----Show opened with “Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] at the desk to announce the show.
They say that Corey Maclin is not there – personal problems.
They announce Southern Tag Team Tournament, because the belts have been vacated.
Jerry Lawler comes out to say he is going to help them host the show.
Lawler says that they are having a Battle Royal for the belts. [Not a tournament] He says he will sit at the desk to announce while Grind/Flex participates in the match.
----Short interviews with all the participates of Battle Royal – Grind/Flex; Kevin White/Dustin Starr; Fire
/Flame; “Insane Clowns” [Bobo/Wiggles]; “The Posse” [‘Lil Chris/Simon Reed]; “Cowboys” [Ricky Murdoch/Bill Nasty]; “Picture Perfect”[Chris O’Neal/Jon Michael] – Cowboys were eliminated first with the last two teams being Grind/Flex vs Starr/White and White pinned Grind to win. The rules were if one of your team members hit the floor, then the whole team got eliminated. But, then White pinned Grind?? WTF??
----Grady Watson came out for an interview wanting to talk to Jethro. Jethro comes out and tells Watson that he should say goodbye to the old Jethro, because he is the new Jethro with Nate the Rat. No more Hillbilly. He threw down his hat – maybe they will give him something new to wear next week. Jethro vs Matt Foley. Watson joined Lawler during commenta
ry. OMG!!! Almost a total squash. Foley started the comeback and Nate got on the ring apron. Foley hit Nate and then Jethro used a chain that Nate threw to him. Foley won by reverse decision. Why would Jethro [to the right]have to use a chain to pin Foley??
----“Opening the Vault” with Lance Russell – Jackie Fargo this week. Lawler vs Jackie Fargo. This was before the strap days. Great punches from both of these guys. They did a really great finish. Ref bump with Fargo knocking the ref down. Fargo then sent Lawler into the ropes with a double head butt. Fargo bumped and Lawler fell on top of Fargo and then the ref got up for the three count. The ref then raised Fargo as the winner, even though Lawler had pinned him. The crowd loved it!! Cory Maclin via video in Charlotte, North Carolina with Jackie Fargo interview. I think Fargo might have been drinking.
Maclin told Fargo he loved him. They both might have been drinking. Fargo did the Fargo strut for Cory.
----Derrick King with Reggie B Fine interview as King asks Fine to be in his corner. Fine was hilarious. He calls Lawler “low budget” and says he would “whoop his own mother” for money. Lawler was cracking up. JR Title Match: King beat Tatt2 when Fine shoved Tatt2 off the top rope. They have had better bouts vs each other, but a good match. One spot had King duck under a dropkick – can’t remember ever seeing that?? Tatt2 did the “619” and Lawler called it that!! Maclin always calls it a “biiiiiggg mooooooovvee”!!!
----Flash Flanagan interview – “Do you still have what it takes!!” to Lawler. Awesome interview. Lawler beat Flash by DQ when Flex/Grind jumped in. Good match with Flash putting Lawler in a full nelson and Flex/Grind calling it the “Flash-lock”. Lawler got out of it with mule kick to Flash’s groin and then pulled down the strap. He did the fist drop and then Flex/Grind jumped in – White/Starr & PP made the save.
----Lawler interview with Starr/White challenging Flash/Grind/Flex in a 6-man
tag. White also said White/Starr [photo below] will put their titles on the line for the match.
RassleNotes: Brickhouse Brown seems to have left, because they vacated the tag belts…”Too Cool 2” saying “What’s up dawg?’ to Lawler cracked me up!!...Lawler actually said Fire/Flame were the first ones out of the battle royal, but it was Cowboys…Watson was horrible on the mic with Lawler…Foley is probably the worse worker of the crew right now…That Fargo/Maclin segment was unintentionally a very funny piece. “Opening the Vault” this week was a 12 minute segment…King was wearing a shirt that said “You are looking at a Legend” on it. I think he has worn it the last three weeks and I have just forgotten to mention it…Lawler put King over in the match. Lawler kept laughing at Fine. I usually don’t like Fine, but he was funny with DK…Grind/Flex did commentary during Flash vs Lawler bout. And, they also made fun of Maclin saying “big move”..LOL…Not a great show, but not a horrible one either. This was right in the middle and I will give it the nod to it being the 8th show in a row worth watching. They also kept the storylines going and will further them next week, which I like.