----It wasn’t a great show, but I had a good time.
I got lost going to the building and that was not a good sign.
When I got to the show, I spent almost an hour just saying hi to people I knew in the crowd.
Teco Murdoch was there with his kids.
Del McKie stopped me and we talked a bit.
My cousins were in attendance.
The one and only -
Brian Thompson and his wife.
Aaron Polston was doing the music and set up the camera. Reggie Montgomery and Max Mayhem were in the crowd.
And, later on LAW’s Tony Gunn and Kelly Warner stopped in.
And, sitting right next to me was long time friend and former CCW photographer Emilo Lazardo.
Guess what we were all there for??
You got it – “The Midnight Express” [Dennis Condrey/Bobby Eaton]!!!
----“Two Ton” Tony beat “Luscious” Leonard in the opening. Horrible bout. Just a bit of psychology, but both guys were bad. [DUD]
----“Big” Al Storm with Morgan Lane beat Farmer Tucker with a big boot. Tucker is not good, but Storm has some potential. Big guy that can move. James Arnez and he would make a good tag team. Storm has good facial expressions and seemed to try to have a match with Tucker, but Tucker was bad. [*] – just for Storm.
----Morgan Lane with Storm beat Brad Thomas [below with Brian Thompson] with a superkick. This was a good match. Thomas was trained by Ricky Morton and currently lives with Bobby Eaton. He also told me he hangs out with Jimmy Valiant. How can this kid go wrong?? Thomas also does this spot where he does the s
plits and pops up with a punch to the face all in one motion after he sends his opponent into the ropes. The first time I seen it, I thought it was sort of corny, but after seeing him do it live, it was impressive and something different. I like small guys, but Lane is real skinny small. Thomas is a small guy, but bulked up and at times I could not take Lane serious because of how thin he is. Lane is a little rough around the edges, but could be a good worker. Thomas has IT and I look for this kid to go somewhere. [**1/2]
----Austin Lane beat Acid in the best bout of the night. Lane turned it on and Acid, even though he was wearing tennis shoes and something that I actually wear around the house to sleep in, kept up and they had a very good match. Spots to the floor, a DDT spot when Acid caught Lane with Lane turning into a DDT that looked good and just the flow of the bout was good. Acid also caught Lane off the turnbuckle from a flying pressing turning it into a “blackhole slam”. Good psychology and Acid looked to as if he could beat Lane. Emilo and I nicknamed Acid – “Cracker Joe Murdoch”, because of his resemblance to a white Samoa Joe and Trevor Murdoch. [***]
----“The Midnight Express” [Bobby Eaton/Dennis Condrey] beat Southside Brawler with Pimptacular/Dusty Wolfe. Wolfe was announced as Doink the Clown at first, but then as Wolfe. The storyline of the match was that Brawler/Wolfe did not want to tag. Almost all Express getting moves
and Wolfe/Brawler arguing. Funny thing was that Express worked heel with Wolfe getting the hot tag. Wolfe ended up punching Brawler also and sending him into Eaton/Condrey with them finishing him off with a “half-jack” [Eaton went down, Condrey did not..LOL]. Eaton/Condrey/Wolfe are all still good workers, but age does catch up with us all. The match was fun and those that came to see the Express got their money’s worth. [**]
ArenaNotes: There were about 70 people in the crowd. I figure there was around 57 paid with a gate close to $400…Storm came out to Psycho’s music. Emilo and I popped…Austin Lane and Thomas really stood out from this crowd of workers. They both looked, worked and acted like wrestlers. Acid, as much as I clowned around above about his name, would do good getting some boots and tights and doing the bad ass Samoa Joe gimmick. He didn’t look like a wrestler, but was just a slight step down from Lane/Thomas with some work and change of his look…It was also kewl to see Thomas do the job, because who is he helping by beating a local guy; right?? After the match, Storm/Lane jumped him, but he ran them off. The fans would not even remember that he got beat after that. BTW, the splits are over with me!!!...Acid put the “straight jacket” move on Lane – Psycho’s ghost was here!!...I am being bitchy here, but if I was a promoter again – if you did not have wrestling boots and gear, then you would not wrestle on my show. Lots of the guys wear the small amateur wrestling boots with kickpads and that is ok, but white New Balance just don’t get it…Southside Brawler has not improved since the last time I seen him and his manager was horrible…Eaton did a funny spot where he got the microphone stand that was ringside and said something into it and then hit Brawler with it. It got one of the best pops of the night from the “friends” of Eaton, because his gimmick has always been not talking. You could see Eaton was laughing and almost embarrassed from it. Good stuff…What is it about guys that were trained this era – Dusty Wolfe has some fantastic looking punches along with Eaton/Condrey. It’s ironic that guys now can do all those crazy spots, but could not throw a good punch to save their lives…No shows were the Hambones [because of the ring dispute], Lord Humongous, John Saxon, Atomic Dog and others. I was told that Huey and Saxon could not get Spence to guarantee them money, so they backed out…Farmer Tucker had been working for ACW. I don’t look for him to do anymore shows with them…I was also told that Spence gave away around 4000 tickets to the schools this past week. If that is so, then how did he only draw 70??...All the “names” did get paid what they were promised, but I bet some of the local guys didn’t make a dime.