Sunday, September 24, 2006

Maclin Defined

----Maclin n. An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness pertaining to wrestling information.

----I have made some “Maclins" in the last few days. I have tried to correct them all, but the ones I haven’t I do here. Jamie Jay was Jimmy Jay. Justin Rhodes was Dustin Rhodes. Serpent was Spyro. I got an e-mail this morning that said, “The tag team of Popular is incorrectly identified as DC and Jonathan Douglas; Popular are Shawn Reed and Ryan Williams with Anita Paige as their valet.” I had already been told about that, but forgot to correct it. And for months I have been spelling it John Michael , but he spells it Jon Michael. [I guess that is not as bad as calling him Christian Jacobs though] Finally, I call him Rashad, but on Memphis TV he is Rashard. I am not sure about that as I have heard him called both names.