----Hambone II [Pedro] beat Ed Love [Hamhock @ MCW] in a hardcore match; “The Phat Boys” [Gaylon Ray/Tucker] beat Team X [Phoenix/Gryffon]; DCWF Title Match: Tasha Simone won the match over Alec Fontez – title was held up; AJ Bradley beat Kilo/Deadly Dale in triple threat and in the Main Event: “Cruzn’ For Pain” [Motley Cruz/187] beat Jody Allen/Austin Lane.
----Fair was in town, so gate was affected a bit, but the crowd was loud…Fontez changed his name on the show – aka – “Drive By”…Team X are doing the old “Nightmares” gimmick where no one can tell them apart…Tasha got tons of help from Cruz/187, so the commish held up the belt for a tournament…I was told that 187/Lane tore down the house working Lucha and just doing crazy stuff. Would love to have seen that bout…They did an injury angle with Lane at the end of the main and Kilo made the save for Allen. Kilo challenged them for next week for a title match. Even though the fans there think it is going to be Kilo/Allen, Citizen Kane was seen backstage, so we might see a “Southern Pride” reunion…Shows are every Saturday night at The Pond with admission being $5. Gate was probably around $300.