointed out that this was a shoot on the former booker. But, what is that old saying about a tree falling in the woods?? It really doesn’t matter what this promoter said or did, because it would come off as just part of the storyline. He could always say, “Oh it was just a rib bro!!” And as the guys in the back collected their $5 payoffs, laughed and patted him on the back for a job well done, they were then laughing at him behind his back and thinking about how big of a goof he really is. And he was laughing and patting himself on the back thinking, “Damn I am good and all these guys work for $5! I am important and I don‘t give a crap what anyone thinks of me!!” Speaking of crap, you know we have slang that we use like, “taking a crap”, “pinching a load”, “dropping off the Cosby kids” or even “number 2”; right? Well, the next time you take one of those long stinky slimey nasty you can’t stand being in the room with it craps, then I give you permission to call it an O’Dell.

----My friend Gary, who many of you know as Izzy Rotten, called the other morning to tell me about a rib that was played on him by “Hollywood” Jimmy Blaylock. Izzy was steaming when this happened to him and I hope am not breaking kayfabe he wanted to strangle Blaylock. As he started to tell the story, I have to admit I guess if I would have been in Izzys’ shoes, then I might have been pissed, but I had to hold back from the laughter. This was a good one. Blaylock told Izzy and his tag partner of “Pain.Inc” Brett Michaels that he would be backstage taking photos at TNA for [another plug] He told them to meet him backstage and he could hang out with them and everyone from TNA. see what is coming right?? When Izzy/Michaels got backstage - there was no Blaylock!! LOL TNA had no idea who these guys were with Izzy standing there with a big smile wearing his “Kayfabe” shirt from [another plug] Security wanted to throw them in jail for trespassing, but ODB came to their rescue remembering Izzy. They got to meet a lot of the guys backstage and everyone was cool with them. Kip James even put over the “Kayfabe” shirt. They were even escorted to their chairs by security before the show started. They also seen Blaylock when they got to their chairs and he was just laughing at them. This is a good case of a rib turning into something good - but what the hell would have happened if they had ended up in jail??

----Real life sometimes throws you ribs that you just don’t expect. You know like that one time that “girl” showed up from the internet dating site. I mean I am thinking - you got to be ribbing me - this is NOT a girl!! Smells like a girl, talks like a girl…well it has to be a girl; right?? off the subject there for a moment..Even though this is related to the site and is wrestling, it makes me wonder if there is just a bunch of you guys punching “Thumbs Up” on the Memphis Wrestling TV Poll?? Please tell me it is a rib!! I will laugh and just get over it. I will keep on truckin’ with the regular features and think, “man, they got me..” You guys are trying to tell me that not even ONE show since the 8.09.08 TV 50 debut show sucked?? I love you guys. Thanks for visiting my site!! I like all e-mails - good or bad. You can bash me on Jimmy’s board. Tell me I am fat. Tell me I am bald. Or make fun of my coke bottle glasses [that is my style dammit!!] But..PLEASE..quit ribbing me and voting “Thumbs Up” for that O’Dell that Corey Maclin and Jerry Lawler are trying to disguise as wrestling!!! No one is watching!! No one cares!! Please stop ribbing me!!

----A rib is a rib. They come in all shapes and sizes. You know a spade is a spade, a sturdy working tool is a sturdy working tool, a dog is a dog, a nightmare is Danny Davis [thought I was going to say Ken Wayne; didn’t you], a star is Dustin, a Dustin is a vampire, a sack is a sack [unless it is dangling from a vampire and it is a big sack!!], a crap is an O’Dell and well, a rib is a rib is to tease or mock good-humouredly; right?? Oh yea..all those transvestite jokes..just jokes..just ribbing bro. My personal life is none of your business!!