Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memphis Wrestling TV Ratings Wrapup 5.09 & 5.16.09 - Brian Christopher and Ric Flair = Ratings!!


----This show did the same number almost all hour with a slight upswing in the 2cnd quarter. Brian Christopher continues his streak of his last four TV appearances being ratings gainers. If I was Memphis Wrestling, I would try to expand on this and maybe feature a Brian Christopher themed show to see what it does. Show finished 11% less than 2009 average and 4% plus last year’s Channel 50 average.

Overall .8 [12957 viewers]

1st Quarter
-Block Party promo
-Lance Russell on Jarrett
-Jarrett vs Falk
.8 [12957 viewers]

2cnd Quarter
-Brian C vs Kevin White
1.0 [16197 viewers] [+3240 viewers]

3rd Quarter
-Nasty Boys vs Jaggars/Carl Fergie
-Bigelow vs Lawler [start]
.8 [12957 viewers] [-3240 viewers]

4th Quarter
-Bigelow vs Lawler [finish]
.8 [12957 viewers] [n/c]

From start to finish [n/c]

What was Memphis watching?? Strawberry Shortcake/Care Bears 1.6 [25914 viewers]


----The change in Jeff Jarrett from his first day until his USWA days is just crazy. Jarrett gets a bad rep sometimes and I think it is the “daddy got me in the business” thing, but he really did turn into a good worker. Can you think of anyone else since Jarrett that was pushed ahead of Jerry Lawler? And they wonder why they do not have talent or “stars”??...White vs Brian C wasn’t great, but nothing really wrong with it. It was probably the third best match of the year of original programming. All three have featured Kevin White…Bobby Jaggars was a good bumper. Is it just me or were the Nasty Boys really bad??...Lawler vs Bigelow was typical Lawler bout. Lawler has said in interviews in the past how much he liked working Bigelow, because he was so big, but a hell of a bumper.


----Brian Christopher ended his streak with this week, but look who he had to compete with – Ric Flair!!! Flair vs Lawler was a big ratings gainer – over 14,000 viewers. This quarter alone was 52% over the 2009 ratings and 61% over average rating of 2008 Channel 50 ratings. The show overall finished 25% over the 2009 average and 38% over 2008 Channel 50 ratings. It also is one of the top 10 rated shows since the change to Channel 50.

Overall 1.2 [19436 viewers]

1st Quarter

-Fabs vs Moondogs
-UPN Brian C/Doug G interview
1.0 [16197 viewers]

2cnd Quarter
-Flair/Lawler angle
1.0 [16197 viewers] [n/c]

3rd Quarter
-Flair vs Lawler match
1.9 [30773 viewers] [+14576 viewers]

4th Quarter
-Savage vs Idol
-Idol interview
-Savage - int
1.0 [16197 viewers] [-14576 viewers]

From start to finish [n/c]

What was Memphis watching?? Strawberry Shortcake/Care Bears 2.4 [38872 viewers]


----Steve Keirn angle where he gets his neck caught up in the top and middle rope. What is the origin of this angle?? Anyone know?? This was so believable at the time…UPN Brian C and Doug Gilbert interview was so good. Doug is really underrated on the mic. You really don’t ever know what he is going to say…Flair vs Lawler stuff is so good also. Here is a funny story about this match – sort of a “Flashback” about me. I was 15 years old when this match aired. I would go to town [because I lived in a rural area] to watch wrestling with my best friend Ronnie. This was a markout moment for both us as RIC FLAIR WAS ON MEMPHIS WRESTLING!! After the angle aired and right before they got in the ring, Ronnie’s dad came in the front door. He was drinking [it was the weekend dammit] and said, “We ain’t watching this fake shit!!” and turned off the TV. We were both so mad and thought we were going to miss the only time we would ever see Flair wrestle Lawler!! Minutes into the bout, Ronnie’s mom got his dad to come into the kitchen and we got to see about 95% of the bout. Never at that point would I have imagined that I could watch that match every day now. LOL…Austin Idol was never a great wrestler, but could be walked thru a good match and was tremendous on the mic!!