Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Post.....

----A few quick notes to end it all.  

----I have thought about what I would say in my last post, since the day I made the final decision to end it.  And after a week of posts from other people and the radio show, there is not much more to say.  I have spend a decade dedicated to wrestling in this area.  My passion is still there - I will always love wrestling in this area.  It is time to move on as my life continues to change every day and sitting here 20+ hours a week on the site is not going to help me.  
----Just want to say, THANK YOU to everyone that has visited the site.  I do appreciate all the e-mails, texts and phone calls I have received.  THANK YOU!!!

----Gene Jackson is going forward with with a message board and area news.  Please try to support him.  He is a great guy and will give everyone a fair shake.

----If you want to keep up with me, then add me on Facebook or Twitter @BrianTramel599d.  My new site hopefully will be operational by mid-July, so bookmark it today -!!