Sunday, May 08, 2011

RassleResults: ASWF Tuckerman, AR 5.06.11 - LSD RETURNS!!!

----Results from Saturday night.

FIRST MATCH: LEE MICHAELS W-ENFORCER VS. JON ALAN -- Fast paced match. Enforcer had Lee's back during the match - Lee missed his frog splash and Jon went over with a double stomp. 

SECOND MATCH: CALI VS. WILD BILL:  Crowd behind Will Bill during the match. Cali in a headlock to quickly work his way out and getting Bill to the corner. Bill takes over the match and comes off the top rope to get the pin 1-2-3

THIRD MATCH: CODY MURDOCH & SETH SABOR VS. CODY ONLY &DEADLY DALE: Crowd behind Murdoch and Sabor all throughout the match. Dale and Seth start off the match -- Dale pushes Seth across the ring the Seth gets forcefully thrown to the corner.  Seth takes over with a kick .. Cody is tagged in working Seth's ribs.  Idol Bane runs out and gives the rockbottom to Murdoch.. Cody and Dale are the winners of the match.

FOURTH MATCH: DEMON X VS. JOHNNY HAWK w- ENFORCER: Crowd behind Demon X during the match.  Hawk tries to take over the match only for Demon X to stop him.  Enforcer hands Hawk a chain -- the referee never sees  -- referee also counts very slow in the match -- Demon X rolls Hawk into a schoolboy for a FAST 1-2-3

FIFTH MATCH: RIK BURTON W- ATHENA ECLIPSE VS. MIKE ANTHONY : Fast paced match crowd behind Mike after giving a mic spill about mother's day .. Both men back and forth with arm drags. Athena throws something into the ring sets up for the low blow ... Mike moves and Rik throws powder in Athena's face -- Athena blinded accidently hits Rik sets Mike up for the super kick and frog splashed.. Mike takes the win.

SIXTH MATCH: IDOL BANE VS. AUSTIN LANE:  Crowd behind Austin during the match.  Fast paced match .. both men back and forth .. Idol Bane overpowers Austin majority of the match.  Idol sets up for the powerbomb only for Austin to make a comeback with forearms to Idol Bane .. big boot by Idol Bane . Austin superkick and spear .. LSD comes to the ring to save Idol Bane . Austin wins by disqualification.