----Thunder over Pecos with Sam Dollar; Gary The Medic/Chris Hollywood over Loose Cannon/Hambone #2; Hillbilly Nate vs Big Jim Wade - No contest as Hambones/East Coast Bad Boys do a run in; MW Title Match: White Lighting beat Hamhock with Dollar; Big Daddy Lafonce over Frankie Tucker with Dollar by DQ and Main Event -- Moondog Rules Match - MCW TT Title Match: "East Coast Bad Boys" [Spiro/Serpant] win the titles from the Hambones with Dollar.
----Crowd was down from Friday, but that happens when you promote two nights in a row...This was a benefit show for a Cancer victim in Luxora, AR...Alot of no shows -- Motley Cruz, Tasha, and Rashad to just name a few...Word I got that LafFonce was hot and they might not be back....Right at 60 there with a gate close to $330.