Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Shooting The Shiznit" Season 2 Episode 7 rroradio #65

----This show was an action packed 90 minutes long with co-host Derrick King for the full show. DK and Brian Tramel were also joined by Downtown Bruno, Trent Van Drisse, Dustin Starr, Ken Wayne, Brian Thompson, James a fan talking about pills, Blade
Boudreaux and Albino Rhino. Subjects covered included the following and more…

-Eric Wayne and Greg King JR.
-Brian Christopher/Bishop fight.
-DK’s tells the DCW firing story.
-Downtown Bruno talks “old school” and the current scene.
-Ken Wayne talks about new rules at NEW and the incident.

----CLICK on the top show for today's show or you can also listen to the last three shows that aired Ken Wayne [#64], Loose Cannon [#63] and "Genocide" [#62]!!!