Monday, November 01, 2010

Rector Drama!!

----More from Saturday night.

----I have heard from other sources that the story we posted here yesterday is one sided and is not completely the truth.  As I have said before, I always post what I feel is the truth, but if anyone wants to post their side of their story - send it and I will post it.

----The other side I am getting right now is that Koko Anderson called Biscuit in mid week to say he did not money, so Biscuit had to get Frank Martin to join him.  I was also told Anderson wanted to take half the gate, even though he had not put any money into the event. Everything else was pretty much the same except that the belt that was stolen was under the ring [which I heard from more than one source].  But, I ask this to everyone - why did the belt only show up AFTER they threaten to call the cops??